The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
4 i 1 1 I1 ll in 1 s h rnmmm mmm m nvQrai| ^WW 'W tlfci mmmmm SIlliB ni Stitt P!^l!BWflll>!ag*liBillCTliB^^ rnm sm sm s s& m 0 -~~r— I w i l l offer a t Public Sale m y resi« d en c e property,-oa Church Street, Saturday, August 6th, ts at Ohio C om m e n c in g 1a t 2 P . M . . : DESCRIPTION: • L o t 82 fee t fron t by 100 fe e t deep , F r am e house , 7 room s , w e l l, g a rd e n , coal, hou se . Buildings in g o o d repair. t e . r m s T c a . s h . ,B. F. BONALDSON. S . T . BAKER, Auctioneer. v * I To Form Prominent Fea ture of Exhibi State Fair, bus, September • , ' 5 , 6 , 7 , 3 S t 9 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Exposition Program Re plete with Educational and Entertainment • Feature--Battle • in Clouds -Repre- * sented .Each Night. ■ ’ PUBLI Ow ing to ill-health, I w ilt sell at my [residence, Cedar- v ille , Ohio, on Saturday, August 13th, a t P u b l ic S a le , m y en tire House= ho ld g o o d s : th ree b ed s and b edd in g , sp r in g s , m a t tr e s s e s , 10.0 y a r d s ca rp e t , ru g s , w in d o w cu r ta in s , 1 p a r lo r se t, n e a r ly new , 5 ro c k in g cha irs , 1 130- y e a r o ld fam i ly rocker , 6 d in ing cha irs , o th e r ch a irs , S in g e r S e w in g m ach ine , 6 lam p s , g a s r a n g e , g a s h e a te r , 1 s o f t b a s e burner , ju s t rem od e led , w o o d c o o k s to v e , c o o k in g u ten s ils , e x te n s io n ta b le , 2 o th e r ta b le s , s id eb o a rd , k i t c h e n cu p b o a rd , s e t o f d ishes , o ld ch e r r y bu re au , d resser , 2 w a s h s ta n d s , com p le te 4 o th e r s ta n d s , b o o k ca se , s e c r e ta r y , R o l l T o p office d e s k an d cha ir , loun ge , d in in g ch a irs , s te p lad d e r , c lo th e s r a c k i4 -f t la d d e r and o th e r a r t ic le s k e p t a b o u t a house . d a l e t o C o m m e n c e a t 1 p . m . #T %¥3s X i O * Ho p r o p e r t y m o v e d u n til t e rm s 1 I r f A x l Y l O * V / d O l t , t e r m s a r e c o m p lie d w ith . S . T. Baker, Auct. A R - m a F. A. Jackson , Clerk. « . • O r a U I O T U . The Palace Restaurant Mrs. Chas. Harris, Prop. X en ia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by^C. C. W eimer. The work of iho various State in-' stilutiouK is to bo brought prom i nently before the public eye. P ra c tical demonstrations are to bo made as to the benefits derived from ibe largo appropriations annually made m th eir support by th e legislature. This is to be accomplished by exh ib its of th e handiwork of inm ates a t the Ohio S ta te F a ir to b o ' bold in Columbus, S ep tem bers, 6, 7,8 and 9. The.public generally is unacquain t ed jwith the good resu lts accomplish ed b y the different S tate Inst itutlqns. Thoy kuow littlo a s f.o how the S tate is educating and caring for its w ards T h a t all m ay have, an opportunity of becoming fam iliar with th e work of lliQ institutions, the m anagers of the Ohio S tate F a ir conceived the idea of in stalling ,displays from th e ir farm s, schools and workshops, ^cmoiig th e exhibits will be thosV from the School fo r the Deaf, Boys’ In du stria l School, .School for B iiud, G irls’ In d u s tria l Home, Ohio Peni tentiary, Mansfield Reformatory,.. In stitu te fo r Feeble Minded, Sailors’ and Soldiers’ ' O rphans Home and others. These displays will be found in th e handsome structu re known as the Women’s Building. Ohio’s Exposition will be open both d ay and night, and its program is replete with m any novel educa tio n a l and en te rta inm e n t features, t Among th e la tte r w ill bo spirited I harness racing, band concerts by t Webefs’ famous organization, fcwon- { ty U'eo circus ac ts, while, each n ig h t { visitors w ill be th rilled by P am ’s 1 stupendous, py rotechnic production, j “ B attle in the ■C louds,” This f e a - ! lu re depicts the prom inen t p a r t ; aeroplanes will play in w ar of the J fu ture, and in the unfolding of Its | story 2G<bpeuple a re employed, malt- ls D ig it the g reatest and g randest free ! attraction over presented to tin 1 Am erican public; j Barts siwimm p a r t s - m m 4 to 10 years, 85 &SO valuer?, reduced to $ 2.43 . ' .tseedrsssss* m n 1 STBAIGHT PANTS SUITS ,53 and 53.50 values Reduced to M ID -SU n nE R $ 1.98 MARK-DOWN SALE! :■ •;» vs , va V.-.A s , J'& '& .r* > ' ' V m ^ s -M \ \ t )>,*■ ■ 'JA ' ;M g t lF V y \ u > o<.vVJ J- ■ ! -S-p-, ¥ y ', r}-. Commenced Saturday, July 30 , Closes Aug. 15 Twice a year we “clean house” giving our customers values regardless.of profit and cost. I t pays us to do this, and certainly pays you. , Read the reductions carefully, as we mean what we say, and can SAVE YOU MONEY. CHOICE of all our finest Suits, Sp ring and medium weight, H irsh. W ickw ire, D. System and H a e k e tt-C a rh a rt lines, values $25, $28, ','}(>arid $35, m ark -dow n sale now................. ...........$ 1 8 .5 0 CHO ICE of all Our H and -T ailo red Suits, sam e m ake as above, now tans, serges, grays, etc., $18, $20, $22 and $26 values, m a rk down p ric e ........ ......!.......................................................................$ 1 4 .7 5 CHO ICE of All Our $12, $11 and $16 Suits, a v ery large asso rtm en t in th is range, now offered in th is g reat mark-down sale ah $ 9 . 7 5 A SM’ADD Dob of F an cy .■Suits in sm all sizes only, $10 and $12 v a l ues, now m arked down to.................................... ....................... $ 4 . 9 8 . v m i W i t V f THakest Boy’s Bloomer Suits 4toei8 l i f t * , f j ^ ■- • <si, 133/ •. -4T a ||§y xm All Boys’ Bloomer Suits, for m erly sold a t $0, $10 and $12, now in mark-down sale a t .................................... $ 6 .9 8 $6 and $7 Bloomer Suits ih a rk - cd down to;...................$ 4 . 7 5 A ll $4 and $4.50 Bloomer Suits m arked down to .......... $ 2 .4 8 $2.50 and $8.00 B loomer Suits, now.............................. $ 1 .98 I $100 Rewards $100. Tho readers of this paper will he please* s to learn that there Is at least one dreaded ! i U bcoeo that science has been able to euro in ■ oil its stages and that is Catarrh, Hall’s •' Catarrh Care is the only positive euro now t known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh j being a constitutional disease, requires a '■ constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh ; Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and nmcoussurraces of syotom > thereby destroying the foundation of the t dlsocae, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting j nature in doing its wort:, Tho proprietors ; have so much faith in its curative powers, .i -hat they ofler one Hundred Uoilara for any i case that it foils to cure. Sond for list 0 testimonials. Address. i>\ J. CHPNEY &Oo, Toledo a -laid hv Hrug:ic!, 76c. all's Family Tills arc the lies'. ftifen’s T r o u s e r s . $6, $ i, $8 grades, n o w .......................... $4 0 ' $1 a n d $4,50 grades, now.......................JS3.5U $2,50 and $3.00 grades, now.,,-............... $1.OH $1.00 and $1,73 grade?, now ................... $1.81* B oy s ’ W e s h P a n t s . . S tra ig h t stylo. ODc values," now............................................25c 25c values, how......................... I5c MANHATTAN . FANCY SHIRTS.' $3 and $2.50 values now ........... ;....... $1.00, $1.05 and $2 v a lu e s.....................$ 1 . 6 !) Wilsou Bros. F ancy Sh irts, $L and $1.00 values, now............................................... g<)c A lot of,Fancy and W hite Negligeo S h irts $t and $1.25 and $1,60 g rades now.. ..'..69c 70a and 50c Famous S h ir ts ............ ..........46c Men’s Underwear 52.50 mid 83.00 Union Suits, now .$1.98 81.50 and 82.00 Union SuitSj now . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 . 3 9 81.00 and 81.25 Union Suits, n ow ..................... 89c AH 50c Underwear now ...............;. .45c All 25c Uuderwear n o w ..............'. .19c STRAW HATS All 85 and $6 Hats, Panamas included n ow ...................82.98 All 83 and 84 Hats,. now................ :$1.9S All 82 and 82.50 Hats,- now . . , ,$1.48 All 81 and 81.25 Hats, now . . . . . .89c All 50c and 75e Hats n ow .. . . . .39c All 25c Underwear n ow ................ .19c Bi.oomer Pants. 3 to 17 years. $1.50 and $2,00 grades, now....-..... ...........$1.24 $1.25 and $1'grades, now.............. ....... 89c‘ 7»o grades, n ow .................................;......... C4o 60c an d OOo grades, now..............................45c Boys’ Wash Suits. $3 grades, now............................... ...........$1.08 $2 grades, now............................................$1.48 $1,50 grades, now ....... .................... ;..........$1.24 $1.00 grades, now.......................... .............. 89c Fancy Hosiery 75c and 50c values, n o w .....................39c 53c and 25c values, ' n ow ..................... 19c 15c Hose, n ow ......... : . . . . . l i e 10c Handkerchiefs, now ,4c Remember, Sale Begun Saturday, July30t’n and Closes August 15th. R. S. KINGSBURY, SO anti 52 E a s t M a in Street, X e n i a , O. r a ^ s r z s E O K a E ; i-cai M eals by day or week. Lunch served all hours. Furnished Room s for Rent. C A S T O R IA Per Infanta and Children. l\ 10 KindYout o AlwaysBought Boars tho Signature o f *3 KANY , T H E T A IL O R T h e r e is no u se for y o u to g o a n d b u y y o u r S p r in g S u i t , r e a d y - m ad e , w h en w e w i l l take your m e a su re and make you a Suit to O r d e r for the same money W e want you to g i v e us a call and be, convinced* MANY, Theleading Tailor. n u , onto. ■ Thfoufh Sleeping Car ..TO _ ._____ _ North Pennsylvania**** G,R'&L Route Dally Columbus........ 6.60 j-.iii I.ondoii........... f1.00pm r.o. tihuwo-iton.. n a n pm itadarvmo....... o.onpw Dayton............ 7,:;o pm/f- Ki. litnond,....... 0.06 pm \\i (ii'V'.ul Rapids... 4 40 cm ' ' I’ofmimy..........lo.c.-f, r.m navnorom'hiR.i io.::o r.m Waridsiaw city. 11.l f»mu Jlil'JWKlSh'eSsaTl. la.tJfi I>IU ^ Caxiarfrion at.WalFn if/.t.attivc,') ' . •Travctao Ojty 0.10 nm., UT.?t;i}.£.it lo.;;()hM. ftottirfilng TJarougJj’BlKepirtgCar I-a-.oa lir.i-lli Mifliij’im (■'.cry nflcraaan, nuivafl Daytnn and ('(diw.hna r.e.xt tnominj;. S.ov/ r a r e Uound T rip .Voarldt Tfcftota said daily d'aiajt ifmImiiraict, loqulra ot Ticket Ofltes tf fi3dfts4 C.£. tlAIWfS, bkldtf Pawinser Agent wvta, omo, P E N N S Y L V A N I A N IA G A R A F A L L S $ 6.50 EXCURSION From A U G U S T 10 , 1910 RAIL OR STEAMER OR ALL RAIL ' V ia C leve land and Buffalo Get particular from Agent. IW A W A V A m - A W A W A v . w . w . v . w . w a w . v . w a w m w m w j w v w w w v Biggest midway to be „* j*|j Speed and Glass pre mi ums over $12,00* I ' £ 58th Annual found in middle west Very Serious It h avery ttti&m matter to ask | Ter d ie tnedieino aM kavd the vmaff cua givesj' yen. For thia reason vm ts^o ,yon la tmyiftg' U to feeewdfut to [; -itthogemiinc— i 3* ■ £ CLARK COUNTY FA IR S P R IN G F IE L D , OH IO . Augu st 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th. Four days of Profitable Pleasure and Instructif n. Ton separate and complete departments with liberal premiums in each of tho ninety-one classes. Speed 'program par excellence—Three races every day-~$5,000 in purses, E&- f tries close August 11th. J. S. NICKLIN, Pres. ELWOOD MILLER, Sec’y. i Band concert at! day Every day of fair. Don’t Miss Tuesday The best half mile § track in the State aeW ^ V BW aV .V .V .V .V ,V .V A % % V .% V .V nV .V .V a% W .V V .W ,V .V aV BV .V .%VVB*AV .V .«B% W A V . ■’ ^ M fO ? T'kerer-Qtattosio? f«s’3old,rtlia* ties' fiaTlr-lne*, fc?cca.’.ti|niiois,is> 6ige^tLjj aillbs,.*' tiea!!,', fc l.’sai*- ,iy tztX .ir J*. lie. . 2 1. imifoto fc'.ber , Is *i letter ihm oiliers, o Is c;A' ? . ks to fa- Vctlto r, vritli a large-; <sa!eiiatinil <M'r S £1 csmbtacJ. mm m Kwm a To Cure a Cold in OneDay YokeLaxative Bromo Quininer^ett. jb pv £ ■Seven M3Doa feoxea soW In p m 12 month*. Y b ls sisffi8 t< B e* Cora* Grip faT w o lX y * . G h e v e r y , : GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X
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