The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

Mm Wmm THE VERY LATEST POPULAR .OPERA, SACRED and CLASSIC. jaarii, ^« * ^ 'rp* '!i f ( bp * * LARGEST p*TOCK In the C.t-y At Jffroesf i Prices. Musk MEREDITH’S, 38 W . 3 d;St., ^Dnyton, O .^ m- ■" ’’‘ BolhJPh'onea.' % V E R 9S H A 8 R V 1 G O I 3 § S : o p s F a l l i n g Hair I A Y E R ’ S ■ H S A I R V I G O R D o e s n o t C o l o r t h e H a i r J, i\ AVEH COMFANV. IrftwolK Mnsi. ....... •JtKHRjKPar.BwIUi'.."— ---- rx w s -rw ... re*.?.jam Do Your Glasses Suit You? Our Refraction Work is Not Excelled By|Anyone Charles''S.] Fay * ■ SM’f ’gl Optician.® 28# E, Main St., Sprlrigfk .d, O. The Cedarville Herald. 81 .00 P e r Y e a r . KARLH BULL Editor FR IDAY , AUGUST 12, 1010 CONSTIPATION ' ,r°J'over nine years sofforoil with chronic con- stlBatlottand dnrlnc this time 1 had to take on- injection of warm water once every 24hours before L i J h r.?™®.®.'' action on my bowels.. Happily 1 trlod Cascarots, and today I am a well man. Bwrlns the nlno years before I used Cascarots I ;jufforod untold mlserywith internal piles. Thanks to you l am free from all that this morning. You cao uao this in. behalf of suffering humanity.^ £* £*•Pishor/ZioanoKet X1L Best For . ■.«■■||fBlw.. TheBowels j* b A o o v m o The recent strike in Columbus by the employees of the street car com­ pany furnishes a basis for much needed legislation and ft is hoped that tho legislature this coming win­ ter will give relief. Tho coot to tho state of maintaining the militia is plaoed at over $100,000, all of which Went for defending the company' property and the lives of those who rode on the cars. With such a drain on the public funds it becomes nee epsary for the legislature to pass a. law compelling companies and strikers to arbitrate their differences and each side abide by the decision A t present wo havo a state board of arbitration but neithSt side is com polled to accept the decision. The street car company in the last strike refused to abide by the decision of the board and of course this pro longed the strike which cost the public an . unnecessary amount of money. MU iS irLAf r* Alleging that pile was compelled to earn a livelihood by her own exer­ tions and that she eut and husked corn this summer, Elizabeth R lck - man has filed suit for divorce from Amos Rickman, to whom she was married in April 1D01. Tlie plaintiff I serves says Hickman furnished her only mighty poor run for their money, and two dresses and a pair of shoes dur- reasons that thio may account for ing the nine years of their married Bryan’s indifference towards liar lifo and that lie spent his earnings mon—the campaign contributions of A— *• She says he was extreme- * ^ r*f,nc*D *n WflRt fintl south'' CANDY CATHARTIC •old In bulk. The gennine tablet attunood OOO. . Guaranteed to euro or your money buck. • I . SterlingRemedyCa„ Chicago orN.Y. 603 jUMUALSALE,TEHMiLLIQHBOXES 100,000 P0UND$ ■* b : - o f ~ ai ■ WOOL WILL PAY THE HIGH­ EST PRICES. Phone or write the DeWine-BeldenCo. Yellow|Springs, Ohio] [Both Phones.' t i . No Potato Bags. will annoy you or cut down your potato yield if you use this powerful l Non-poisonousPowder— ■ The inside of the recent,deal he tween Cox aud Burton wherein these two bosses would name the Bepub lican candidate for governor gives the people some idea of how candi dates have been chosen in the past The plan of these two politicians was to name a man suitable to them selves whether the. delegates were, satisfied or not. While men do not approve o f such treacherous acts as Senator Burton has been guilty of yet there is something to he gained that willhe beneficial to people in years to come. This one act on the liartof Burton, lias done more to bring about legislation for a direct primary as to the n-,0 m i n a ­ tion of all' state officers than any thing elsel A former member of the legislature has announced ’ iat should he be. reeieoted, he will In­ troduce such a measure m the next session.1 / The recent reunion of membors of the legislature at Cedar Point seems to have been a frost so far as inem bership is concerned. This annual gathering has always been one of the events of the yea® but this sea son few o f the. state candidates or members of the legislature that are seeking reeleetion cared to join in the festivities. It has leaked out that the was due to the announcement of Burton that he would Immediately start war on George B. Cox. Those who have aspirations for political support did not c&re to venture on such treach erous ground. Politicians jn the fu ture will require a bond with every statement that the Cleveland Sena t ' tor makes in the future. It is said that probably no Senator was ever “ snohbed” as was Burton during tills meeting. News About, The Courts. 60 YEARS* FltllFIlIFNRe | EndsPotato Bug Nuisance fL On® or two siftings a season sufficient. [Better, safer and more economical than Paris green. Saveotime, laborand expense, insures greatest possible yield. Doesn’t burn foliage. A pbulttonicaswell113bugdestroyer. Finefor caabagoplants, tomato vines androsebushes. ‘Will not poison humans, fowls or plants. Satisfactionguaranteed ormoney back, jti Write for FREEBooklet f ) .TheAntippst &FertilizerCo. 35 E. Third S t Cincinnati FORSALE BY -sy u a x, »* f* M. R# Snodgrass is plaintiff in an A 6 FF Ot nQStlDClS UFOS. action brought against E. H . and " . Elizabeth Ruth, who lie alleges are indebted to him in tbs sum of $200 with interest'oii $liOO, from July 1, 1908. He says that when the debt contracted tlie defendant was owner of » « 1 estate fiear* Yellow SffMfigs* which he has since conveyed to his wife, for the purpose, plaintiff says, of defeating Ids claim. He asks that the deed conveying tin? proper­ ty be made null and void, and set aside as fraudulent# Plaintiff fur­ ther says that thedefendant is seek­ ing to sell the property, and h* asks j the court to ehjoin such action IM. It# Snodgrass is attorney, I A petition has been filed ip com- | mon pleas court by. the-.board of I county commissioners of Greene I county in relation to the transfer of j certain county funds, in which they :: I ask permission to transfer a certain The Woman In the Moon, ! snm o t nmney, which has been About nlno days after tlie |j0v7 ■placed to tho creditoi tt fund known moon a pretty unmiotaUahly feminine ! tfi® tuberculosis hospital fund, to face appears on the western half of ; the county children’ s homo fund, the disk. This lunar lady, who is j Petition recites that the money is ^tchlng for, la formed by tho not now needed in the former fund, by the <:',fll’ rnce,l hut is neoclod for completion of tho ma Serenity, and is ’K seen t & S ! f ountjf ohlIf " ,,’f! honJJ » f v 1,1 i|ro* Bn Ordinary opera glass, h j com countruclion. Tlie hoard lias K ........ . ; already passed tho necessary resolu- 1tion. W# if. Orr, attorney. P atents trade marks . DesioNs _ GosvntoMTS Ac; ! Anron*tending a dUciohanddeott-iplSonjaw lulflSiyMiiormin tmr oi-inlnu free nhotlipr an nv«ntion 1*probablyuntcnirsWo. Ootnirumlcis* i3M*trtcn»confldcntfni. HAHDBOOKonrmoute «nt free. oideit fl«GtiP7forsecuringtmtontd. Patente taken tbroucli Mur.n ft Co. recclv* tvcciainotiu, wiUioutcimrs®, laiiia S f i e i t f l f i c f fm c r l c a i } t »♦ A liatutwaMlj' lllustratfli werkly. f,fi(-ac*t rir- «ti!»tlon of any ncicntlGo Iftortiul. 'J'r-rnu, *3 a B om by all jiowMriiort. ■ U M S C S l B l V k in drink. ly cruel to her, and abused and threatened to lull her, • She asks for restoration to her maiden name, Goins. Smith & Smith, attorneys. Tho case of the State vs. LeRter Stiles and Hugh Funderburg, his frie da i “the west a d so t ' miscarried sadly. But in ’ '1’tsmouth—there’s where Mr. Garber stirred up trouble. The man who '’ indled the Garber money there- Is ’ oday a county candidate, and his hungry followers are looking for him to repeat -with yellow-backed Meantinr Mr, Finley is not—posi­ tively and decidedly Is not-—rushing into print. He’s pot going to tell where he got his money. charged jointly with playing base-1 hills the d""’ before the polls open, ball on Sunday, has been assigned for trial in Probate Court on Wed-1 nesday, August 17, at 9 o'clock upon i application of Prosecutor Orr. By the will, of the late Telitluv J. King which has been admitted to I probate, her property is bequeathed to her lutsbaud and children. She i provides that her daughter, Inez, be paid $200 by her executors, and that'I ilie residue of her estate go to hor| husband George W. King, with tlie provision that after his death ic be j equally divided among her children, HARMON TO AID CREAMER Governor to Visit Home County „f the ‘'Persona! .Embodiment,” Governor Harmon has accepted ai. invitation to attend a homecoming celebration at St, Ciairsvihe jn Aug. 21. St. Clairsvllle ,is the home of t David Staley Creamer, state treasurer,! sometime fire marshal, and hailed in j convention at Dayton as the “per- tv 1t , y • i» t ,., . i.,* ' » I wUV tiUWUJL v Asilf LvJX Uo •LUtJ JltM - ( Sally bwmdler, Ethel Littler and g0!ini embodiment of . tbe living pi In- j Inez Kin. W. A. Stongley and |ciples of Democracy.” W. S. Littler are named executors without bond. Florence K, Sonebley lias been appointed admintratrix of the es­ tate of her father, tbe late P. R, Sclinebley. She furnished $2,000 bond. John A. North, John W . Prugh and Charles A. Davis were appointed appraisers DEATH OF . CRESWEL. Mr, Creamer fills the unenviable j role of wet dog on the Democratic ! ticket, and when the St. Clairsvllle ! invitation was sent to the governpr \ it was followed by an intimation ; from the anti-Creamer Democrats of ‘ Belmont county that acceptance ! would be constnipd as a personal in- ; dorsement of the “personal smbodi-, ment" by Mr. Harmon, ■ ; "But It’s a nonpolitical gathering," ? temporized tho governor. , “Makes no difference,” persisted j the objectors. "By coming- into Creamer’s-homo, county you will ad­ mit that you wanted Creamer on the ticket with you.” . . Harmon’ s going — j u s t th e sam e ! ’ - I^eatli removed a noble Christian ivdmen Wednesday afternoon when the ^earthly spirit of Mrs. . Eliza ,L Creswell, wife of Mr. Samuel Oreswell, departed. Death was due to apoplexy and a stroke of paralysis which, afflicted her some dayB ago. Tho deceased was tho daughter of Aaron and Martha Huffman, aud was horn in Highland county, March 22,1827, she boingiu her 81th year. She came from a largo family, her mother dying early in life. When about thirteen years of age she was taken into the homo of Mr. Win Reid whore see remained until her marriage to Mr. Creswell in .June 1816. Tlie couple started mar­ ried lifo on tho same farm where -die died The deceased is survived by the SHOWSPLATFORM ISINCONSISTENT DaytonPleaForDolarPensions aBid for Votes. The Ohio soldiers of the civil war have always had a friend and cham­ pion in John T. Mack, editor of the Sandusky’ Register, and in a •recent issue of ilia paper Mr. Mack exposes tlie inconsistency of tbe Democratic phrty in Its lament at tlie "reckless extravagance of tbe national Republi­ can administration,” and following husband andtenchildrou, this being! this .platform plaint with a platform ho first death in the immediate I demand for “ retrenchment and econ- family. George-and' Miss Mary .it homo, Mrs. Martha Turnbull, Mrs, Sarah Kyle, Mrs. J. M. Stor­ mont, Mrs. Nettio Ervin, Xenia; Mrs. W. R. Sterrelt, J. H .; A, H .; and W. H ., who reside in this vi­ cinity. Mrs. Creswell, while not the oldest member of the Reformed Presbyte­ rian congregation, has been a mem­ ber ✓ since 1840 o f t h i s d e- eoinination, and was tlie oldest in point of members flip. Tlie funeral woil be hold from the residence on Saturday afternoon at LdiO, conducted by the pastor, Iiev. Mills J# Taylor, True Stuff, "Here’s a good one for your col- yume,” burbled a man- who broke in the door of our office yesterday, “I went to a bankwet tbe other nigbt There were four wine, glasses ’at my plate, but when I looked at the menu I couldn't find a wine. So I asked the waiter. Ho says: 'The menu is to take home to your wife. The glasses will be In use, all right.’ Gee! Ain’t this a good old world I” omy in the government’s expend­ itures,” then in the next plank pledg­ ing tho party to provide one dollar a day pensions for each and every and ail surviving aoldle^s ot the civil war. “if a sweeping dollar a day pension ! law was passed,” Says tlie Register, ' “ at a "conservative estimate It would) mean an Increase in tho pension pay- \ roll of fully $150,000,000 a year. In • other words, it would about double [ tlie present annual expenditure for i pensions. Just how tho Democratic i party would work out greater econ- 1 omy and- retrenchment in govern* i ment expendlturea under such a law ! as that, it is difficult to see. Still that > was of little account to the Demo- ! rats in the conventlop. What was t intended was a declaration which ’ would fool the. voters and at tho ! same time tickle the old soldiers.” i Not to Bo Behoved# "The court does not see the neces­ sity for according you time to speak on behalf of your client, since he baaj formally confessed his guilt." “Only" moment, your honor," insisted tho lawyer, "I only want to call your at­ tention to tho fact that my, client is an awful liar,"—“Philadelphia Ledger. Graves Yawn For Entire Ticket. # The Democratic Oak Harbor Expo- j nent laments that tho presence of Mr. 1 Graves on tho ticket means the de­ feat ot Governor Harmon, and offers to dig up convincing proof that tho i Ottawa county candidate has tho baching of a ring of politicians who , make .Mark Slater resemble f t seraph, ; and the Pittsburg and San Francisco grafters look like clothesline raiders. : -Nelsonville Register. j New Yorkers Fond of Candy. Father Knickerbocker has a remark­ ably sweet tooth. Candymakers say that more of their product is eaten in New York than in any other city in tbe world and raoro than in any other three cities on this continent. Men show almost as great fondness for it as women do, and many shops In the business sections are patronized al­ most exclusively by them. If Tariff’s Wrong# Prove HI i We have ag yet fulled to note any { proof that the Payne tariff law has '• been, responsible for any Instance of j Increased cost of living. If any Co- j lumbian orator of Democracy of any ; higli-browed editorial opponent of tho present tariff law has any proof of j this description ho should furnish i it.—Mansfield Nows. PENNSYLVANIA I LINES C L U M B U S $1 ROUND TR IP SUNDAY Train leaves Cedarville at 8:15 A. M»| PENNSYLVANIA C i n c i n n a t i $ 1.23 Train leaves Cedarville ?,G0a. m# Isn’t Headed Right# The Boston Herald says Harmon, If elected, would bo the first bald- hoaded president. The Cleveland Loader want3 to know why should wo make a bald-headed precedent. They should cease their ribald re­ marks for Harmon isn’t headed right anyway. - Portsmouth Blade. Cleopatra'* Envy. Hor caller picked up a little round gilt mirror that was on tho arm of tho big willow chair, "Dainty littlo thing," ; he said, holding It up and turning It j over nnd ovor, “Wliat would Cieo- i patra have given for such a little mir- j ror as this, to put where film could , find it when she wanted It! Worlds! ' To think of that beauty, whose only ! mirrors were polished silver. Wo j don’t know what an ago we live In," : he reflected as ho laid it down, ’ i mm ianitfl m Qm Excited Because Scarco of I Funds is 'Concealed# j Tho wontlt-rctury c5 Harvey C. i Harbor of how 3; q raised 533,909 for : tiie campaign of, in tho myc- j terlours "west and eolith" and person- j ally made need a chnitage of tho Finlr-y commutes cf 53,101.41, has j thus far failed as a cenoatioa, an Mr. i Garber has not yet explained who j ’“came across” with the contribution, f Tho figures of the. national commit- j tee are dioputed.'by the Defiance Ex- ’ press, which points out that' Garber : did not include in Ids statement tho sum sent Into Defiance county. It further gives assurance that t'he tidy ■ wads sent to Paulding and Willlai 3 | counties were not split for Defiance's , share. j The East Liverpool Review ob -! that the Viyn# men got a j t m m m cur TheKM YouHaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years. TH; CCffTAUft dOMMffV, YT MUpRAf CTRCCT* NEWYORKOITV« WHEN YOU PLANTMONEY THEBANK SURETOGROW WE SOLICIT YOUR i ’ ' - - • PATRONAGE S afe D kposit B oxes iroa R ent P aid C apital $80,000.00 I ndividual R espofsibility THE EXCHANGE BANK, CEDARVILLE , OHIO. S. W . S mith , President. G jbo . W , R ife , 1st.V ice Pres. O l iver G arlough , 2 c 4 V, Pros. O. L. S m ith , Cashier ' L. F. T indall , Assistant Cashier. HALF-PRICE SALE Hutchison & Gibney Wash Coats# Suits and Skirts M il 1 Bargains in A ll Departments mnejUSCll & GIBJiEY’S, XENIA, OHIO “TAKE THIS Tfeo Hind You Have Always Bouglit, and whicii lias beca in use lor over SO years, lias borne tbe signature o f and bus beenmade under Ws per- synal supervision since its infa*cy. ^ Allowno. one to deceive you in tbis. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but; Experiments that trifle with and endanger tbe health o f Sjnffuits and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTOR IA Cfastojria is q. harmless substitute for Castor Oil* Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age Is it# guarantee. It destroys Worm# and allays Feverishness^ It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic# It relieves Teething Troubles* cures Constipation nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tbe Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels* giving healthy and latural sleep* The Children’s FanacdV—The Mother’s Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature o f "W o recommend it ; ther# isn’ nay better-,, In mid-summer you have to trust to a large degree to your huts her# Well Cared For Meats ip hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances t e t keeping' them right, and tkey’r* sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t g9 meat shopping when it’ s hot. Buy of us and be sure# C. H . CROU SE , GEDARVXLDE, O. ‘EveryManth’ writes Lola P. Roberts, of Vienna, Mo., “ I used to be sick most o f the time and suffered with backache and headache. My Mother,who had been greatly helped by the use o f Cardui, got me * two bottles, and I have been well ever since.** E 49 _The Woman's Tonic_ Cardui is a gentle tonic for young and old women. It relieves and prevents’ pain. It builds strength. It feeds the nerves. It helps" the whole system. M a d e from harmless roots and herbs, it has no bad after-effects, does not ; interfere with the use of any other medicine and can do you nothing but good. - Try Cardui. It will help you. Your dealer sells it. The Bookmaltef ...tiestaarant... IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET . DINING ROOM FO r LADIESUP STAIRS ALSO HE5T ROOM, M E A L S N O W a s CEN T S .' Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open Day and Night. I The Best of Good Used In the Oul» 1 inary Department. J. H. McHILLAN. * Funeral Director and Furnltur Dealor. Manufacturer o f Oemen Grave Vautts and Cement Buildini Block*. Telephone 7. Cedarville, Ohio. SSS*- eaeBBT.1» t>R, LEO ANDERSON# Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. A Graduate of the Ohio State University. Office at Waddle's Livery Stable, Cedarville. CITIZE#NS PHONE. 98. Diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Meat is Healthy. The human system needs meat, not the tough, in- digestable kind which makes it a labor for tho diges­ tive organs to asimilate it, but the nutritious, juicy kind which gives you muscle and nerve for daily duties# C W , Crouse & Co# Sufmior to~C, C#WEIMER, HUNTING FISHING) TI i «5l tt« IcTi’ et In t'i.v.;v# <rtl3a«t tpaOfc. To RT»i Rv.n a jwi ft, ir,tk> «o$ r*H5rt*tn brrtrrsn) l.«r;5 it stt-r# t;7? jt* ihj tnjty«i» mtiowi sm»Mx l® w * n t»®> ytW I cjiir.ff, Ihn.’.-tg, t'{» tlt- imrsa itoiic* tin hnnlmt, oni boy who lives vhttt thciio ttltrint enjoyTrimt* tits nenr tv hand. Plnplt copiss* i yearly iut>. --------------$ 1.00 tn m im or etth and wb trill send YOtJ $ copy of tht watiohal CrOfttSKAH sifiOOtiOhibut bctvvy wT#tirn«i ifthod OrtfthliJ .Gold Wtfeli I'oh* (reffuisir fTlce, ^oe.) u j V. owu with leather rtunr pliitod WftfchPet), rcgdUr price* H&tionaiSportstimo * * 1 C«ndto-dtv?, |[NAT|0NAIrSFOATSWAN ..... gold buckle. Canyou beat tliU? A tt « * 80S. 10c. J. VOifF.3 OOs' J TOR . inc. !08r«ifr»lSI. Bbllcn 2551;. ISBEAUTY ' WORTHYOURWHILES ViolaCream p sklvdy ofasllc»t«» heckles, tnoles, bluck UeSus,sunburnandtan, r o a tfi r 1n * blotched, roughahdoily skin to the trcchnos and delicacyofyouth, for thissuperiorharm* Tliftrb In 11 OSilbitituto j Hnklt! toIfcftut Viola----- -- dy oil feattert.