The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

■'iiiiiiln iiiiiiiiii DAYTON, OHIO, -- ---- - O u r ... .... - Summer Sale Begins —£■ 'V I" V etoy amlMnr Mr. Jan::.) tir^n sjrxdfc WIlHatu Ho; <01><■ ’ t-'T.TwUs % v * m w ^ w « r % w i of Dayton baa n .*> f w day, rath Mr. ; jr r., —Buyers a :-1 < 3 painted to wear and topb Towns!. v Ifnsuioek. July 2nd This sale simply means, tha t you can buy a t will, th rough our bright, d e an s tock o f the B E S T o f mer­ chandise fo r prices tha t ordinarily y o u would be asked f o r m u ch in f e r io r qualities. Th e choice is g o o d— the qualities representative— the prices L O W — a g e n u in e b a r g a in o p p o r tu n ity . E x c e p t the few item s we con tract to sell at a fixed p r ice— Everything Is Reduced. —Bnnr ndier fh« t ’kanfaiujna ■Jamestown,- c unia* n>i r,x and lasting ton daj *. . at July The Wednesday aftmicast Club ; was entertained Hd* w< ->k at tS*o j homo « f Mr, 8. M, Murdock. ! Mws Lena Gilbert, who has been ‘ teaching In the o . 8. *1- H, O. Homo ■Schools, is spending her vacation i at homo. ! '-Springfield ; fresh.-daily at THE W KE ’ KUMLER CO., [Dayton Jfgents fa r Lad ies’ H om e J ou rna l Patterns) and Dayton bread i £ McFarland Bros. 1jjl Ifi . —McCormick, Hewing and Mil-1 *2 ; waufcee mower knives and sections 1»■ Ibought at Korr & Haatinga Bros., 12* } will save you money. Iiev. W. A. Pollock of South Bye- gate, Vt., has jojiied Ins wife and |son, who have been guests at the i home of Mivand Mrs. W.B. Sterrofcfc. —Everyone should attend t h e Jamestown Chautauqua for in a sense the universities and colleges are brought to the people’s door. •<=v»r»r,c*ir>.*»^rs^cTM^«vvv*ca.D £ LGCAfc AND PEf($0NAL —There are no '-‘knotty” problems for “ Plymouth” twine users, J. C. George of Dayton spent Sab­ bath here. —Avoid harvest “ tangles” ing “ Plymouth” twine. by us- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waddle home from their weddirigtrip. are —Don’ t use profanity- month’ ’ twine,. -use “ Ply- Miss Mary Bird leaves today for Dayton where she ■will visit with Mrs. Harry Fluliart. « 3 FOR RENT HOUSE . 5 r o om dwelling L o ca tion g o od . H ou se all new ly papered . E e n t clieap A p p ly t o " R O B E R T B I R D . OLD POTATOES On ly 25c per bushel. 15c p e r h a lf bushel. We C lose at Noon July 4 D on ’ t fo rg e t th is . B e sure and make y o u r pur­ chases in the m orn ing . Fire Works, All Kinds. 4th of July “POST CARD S” DOWN GOES THE PRICE GoHen R u le F lou r 2 4 1 -2 lb . sack f o r ..................75 c 10c sacks Corn M eal 25c 8 bars K in g o f the L aund ry Soap f o r . ..................25 c 2— 10c packages E v ap o ra ­ ted App les f o r . . . . . . 15c Suit Cases, All kinds and sizes, $ i-0 0 to $7 .50 each____ CLOSING OUT. A large number pairs m en ’s “ Over­ alls” in plain blue, and blue and wh ite stripe, reg- tils**' cso, l i f or 4/ift & pair, o r tw o x>airs f o r 85c. B o y s sizes 40 c a pa ir. BARGAINS in W om en 's and Children’ s W h ite and T an “ low cu t shoes” a ll si- ZGS $1 White Cffttva 61325 W h ite Canvas Ox* . . . , 7 0 c o x fo rd s ..81.19 Farmers say of “ Plymouth" twine, “ It’ s the best twine I ever used.” “ I would recommend it to my fnemls.” “ It’s good enough tor me.’ Miss Pearl Bakestrawis entertain­ ing a number of her’ lady friepds this afternoon. ‘Plymouth" twine sold by Kerr & Hastings Bros. Miss Fern Ervin has issued invi­ tations for a porch party Saturday afternoon. —Canned fruits and perserves, apple and peach butter In hulk at McFarland Bros. THE SURPRISE STOWS Sensational Half-Price Sale ■ua ___ -........... . ... .. ..... ....... .. . . ___ ________ ____ . . . . . . . ». % s s s » g g g g g g £ S 3 a g p i ^ i ■ .......... • • ■ ' ’ ^ | ^ ------- Gold Dollftro ;?<**•Fifty C en ts - - - •* $ ££ This amazing sale coming right; now, at the beginning of the hot weather, in* 2; $ otead of at the season's end, Injust like putting dollamInto your pocket. Owing J go to the extreme cold weather we had at the opening of the Spring and Summer $ | months, our stock of Men's, Young Men's, Boy’s and Children's Clothing did not | jp . sell as rapidly as it should. As it ;s the policy of this store not to carry any user- p *jj chandiee from Season to Season, we have determined to cut our clothing prices j | in half right now and give our customers GOLD DOLLARS for FIFTY CENTS. | ^ Come early and get first choice. Remember, not a fancy suit in the house will be £ !jj reserved^we absolutely must turn them all into cash. This is not a sale of odds $ ^ and ends and carried over last season's clothing, but all new fresh goods; this sea- , p /son's product, “ Our loss is your gain.” i* This Sale Starts Saturday, July2nd I We mention a few price just to show you how our suits will be marked: .fj 830 Men's and YouDg Men's Suits................................ , ........................ 315.00 h i $25 Men’s and Young Men’s Suits......................... 812.50 S20 Men’ s And Young Men s Suits.... .......... 310,00 . $ 315 Men's and Young Men’s Suits,. . . ; ............. 37.50 § 812 Boy’s Suits..................... 86,00810 Boy's Suits................................... 35.00 jz . 88 Boy's Suits..............., ,84.00 $6 Boy’ s Suits..................... ... 83.00 «j5 Etc., ■, ■Etc., - Etc., , / $ ---------------- ' | THE SURPRISESTORE, 1 *ja 2 8 & 3 0 E, Third.St., Payton, Ohio. V .V W A W A W A V .V .V .V .V . V A ’.W W .V W .V A ’A V /.V A V V A V .V .V .V .W .V .W M f.V .8* Mrs. Ira Townsley and Mrs. Stew­ art Townsley visited relatives m Dayton, Tuesday, Miss Mina Scotland little Bobert Gray Kmlsley of Tarentum, Pa,, are visiting Mrs. Belle Gray. Mrs. 15, F. Downing and children, Harold and Eloiso, of Peebles, Ohio are guests of her sister, JSIrs, J. E. Kyle and family, —General repair work and rubber tires at Townsley-and Murdock’s* ' »• ■m ' ... ■: - Mrs. Hunt and children of Arkan­ sas are visiting at the home of Mr David Turner. Messrs. James A. McMillan and James Caldwell took in the Colum­ bus Industrial Exposition, Thurs­ day, Dr. McMiebael and'' mother of Cleveland spent Tuesday with Mr* and Mrs. O. E. Bradfute. Mr. G. A .’ McClellan and family Miss Irene McClellan and . Mr. James MeClelian of Dayton spent Tuesday with Mrs Prof. J, S, Gamble of Alexandria Inti., returned home Miss Ina Murdock entertained a number of her friends Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss Eleanor Smith of Kent. , / —r — — —FOB SAKE:—A Chautauqua book case and a coal or wood range. Inquire at this office. THE, NEW BUICKS EVERY 1910 MODEL —Bememher the f in lontfib A heW subscriber, a paid m advance sub- Lncy McClellan |scriber or a settlement in full will ; entitle you to a combination article m ^ , such as should be found in every Tuesday after Jllonie> —Shirts, overall, hosiery, gloves and etc, . McFarland Bros, Mrs, Elizabeth Baney and Mrs, Kate Jackson of Xenia spent Tues­ day with Mrs, John Murdock. g.llev. Boss Ilume will preach at the McMillan school house Sabbath afternoon at 3 o’ clock. making Ins sister-lmlaw Mrs, W, M. Harbison a visit of several! f days. 1—Young people do you want a good , r, _ , c, ... .. . . ; education? Plan to attendCcdar- Miss Louise Smith attended . vilieC<)11 q odam iIe, Ohio. 17tlr Biuck-Shephord wedding at Xenia, ; Sept. M. A grsfc olam Wednesday evening, the bride; gehool’ Expt, 4 M motimito, send being an intimate friend of j for CHtaioguo. Miss Smith; i * Word has hcen received her#3 l i^ i f —FOB SADE.--A gasoline stove. J. 35/Hastings, Marriage license was granted this week to I5arl Wheeler, JJl, farmer, and Bertha Beynolds, 18. Tiie Ladies missionary society of Helen Elizabeth Brown arrived! theU. P. church mot at the home of on Saturday, Juno 18 at the home f Mrs. J, E, Kyle Thursday afternoon, o f Prof, and Mrs. B. A, Brown, i A very pleasant feature of the meet- throe burner Mexico City. j ing was a report o f the St. Louis Mr. Harry Owings of Cincinnati i convention given by Mrs. E. F. returned to that city Monday after j ^ ’wniug a guest of Ml’S. Kyle, a visit with Ins brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hurt- man. Messrs. Frank Townsley, H, M. Burbor, and O. N. Stuckoy were in Columbus, Wednesday. Mr. mid Mrs. Marion Bridgman Mrs, Mary Ewry, and Mrs. Mary Bfidcman attended the funeral of 51 the late. John Thomas Bridgman in ,, Dayton last Saturday. The deceas- | ed was a brother of Mr. Marion j | Bridgman, —Got your buggy painted Townsley and Murdock’s. at O x fe idn . . . . 5 0 c Dr. W. B. McOhesney will preach in the II. P. church, Main street, Sabbath morning, —Edgomont crackers also full line of hulk and package. McFarland Bros-. Mr. Charles Galbroath of Dayton was the guess of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Galbroath, Saturday and Sabbath. Dr. and Mrs. M. 1. Marsh had for their guests the first of the week Mrs. 1511a Mcdaris and Mrs. Alice Charles o£ Middletown. -WANTED:-To purchase grass for hay, oither clover or mixed, or will put same up on thn shares. tf F. 11#Turnbull. Miss Bertha Dean, stenographer for Smith & Clematis, in taking a tv#o weeks vacation. Misd Dean left Wednesday morning for Celina whore show ill visit Mica Lucy M m t Donald, Prof. J. H. McMillan of Mom- mouth College has gone abroad where ho will spend some time vis­ iting lu Italy, ltoino, and Groece. Mrs. McMillan will visit with relat­ ives and later will go ? > How York t!ify to meet lior husband on his return homo. A meeting of council was hold i Thursday but owing to the absence ! of Messrs. McFarland and Orr, tbo ! levy ordinance could not bo passed, j Adjournment was taken until th is} evening. j —WANTED.’ “ Young women of j The Jackson race track'1ms been , eighteen years and over. Work ! improved the last week and a num- J light and clean. Good wages and her of the owners of good horses j comfortable hotel accommodations j will work out their steeds ready for ; close to the factory. Address The I a lew matmees in the near future, i Peters Cartridge Company, Dopl. j Tbo change in the post office takes ;: Kings Mills, Ohio’# It. | place today, Mr. 8. C. Wright suc­ ceeding Mr. T. N, Tarbox after thirteen years of service. The new assistants will bo Mrs. II. M. Stor­ mont and Miss Inez Whepherd, Mrs. Walter Iliil and Mrs. G. Y. Winter entertained *about 25 littio boys and girls at tbo homo of tbo former on Tuesday lu honor of little Helen Iliff and Alfred Speedy = Powerful = Silent ' . Th e Bu ick cars will last tw ice as long as 75 per cent o f th e makes o f automobiles on the market today . Th ree B u ick cars purchased abou t three, and one-half years ago t o carry U . S. mail and passengers over the trails o f the ha lf desert country betw een Roswell and Torrence, New .M ex ico , have covered 110 miles a day 300 days a yea r ; each car has run over 110,000 m iles; th e y are still in service and expect t o run ou t five years in Uncle Sam ’ s emp loym ent. Hundreds o f Bu ick cars are in da ily use tha t have run 60,000 miles. Over 40,000 Bu ick owners will vou ch fo r th e reliability, speed and power o f their cars. The Bu ick Company is n o t experimenting at the expense o f their customers: —WANTED—A middle-aged man ! | to represent us in this vicinity. Special inducements. Permanent, | position. An opportunity t« make a good weekly income. C. B. Burr & • Co., Nurserymen. Manchester, Ohio ; Seven Models to select from at Prices from $i,ooo to $i,75o. You do not buy a “lawsuit” as these machines are licensed under the Seldon pa­ tent. Mr. John Lott, who has been in Winter, Philadelphia for some ti:no repre- both of whom were four yearn of ago that day, South Charleston will celebrate tho Fourth of July m a fitting man­ ner and the indications arc now that all roadn will lead to that enterpris­ ing village next Monday. Tho Cel­ ebration wilt bo held in Huoton’ o Grove. Tho celebration lino the hacking o f the Commercial Club. renting a Pittsburg company, is hove for a short vacation, Mrs. Lott having proceeded him some, weeks ago. Mr. and Mis. Lott wont to Washington G. II., Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs Will Bradfuto. CentralElectric&SupplyCo South Detroit St., Xenia. 0. ! Miss- Bovft Moore, neleo at Mrs. { j David Turner, is seriously ill with | j appendicitis, Thursday morning j i she wa*s removed in Nagloy Bros. : Chicken thieveo have been making ! ainbulanf*o to the McCh-lIaii hospi-; their appearance of late and People j tai »%vlioro an opera! i-m will he; aro warned to bo on the lookout. I performed. j “ ASK ANY BUICK OWNER.” Mrs. W. B. Stovencon recently lost i ICOyoung chicfcnwo iu oao night and ] about go a mqht or two alter that, - -Gedarvillo Colleego, Gnlarville, ()., has Collegiate, Engineering, Prepartory, Teachers* Music and The four year old .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burns met ^vith an accident that came near costing its life, Tho littio girl had gone to Tho Dayton Trotting ftml Pacing! eor» fl«ld aboutooveti o'clock in Association which i* ft member of ’ ^ 10 evening to ride back to tho tho Ohio Baring Gircuit made up of ; house on ot the horses, Mr. Burns Hamilton, Dayton, N-iiin, Spring* ‘ romaininff later than usual finish a field, Luna and Findlay is making ! field. As he yet had a few rounds or seyenfy electives all under a falulty of 13 professors and inotruc- oro. fc.ttda p f . . «* 31,50 Tan Icalbor pr .................... S&fpo months ago tho Dayton fcjfato Hoapital board pmchaaed c«v* era! bund retie of acres of tho trwni land owned by a#colony of Hhakorn near Shaker’s crossing between Xonia and Dayton. This land io As a matter of local pride the Ilerald^-urgen that those not taking the Dayton Journal do no and leave their subscriptions with Miss Verna Bird, wi ville dopo not want Osborn to take j known man driving mt the lead. Osborn has two candi-j While Mr. ( ’idHn« dab n and Uedarville only one and , to hold the team the madiiuo best race meetings there tho week ; of July 4 ovorfieon in tills neetjou of ’ the State. ^. | ...... ....... » aaui n, a | 1 ’eW H 9 Uflltal ! . The European trip content, near the Garson pbee while driving ,mt Jt() j oot dll dose in a few days and fJedar- ■homeward. Mr. t.’oliin.i met an i ; » ’ di(-,eovory of WILL PAY YOU- 19c DOZEN t o d s tor Wean. C*' !» Saturday, Bring na your WE ns at July 2ds jlir|il«n. B bays t o ' a v B ird 's Mammoth Store Oratieal department's with sixty or i great preparations m give, one of the ] to inake the little one vaited and had laid down in some deep grass at the end ot tho corn row, Mr. Butns made one round and did not ~~ |nee,,. Ms . daughter anywhere and Ml*. W. A. Golfing had a lucky j mippused siio had returned to tho escape from having a collar bone ; llouf;0> The next round his horses broken. Tuesday afternoon while , -tvero driven out to the end of the driving a te m to » wagon. When row i ,JsU i ml<j j ast m the animal onto tho stomach tho . . t ___ every of the whereabouts of automobile |daughter was made. .The horse atiompting f was Jerked back hut It was to late. The father lifted tho lifeless form and started to the house nearly t reaching there before a sign of life 11m |throw him head lmig into the ditch aMK,aret|y Dr* M, I . ' Marsh was paper is well worth tho money and i Mr. (JoiHnn fortnmitely only mw- L ^ Iort ftnd an oxamination wo urge a muted support on fnc tainedabrnte'dsbouid-rallduo Tm{; « !ui ail jojurv of a - fonimmilty in having the factthattlml.eav,vRod protect^ m tm u J m l n hm ft part of tli« Work. Wo are m- Godarvillo declared the winner. 0d him in the fall, Tim team w a staken another atop tho child would Hiat lio t o life yowt to Miss Biftl j mitliout tinvii^ ttono j ^vitiiout ctoiibt lu^vo lio'cn i*fushcti ■■ ■ ** *' no that flbo may bo ablo to get credit I any particular damage. Mr, Guilinq death. for them. Each subscriber for a was unable io gel the number of the 1 * , year counts ii)!)!) votes, ] machine. was being farmed for tho boactlfc o f the I institution. A number of tho in- with a littio more interest there ' driven past him at. high apnd. In mates of tho institution aro given |should bo no reason why Miss Bird ■an instant the animals lunged and employment and tho result is that j shook! not got tho most votes. -the farm Is a good Investment. Mr. 33arlJaunaon,well known hero,,In located on tlm farm and Sian charge hundred young chickens, Mr. Jam- ifioii has boon employed by tho Board for sovoral years. g O H R T H IN G TO O feOW O Y E R ! Aiiiciieaii fashions for bigii are n o t? riio s ta a d aM tli3 w o r ld ovdt . New York sets tho otyleo asid sots the pac)o, This store lias tho her,|walaos for the price in Amesieaa cloth, Aaiorleaa stylo, Ameri- ean workiaaaship, Aar^rleasi fit, O ar N ew Y o r k Siosidoat B u y e r k eeps ou r s to re wd to th e Mow Y o r k a iark , Store eloficcl ell da 0" y lYoiulay, d'aly 4th, Y ’l I L M Men Who Bnaw, T R Y OU R JOB PRINTING 4 , 9 * I i