The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

CENTRAL, PARK VIEW— OHIO STATE FAIR, rpijia program of the coming Ohio State Fair, to bo bold In Columbus Sept, g( fl( 7, g and 9, Is replete with entertainment and amusement features. Twenty free feature acts, three harness races and band concerts by Weber's famous organization are programmed dally, while each night Pain’s thrilling spectacle, "Battle In the Clouds," will be presented. This production truly depicts, the horror of war of the future and the prominent part-aeroplanes will play in the destruction of umpires, its cast includes 250 people. AGRICULTURAL DISPLAY— OHIO STATE FAIR. ■ a GRICTJIiTURE is now commanding respect and attention from all walks of life.- We are confronted with the problem of how to feed a rapidly, increasing population on ,as rapidly a decreasing area devoted to agriculture. “Back to the dirt” is today’s slogan. New enthusiasm in farming pursuits must be instilled into orir people. ' With this in view the managers of the Ohio State Fair have redoubled efforts to make the agricultural exhibit a strong feature of the coming exhibition to bo held in Columbus Sept, .5, 0, 7, H and 5). Tbelr efforts are commendable, and Buckeye citizens should liberally patronize the 1010 Ohio State Fair. PUBLIC SALE Ow in g to ill-health, I w ill sell at m y [residence, Cedar- v ille , Oh io, on Saturday, August 13th, at Public Sale, my entire House= hold goods: three beds and bedding, springs, mattresses, ioo yards carpet, rugs, window curtains, i parlor set, nearly new, 5 rocking chairs, 1 130- year old family rocker, 6 dining chairs, other chairs, Singer Sewing machine, 6 lamps, gas range, gas heater, 1 soft base burner, just remodeled, wood cook stove, cooking utensils, extension table, 2 other tables, sideboard, kitchen cupboard, set of dishes, old cherry bu­ reau, dresSer, 2 wash stands, complete 4 other stands, book case, secretary, Roll Top office desk and chair, lounge, dining chairs, step ladder, clothes rack x 4 *it ladder and other articles kept about a house. Sale to Commence at 1p. m. TER.MS: Cash,No S. T. Baker, Auct. F. A. Jackson. Clerk. forms arc compiled with. A . Bradford, 2325X1 The Palace Restaurant in.» m m ■n.i.j'H*' m irmf nuinmaufrti'fli r i i imiiuw**n M rs. Chas. Harris," Prop . Kenia Ave. R oom s formerly occupied by*C . C. W e im e r . I"------------------------------------------------------t-f-----------------------r,ni‘t^ - 1 ni|-iruiinimn)in-ir'-ri linn ...............■■■................... -|ii M ea ls by day or week, L un ch served all hours, Furnished R oom s for Rent. I TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Excellent Exhibits At Fair. Tlio Greene County Fair proved to | bo one of the most successful in its i history of the organization. Ideal weather, a full lino o f exhibits for all departments and large crowds made the fair a success. The Exhibit of the Ohio Experi­ mental Station at Wooster arranged under a large tent was the mecca , for farmers who hold to the scienti­ fic idea. The display of gram uiider I various tests, samples of weeds, Specimens of various insects tha t de­ stroy crops, spraying solutions, tim- ders for posts aud various fertilizers are shown all forming an interesting exhibit. Specimens of the insects injurious to the grain are ahehtes the esthtse ra scopes. The best books for the fanner to read are shown by the ex­ hibit, and the tent was always filled with farmers and their wives, seek­ ing the valuable information afford­ ed there. This is the second year the experimental station lias hud a tent at the lair ground. The school exhibit in charge of Prof. D. H . Barnes showing school work, industrial and domestic work and the exhibition of ten ears of corn selected from last season's corn crop by boys and girlB under eigh­ teen years of age. Each township sdhool is represented and Gedarvlllo township schools are well ropresent- en. The small log cabin constructed by the 5th and 6lh grades attracted considerable .attention. . The entries of show cattle and horses over taxed, the accommoda­ tions and a largo tent had to 'b e erected. On the raco course the classes were all full.' In the 2:25 pace Wednesday Lady Lou owned by James Bailey won second money, winning the first heat and was marked in 2:lCJj£. Ffagley Bros, won second on a colt entered, O. M.« Townsley,. sec- on “ Billy Blake" in a large class, Mr. Andrew Winter won first on “ Moteur” while Messrs Bert Turner, J. E.: Kyle and John Turner won on their draft colts. . The'attenclanee for Thursday was placed at 20,000 or more, probably the largest crowd ever on the grounds. Honey’s Many Virtues, "Honey, one of the most nutritious and delicate of foods, should be eat­ en more than it is,” writes a cooking expert. "Bought in the comb* it is bound to be unadulterated, and will keep one free from sore throat and bronchial troubles. 1 know a number of women who use honey as a cos­ metic. They apply it to the skin, rub It in well, then wash' it oft with hot water. The result is a finer-textureu complexion, a glowing color, a young, fresh look." Moonlight During the Arctic Night. The moon continues to shine at the north pole during the six months' absence of the sun. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TheKindYouHaveAlwaysBought Bears the Signature of $100 Reward) $100. The readers of this paper will be plousu- to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able' to cure in. ail its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure la the only positive euronow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Caterrh Carols ta ten internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucousaurraces of system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors haveso much faith in its curative powers, hat they offer one Hundred Dollars forany ease that it foils to euro, fiend for list o testimonials. Address. F. J. CHFNEY &Co, Toledo a Sold by Druggist, 70c. all's Family Fills are the brat, BOYS STRAIGHT D C LTW ftCM IDV , C BOYS’ STRAIGHT PARTS SUITS Kt j # m i w j d i JK i j PAHTS SUITS 4 to 10 yearo, 85&8G S3 and $3.50 values values, reduced to Reduced to $2.48 MID=SUiTnER $1.98 DOWN SALE! Commenced Saturday, July 30, Closes Aug. 15 i Twice a year we “ clean house” giving our customers values regardless o f profit add cost* I t pays^ do this, and certainly pays you. Read the reductions carefully, as we mean what we say, and can SAVE YOU MONEY. CHOICE of all our finest Suits, Spring and medium weight, Hirsh Wiekwiro, L . System and Hackett-Carhart lines, values $25, $29, $30 and $35, mark-down sale now...... ....................................$ 1 8 .5 0 CHOICE of all Our Hand-Tailored Suits, same make as above, new tans, serges, grays, etc., $18, $20, $22 and $25 values, marlc- • down price ...... .................................... .............. -.....................“ $ 1 4 ,7 5 CHOICE of A ll Our $12, $14 and $10 Suits, a very large assortment 1 in this range, now offered in this great mark-down sale at $ 9 .7 5 A SMALL Lot of Fancy Suits in small sizes only, $10 and $12 val­ ues, now marked down to,....*,....... ........... *........................ . $ 4 . 9 8 T«akestBoy’s Bloomer Siuts 4 8 is | ^fi-aT> leyr’ All Boys’ Bloomer Suits, for­ merly sold at $9, $10 and $12, now in mark-down sale at ...................................... $ 6 .9 8 $6 and $7 Bloomer Suits mark- V * eh down to....................$ 4 .7 5 A ll $4 and $4.50 ^Bloomer Suits marked down to..,....... $ 2 .4 8 $2.50 and $8.00 Bloomer Suits, n ow ............ .................. $ 1 .9 8 Men’s Trousers. $0, $7, $8 grades, now ........................ $4 08 $4 and $4.50 grades, now.......................$3.50 $2.60 and $3.00 grades, now..................$1.98 $1,50 and $1,75 grades, n ow ..... ........... $1.30 Boys’ Wash Pants. Straight style. 50c values* now........................... - ........... 2te 25c values, now.,........................... ........... i fic MANHATTAN FANCY SHIRTS. $3 and $2.50 values now........................$1.98 $1.50, $1.05 and $2 values.... ................. $1.39 Wilson Bros. Fancy Shirts, $1 and $1.00 values, now........... - ...........................89c A lot of Fancy and White Negligee Shirts $1 and $1.25 and $1.50 grades now......69c 75c and 50c Famous Shirts..................... 45c Men’s• Underwear $2.50 and $3.00 Union Suits, now .$ i.98 $1.50 and $2.00 Union Suits, now................... $1.39 $1.00 and^ $1 .25 Union Suits, now . , , . . . . . . . .89c All 50c Underwear now , . ! .............. 45c All 25b Uuderwear now ...........19c STRAW HATS All $5 and $6 H a ts ,. Panamas included now........ .. .$2.98 All $3 and $4 Hats, n ow . . . . . . . . . ,$1.98 All $2 and. $2.50 Hats, n o w . . , . $1.48 All $1 and $1.25 Hats, now ........... 89c. All 50c and 75c Hats now ........... 39c All 25c Underwear n ow .. .................. 19c Bloomer Pants. 8 to 17 years. $1.60 and $2.00 grades, now';,;,..:..,............,.$1.24 $1.25 and $1 grades, now.... ;.............. ......89c 75c grades, n ow ........ ............. .................. 64c 50c and 50©grades, now.,,..... Boys’ Wash Suits. $8 grades, uow... .....................................$1,98 $2 grades, now.,,.....___ ;.........;........;.......,.$1.48 $1.60 grades, now....................................... ..$1*24 $1.00 grades, now .......... ....................89c Fancy Hosiery 75c and 50c values, j n o w ................ . ,39c 53c and 25e values, n o w . . , . . , ........ 19c 15c Hose, now . . . . . _____ 11c 10c Handkerchiefs, now . . . . . . . . . * . ,4c Remember, Sale begun Saturday, July 30th and Closes August 15th. R. S. KINGSBURY, 50 &n<L,52 Bast Main Street, - » - . Xenia, O Through Sleeping Car TO North Michigan Pennsylvania— Jy G.R.&1.Route '-------- ' Dally Columbus.......... 5.80 pm London.,............. 0.00 pm Go. Charleston., 0.83 ptn Oodarvilla........ 0.88 pm Xenia................. 7.00 pm llayton............... 7.30 pm Richmond.......... e.30 pm Grand Rapids... 4 4 0 am PotoSkoy...........10.00 am IlttrborSprlnfra 10.30 am Mackinaw city. 11.l o am Ha&icuIo’.»r.3 {i'M I ), 12.05 pm ^ Cftnnnfttloa atWalten ytt.nrrivcn iravorao Clt? 0.10 cua,1, Noitbpottlo.aoava. Returning Through SleepingCar leaves North Michigan every afternoon, arrivesDnylonniidColiinibtid nextmorning. Low Faro Round Trip Tourist Tickets solddailyduringtlioSummer. Iiiquirc at Ticket Offices orsddreai■ t C. HAINES, tsialficl faifleagef Agent, D ayton , ohio , PENNSYLVANIA NIAGARA PALLS $6.50 EXCURSION From AUGUST 10, mo RAIL OR STEAMER OR ALL RAIL. Via Cleveland and Buffalo Oefc particulars from Agent. V A W A V .W A V .V .V .V .V A 'A V .V .W A W .V A 'A 'A V .V A 'A W A V /A V .V A V A W A V W l: Speed and class pre- § miums over $12 00J 58th Annual Biggest midway to be found in middle west » a ■i°a Very Serious It Is « vety serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong ofio given you* For this reason we urge you In buying to be careful to get the genuine-— BL ac Y - draug HT Liver Medicine The reputation c t tbit bid, relia­ ble medieibe, fer constipation, in­ digestion analiver trouble, h firm­ ly established, it does not imitate Othermedfebi-'s, It la better than others, Kst it wouU hot bo tho fa- VctM liver powder, with a latgef e«lo than all oiticira combined, SOLD TA TOWN to - wmmmmmmmmmmmmmli CLARK COUNTY FAIR SPR INGF IELD , OH IO . A u g u s t 16th , 17th , 18 th a n d 19th . Four days of Profitable Pleasure and Instruction. Ten separate and complete departments with liberal premiums in each of the ninety-one classes* Speed program par excellence—-Three races every day—$5,000 in purses, tries, close August Hth. ' j , S. NICKLIN, Pres. ELWOOD MILLER, Sec’y. En- jj: Band concert all day Every day of fair I Don’ t Miss Tuesday The best half mile track in the State *• VWVV\VVVVV.VViVV%%VVVA%VUVW.V.WAV^VVA^WA^VVV^WVWVVVW^AVUVWVV^,W V W « sacs f To Cure a Coramune Day szsu I fdbLaxative Bromo Qrihfa&t&tofajpfm A G E T OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X