The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
m m m m mmm mm mmm AN ABSOLUTE PINNACLE OF MODERN VALUE GIVING THU PREMIER BARGAIN EVENT OF THE YEAR Look for the Yeliow Tags! Hothiog in tills fide will be sold at the regu lar price, and every article in this store has its in dividual tag bearing a deep cut in price,. Look where you will. You’ll find the biggest bargains you ever saw. Look for the Yellow Tags. THE FAIR 28=30 East Fifth Street, DAYTON, OHIO. No Sale Like the Fair's Mill-End Sale! The biggest crowds that ever attended i sale in.Dayton were present during our first MilWEnd Sale, The problem that -confronts us>now lit How can we handle the crowds that will be here this time! Leaye us. We'll do it. Our Second Most Mighty and Mammoth MILL - END T h e Bargains o f Our First Mill=End Sale Duplicated and Surpassed SALE STARTS THURSDAY, AUGUST 18 th Women’s Readyto=Wear Oarments The Entire Department Brimful of Mill > End Sale Bargains N o pu rse is t o o la r g e to o v e r lo o k th is g r a n d a v a la n c h e o f b a r g a in s a n d n o n e t o o sm a ll to p ro fit by. th e en o rm o u s , s a v in g s $8.30 Linen Suits for Indies and misses, plain, tailor ed or trimmed, in all the .waited “2 /v O shades ............ ..... ..... .............. ...... J ) u * 0 / $10.00 Pongee Suits, just a four left to close. A C C out at Mill-End price, choice.......... ........4 * 0 0 $12.00 Linen and Repp Suits, some are strictly man* tailored, others are 2 or 8 button effects and Nor folk style* They come m plain linen color, pink, blue, champagne, tan or old rose; all styles and l good assortment to choose from. A fH*7 Mill-End price........................ ................. I $3.50Misses' Suits, 3 or three-piece suits, in all the • wanted sizes, 10,12, 14, 15,10 years. . -j A Q Mill-End price................. ......................... £ # 4C / $5.00 Linen Coats, 54 inches long, semi and form fit ting, with large roll collar and buttons A to match|sizes 84 to 44. Mill-End p r i c e . . 4 $8.50-Linen Crash Coats, for traveling or automobll- ing, semi-fitting,, with storm collar and four large pockets, trimmed with metal ^ A « buttons. Mill-End price,...........I.............. t ) , y g $8.00 Ladies and Misses’ White Serge Skirts, strictly all-wool and man tailored, all sizes. . <1 Q P •Mill-End price....... ................ -... .............. £f%JnJ $6.00 Linen Suits for ladies and misses’ all -| A^7 colors and sizoB............... :.......... ................ £ #V a $3.00 Skirts for ladies'or misses, made of good quali ty Mercerized Panama, in black or'navy, full plaited and fancy trimmed; all sizes, | Z[(fl Mill-End Sale.................................. ........... £ . 0 “ $5.50 Panamaand Cotton Voile Skirts', they are extra full plaited and satin trimmings, embroidered; large assortment to choose, from; colors are black, blue gray or brown and garnet. . / A Mill-End price- ......... ...... .................4 , 0 / $1.50 Linen and Lawn q i -.-piece dresses, in white, tan, Blue and pink, about85 dresses in all* To close out this lot special at Mill-End _ Sale..................... ......................... ............ U 7 & $5.00 Linen Dresses for ladies and misses, In plain colors, large variety to.choose from: panel front or overskirt effect; fome are lac* trim- | med j all sizes. Mill-End Sale............... £ . 7 / $20.00Ladies and Misses’ Silk One-Piece Dresses, made of good quality taffeta or messaline, front and Bleeves richly braided; they are the latest Parisian stylos, colors are black, navy, f| / y j » grey, and old rose, all sizes. Mill-End... .7 , f J , $16,000 Ladies’ and Misses’ Silk One-Piece Dresses, made.of gfood quality taffeta, in plain colors or ' fancy stripes, with beaded lace yoke -and sleeves and braidOd fronts all sizes, good as- / n p sortment. Mill-End Sale......... -..............0 * i d Mighty Mill-End Savings in Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Matchless Offerings in Good Clothes Th a t Emphasize the ■_ . . 0 __• ,- _ Econom y of Buying Here During Th is S a le MEN’S SUITS Choice of Men’ s $10.00' Suits, MilI-Miid Sale price........... ............... . $4.29 Choice of Men’ s $15.00 Suits, , , Mill-End Sale price............................. ...... 7.95 Choice of Men’ s $20.00 Suitsl Mill-End Sale Price............................ 9.89 MEN’S TROUSERS Choice of Men’s $i.Q0 Trou*ers, 1 Mill-End Sale pnce...~,........|.......„... $1.29 Choice of Men’ s $8,00 ’Trousers, . Mill-End Sale price ....... .................... 1.75 Choice of Men^s $4.60 Trousers, Mill-End Sale price,........................... —2.39 BOYS' SUITS Choice o f Boys1 $2.00 Suits, Mill-Ehd Sale price............................. $1.19 Choice of Boys’ $4.00 Suits, Mill-End Bale price .......... ...... ...... ..... -2.19 Choice of Boys’ $8.60 Suits, Mill-End Sale price............................ ...... 4.95 BOYS’ TROUSERS Choice of Boys’ 75c Knickerbocker Trous- 1 A _ ers. Mill End Sale price......................... . • Q s C Choice of jJ.oya $1 Knickerbocker Trousers Mill-End Sale price....*.................... . Choice of Boys $1.60 Knickerbocker Trous ers. Mill-End Sale price............. /......... 69c 98c EXTRA SPECIALS Men's 60c Overalls, Mill-End Sale price... ................... .... Men’ s 50c Overalls, .'-Mill-End Sale price...........*..,*........... Boys Brownies, Mill End Sale price............................ Boys $1 Indian Suits, 0 Mill End Sale Price......*..!.................. Boys $1.60Bough Rider Suits, Mill End Sal* price-.......,............. ..... 76c Wafhable Suits, Mill End Bale price............... LI.......... . $1.26 Washable Suits, Mill End Sale price............. $1.00 Washable Suits, Mill End Sale price.............. ............ 38c 63c 19c 79c 98c 39c 69c 98c Mill-End Sale Of U n d e r m u s l i n s Mountains of snow white Undermuslins, stacks, of Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers and Chemise bought extremely cheap for this mighty Mill End Sale. $1000 Corset Covers, lace trimmed, all 9c sizes, 25c value. Mill-End Price......... 89c and 50c Corset Covers, laco or embroid ery trimmed. Mill-End 21c Price............................................... 2c and $1.00 Corset Covers, all over embroi dery or Val lace trimmed, beautiful as sortment to select from. 59c Mill End price.......................... ...... 85c Muslin Drawers for ladies, open or closed 18c tucked ruffles, Mill End price 76c Muslin or Cambric Drawers, lace or em broidery edging, with pink or blue ribbon beading, open or closed. 39c. Mill End Price 75c Muslin Gowns, with plaited fronts, ruffle attached, with V neck, 39c Mill End price................................ $2.00 Nine Muslin Gowns, trimmed with the finest embroidery and Val laces, 93c Mill End Sale price....... .................... , u u u * 75o White Muslm Petticoats, laco inserting and edging, you could not make it 29c for the price................................... $1.60White Cambric Petticoats, laco or em broidery trimmed, extra deep flounce£JQ„ and dust ruffle. Special Mill-End...... Mill-End Sale Of Shirt Waists Onedot of odds and ends Shirtwaists, white or black, lawns and ginghams, open front or back, high neck or sailor collar; some embroidered, or sailor collar others lace trimmed; all sizes. 3 9 c Mill End Sale price.. 75c White Lawn Shirt Waists, open back or front, embroidery trimmed, 28c Mill-End price.. $1.50 Strictly Tailored Linen Waists plaited or embroidered fronts laundered collar and cuffs, Mill End Sale pnea,.... ....... ............ ..................... 89c $2.50 Jap Silk Shirt Waists I11 white only, fronts richly trimmed In Val $1.05 lacc. Mill End price., $2.00 Net Waists, with mull linings, Iron trimmed with large medallion Q 7 C Mill-End Price.. $0.00 Silk Waists made in good quality taf feta, plain or fancy stripe messaline silks, open front or back, plain tailored or trim med, large assortment to select <bO 0 (4 from. Mill End price................. Children’s • * Dresses Never sold as cheap as our MilLEnd sale prices $1.50 Children’ s White India Linen Dresses, Embroidery trimmed; sizes 8 to 12 years Mill End J J p Sale price... .........................................* * ** $1.00 Children’s School Dresses, made of heavy linen or gingham, assorted colors, neatly trimmed, piping and pearl buttons; sizes Gto 14. Mill End AQ n price.,...... ..........................................:.... t ’ GU 75c Percale or Gingham Dresses, small fig ures and checks, assorted colors, square neek or Dutch collar; sizes O Q 0 6 to 14. Mill End price........................ $0.00 and $7.00 Children'll Beautiful White Embroidered Dresses, elaborately trini- • med in Val. laces and Swiss embroideries, with largo silk ribbon sashes; ages 6 to 14 years, Your choice Mill End $3.87 Ladies and Children's > Hosiery Ladies Mercerized Hose in all the leading color* as luvcndar, champagne, reseda, cadet, etc., all sizes regular price25 cents; Mill End Sale 1 C . Price................................................... . 1 Ladles Onyx Brand Lisle Hose, fancy em broidered, double L top: regular Q Q a price 25o................ ............. .................. Ladies pure silk hose, with llneh li#el and toe, fast bin k, sizes to 10; regular price 01.00. Mill End Sale ..... .........5 0 c Ladies Eiffel Brand, High Grade, all silk hose with lisle foot and lisle garter top regular price $1.23. Q Q „ Mill End Sale price.............. UCTO Ladies fast black Hose, sizes 8 1-2 to 10, reg ular price 10c. C n Mill End Sale price..... ....................... Children’ s fast black ribbed hose, 6 to 9 1-2 regular price 10c. C A Mill-End Sale price....................... ^ Tho Cadet Hose for boys and girls, double knee, double heel and toes, fluo or heavy ribbed; regular price 26c. 9 On Mill End Sale price............. - .............. *>Ut/ 8c Crossbar Handkerchiefs, On Mill-End Sale price.............................. 28(5 Swiss Embroidered Handkorchlefs, with scalloped edge, Mill End Sale 1 A ** price............... .................... ...................1 LADIES’ and MISSES’ Underwear Ladies Lisle Bibbed Veit with' fancy lace bosom and shoulder straps, juzes4, 0 and 6 . regular price 25c. Mill End 15c Sale price.. Ladles Outsize Swiss Bibbed Vests, with or . without any sleeves regular price 15 cents Mill End Sale J Q c price.., 1 Ladies High Grade Silk LIsl* Vests, with embroidered fronts, regular price 60c, Mill-End 2 9 C Sale price.. Mieses’ Summer Merino Vests, with Bhorfc sleeves, sizes 24 to 08; regular price 15c 25c. Mill End Sale price. Infanta* Vino Bibbed Vests, sizes I, 2, 8, 4 and 5, regular price 19c. 11 C Mill End price.... Ladies Union Suits, neatly trimmed with deep laco insertion, regular price 19c 29c. Mill End Sale price......... -..... . Ladies’ line ribbed Union suits, with em broidered bosoms, all sizes; regular 0 *7 p price 50c. Price,................................... ** * ” Ladies’ Extra quality ribbed Vests, made to fit, full fashioned, lieatly trimmed, reg ular price, $1.25. Mill End 75c Sale Th e R ea l Mill E,nds A re in Our Dry Department White Goods and Table Linen Gross Barred White Lawns, in large and small checks; 10«; quality. Mill-End sale........................... :............................... 5o 40-lnch White India Linen, shear qualify worth 2flc a yard, Mill End Hale price per yard .................. ....................... ........... 10c 15c White Madras, neat dotted patterns, With Marseilles effects. Mill End Gale Price per yard ................................. 7An COc Mercerized Oxford Wnistings for waists and suits. Milt End Sale, yard 19c Mill-Ends in Bedding1 8 l*Ko Bleached 86-inch, muslin . yard............... to ly-4 Bleached Sheeting, yard......................................... 19c Unbleached 81x90 Sheets,,- each................. C0c Grash \ Bleached Tea Toweling, 3c grade............ ..... ... ,...................................... 8 l*2c Unbleached Crash, 10c grade, yard ..... ......7 l-2c Wash Goods and Domestics 1,600 Yards Colored Wash Goods, plonty of white ground with neat'black and colored patterns,* regular price Cc and "c. Yard................................. ........... ....,..3Mc 2,000 yards fine colored Wash Fabric© 15c ; nd 25c qualities, neat shadow cords, moreorized pongee flnishetl Mulls and Organdies. Mill End Sale price per yard ................ ................................ ..............Be l,4oo Yards Plaid Dress Ginghams, light and dark colors; 8 l»8c quality, yd.;.....4)^c 35c Seco Silks, Yard, 17c 1,200 Yards of Seco Silks In plain colors, in Mill Ends of lengths 1 to 4 yards, regular price yard 06c. Mill End price................'...................... .....................17c 50c Hand Loom Silks, Yard, 29c 2,000 Yards Hand Loom Silks, in new fall >plain or changeable colors, EOc quality Mill End Gale price yard*.............. ....29c 500 yds 40-inch Foulard silk, satin finish scroll patterns price $1.60, Salo prieo......89c Mill-Ends in Dress Goods Double Fold Diagonal Suitings, in gray only; 15c quality. Mill End Sale price................ .......................................... . 8c Heavy Bepp Suitings, in light aud dark colors, regular price 25c quality. Mill End Gale price, yard....................... ....... isj£e Danish Cloth light and dark colors; regu lar price 10c. Mill End sale prlco per y a w .................... ........... ...........................Mftfe 1,500 Yards Pongee and Goisotte, In light and dark colors. Sale price, yard............ 6c i l T D i The !'•■ when El merciful conditi n ted’. Tie officers t persuade against 1 custom i While yet tin Baker ut that he develops grave fed another t lead the into an u Baker had tooei some soi of tiie trn tain i>arl ■ administ the oil of It is ah the' office 'someone gave tlx law as w< was pure This is Andrew'! rounds ti into the c serious ol friend, ' would ne A fair t ministral onforcem Saturday merchant about tw the feed- laying 01 revealed taken on entered i ad. H- one shoe “ the strut) -, Few co privilege mihistra. There \ what is i f las farm tion on August 8* the impel lion, win swoepsta) fair in 199 1 class at tl The winn to one sei prizes w horsemen draft her*' The colts —-Edgei of bulk at d ■If y< - with a ^ made i ^ its onl; more store , niateK of doh and sr mayS here, it's <* ’ for us every" satisfy are ail In -any aid in right s tan d i '*• (hut
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