The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
E s e e ile n e o O u r l o b Wmlz tvftl compare with that o f any other firm..... She Steroid. r ,- , .£* iV, ;i E it v>, t. ,A V » • •< !,*>:i *f ;<'■) ; ti\ ■, , a:! d 5jr,: ■?1 set- | * j . . v 5it, <..meetly *lcc;red. • . - J THlBTY*XHIltD- YEARm 35 . C M > A R ¥ I ia ^ Gmt)> WB&Y, AUGUST 26, 1910 PBIOE- $ IM A .'Y E A B . H;.idy With excellent exhibit BESTATED.! r k Raz“r- IS Fine Yielfl i Of'Potatoes. The recant affair ire a hack alley when Elmer Shull was beaten un mercifully ■while in an intoxicated condition has not yet been termina ted. The ’ 'business administration” officers tools no action until they persuaded Shull to file an affidavit against Frank Baker, this bemer tho custom under; the present regime. While the affibavit has been filed yet- tho officers have not placed Baker under arrest on the excuse that ho cannot be found. It has developed that the officers have grave fears that the case will take another turn that would in the end lead the ‘ ‘business administration’,’ into an uncompromising position. Baker is a minor and of cours'e had bet'n furnished liquor from some source,' During the evening o f the trouble it is claimed that, cer tain parties made three trips to the administration headquarters whore tho oil of gladness was procured. I t is almost a certain fact that if the'offieors attempt to handle Balco^' someone will “ peach” as to who gave the minor liquet contrary to law as well as where the wet goods was purchased. • This is a strong club over Mayor Andrew and tho story is going the rounds that be dares to go to deep into the case without showing up a serious offence against his political friend, 0. M. Bldgway and this would never .do. * A fair sample of the present ad ministration in the manner of law enforcement is shown in case last Saturday night when a prominent merchant heard a noise in his barn about two o ’ clock. Upon entering the feed-room he stumbled on a man laying on the floor. Investigation revealed that tho yonug fellow had taken on an overcharge and had entered the barn too sleep off his load. He was without a hat and one shoe which had been lost on the street. Few communities enjoy the rare privilege of a strictly business ad ministration. BflUFrCOLTSHOW i. 31,1 Honry Eueil, colored, a son-in-law o f Sandy Howard, west of town, was cut by a razor last Sabbath evening during a disputes by Walter Nooks, son of Caleb Nooks, ft neighbor of Howard’ s. Tho “stories differ as to how the trouble started, Euoll had a deep gash a toot long over his right shoulder, another on tho neck, an eight inch cut on left shoulder, gash on Ins left cheek and one across the forehead. By tho time that Fuel! could be taken to a physician he w » b most over come by tho loss of blood. Nooks made ills-escape In a corn Hold but the Xenia police have a charge ot cutting with intent to kill againBt. him. OBITUARY. There will be a colt show hold at whftfc is known aB the Samuel Dal las farm at the edge of the corpora tion on the Wilmington road on August 31,1010, the get p f Moteur the imported black Torch eron stal lion, winner of. first in class and awoepBtakes at the Greene county fair in 1909 and 1910 and second In class at tho Clark county fair In 1909. The winner o f first will be entitled to one season,, the second and third prizes wtU be articles useful to horsemen. Everyone interested in draft horseB are cordially invited. The colts will be shown st 2:30 p, m. Andrew Winter, —Edgemont crackers alBO full lino of bulk and package. McFarland Bros. Branessjurcl ■ ® © h e i i I f you arc disappointed vith any purchase you ’ ve made at our store to you t-e only a matter o f a few more or less, but to the itore it may mean ulti- nately the loss of hundreds if dollars, for perhaps you ind some o f >jyour friends nayj never again trade lere. Now you see why t’ o of more importance or us to satisfy you in »vcry way than for you to satisfy yourself, But we ire all human. I f we fail a any respect we 'ask you dd in making the thing ■ightr-right from' your tandpoint. T H U W H E N * fhitilttCMo Men Who Know, Mr. Sewth S. Collett, whoso resi dence was one and one-half miles south of Cedarvlllo, died August 21 at seven o’ clock. His Bickness ex tended over a period three or four years, being confined to his bed nearly two years. Death came as a blessed relief. Mr. Collett was born near W il mington J uly 18, 1811. He came from family of eleven children, all of whom have passed to the Beyond but Mrs. Julia Scott of Lima. In ,1872 ho was united marriage to Miss Viola Shigley of near James town. The wife, four sons, Warren near Jamestown, Wilber of West Cliff, Colo., Moody of Kallspell, Montanna and John at home beside a largo circle of relatives and friends to mourn tlie loss ot a good man. A t one time he contemplated the ministry as his vocation and to this end attended college at Adrian, Michigan. He was a member of the M., E. church at Jamestown,, a faithful Christian and a true hus band and father and respected and honored by Jils neighbors,. His end was in peace. The funeral services were held frorrt^ th e ’ residence on Tuesday afternoon, ’ conducted by Rev, Win.. M. Coffman o f Jamestown' ton, 1). B . o f Yellow Springs, who offered prayer. The scripture was read by a cousin, Bov. A . N. Sphar of Xenia whilo the sermon was preached by Rev. W E. Putt, D. D. the text being taken from Psalm 17:15, “ I shall behold thy face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied when I awake in fcliy likeness. Interment took place in James town. < SPECIAL PRICES E FENCE. For a short time I will make re markably low prices on wire fence, This fence is not an all steel wire but ail iron wire which the govern ment chemists claims to be the near est to pure iron as there is on the market. One lot 47 inches high all number nine wire at 37 cents per rod or 80 cents per rod if cash with the order. Poultry fence 03 inches high, 19 wire. 6 stay the best fence on the market for 46 cents per rod, or 45 cents, cash with the order. These prices will move thl.< fence with a rush and Intending buyers had better get their order m with out delay. (tf) (3. M. Grouse. $100 Rewards $100, The readers of this paper will be plcaeo* to learn that there la at least one dreaded disease that etionco has been ablo to cure in all its sieges and that io Catarrh, flail's Catarrh Cure is the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional .dicocso, requires & constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucousnnrrnccs of system (hereby destroying the foundntion o 3 the diceeip, and giving tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work, Tho proprieton lmVe go much faith in its curative powera, hat they Oder oneHundred Dollars for any oa*i that U foils to 'care. Send for list o i tfstimenlaia. j Address. F. 3. t’HFNEY A Go, Toledo a ; Sold by DrUgg!«rt, 76c, Iall’s Family Pills are tho tost, ICE CREAM* | For flic finraI, too cream that "chutes to town leave your order at. tho Palnco Roaluarant. Orders delivered, i Entries in the premium depart ments of the Ohio State Fair closed last Saturday, In number and excellence they surpass those of any ’ previous Exposition. Famous sta- f hies, herds and flocks ot tho Union ;will compete for tbo liberal prera- !iums offered. Every class is liber- ially filled. Tbo battle dt the 1breodB will rage from opening day until closing date. The women’ s art, farm products and horticulture departments have more entries than ever before. The machinery and mercandse displays arc the grandest nr the Exposition’ s history A complete exhibition is assured in each of itH seventeen distinct departments. Visitors will note the many im provements ami adornments that have been added to buildings and grounds since the close of the last Exposition. Each of the mammoth exhibit buildings has been freshly painted and the interiors tastily decorated. New walks and shady driveways have been constructed Unsightly structures have been razed and in their stead will greet the eye exquisite flowery embellish ments. The park grounds are now a veritable scenic paradise, unequel- led by, any pleasure resort in the State, i . No effort has been spared to make the 1910 Exposition a grand suceess. Novel and instructive exhibits, depicting the progress of the people will be installed. Every walk of life will be represented in the thousanctor more displays. Amuse ment und an tertairtment galore will feature the Exposition program. Stars of the amusement; world in feats of skill and daring; Weber’ s prize band, spirited harness racing and Pains inasterpeice, “ Battle m the Clouds” , are daily free attrac tions. The Exposition will be open both day and night. Nothing cart now mar its success, and tho mana gers confidently predict that on September 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, the turn stiles will register tho largest at tendance that has1 ever entered the gates of the Ohio State Fair. News About The Courts. Tho answer o f tho County Com missioners m the matter of the claim of the village of Mt. Gilead, was stricken out •by Judge Kyle yesterday on the grounds that the action Is a summary one, and that there is no provision m tho statutes for filing a pleading. The village ot Mt. Gilead is seeking to recover about $600 for taking euro of ono small pox patiorit w.ho alleged fhat her homo was in Greene county. 'Henry Harrison Brown has brought suit for divorce from Alice Brown, whom ho married at Cedar* vllie in 1902. He alleges gross neg lect for four years and says that in June 1907, his wife finally deserted him. Ho asks to bo given .real estate in Cedarvlllo free of her dower interest. Insects That Pester Stock Do more barm than just tho discomfort they cause. Cattle and horses worried by the'pests lose flesh and vitality. Cows give less milk, horsefido not work as well when their energy is wasted in fighting insects. Use our ZENOLEUM . it gives perfect protection against flies, midges, mosquitoes and all other pestering insects. Prices 25, 50, 85 and $1,25. Guaranteed to do all that is claimed lor it, Wisterman’s Pharmacy PENNSYLVANIA F L IN E S C O L U M B U S $1 ROUND T R I P SU N D A Y Train lcjivco Cedarville at | From loco thau two-thirds of an aero o f ground * yield oi 75 busli- |«!s of potatoes ha* been affected by JR. Hood improved mode of clay j soil culture. The tops were frozen Joff, then came (he drought. Had ; the aosson been fav,.fable, lie esti mates it would have, yielded loo bushels of popntoM. State Fair Now Assured. A meeting o f the State Board of Agricultural was held m Columbus Wednesday at vthloh time it was decided that the fair should be held regardless of the strike situation. The board within the past week found that faiso reports had been scattered over tho slate concerning the streetcar strike m that it would kill the fair. As there nhvpr has* been any trouble m the day time the board could.not see how the strike would keep people away as the Majority of the patrons were only In the city for one day at a time-. It is not beceesaary tb ride to the ground on the strees care as the Big Four road is expected, to handle the crowds direct from the Union Sta tion as in former years. In this manner there could bo no danger to patrons o f the fair. iEillTSWILLFUf, Labor Day In Springfield. Five hundred dollars will go up m fireworks at the animal Labor Day celebration In Springfield on Monday, September 5. The com mittee lias .this, year planned a more ehulorate pyrotechnfeal dis play thn^ever before, realizing, that in thisis'/otind tl*» most attractive feature of their fcjjf lug counties have appreciated form er efforts in this line. Included in the magnificent dis* play w ill bo hundreds of trl-colored rockets, crashing aerial bombs with their myriads o f colors superb pyro- technical bouquets and twenty of tho most elaborate set pf peiees known to tho art of making fire works. This unusual display will open about SiCOoclock m tho even ing and continue for one solid hour, along a conhnous froiitago of 600 feet at tin Clark county fair grounds. The day from early morning Un til late a night; will bo ono contin uous round of amusement and en tertainment for the 'thousands wno will throng the grounds. A t 9 o 'clock in the“ morning, 2,000 men organized laboring men will parti cipate In an imposing parade featur ed by showy uniforms and attractive floats, with plenty o f brass bands. Tho afternoon will be filled with open-air attractions a t tho grounds Including horse racing both harness and runners and exciting motor cycle races. These will be the first “ go devil” races ever held m the county and should provoan Interest ing feature. There will bo some thing doing evers* minute of tho time k-- op the large crowds in a continual round of entertainment. In Youth and Ago. Ho that would pass tho latter part of life with honor and decency must, when he is yout.g, consider that ho shall ono day ho old; and remember, when be is old, that ho has onco been young. In youth ho must lay up knowledge for hla support when his powers of acting shall forsake him; and in ago forbear to anlmft ivert with rigor on faults which experience only can correct.—I)?. Johnson. , So It Wouldn’t. Little Ruth found that the horse had stopped on and broken tho leg of one of her little chickens. Looking up at tho horso, she said reproachfully: ”Oh, Reas, how could you he so careful ness? Why, this little chicken wouldn't step on you and hurt you like that for anything,”—Tho Delinea tor, A Difference. As scon as people bocomo eaoj marks, tho trust magnates and poli ticians toil you public confidence is restored; and whoa tho people get wldo to themselves, and- realize that they are being fooled, tho same fol lows call it a crisis,—Puck. f m A dramatife critic has been saying that our most accomplished* players cannot reproduce on tho stage tho “ married .voice." Even when theyaro married. Thorn la a peculiar domes tic note -used at homo—which can not get over tho footlights and wa3 never meant for publicity, Dayton, O., Captain Thomas Baldwin, “ the Dean of Aeronauts” , and tho first man to fly in a derig- lble, has notified tho Aviation Committee of tho Dayton Fall Festi val that he too will bo hero the week of September 19. This makes the sixth world-renowned aerial expert who has volunteered in lioifor of the great occasion. The popularity of tho Wright Brothers is back of all this, it .is said, the result being a convocation o f all tho experts in spherical and derigible hallooiiB and aeroplanes. A ll these aeronauts come as guests of the Dayton Aorp Club, which will entertain the visitors royally. This is the first time in history that such a meet has been held, and it is safe to say that it will be the greatest in history a * the prifzes offered for records are of great value and beantyr Tho "Wrights will fly every day. Among the aeronauts will be 0 , B.Harmoh in the “ Now Y o rk "; Dr, L. E. Custer in “.Luzerne"; Dr. P. M. Crnme in “ I-Ioosier” ; Capt. Brumbaugh’ in “ Indiana” ; JS* B. Weston in “ Delight” and Capt. Baldwin in his derlgible. mm WK~fl Letter Heads Statements Bill Heads Envelopes Cards Anything and everything in the v m y of high-grade commercial printing. Our assortment of job type io complete,, our press facili ties of the best, and our workmen true typographical artists. This tells all tho story of our facilities for doing job printing of the right kind at the, right prices. Cards Envelopes Bill Heads Statements Letter Heads The many friends of Mr. "Walter Sterrettwho is located in Beaver. Falls, Pa., were surprised to hear of his marriage' last Satueday after noon to Miss Pearl Kramer, ’ an es timable young lady of that city. The evontwas known to only a few members of the families. The ceremony was performed by ReV.1 J. S. Martin. Mr. Sterrett has a n 1 excellent yosition as draughtsman lor the Pittsburg Steel & Iron Co, located at Rochester, Beaver Falls* The newly married couple will go to1 housekeeping on College Hill Bea ver Falls, ■■' Huh! It's easy enough to be honest when life flows along like a song, blit when you're out pf" work and the rent is due and your wife Is ill and the chil dren are hungry1 and .you see some thing you want and there’s nobody looking and you've - got to a point whawyoii don’t much care, it there is why, then—?—Life. A EOST TOUCHING APPEAL falls short o f its desired effect if ad dressed to a. small crowd o f interested listeners. Mr. Business Man, are you wasting your ammunition on the small: crowd that would trade, with you. anyway, or do you want to reach those who- are not particularly inter ested in your business? I f you do, make your appeal for trade to the largest and most intelligent " audience in your commun- . ity, the .readers o f this paper. They have count less wants. Your ads will be read by them, apd they will become, your custom ers. Try it and see. . Homage Paid to Beauty, There nro some very pretty women who don’t understand the law of the road with regard to handsome faces. Nature and custom agree in conceding to all males the right of at least two distinct looks at every comely female Countenance without any infraction of the rules of courtesy or tho sentimen of respect.—Dr. Holmes, “Autocrat of the Breakfast Table.” NOTICE! Unreasonable Shame. Tho wot3t kind of shame Is being ashamed o f. frugality . or poverty._ Livy. i .uHL PEACHES* I have contracted for 100 bushels o f Alberta peaches to be ,delivered in about 10 days. Prices away down. . Get your order in at once. WH. MARSHALL. LastWeekof OurGreatCleanSweepSale A l l M e n ’ s a n d Y o u n g M e n ' s S u i t s a t 1 = 2 R e g u l a r p r i c e s . B o y ’ s a n d C h i l d r e n s s u i t s , e x c e p t B l u e S e r g e , at 50c on the Dollar. Everything Radically Reduced for Clean Sweep. Boy’s Blue Serge Suits at 1-4 off Regular Prices. Boy’s $3 suits $1,25. One lot boys’ straight pants $ 3 , $3.50 values clean sweep price $1.25. iobo pairs boys straight pants 4 , 8 , 9 , i o , i i , 15, 16 and i7 year ages 75c $1 values only 29 c a pair. Boys’ $6 suits $ 1 . 98 . loo pairs boys’ straight, pant suits 9 to 17 year sizes $6 $7 values only $1.98 The Surprise Store, U - 30 E. Third St. dayton, 0. & MM*
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