The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

w*S<es 9 p**ei, T H E V E R Y t A T E S t POPULAR .OPERA, SACRED am! OlASSIC, e LAEGEJ3T STOCK la the City At Dowest i prices. Music MEREDITH ’S, 38 W . 3 d 'S t., Day ton , O. j8iaHS*P|ikOiao®T ■[Ly©&as s * c w = = s = = » * C « * = = ^ ^ "'J^'' notCoSos* the rial #1 SncrcdSiesato o f •Ayer’a Maia*Vlisor S?£;Atir. Destroys centss that cauto dawMf and laUsuj Jatr. Cots rashiaandcrurisoas «£State. <5'WCf:n, Kaulfcim;, healinc. Food to fisc hair-b:!i3, Qsxaiii, Ac‘.ror. 2 t""U‘, ar.tisrpli?. sifcr.u!ant. Scttan-Rderid. Cta®$fc&ipsfets IntitatloAof seate, Cteswtow. Jartcascs acttMly cf clan&s. ■ ggge, gjJssuijnt,tonic, IteatrellciensalyofliteJicteTU, AltchoJ. Sillfisilant,aalhtptte- Water. Perfume. '■SIicw this formula to yomr doctor. A g ! s him If there £sa single injuriousIngredient. ,< Ash him if he thinks Ayer’s HairVigor, asmade fromthisformula# Isthebestprepa* t ration you could use for falling hair, o r fo r 'dandruff. L e t him decide. H e knows. J. <*. ayi : u OoiiiPAHTT*I.oncll, M ccd . , In MUlfo! AdffilFtttoflt Ha ala yeath tHcurgo riercfllth fervent admlrw cf Teaoyeon, to v/hofo horrent hSn jurat veins:© o f poems la 1851, Tennyson wrote hack a very complimentary letter, Baying that tlicro v?aa ono peons wh'elj ho wished ho had. written blmcelf and a flna friendship r/an cotabllctcd between the two, Quality cf Leadership. .You can never lead tioleso yon lift.—Edward Everett Halo, The Cedarvilie Herald. Do Your Glasses __ SuitYou? Our Refraction sWork Is ,Not ^Excelled ByJAnyone Charleses* Fay, f$M aM 'f’ g IQptioian.2 2^jl ErMam St., Springfield, 'O. f i i .o o E’ e r Y e a r . P I L E S vuuiiivsuvui assv wwutsu us at nuu» a uu«ivsa be plies began to disappear and at the end of air recks tbey aid no* iroublo me at all. Caqcarets Best For The Bowels CAftDYCATHARTIC poivr oiv%«Ut weiiMii oruripoi •*(>< m « i < told In bulk. The genuine tablet stamp ‘Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y* 553 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES I \ WANTED! 100,000 POUNDS WOOL W ILL PA Y TH E HIGH­ EST PRICES. Phone or write the DeWine-BeldenCo. Yellow|Springsf^ Ohio' [BothrPhones.l NoPotatoBogs will annoy you or cut down your potato yield if you use this powerful t Non-polsonousPowder— ANTIPEST t EndsPotatoBugNuisance i« ® n* CT ,tv7° 8*fth*B> * ECsooa Bufficlcat, (Better, cafes andmoro economical than Paris green. Eaves tirno.lakornnd expense. Insures greatcat pooaiblo yield. Doesn’t burn foliage. * 1 s jictK i, AJtJdJU loVUIU lUAlUj^U* A gianttonic nswell aa bug destroyer, Fine for eabbago planto, tomato vines nmlrcaokuibcs, “ I o ° t poison humane, fowlo of plants, Eatisfoctioa guaranteed or money back, ^ Write for FREE Booklet (Th e A n fip e s t & F e r t iliz e r c S 35 E, Third St. Cincinnati FOR SALE BY ^ fleff & fastings Bios. AlW*C»f qu I c SW«e*c —fsale s 1» nM«rt«ir ntm*. ( T rade M«rma D esigns COPYfliQHTS Ae. 'OM si&ig s rtcteti and description may lam oar opinion fro® vriiGiIicr an _ __ _______ j f qs.vr isr o J*prohatslypatcnt'ibif'. Cornmnnlca- MatMftrtetircsr.fldontlAl. i’ANDRiJGKcnmeats m t f n f OlOssl ssenoy for secuncr patents. rstfSM. .turoegb Muting Co. I - ■■ recolfl* ..... ...... .. .Uf?L witHbutchargbi la t__ StRRtificJfiimriCAC. a hit*M»s*y tlic«!r*;«a weakly. Lamest eir. ealsMMt of any sflcnttao ieurnol, 'i'ofwn, *3 a SoMbymi gawsdeaicm. 4 U i N JXUrrt^M aft V Stj Wftsh.ngtcn, ts.C. WARLH BULL - Editot* P K I B A Y , A U G U S T 20, 1010 avodonewonders forme. Iamentirelycuredand sollikeanowman." QeorgoKrydor,Napoleon, O.V i m oo eiu . ^ Tfj« Woman In tho Moon. About nine dtiyo aftop tho Dow sacon a pretty uninlatnUably fomlnlno faco appoaro on tho wpotord half of < th« dlrjfe. Thla lunar lady, who is i wopth watoSiIng for, io formod by tho i Eisutifahjo and iaWolandfl euribPaeod ' hr tha Ocaar. of Tpanqnlllty, Vapova ism Serenity, dud lo boat Been thro ugh t o ofditory opera filtsci. Tho constitutional convention that will bo held there will bo a spirited contest between various forces for control of this body. Both the political parties have .en­ dorsed the proposition so that the convention will be assured. Tho main eonteBt will bo between the liquor , aiul the anti-saloon forces. The former will fight for tho license clause while the latter will oppose it and the ground is being laid at present by both sides for a control of the delegates. Each, county will have one delegate while some of the larger counties w ill have several. The last constitutional convention was held in 1883. . The leaders of both of the leading parties will watch with interest the formation of a new p< litical party in Pennsylvania to be known as the ' ‘Keystone” party a combination of bolters from the Republican and Democratic ranks. There has been a full state ticket nominated and the gentleman as state treasurer, Berry, who unearthened the live million dollor graft on the state cap­ ital, has been nominated for gover­ nor. - Pennsylvania has always been under tho strongest kind ot political machine rule whether Republican or Democratic and the outcome will no doubt have a bearing on ^btie political future of the state,. Dresden Chocolate Crumb. Mix one cupful o f stale bread crumbs, one-half cupful of grated un­ sweetened chocolate, two tablespoon- fqls of sugar and. one-quarter of a tea- spoonful of salt. Put in n pah and bake in a moderate oven until the chocolate is melted and the crumbs are thoroughly heated. P1U individual paper cases two-thirds with the mix­ ture and top 'with whipped cream sweetened and flavored .with vanilla. ELOODED COWS WILL COMPETE Exposition Gives Prizes lor M il Production. MODEL DAIRY ON GROUNDS Mlllcing by E lectricity, Pasteu rizin g, S terilizin g and Sep arating P ro­ cessed to Be Shown In Pull De­ tail a t Ohio V a lle y Exposition. S ix D ifferent Bovine B reeds W ill Furnish Records o f G reat V alu e to F arm ers and Dairym en. I Cincinnati, O. —(Special.)-- Active milk-producing competition between cows of six of the best and most fa­ vorably known breeds of cattle In the 'world will" be an Interesting feature of the dairy exhibit of the Ohio Val­ ley Exposition,’ to be held at Cincin­ nati from August 29 to September 24. Some time' ago .plans were perfected for the installation of a model, dairy in, which, the milking of cows and the various processes, of. handling milk were to be shown under the latest and most sanitary 'methods. This plan included milking by elec­ tricity, . pasteurizing,,, sterilizing and separating under most approved con­ ditions, and the making of butter, cheese, Ice cream, etc., all in full view of visitors to this department. To this arrangement now has been added a system for making records of the productive qualities of various breeds .of cows. It is proposed to place in this model dairy two each of six well-known breeds of cows. Jer­ seys, Guesnseys, Ayrshlres, Durhams, Holsteins and Alderneys being in­ cluded In tho list. Only registered' cows will go Into the exhibit, thus assuring the best possible results for each breed. Careful: records will be taken daily of the quantity of mills secured from . each cow, together with the amount of cream produce^, as well as ■statistics showing the amount and quality of the various by­ products. These records will Lo posted dally on the stall of each cow, with weekly record^ for individual contiguous to tho Couthcra Callfojr* nla Eiotropolla. Ifony cf thcao fruits will bo similar to tkeso shown by the Florida growers, none of whom, how­ ever. fear the conparioon, os Florida fruits long havo had a high standing in the Ohio' Valley market and arc I 11 no fes.r of being crowded out. One of the most interesting displays to be made by both sections will bo that, of grape fruit. Twenty years ago these mammoth globes of luscious citrous pulp wero unknown to epi­ cures. Today no breakfast tablo Is complete without them, and' 'he de­ mand annually is much greater than the supply.. It is estimated that 2,000,000 boxes of grape fruit, aver­ aging about 50 pieces to tho bon and selling at' an average of $2.03 per box,' are consumed annually In the United States. Of this amount a large percentage comes from Florida, with California also producing an ap­ preciable quantity, while Central America and the Islands in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean sea sup­ ply the rest, of the demand. It is ex­ pected that the general fruit display at the Exposition will be the pi°st complete exhibit of this kind ever gathered together, with the South showing a greater variety than any other section of the country, „ RAILROADSTOMAKE EXPOSITIONRATES Public Gan Journey to Cincin­ nati on Low Fare Tickets. Cincinnati, O.—(Special.)—For tha first time since the various state leg­ islatures took a hand in the matter of fixing railroad rates, the various companies operating in the Central, and Southeastern ^Fassenger associa­ tion territories are offering liberal re­ ductions froiu^ the regular rates . In firing the scale for round trips to tho Ohio Valley Exposition, which la to be held In Cincinnati from Aug. 29 to Sept. 24. Realising the great indus­ trial. and commercial benefits involv­ ed in this project, tho railroads have established a series' of tariffs that are certain to add to tho general at­ tractiveness of this gigantic enter­ prise, which bids fair ip bo tha most . Cabinet For Sheet Music, The music cabinet herewith shown in the invention of a New York man. This cabinet is a three sided affair, re­ volving on a stationary stand. The compartmenta for the music are ar­ ranged in the form of steps and boid the sheets in a vertical position with titles of each showing above-the titles STCSIO CABINET. of those below. In such a stand several hundred pieces of music may be kept without confusion, and any one can be found almost at a glaiice. To facili­ tate matters the sheets may be kept in alphabetical order or the vocal or in­ strumental music can be separated, or both methods may be used In conjunc­ tion. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The Great Diarrhoea and Dysentery Remedy Cures acute and chronic dhurhoca, dysen­ tery, choleramorbus,” summer complaint,” Asiatic cholera, and prevents the develop­ ment of typhoid fever. Seme wonderful ‘■csalD obtained in all parts of thoworld. “ WORKS LIKE MAGIC.” Cooper's Tom Thumb, pictured above (1830), and the DeWitt Clinton (1831), wore tho first suceeesfu' steam locomotives over operated. Both Will bo shown at the Ohio Valley Exposition, Cincinnati, AUg. 29, to iept. 24. cows and for the breeds. In this way the Interested public may see exactly wbnt each cow lo doing, while experts will find In these fig­ ures much valuablo Informition. At the close of the Exposition a com­ plete record of the products secured from each .breed of cows will be made public, thus affording a tablo Of comparisons that should prove val­ uable to those directly interested. Naturally, none of the breeds will have any advantage, no every cow will be handled under exactly similar conditions. The "model dairy," which will be built on plans furnished by, and under the supervision of, tho State Dairy and Food Commissioner, will be located on a steel Island In tho center of the canal. It will bo built almost entirely of glass, and will bo comparatively dustleos. Bridges at either end will connect R with the mainland. FRUIT WILL GOME FROM FAR WEST Price S 3 cents por bo** Han’t accept 0 substitute -aco-vr.ilcil" cscwnl." Ify.nirrtmoftif'thasn't it and Han't c.wa to net It foryou esnddirtat to THE ONTARIO CHEMICAL G0MPWY, ’ Usi&gftf H. Y.t tit $. At * Cincinnati, O. --(Special.)— South­ ern fruit growers nro welcoming tho opportunity of displaying their prod­ ucts for comparison with the fruito of tho California horticulturists at tho Ohio Valley Exposition, to be hold in Cincinnati from August 29 to September 24. For somo time tho fruit growers of the South havo beon placing tho choicest specimens of their groves and orchards In cold otorage, with tho result that no fine a collodion of Florida fruits as ovor wna assembled wiljl be roady for dlqi play whon tho Exposition opens. Now comoo werd from California that tho Chambor of Commerce of Loa An­ golas will apply for 1,500 square foot of floor opaco on which to make an exhibit, which slmll consist princi­ pally of fruits, attractively arranged, and which aro grown 1» the torrltoiy Important Induntral congress over held In the Middle* West, In the Southeastern passenger as­ sociation territory a rate of 4 cents per mile, plus 25 cents, for the round trip, which lo equal 10 a rate of 2 conto per mile each way, 1s author­ ized, beginning Aug. 24 and rontlnu- ! ing to Sept. 24, with the return limit at point of destination on Sept. 29, A further reduction to S cents a mile for tho round trip, equaling lVi cents per tailo’ each way, plus 25 cents, is authorized on tickets to be cold dally during tho time of the Ex­ position from all paints beyond a ra­ dius beyond which rates on this basis would figure higher than |G, the final limit on such tickets to bo 10 dayB from and including data of Salo. Also tickets to bo sold at 3 cents per mile, plus 25 cents for the round trip, equaling V/t cents por mile each way, plus 25 cents, dally during tho period of the Exposition from points within a radius where rates on thla basis would make $5 or less, with final lim­ it good to reach original starting points returning live days from, but not Including date of s&le. In tho Contral Passenger associa­ tion territory season tickets will be cold at the rato of 2 cents a mile oach way, beginning Aug. 24, with return limit good to and including Sept, 89, From Louisville, Indianap­ olis, Columbus and polnta about oqul- distant, on other rallroado, a rato of ono and one-half fare for tho round trip Is established, tickets to be sold on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week during the Exposition, with re­ turn limit of three dnya, including dato of onto. From territory beyond r-olnts above nfimed, tickets will bo sold at ono and one-half faros from nil points in the Central Pnosongor aoGocla'tion torrltory on Wednesday of oach week during tho Exposition, with return limit of seven day*, In­ cluding date of sale, Rtieumatio Pains reUocca t;y m ^ Mlaft IftlM as. mm ’ Anti-Pels ?m> M mm . ‘ sMNr m NMN {Elio Kind Ton Have Always Bought* and wMcli lias been In use.'for over 30 years, has borne the signature o f and lias heen made%ndcr his per- sonal supervision sine© its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you Inthis. A il Counterfeits® Imitations and “ dust-as-good” aro but Experiments that trifle with, and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute fop Castor Oil, Pare­ goric® Drops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium® Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. Xt destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. Xt ernes Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles® cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food® regulates the Stomach and Bowels® giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’ s Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS FBears the Signature of The KindYouHave Always Bought I n U s e f o p O v e p 3 0 Y e a r s m zm THE CENTAUR COMPANY* 77 MURRAYSTREET. NEW YORK CITY. hT0 CROPFAILURE we solicit your WHENYOU PLANTMONEY THEBANK SURE TO GROW PATR0NAG E S afe D eposit B oxes for R ent P aid C apital $80,*00.00 iNDIVIDNAL R e SPOFSIBILITV THE EXCHANGE BANK, CHDABVIIiLE , OHIO. S. W . S m i t h , Pr.rid.nt. G e o . W . R i f s , l«*.Vic« Pr«*. O l i v e r Q a b l o u g h , 2d V. Pr«a. O. L. S m i t h , Oa.hUr L; F, T i n d a l l , Assistant Cachiar. HALF-PRICE SALE Hutchison & Gibney Wash Coats, Suits and Skirts’ Bargains in All Departments DBTGDISOH & GIBHEY’S, XENIA , OHIO DR, LEO ANDERSON, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. A Graduate of the Ohio State University. Office at Waddle’s Livery Si able, Cedarvilie. C I T I Z E N S P H O N E , 9 8 . Diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Meat is Healthy, Th e human system needs meat, n o t the tough , in- d iges tib le k ind wh ich makes it a labor fo r th e diges­ tive organs t o asimilate it, b u t the nutritious, ju icy k ind wh ich gives y ou muscle and nerve fo r daily duties* G W, Crouse & Co, SUGOMor to^C. C. WE1MER, T A K E TH IS C U T *‘Wo roQommend it; thor« i«ii’ nay hotter... In raid-sammor you have to tru»i to a lar^e degree t o your butoher.' Weil Cared For Meats iu bofcweather are the only kind tot buy; wo have proper appliances for keeping thorn right, and they're sweet and. Bafe when sold, Don’t X* meat shopping when it’s hot. JBfty at us and he sure, - C ; H . C R O U S E , GBDARVXLDEi, O. ‘EveryMonti’ writes Lola P. Roberts, of Vienna, Mo., “ I used to be sick most of the time and suffered with backache and headache. My Mother,who had been greatly helped by the use of Lardui, got me two bottles, and I have oeen well ever since.” . E49 Take CARDUI The Woman's Tonic Cardui is a gentle tonic^ for young and old wome£ - It relieves and preventV pain. It builds strength. It feeds the nerves. It helps the whole system. M a d e from harmless roots and herbs, it has no bad after-effects, does not Interfere with the use of any other medicine and can • do you nothing but good. Try Cardui. It will help j .you. Your dealer sells i t Tbe Bookmaker ...Bestaafant... IN THE BQOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREiT DINING ROOM TOR LADIES UP STAIW A LSO REST ROOM . M B A t S N O W ms C B N T 8 . LunchCounter on MeinFloor Open DayandNijht. Tho Boat of Good tJaed In tho Cul­ inary Department. J. H. McHILLAN. Funeral Director and Furnltnro Doalor. Manulaeturer of Cement Grave Vaults and Cement Building Blooka. Telephone 7. Cedarvilie, .Ohio. Ill •ii!L HUNTING FISHING Halt the fci?ef e^^bnr life U In lh*M flcricni CUSOOCf tpOTift. To grab unt pulin* (a woods ct by rim m li y « r fcipp- privilege* u you*r» fecu of ifcm thlscs yew wui wjoylkft NATIONALSPORTSMAH ICO psjCaJ t tncst&v 1D00 * ye.r i iiwiractin, l&tet- citiacr. thinner, tnrii itsrlt, &n hsnt'rr, fcjMof. camplcr,ti«6iplcr' V/fmthe c S. tiiv »n4 boy who llvu .h i t , then •iltriff KljoTK.sta at, n«»r *t h«na, , 810 * 1 * cc ^ m , l^s»#|*«3iyrjb. uuiiite, iw ,f eoriptisa $1, mcul trim , mu Snsltittg,MiKM « .tu h usd tr* *111 « ! J **a * *tf,y ot f t , HATIOXAL MOXmSAX * 1*0 os* cf cai hsw"* bora. I*h«a Osmoltj H*M W»toh Fob* fiinlu Wo.) *» ri . thown with tot. Mt iM tlB *tl*C *cM*p!*t*a *St3 bosklo. C*hyoubt»ithi*t W*t5h Fob, terolM pile* . 805 , 1 AtJ. n M i f X»tloo»Jepurtraui . , 180 , l routs (J £vT* 8«uHo-d»y. esa J FOX fciUJUJe NATlflHAt SroaTSMAW. Inc, lWF*dw*tSt.lU*t.. is m m WORTHYOURWHILE 1 ViolaCream poeltiveljr freckles, i O ra d ie ftte i -- ca molts*, b U e lc heads, Kmbnra and tan, L 61 f 1a R.0I«e»eed, hlotched. ta-exh enO any ---------- - "kin to tho frashawa and Oeltcecr ofvattth . no jp^etjtnte.ftst this eafictlcrneym- 'Ihero ta uu».iuiiuuc une netie hes . M i 5proporit^tt *M Gftiile to n«*ajY cn reqi«wrfc* .Violikftkln Ho— ‘ *- -■ J The Cooki ones & Sweet Dams 2 qt. S mens and w. the i month pai^ foi per pai: per pai- Last ( Oxfc ’ TO -D A v 27 Men shoes l L ow cu*. $ 2 .5 0 1 W om en ’ s shoes $2.00 L W o m e i ' shoes L ow eu ductior. M , 5 L o t / ; —Shirts and etc. FOB St heating fil e tth io oil Miss Sa leave in Visit with Mr. O. s tins %Vilm Centcnni; o ' Olintm Word h Mrs, J. Okie., It: typhoid f Mr, Wr Maud, Im visit Y/ith Hastings Mrs. 3 daughter lesion y Spring G day. Bov, ^ past vrof but now« ily intho JLowi**