The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

CITIESWIL ESP. Ill BESS'" OFI I fit! Ns Wile! Displays tfceesay to Dot ProMs Bo i s great DillsMtSy Exposition ■ T o B oM a tG In e H I . The genual ir” r am that tap hi- duntrial portions u£ all expositions are alike will bo imt to rout by the management of the Ohio Valley Ex­ position nest f ill, wKn soveral m-w departures hi tie line of displays will bo offered visitor in a way to add greatly to the general attractive­ ness and commercial value of the project. Ever since expo, itlons wore Inaug­ ural d it hen been the- custom to reg- regate various Industrie:!, placing certain lines of manufactured arti­ cles In c:r*> department, thereby ere- ' alinfl; a continuous display of shoes, or dry goods, or stoves, or furniture, in thei case might -ho. In this way no city received the credit due it for Its industries, and no industry received the individual attention to which it was entitled because of its being thrown in with many similar speci­ mens in one grand display, When detailed plans for conducting the Ohio Valley Exposition were be­ ing worked out, it waa, suggested that better and more saisfaetory re­ sults could be obtained, especially for the industries of the smaller cities of the Ohio Valley, If each city .were a* -ed to display examines of all her pn ducts 'under one roof. In this way, it was argued, the products of a city- like Portsmouth or Spring- field, for instance, .would not he scat­ tered through five or six buildings, but would-be exhibited in one collec­ tive display, giving the olty the prominence it deserved and a t the same time giving distinction to each Industry represented. This idea .has been carried out in the mammoth' "Municipal - Building," located on the canal, and extending from the elbow at the head of Plum MW HllTIll P Many cities and Tocos Have | ■ Arranged CtlseHn E l i t e T® Steal FromAupst 20 to Septemter 24 ' rral lv.*i; m of the LxpoAUcm. “ Itu ir cc i.rriimtinr.i, to i;:ft Expos!- Parc v.'ouU t o ccr.llereci all over the (1:, •’ v '-j ,,-e, with the result that nriV’ r the city nor the firm l’epre- ■ : ted received full credit for its dis­ play. In order to obviate this handi­ cap and bring all exhibitors in on an equal footing, whoth'T they have much or little to display, this plan of creating collective municipal exhibits was evolved, and a special building designed, for these exhibits. “ So great has been the demand for space in this building to date that the prnspets are that we will be cpm- p<lied to enlarge.the present building or etect another structure for the-ac­ commodation of the Ohio *Valley cities and their Industries," PERSIA D M A IS API AfiEBCAN f (wll > "1 . * S^l 1| ! .* • ■V • e .y* *f■ NINE-FOOTSTAGE idS BUSINESS Packet Companies Add Boats to Ohio River Lines. Cincinnati, O. —'•(Special.)— Al­ though the greater portion of the im­ provements in the Ohio river author­ ized by congress for tho. creation of a nine-foot stage of water the year round has not yet been begun, the anticipated ■benefits of this tremen­ dous undertaking, calling for an out­ lay of approximately 560,000,000, are already being taken advantage bf. The Louisville and Cincinnati Packet Company, which olierates a m i . - ‘V- c' y .,‘ f.y : > . "A ' :x p•r sri -) i . •• ?<■* • ■• itJ < f */ / ’ / ■*/ V ■ t ^ V * * *-i*r > > ‘ ' f ■ .V ; . o* ■ >u\ > , /A . A 5 •'r- *%. - : •'''A0”iiV * wW.} %.■ ^ -> ' * . • -V/- \ k^~-' t *“*£ v V "V‘ / '*■ * 4-^ u ,.. -- „’i Miss Edna Showalter, colorature soprano, who will alternate with Mme. Bernice de Pasquall in the title role of the Jonos-FlorlclJa popular romantic opera, “ Paolotta,". dming the rUu of the Ohio Valley Exposition at Cincinnati. Aug. 29 to Sept, ,24, tlffi EMMAT.■'8fl THE BIG Agriculturists Aliveta Its Great ‘ Opportunities. Cincinnati, O.— (Special.)— South­ ern agriculturists are alive to the op portunitles' which the Ohio Valley Exposition, held in inis city or " P0llll*nr na BloeHi's BigSposifion Will Eater to tie lasses. Cincinnati, Q-- - (Special.)—T.overs of mn&ie, whether it be of the kind that has a leaning toward the classic from August 29 to September 14, is -holding out to them. From all-sec­ tions of Dixieland come reports of county fairs and other industrial pro­ jects at which arc shown the prod-- nets, of various ncetiono of the differ­ ent states, nnd in every instance there is ft decided desire on tho part of tho management of these enter- prloes to secure specimens bf 'grains and other agricultural products to bo submitted to tho •.Committee, on Southern, llerourees of the Ohio Val­ ley Exposition, having in charge the assembling of exhibits for tho big Southern display. Only a few days agp there were exhibited at tho Statewide Immigration Convention at Jackson, Miss., some extraordinary samples of wheat, and other grains grown in Covington county,* Miss., , . , and other sections of the state now i ^ i0 ^!0 leading American ; devoted largely to the cultivation of 1ai'tlsts, music lovers of all classes j grain. These samples came in tho , a ra't0 treut in the opera, shape of threshed grain and also in j ^l1*5 orchestral features of the pro- j tho way of grain in tin- sheaf, giving 1 duction also will ho a prominent por- ture that Is whistled on the streets ! or played on the street piano, will j have tho gratification' of knowing | that their urbetHas In this line will he gloriously satisfied at the Ohio Valley Exposition, which will he held in CineSunali fwun Aug, 29 tp Sept, 2-1. ■In fkv matter of romantic music, which will appeal to the lover of ar- tistio luirmony us well na to tho seeker for mdodien that,' strike favor* ably the untutored earl the popular roE?.£in*ic opera. " Caolotta,” which wilt he given in connection with the Ex­ position, will offer all that can bo do- sired, the a ore of this composition being unusually beautiful and not too heavy to miso the masses., Solos, duets, sextets and chorus numbers of rare beauty tire part of tho music of the piece, and as these will bo in > This car, built In 1877 by George Selden, and'- tormlng tho basis for ell patents on gasoline automobiles now being constructed, was invented by George Selden, who Is seated In the car, and who still Is manufactur­ ing machines. The original Selden car will be exhibited at tho Ohio Val­ ley Exposition at Cincinnati, Aug. 2D to. Sept. 24. street almost to tho Twelfth street bridge. In this roomy structure will be locatedc'the assembled exhibits of a majority of the cities of the Ohio Valley. Here Portsmouth, O,, will display her knitting mills, shoe fac­ tories, brick machinery, nonexplosive gas range and other commodities manufactured in that city. Hero Owensboro, Ky„ will show the "shov­ el without a backache," with which the Panama canal is being dug, and the “whisky without a headache,” m> well as products of her tobacco fields and orchards. Indianapolis will bring over examples of some ten or twelve of her manufactured products, all assembled under the Indianapolis banner, while Springfield, O., Louis­ ville, Ky., Wheeling, Pittsburg, Ev- uuuvillc, Cairo, Paducah and other i sties on the broad Ohio from Pitts­ burg to Cairo, will follow this lead. The result will Le a collection of mu­ nicipal exhibits, displayed under city flags, the like of which has never be­ fore graced and dlotinguislie'd an in­ dustrial exposition. it has been promised, too, that many of these municipal exhibits will bo further enhanced by having among their features working dis­ plays, such as knitting mills; shoe­ lace manufacturing machinery in op­ eration; cooking stoves utilized for baking; brick-making machinery; gas tnglnos; electric lighting generators; worsted mills looms, and & number cf others, thereby showing not only tho finished products, but also how they aro made. “ I have found heretofore in han­ dling expositions that tho exhibitors of tho smaller cities never had a fair show," roffir.rked Commissioner (Jon* line of boats between Cincinnati and Louisville, and also has subsidiary lines, has added to the scope of its operations by purchasing two add! [ tioual boats, which will be placed in ! service between Lousvillo and Evans [ ville, thereby giving continuous daily \ service under one manage merit from ; Cincinnati and way points to Evans’ i ville. The ofih-ialo of the company |are free in saying that this nrapli,; i cation of their opt rations in due di I rectly to ;he anticipated revival and ! the greatly increased volume of river I traffic which is certain to result from j the improvements now being made i and authorized. j Another earnest of tills anticipated boom in river traffic ig found in the diligence which various Ohio river communities are showing in 'he Ohio Valley Exposition, which will be held in Cincinnati from August 29 to Sep­ tember 24, and which is designed principally to exploit the Industries and products of the Ohio Valley and tho South. . Portsmouth, 0 „ for in- .otanre, has’ secured 2,000 square feet of exhibition space at the Exposition for the display of her industries. Spiriting of the benefits of a per­ petual navigable stage of the Ohio, Hon. Albert Bettlnger, vice president of the Ohio Uivcr Improvement Asso­ ciation, said: "With unlntorupted navigation the year round, the Ohio ■Valley, from Pittsburg to Cairo, eventually will resolve itself into one continuous line of factories. When these improvements are compidted and the Panama canal opened, the, manufacturers of the Ohio Valley will be able to compete with foreign na* tions for tl'.e business of any section of the world." an idea of the general growth of agri­ cultural products. Immediately after the convention these samph o wero submitted to the Southern Hfisciurcc.-.j Committee, which will have hunlrcds of those f;]'( dun ns from which to select the Classiest samples for the Ohio Valley Exposition. Vazoo county, Miss., is another section of that state which has been 1 tlon of the opera, the leading musi­ cians of Cincinnati end vicinity hav­ ing been engaged to interpret tlio instrumented portion of the Score. In ‘ S r the amusement section proper thero will be two or more hand stands cated In the center of a rest crctlon, where visitors may seek recreation after a tou" of the buildings and be regaled with ,thc latent selections in fnw : ‘ sending extraordi* ary example of j popular os well ag the classic ; grain crops to the various nt.atj con-1 field. The principal restaurant of tin t ventior.n. ■ j Exposition will have among its epe . Meanwhile*. Ohio Valley farmers ■^ attractions a European concert : jirc! siow. to tl’.e iielvniifiT/’s of ’ band, the leader of which is said to J exhibiting n.cir c iv s a* thC T-Vp-w;:-1 outdo Sousa, Creature or any of the ! tlon, a 'fad which will five- additional famous leaders in the matter . prominence to the t-onth'-sn exhibif. 1 gymnaofzeo. ACT SETTING OF NEW OPERA S;^Dro~7ry--~rT: _____ : J *V ~ .< -V/' b / - V ’ p i l t eT fl.......( Physicians Advise i tSiaup cf a nScHIaxafive, to fcoc-p tic ic wti^ open and prevent the, poisons of undige-,ted ■ food fromgetfin;;inti» yujr system. ‘ Piles m irglesP A POSITIVE GUARANTEE . - to irer.icciiaSolyrcllovoand uHinatc!;curo t-Ilh or . HEOfSASm n tlio inc.r.t wocuicrful pcSoitific »Ms.v*vfiy c.f Kiodoni time iCor t!i0 r! ‘ vcro.-itc in. n oflj{nin g Pilro, I'-icwa, *><tto;-. r,’.!*, Hu ; VVVtria, B.r.ti, t'a JU ti, etc, ‘L'.in Ws/Mv sacJS- cr.tcd nntiwiitie ft.^Ko Idtin the r '.in'), rc- litiM tl t ie tiou’ -te !'t:’ h. ,r: t!:e m i l l t i.i jr.irifSjn-atly. Al.'-di to oJtkf.w-Unn guar- inn I t - :1e.’ ii.uaey t<f.ia V S, I Vel<■) rf) rtn. at Jihifcil'.i'i. fit moiled, Trial j r,awplo 2 CCat-; t > <-Vvi t leaking. ITIIE 6 . C. B IT T H E n eO „% 5 eilot OMo. S8C9K■ IM 1 )*.„nj.d'i'i. !{-Afiv,'!c;ol.tnii:?;!andoil i’nt- < T i f -p ttl J k Notice to Prospective Automobile We desire to correct a false states ment that has been circulated by other agents that a ^Chicago maib order house Is to sell the BUICK AUTOMOBILES next season, The statement Is absolutely false and was circulated to Influence In/ tending buyers, “Buick Customers are Our Best Salesmen.” PECKHAM MOTOR CAR C0, D I S T R I B U T O R S . D A Y T O N , O; *« i H ’ i The Great Montgomery County Sept. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ’ lO. Special Free Attractions Daily gf 3 Good Races Each Day u Better Than Ever” - Q I Admission 25c. Grandstand 25c . . | H. V. Hendrickson, Pres. George K. Cetone Sec. i ' I '-SBFSKFSSgrSBFsS m Paif.if>.\sV4Vii«>wt>»IVu’iiukihut*),' with |C(^ s ut il.aV-S.uuJ firfeiguusiwiinro i e X © ' 5 © w ^ @ ( Q ) . a opts, pflteut opjice, WAOiiiuatcsp}, o. O. s » e GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING -2CX jitej i n 1M! i Jl Jniil 'ilio n ■ v. &Uoiilf!’! ' ei’i'dii. bit’ * night, a ; ‘ •btj'iiiii i- i “ Bill i eomodaui fjojiabln plifih then • for fimi'n August 2" whora th hiddenn« ’would ni>( tfic* hec-rv at tho "cl< fiomcoiu- i beverage, “ B ill" wj Laufc Sa outdone't- shipped i corn flcdd on the so discovert, the field there w “ B ill" lu again anc It cool. A.plot believe tl" tration w and ida boot-legg Marshal the plot . ver as wt proper til Three the office three sire ' ity was a raid was was. ,,t , was anc through him and ped by a became e is said to o f his cle kept on The ‘ even ’,fol overjoyt , boon loo:-’ have a i expectec of tho gi Thomps would w for their Mayoi on' the Mayor without abandor —Spri fresh di-