The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

r 'A V ’VVX-■*)• >•-M »-L—,!<' 1 ’ »,• ‘W*-3 I t o tjdn ( l i t * l i j . ) | WorltiiiP compare trith | th a t af any other $ TM IETY -TH I liB YJEAR NQ. <r\'k * ft . fi •‘ i' o j r .* ^ cc- ! < W t iO*’a. : 'ku Lii, , . i • XT’* C E B A B m S H CSSDAY, &Q2JSSE=2U, 1910 JPSHCB A Y E A R cteo! Opens On Sept 12. lister Day & h urt At Dayton. Tho reward for three shoio from an officer’s revolver brought forty- eight boltlofi of beer last Saturday night, a pretty good record for the “ business administration” “B ill Thompson believes' in ac eomodatmg hip frienda and being sociable with thorn and to accom­ plish this “B ill” sent out of town for. some beer on Saturday night, August SO, I t v / gs a question us to whore the amber fluid, was to be hidden so that an {inspecting public would not get next. At this time the beer was hidden near a spring a t the ‘ ‘deep liJl” but unfortunately someone found It and tiio sparkling beverage wag appropraited so that “B ill” was out all round. Bast Saturday “B ill” was not to be outdone so ho had four dozen bottles shipped .in and they wore hid in a corn'field near the corporation line on the south side of town. ^Someone discovered “B ill” taking ice into the field that night and of course there was strong suspicion that “B ill” had, invested in the “suds” again aud Was taking the ice to koop it cool. ■ ' A plot was laid to make “B ill” behevo that the Andrew adminis­ tration was going to raid the field and place him under arrest for boot-legging. To have proper effect Marshal McLean was taken into the plot and was to use his revol­ ver as well as his influence at the* proper time. Three or four men accompanied the officer into the field and whep three shots rung forth the commun­ ity was appraised ot the fact that a raid was in progress and so there was. ,,B ill” Thompson know there was and the music of bullets through the corn was to much for him and away he went until stop­ ped by a barbed-wire fence. “B ill” became entangled In the fence anti is said to have left a greater portion of his clothing on the barbs, but he kept on going. The “raiders” however didn'. even ^follow “Bill” for they wore overjoyed when the iced goods had been located and immediately pro- ceoded to take their reward to a ‘ wmt ,Ve .have not discovered. We have a faint idea that ■ all that was expected of the raid was the capture of the goods, sort of a joke on “B ill” Thompson, not that the “raiders” would Want to appropriate the 'find for their own si lfisih purposes. Mayor Andrew may be working on the case, wo cannot tell. The Mayor seems to bo drifting along without the least concern, like an abandoned ship at sea. ( The C edam ll; Schools will open !Monday, September 12, at a. m. j Arrangements are made to have the 1 imnibter:; of the village and the "Board uf Education present at tlio opening, This insures iis appropri­ ate talks and encouragement. We would lino for all pupils who intent to bo In school this year, to bo present at the opening. Also as many parents and patrons as pos­ sible. Como out and snow your interest in oue Village School. Help make and maintain it wliai it ought to be and you will thus,bo helping us got your children interested. V ery rospootfnlly, JF. M. Reynolds, Sup’t. • <r 1 —Springfield and Dayton bread fresh dauy at -McFarland Bros. » ■ PENNSYLVANIA r LINES C INC INNAT I $ 1 .2 5 Trahileaves Cedarville 7.00 a. m. We’re all in the A, B , 0 class. - Ability. Business. . Cash. We all use our ability to create Business to make Cash. In our new school suits for little ones this Fall the A. B , 0 . is exemplified. Ability in selection of fabric, Beauty in the style and cut, and Care in the workmanship. The result—Satisfaction , to you, and tha t means more business for us, and I more work for the artisans. TH E WHEN* | Correct Dros.'J for Link. Men. Dates For Lecture Course. The following are the dates for tho M. XI. Brotherhood lecture course tho coming season: The Schuberts, October SI. Sidney Landon, November 3. Hungarian Orchestra, Do -mber 10. ' Tyrolean Alphino Singers, Janu ­ ary 7. Maolnnes Neilson, February 3. Boptli Lowrey, March 1. Tickets are now being offered for sale by members of tho Brother­ hood and tho course promises to he the host ever offered Cedafville people. Colt Show Great Success. The dolt show as held Wednesday by Mr. Andrew Winter was attend­ ed by about £00 people and there were 12 exhibitors, Mr, Reid Owens won first, Mr, J , E , Kyle second and E . E . McCall, third. Mr, J . A. MeL»an ot near Xenia was judge. Meeting Of Brotherhood. There will bo a meeting of the M. E . Brotherhood Tuesday evening and all members are requested to be present. Refreshments will be served. Tho members will prepare for the campaign sale of lecture course tickets. . Pinal preparations fur the State Fair are rapidly nearing comple­ tion. Entries have dosed, and the show will assume the proportion of : a National Exposition. The fair 1 grounds now present a busy seem1. Exhibitors are busily 'engaged in installing the mammoth exhibits and displays. Rules require all ex- . dibits to be in place and ready foi 'public inspection by Ha. m! Monday Sejit, !>. AH exhibitors are co-oper­ ating with tho management that tho ' big Exposition may open on scoduleu tiino. Street car - of tho capital city are now in full operation, and these in connection with the steam roads w ill' afford ample transportation facilities between the city and lair grounds. . The •entertainment and amuse­ ment program of Exposition grand­ er than ever before. Harness races band concerts, circus acts, daily while each night Pams master- pi ce “Battle in the Clouds" will lie presented. • . Monday” September 5, lias . been designated as Women's Day- All ladies of the State admitted free on that, day, , Tilth-magnitude of the Exposition is such, and theintorcst of the peo­ ple generally, so ime use, that record-breaking crowds are predict­ ed.' Trustees Improve Wilmington Road. The township trustees are grading and resurfacing the Wilmington road. The road has been graded so that drainage would be better and the surface spiked ready lor the road roller. Uho County Commis­ sioners have granted the use of the roller fer the work, Wilh a slight expense most of the stone roads m this township could bo greatly Improved by tho use. of a roller. Tee trustees expected to put tiif erushcd stone but will ho Unable to get It a t present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crouse wore In South Charleston last Sabbatli. On tho night previous the home of Mr, Harry Vince, a brother-in-law of Mr, Crouse, was partially de­ stroyed by flro, the damago being placed at,$500. Mrs. Angie Park, who canu* from Cleveland, Miss., to attend the Stevenson reunion spent Friday with Mrs. Robert Bird. SPECIAL PRICES GIN ON WIRE FENCE. F >r a short, time I will make re­ markably low prices «n wire fence. Tills fence is not an all steel wire but an iron wire which the govern­ ment chemists claims to he tho near­ est. to pure iron as there is on the market. One lot 47 Inches high all number nine wire at 37 cents per rod or f *0 cents per rod if cash with the order. Poultry fence r>s inches high, 10 wire, fl stay the best fence on tho market for 40 cents per rod, or 45 cents, cash with the order. These prices will move this fence with a rush and intending buyers had better get fheir order in with­ out delay, ftf) 6 . M. Crouse. §J00 Rewards $100. The renders of this paper will bo plcnao* to learn that there la nt Lest ono drotfisti (Staoaea th . celonca hen boon nblo to euro la nil its dfegea and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Caro is (ha only poDltJvo euronow ImWn to ‘be medical fraternity, (ttarrh being a constitutional diGSoro, rcqtshua a constitutional treatment, Hull's Ofttewh Cire ia taken internally, acting directly up on tbo blood and jnwrouaourraca of eyntan thereby destroying tho foundation of Uio difictw, andgiving tho patient strength by building up tho coAstHntion awl (Kristina nature fu doing Howork, Tho pfoprktmui kwor.o ranch faith in its curative power;:, hat they offer one Hundred Itollaro for any orka that it folia to cure. Pond for .,A o testimonials. ? • Mdtrix if*. J. (TIK1I3Y A<*>, Toledo Bold by I>ruf£ki, 7Ca. ill's Family ITUs two tho bint, —NOTICE:—I am now connected by telephone through the Oedarville exchange and persons having hay for sabs can call me direct. I also have tho Bell and Honk* phone through the South Charleston ex­ change. Will Grant. SCHOOL NOTICE. .. Notice is hereby given that the Cedarville Township schools will open Monday, September 5. By order of the .'Cedarville Township Board of Education. Frank A. Jackson, Clorlt. FARM FOR SALE. Small, farm of lour acres, three miles from Oedarville on Townsley road, five room house, new barn, two wells, cistern, good cellar, two large chicken houses, good fences, terms reason tide, ftf) F . P. McOatTey, W h en Y o u r S tren g th F a i ls you need something that will . speedily restore it. There's nothing better for the purpose than our rich A. D. B. Beef* Iron and Wine T ’ Rich because it has all the stimulating, strengthen­ ing, nourishing properties that Beef, Iron and Wine can possibly have. I t will make you strong and vig­ orous and do it promptly. Full pint bottle. 50 cents. Wisterman’s Pharmacy In no other city in Ohio fe tfe-iv puch an entire day of amnaemunt, recreation and enloa’tainment afford­ ed tho people on Labor day as in Springfield, For tho last twenty years theucH celubratloue have been growing in magnitude and enter­ taining morn people with-the passing of each sucbcusivu year, Each year the committee tries to outdo it* prpdecfiflpors in giving tlm people ar. oxiiibiUrtti of winch they may he proud ami as a result the onlm western portion of Ohio now looks toward Springfield for entertain­ ment on on Labor day. Tiffs year’s, program promises to eclipse all past efforts. . The. parade of labor organization will hi* tho big feature of the morn­ ing while in the afternoon there v^-ill he open-air . vaudeville, thrilling motor cycle races, harness races, baud concerts and other entertain­ ment. In the evening there a brief vaudeville program a t the conclusion of .which will ho given perhaps the most eiabarato and spectacular display of fireworks ever seen in thiBsection.of tho state. It must be seen to iso appreciated.- Apples Promise Good■Crop, According to government reports there promises to be .more than an average crop of apples in some sec­ tions of the country. Along the Pacific stales where various kinds of fruit is the mam product t he re­ port gives a high percent over form­ er years, - ; * The central g-onpe. of which Michigan, New Turk, Wisconsin:., Ohio and Pennsylvania are compos­ ed vary in- reported. Michigan will h: ve almost a fnfure while Ohio is given a medium .§rop. Now York is? listed with a fiiJHferop. The Now England states will! have fair crops. "Whirlwind” the famous racing ostrich tnun an ostrich farm near Hot rix»rings’ Ark., will appear each' , day next, week at the Montgomerj j county fair. Tho management ha* i secured this attraction at a great t x- and will -race a trotting horse on half mile heats and in most in­ stances has won with ease over the horse. • This speeiman is tho largest on Uds continent and is thirty year* dd aud in the prime of life when »ho average age oi such a bird n ■ about seventy yeaas. This bird atm its mate are tho remains of (ho orig- Inal herd imported a t Galveston ibont 2 i years ago. “Whirlwind" is a great favoriti with the thousands that hav-> seen him and will he one of tho drawing cards at the Dayton fair ' Houston. Will - ' Is Contested SCHOOL DAYS The Yoiee of the school bell will soon be heard and the children will need new wearing apparrei W e are offering our new Fall line of B o y 9© AM -W oo l S to I s for less money than you can buy them in the larger towns. Come: in and and,, see us before, you buy, Memi9© .amd! B a y 9© Clothing HatSp C ap sp'F am ish in g . . G©od© a n d S h o e s 0 ■ ■ ISA MILLION1 0 0 MUCH? Last month Htiman Life suggest­ ed a 1 simple yet practical plan by which the threatened monopoly in the air, or a t least a monopoly in the craft of tho oir might be pre­ vented. In the. .September issue Hiram Moe Greene throws more light on this vitally important stib- an article entitled “Is a Mil­ lion too Much ?” Mr. Oroeno's plan is unique.. orig­ inal aud entirely without precedent and has already aroused widespread interest among a very wide circle of readers, Of this plan the writer says: “ Itwould create the widest competition, Tho growth would, he ns if by 'magic, America would lead the world in aviation. The possibilities of aviation are beyond the wildest fancies of the greatest dreamer. One aeroplane can ruin ten battleships; it 1 ms been proven. , ‘fin their turn?, what future was (hero believed to be for the steam engine tho telegraph, telephon**, electrical power, gasoline engines? Their development, has exceeded the imaginations of men of their time, and their film* still goes on. “Human Life as a magazine be­ lieves in privleges for the many rather Mian favor for the few. Its at Undo on public affairs is not that of tin* dictator who commands, bill ratio r as an assistant, a helper, n friend, glad for tho opportunity to lend a hand in the furtherance of those things, which seem oi most advantage to Use greatest number of our people oconoiineally as well as politically” Human Life Publishing Co. Boston. GLENTANGY PARK. Olentangy Park, the capital city’s magnificent anmaOmont resort is open every day and evening and its one hundred acres of attractions afford entertainment for the isamls of visitors dally. In the beautiful thf-afro the Gtuhbs-Wilsoit Players are presenting high grade dramatic productions and there is music, dancing ami more than one hundred other forma of amusement, includ­ ing numerous free attractions.' During State Fair Week a number of special fcaturon will be presented and none should fail to visit tins, mammoth pleasure ground, which has gained the reputation of the “Coney Island of the W est", The great variety oi amusements appeal to all ages and all classes and all visitors find entertainment suitable to their particular fancy. Olentangy offers the maximum'amount of en­ joyment at a purely nominal east, and i : tin' Javorile outing place for central Ohio Ptnple, WAN T ill) : -Homo one to act its operator. Applicants should cail at tho Exchange. (Jodarvlilo Telephone Company. Springfield—A big will contest fer the estate of the late L. II. Houston, rich resident of South Charleston, who died about a year ago is forecasted in a suit which has been filed tue Common Pleas GourL here. Two nephews and a noire are f seeking to have the . ill sel aside j m the ground ho had long been ill proceeding his death and that he was of unsound mind at the jime of his .death, l.ic th r e i plaintiffs are C. O. Houston, tills county, Maurice .Houston, OI iahoma City and Stella Houston M< Carter whoso home is in England. The defendants are Foster Houston, the last survivor of three rich brothers, -Howard Yeazell, Flissa Houston of Pbila dolphiaand Florence Loveless, this county. ■ • Tile two uepnews received but ,'1000 each under thd terms oi the will and though the sister received S3000, she Is not satisfied, and all feel that they should have been giv­ en a ■ larger share of the estate, which la valued at close to a million dollars. v The, petition was filed by L . C. Houston and was drawn by T. E . Powell, a lawyer of Columbus. Since the death if Mr. Houston tho heirs to the hulk of the estate have formed the Houston Laud Company and have bought thous­ ands of acres of the finest, farming land in Clark, Madison and Fayette counties making the greatest land­ ed estate in this section of Ohio. I . . Mr. O. IV. CrOusc iias closed his meet store next to tho opera house and discontinued the business. He is assisting jiis son, C, H. Crouse in the same cuslness. PEACHES! I have contracted for jlOO bushels of Alberta peaches to bo delivered in about 30 days., ? away down. Get your order in a t once as bur allots ment is about sold out. W f l . MARSHALL. T R Y OUR JOB PRINTING M en ’s , Y o u n g M en ’s B o y ’s and C h ild ren ’s Su its R e d u c e d in p r ic e f o r qu ick C le a r a n c e of odds and end s of our C lean Sw eep S a le , S a tu rd a y . ___ Everything Radically Reduced i for Clean Sweep. Boy’s j Suits afc 1-4 off - r Regular Prices, r’s suits ! 2000 pairs boys ! $1,25, One lot straight pants boys’ straight '4-8, % 10, 11, pants $ 3 % $3.50 25,' 16 and i7 values ' clean ' year ages 7 SC 5 u s ' o o . suits straig suits » pairs boys’ pant to if. sweep $2,25. price *$2 values only j year sizes $6 29c a ,values only $ 1 9 8 The Surprise Store 28 * 3 © E. Third St. f Dayton, 0.