The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
n ■j—i.*** in^awwa Straw Hats J ' A Mi &n«Jsc::ij?!cto Urn r*fStacvi n«i?l Milano m or display* Also Panamas in all tlio latest ohapcs. XAi^es on Straw*, 25e to $3,50 Panama?, $2.00 to $12.00 Sullivan, The Hatter, 21 S. Limestone St., Springfield, 0. News About The Courts. MA h H. N. G A G E X , I ■ ’ ■' . Bee Supplies Seeds, DAYTON ’ Implements = Hardware 212 East Th ird Street, ■. •« *, ■.■». m “ ■'■'■■■■OHIO, C AR P E T S CURTAINS W A L L P A P E R In all the new Spring designs,, m any patterns con trolled b y us, SPECIAL OFFERING 100 9x12 Brussels Rugs §12 each, w o r t h . . .*?.. ,$16 .50 D rop patterns in bes t qua lity extra super A ll W o o l Tw o P ly Carpets , . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 a yard, w orth 75c. D ro p patterns in L IN O LEUM regular 50 and 60c g r a d e . ..................... ...................................... .... .37 l - 2 c yard . S T R A W M ATT ING S , one and tw o r o om lots, ha lf price THE P. M, HARMAN CO„ 30 8c 33 N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio. m T ru e P a in t E conom y Buy Good Paint It costs less for too labor of patting on good paint than cheap paint, because* it tabes fewer gallons of good paint to cover a given sur face, consequently it tab** lees time. Good mint will cover more surface,'because In good paint tho body is composed of elastic substances-—Pure White Lead, Pure Zinc—which, when properly mixed with pure Linseed Oil, Cows out well under the brash. Is. cheap paint th* body is composed .of brittle Sub- sinnecs—whiting, etc.—thinned oat with benzoin nnd like materials, consequently it dries as scon as it touches tho surface. The real economy of Gccd Paint is, that it wears for years, is always bright and glossy, while cheap paint wilt check and peel oTl in a few months. H I G H G R A D S PAINT ■'jMh ^ m , n •SSS&J 'lOffID * p a M t—~is Is the most eecnomieal paint you. can bay, because, being made of the purest materials '-—in the most scieutiilc man- tier. It costs less to put it om It takes less ptilom. It, wears longer and gives absolute satisfaction. We guarantee it to do so. MANUFACTURE!) mr TheDean&BarryCo LOLTAIBrM, o. Ask oar Agent for a D, th B, color card and booklet. lh & B. IIigh4l-rai!o Liquid Paint told by C. M. CROUSE. yw w m - — m - w m i w - A . I f I Tho B-Cito «»f hp Jco’d) 15. Uarbino, an a iaapay* v of Draw r* , creek tnvaibhip, banfibUcult agaS» :nt' . tho Board o f Conime.ioaerB of ■ . Orc'tio Cootity the Board of Trut> ; teas, of Bctivom’coh townnhtp, and r ; tlio bounty Surveyor to enfem thorn f \from entering into a contract for f ■V repairing * portion of the Alpha s I and Bolilmmk road, at tho joint cx-j' ] pease of Beavercreek townchip and ; \ Uraeno county, FtoinUE aaya that; |June II tho Board of Commissioners {■ j and tho Trustees catered into a eon -; [ tract for certain road improvements : i on tho specified road, one-half of tho 1 expenditure) to be paid by the county f and tho other half by the township ] ’ the e diwate coat to bo $100. They; have aitvertiiied that they will sell f die contract to llm lowest bidder, j Juno 27, anil will curry out same, if j not restrained. Plaintiff says that j the contract is null and void, and was entered into without any au thority of law, and despite the fact that no petition of IUt>or more names of tax paywo of Beavercreek town ship has been presented to the town ship., Marcus Shoup and 'William S, Howard secured a temporary in junction Monday preventing Ed ward Bogwell from maintaining a right of way over a .portion o f their farm in Spring Valley tQT nship, L’lie petition avers that Fogwell is going through a corn field to a tract of land he owns much to their detri ment.. John A. Luce has been granted a divorce from Mary I). Luce on the ground of willful absence for tlio last eight years. - Laura B«Woodard has been grant ed a divorce from George Woodard on the ground of extreme cruelty,, She was given the custody of the six children tanging in age front, one to nineteen years. The Supreme Court has just decid ed a case in the matter of J . P. Ken- digagainst tlio County Commission ers for gravel taken by a road supervisor for road improvement. A test was made as to whether the trustees or commissioners must pay for the gravel, The court held that fhe township shouldpay such claims SUMMER AGAIN. We grumbled a lot At the rain and tho cold, But now it is hot And tho roses unfold, And the fweet summer breeze- Carries perfume wit Vit; “And we loll at opr ease, And we don’ t care a bit For the gray of tlio skies , And the chill of tho rain 1 That we used to despise, For ’ tis summer again, We grumbled and growled When the weather was bad, We frowned and wo scowled . And wo made ourselves sad, But.tho skies nowaro blue And the sun shines above; The doves sweetly coo Their professions of love; The trees nod and sway In their garments of green, And we’ ve all put away Any thought that was mean. For it’ s summer again And the rosea unfold Tho hooks tell to me Tho sweet story o f old ; Tho hollyhocks bloom By tho gate as of yore; And gone is tho gloom And tiso chill that it bore; O, we don’ t care a bit For grim yesterday’ s woes, Today brings witSi it Tho sunbeam and tlio rose. This is ever tho way, W e are Mournful and cad Fora week and a day, In tho end to be glad; And never a sigh But it tamo to a smile, And tho tear m tho cyo Disappears in a while, For yc&tf relay’s woes, CHAUTAUQUA NOTES. Season tickets for the Jamestown Chautauqua have boon placed on calc and the beginning of tho rale f bids fair fora most successful Chau tauqua. Tho adult siason ticket is $1.50 and tho children’ s season ticket Wc. j Tiiefto rates will hold good until * July 15th when they will bo raised to $2 and $1 respectively. Tho pn gram io inado up of tlio very best class of Chautauqua talent in fcho country and thin community ia certainly to be congratulated that a ebautauqua of this high clans is to be held boro. Twenty entertainment:;, for $1.50 or tk'C for an entertainment ia cer tainly within tho reach of every mm3 and a great effort should bo p a t: forth by everybody to make it a Our Mid-Summer Clearance Sale Dry floods, Notions, Men's andWomen’s Furnishings The Biggest Event of the Kind in Dayton, Begins TUESDAY, JULY 5th. Hunter 6 Hardie, 14, 16 and 18 E. Tfiird S tree t, - - - “ THE STORE THAT SELLS RELIABLE GOODS” Dayton, Ohio. . J l . m n tho Fair grounds from July 25 to August 71h. Floaty o f room and all accommo dations so that it will not be noces- sary to leave this grounds alter entering. Those who may want to tont, may do so by buying season tickets and paying $t for tmding privileges. Tho iiianngement this year will not furnish tents, but i t any one has a tent they ;may put' them on the grounds under tho above conditions. Tho Chautauqua program hooks | will be out fhe 1st of July sometime, j They are now in press, 1 We are certaiu that many from a j 9 distance will want to spo’ d -th'; j A ehautauqua time in Jamestown for;® no little city of its size surpasses it p m beauty and business. Let every ono toll and write their friends about It. Boost with tho vim that has. characterized the com munity in all its undertakings and, as hitherto, wo will haw a most suc cessful carnival of intellectual en tertainment and instruction. NEW ROAD LAW. Ohio’ s newroad law, in bri'Jf, says the State Journal, provides tisafc. Township Trustees can levy for road ptirpow* to four nulla. Tho Trustees shall hire a suitable person giving bond for fSQih Since 1907, the tax payer has had to pay his I'oad taxes in money to the county Treasurer. Now tho law lias boon changed ami provides that he can work it out at tho rate of $1.50 per day and at a reasonable allowance for team awl implements. It Uo prefers to pay his road tax to tho county m ,money that is his privilege I f he works it out, the Bond Super intendent will give him a certificate speaifyihg the amount of tax, &o worked out, ami the County Treas urer shall houol ill such cer’ Tieatos as money, in tho discharge oi tlm road tax. Tim law further provides that the tax must be worked out by September 1st, Not* for th* Girl*. ' Statlrtios show that baldness and higher education *o together. In oth er words, the woman with a haystack of hair on*her head doesn’t know as much as th* woman with a coiffure of doorknob fix*.-Atchison Globe. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS We Have for Sale CHEAP the Following EXCELLENT CARS Locomobile touring ear fully equipped and overhauled by factory ezpertand repainted. Stoddard-Dayton model,A touring car, 1909, fully equipped with top, wind shield, speedometer, new tires, everything as good asnew. * Htoddard-Dayton model D touring car, top, wind shield, good tires, overhauledanrt repainted. Stodclard-Day ton model K roadster with extra baby tonneau body; Rutenbor motor, 40, H, PM top, Wind shield, good tires, overhauled and repainted. Speedwell touring car. 1909model, fully equipped with top, wind shield, speedometer, good-tires, overhauled and as good as new. Ford 8 cylinder roadster, top, now tires, overhauled and as good as new. Frayer-Millor touring car fully equipped with top, etc,.; as good as newi Cost $8000 (Special price of §HOO. ■' ■ "" ■ Buicic.model 10.T910 model. A Iso 1 model 10, 1909 model, fully equipped. Buiclc model F touring car fully equipped with top, etc., overhauled and In good order. Ford model 11 fully equipped with top, etc.’ Special price. * \ - - 2 Franklin touring cars fully equipped. Fbrand new Brush runabout 1910 model with rumble seat. Never been used. 5E-M‘ F touring cars 1909 and 1910 models, fully equipped with top, etc., Also a number of other good cars from $250 to $900. Full description and best prices will be made known upon application. SPECIAL OFFER: I f you will coino to Dayton immediately and take a demonstration in these cars we will pay your expenses on the trip in the event of a purchase. The People’s Motor Car Company, 19 West Second Street, * * . „ Dayton, O. - DISTRIBUTORS FOR THB— JC-It-l-T $800 v MARMON $2750 .EVERETT “ 80” $1850 LOCOMOBILE $3000 to $4600 DKTROIT-DEARROBN $1G50 THOMAS FLYER $3500 to $7000 tstsss '•crcai Bim&tyj* TM liclil mi C A S T O R I A 3?of Infants and (SWldrtiiL lit KindYonHanAlwajsBwgfct T R Y OU R JOB PRINTING ‘ o i y o ‘ u o i & v q ‘ id B J ip t t m w y p w s ' £ 5 “oo # J D p m f f V V Q voanpojr w no b-'jMto i« ) ’Humoiourr s 8 n y •aomd tflV IB tfKO *« f'-'toltmu twaj * bu g :* wdz*,i wj,nm-l«r ouij s 8 V ] } } T ) •soofjd AM)f JtJuisjbtniy *« u rn iftuoq sod *«dtt«AV J” Jf.M.isHojujuat-MoiU, j d d v a m m ’ soatid OlfiHtl&nl! i.t ** .Hutunujt ■won -aodoid oint oj zomo nV 001........ *..... if)f aiiuiMkJoioqd: 093 arg’*'” ’ ......... atAJUAPiiiomfidf °09 tin * •* -• .t«* ^ M!»b<i,r no "K'lH’ bfJI JuJlP-i 'nu OAV. SdJTlfO ld MAJ w p l n g WflSfl ssajfiojj u| m i s aps ln0 '8ulsoD I'.n it • I'11—■» AUTO TIRES REPAIRED Retreading a Specialty i f Send Us you r tires and tubes. W ill advise cos t o f repair b y return mail, a tire is n o t w orth repairing w e tell y o u so. W e have in charge o f ou r R epa ir department, Mr. L . M. B orer whose eight years experience in the largest repair shop o f C leveland, makes him an excellent workman. Orders p rom p tly filed. 37 West Main Street, E,. H. HUNT, X«n!&, Ohio* To Core aCold inOneDay At H hn I mi f l w f a h n i OPIG mm PPW w M imww oPRRBiV *|Q[i^!i|.uinii>ini
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