The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
TOE V E l f ,LATTEST $mum omdioiAsssa M O l,AKUFc5T GTtJQIi llQU if In the City A t Ir fn v fb t 1 I 'r i e e s . MEREDITH’S, 3 3 W . 3d Q4«, Dayton , O BQ|b|Pl» 0 jaoQ. © f A l c o h o l \V 1 iPt fc a " t o n i c ” ? A m ed icin e t h a t in c re a s e s th e s tr e n g th t o r t m o o f t h e w ho le sy s tem . W h a t Is a n “ a lte r a tiv e ” ? I \ i r o S i d e e th a t a lte r s o r ch a n g e s u nh ea lth y a c tio n t o K*ir'.:hv a c tio n . N am e t h e b e s t " t o n i c an d a lte r a tiv e ” ? A c e r ’s S a rsap a rilla , t h e on ly S a r sa p a r illa en tire ly f r e e from I a lc oh o l. A sk y ou r own d o c to r a ll a b o u t if. N ev e r t a k e a | m ed ic in e d o c to rs c a n n o t end o rse , f . C .AyerCo., Lq«?e?/,M<mJ Do Your Glasses^ _ Suit You? Oi.cio I ’e r Y e a r . KARL.H BULL Editor , F1UDAY, SEPTEMBER . 3, 1910 1 W-ork is ■•Not-. Excelled ■-. By Anyone1 C h a r le s J S ^ F a y , SM’f’gjlOptiolan.g SSJi B . Main S tM .Springfield, *Q„ J* 2 T* PIMPLES ”2 triednil klnda of blood remedies vrhtohfailed todomoanygoodbut 1 havefound, thoright tbfug at Innt*. Mytaco%vas fnU of pimploo ana block* boadR. Aftor talcingCaacarota they all loft. I am continuing tho use of thorn and rocommonding thorntoinyfrla&dtu 1fool flnowhenI rlno in the morning. Hopoto have a chanco to rocommona Cascaroco.1' Prod 0 . Witten, 10 Elm St., Newark, N. J , Beat For F ^SB^ r ^h®Bowels ^ a \ d a m CANDYCATHARTIC ^FJonoant*Palnfcablo,-Potent,ITnntoGood.DoGood,’ ftovorSlokon, weakenorGripe, 10c, £5c,£Gc.-Never ■oldin balk. Tho genuine tablOfrstamped OOO, Guaranteedtoeurooryourmoneybock,. SterlingRemcdyCoMChicagoorN.V, 595 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES WANTED! ’ ( 10,000 POUNDS r _ of —2 a WOOL WILL PAY THE HIGH EST PRICES. Phone or write the DeWine-Belden Co. YeltowlSpririgs/' Ohio§ |Both|Phones.] |‘ -FIGHTiFOR SENATOR. Now that Hurry Daugherty lias .'announced himself as a candidate ; for t-uitod States Senator 10 suc- j ceeil Charles Dick, a new breach is j opened In Republican ranks in this : state. While Dick was •the only I candidate before the primary for an |endorsement it lias been held by j leading Republicans that there j being no contest and the primary |not being binding other candidates j would enter before the ^legislature this winter. It. was generally concooded a t the late Republican state convention that former governor M. T. Herrick would lie a candidate) for Dick’s toga at the proper time. To this i end tho convention refused to en- j dorse the action of the primary and ■thore oan be nothing binding on the j legislature should it be Republican, i to return p ick , from the fact there ! lias been no party instruction. ! There is honest behalf among the ! politicians of both, parties that the 1Democrats would have carried the legislature two years ago along with |Governor ITannon liad not that j party-endorsed Hon. J . E . Campbell for Senator. . With such a view as this the Re publicans will not be bound by the primary and will settle -, the Senator ship caucus before the legislature and not take such chances as their Democatie brethern did two years ago. The Democrats t h i s . year made no endorsement and tor the Republicans to be tied with such an endorsement would bo‘hut a milt stono and allow the opposition party to walk oil with the legislature. There j s . more at stake in the Republicans winning legislature first and then sottling tho senator- ship fight last. Senator Dick is of to small importance to be regarded as the issue when party success is at stake. If the Senator’s stand on legislation beneficial to the people had been what it should he, there would be no question but that his party would recognize his claims. t ' NoPotato Bags will annoy you or cut down your potato yield if you use this powerful k Noil-poisonous Powder— i Withoutdeityactionot fiscbowelspoisonousproductsmustbeabsorbed. Thenyouhave jmmirel-loo-l.l.'.ilnusneFS,headache. Askyourdoctorabout Ayer’s Pills for constipation. S A OF PLEDGES KEPT WorkofCongressReviewed ClioiriMEllis. MSMORETHUSMADE0000 Additional Locals. A EndsPotato Bug Nuisance A'Or.a or two oiftingn a Deacon oufiTcicnt. /Bettor, cafor andxnoroeconomical than Patio ‘Breen. Savoatiroo,laborandexpenno. Insures Krcatcfltpoaciblayield. Dotr.n’6burn foliafio. ,Aplanttonicaawellnabugdestroyer. Finefor oebjego plants, tomato vincaandxoaobaohoa. ‘Will not poison humabo, fowls or plants, batiofactioa guaranteed ormoneyback. jte • f, Write Sot FREEBooklet C h iTite Antipest & Fertilizer Co# . 3 5 1?» SMnl St* Cincinnati p r FOHrJALB BY KeFF & Hastings Bros. GO VEAEJO 9 EXPERIENCE P atents THAOE IVJAHKB DE3IQW0 _ COPYRIGHTS &C. AnyiSfa a etirleb and itcAerlr.ilonmo? DoicSIf asea?tcln our oi.init.u freo whether aa invtr.iIon isbrotjabi?pnicnts»»!>,,Commanien. £;r,;:sstrl«ll?cf.!iO,iotitwl. U0,!! on Catrats me Rv^tvv,WilllfJuOLililvf(C»lulnO Stitniific Jlmciieafi. a ts**j(!»Et<sJvJltesiteteawesMa f.arccot tit- eaicticuof on?nclo'.ttflotaurnal. ?:>o ?rs?s four rnsntus, 01 , Uotattfall nowntiealarn, .....IftBESllHiBt ■Tho Woman in the Moon, About nine doyo after tho new i mcos a pretty unmiotakably fomlnino . ifoca nppearo on tha wonUm half of ' thO' disk. Thlo lunar lady, who la i worth waff hlUR for, la furrar.d by fho ■Bicnataiao and' taWefaHdn oitihmcod ’i by tho Doaa of Tfanqullltyi Vapors • *aa floroolty, and lo hoot Eoen through #3 ordinary opera gicuio, I J ,Afr. and Mrs. J . C.’ rftor >mfc will | ; celebrate their fiftieth wedding an- - nivor.sarp next Monday. Miss Opal Fierce returned -home Wednesday after a four weeks v isit; i with h<»r undo, Mr, W. 3. Btowart* of Ortno, Wis. Tiie annual meeting of the Cedar- , ville Bible Bodety will be held in ! tiie 1’. F. diurdi, Sabbath evening, I Sej>t. il. liev Ross Hume of Clifton j will deliver tho sermon, { Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall ; had for their guests tho first of tho 5 i week W. Atchison and wife and |Mrs. Alex. Latham of Springfield, j Mrs. Fred Latham of Dayton is |their guest at the present time, i A statement given out by tho , management of the Jamestown ! Chautauqua shows that thw venture •this year was not a success linanci- ' ally- The "receipts were $1175, ■while the expenses wero $1098.75, j making a loss of $150. Jamestown ’ people will share tho loss with the •Columbus concern that was Inter- 1rated in the venture. • Mr. J . W. Tarhox and wife, Mr. ! G* K . Williamoon ami wife, Mrs. 1 K. F. Kerr and Mr. W II. Barber left Wednesday for St. Clainu illle where they will attend the Nichols , reunion. This family gathers every] years and meets on the Belmont comity fair grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waddle of Xenia wero also in nflendahee at fho reunion and wont on f o i ’ittshurg and Washing ton, Pa, whore they are spending a ! few days. ( Man Who Drafted Republican Na» tlonal Platform Points to Rede’mp- tlon of Every Promise Made—Econ omy Shown by Reduced Total Ap propriations—Not a “Billion Dollar •Congress,” How closely the congress, in Its re cent session, has followed, tho pledges made in the platform upon which the majority of that body was oh cted, with President Taft, in 1908, is called, to public attonion by Wade II. Bills, chairman of the Republican executive committee in the presi dents home state. Mr. IOllis was the man selected -by Former President Roosevelt and Mr. Taft' to write the national platform, and he is, therefore,-in a position to spoalc with authority on the subject, and his account of the redemption of promises made by the Republicans In the last campaign comes naturally and very appropriately. The statement of Mr. Ellis, which follows, was given, out in Washington following the adjournment o?. con gress: Statement of Ellis. ■ “With the adjournment of con gress the state and congressional campaigns are now begun, and the one great advantage which the Re publican party has possessed ever since it was organized- .will be car ried into' the approaching contest with gre-*er .assurance and justifica tion , than ever before- iii its history. That advantage is , the record of pledges kept and things done. “Jn the Republican national plat form upon which President Taft and the Sixty-first congress were elected there were certain definite promises made, to the people. We need no other slogan. In tho campaign this year than to call the roll of these promises one. by one and point to their significance. The Roll Cali. ■ First. The Republican party prom ised a revision of the tariff, adopting the principle of maximum and mini mum rates, and providing, for such an adjuslcnt 'of schedules as would' fairly represent the difference bel tween the cost of production nt home and abroad together with a reason able profit to American industries. The extraordinary session which Set on March 15, 1909, passed the tariff bill designed to. accomplish these ends and established a customs court to enforce the law. The session which ' adjourned , yesterday made clear to the country the Republican purpose to-stand strictly by the Re publican platform by enlarging the powers of the tariff commission and appropriating $250,000 in order to se cure an expert and scientific investi gation of the practical workings of Tho Jamestown, fair will be held Sept. 21-23 and there will be racing each day, . , , , , j the new law and an ascertainment or LOST :—A cape for lady on O lif-jthe comparative cost of production in ! ton pike. Finder please, notify] this and other countries, so as ulti- I this cilice. , j mately to secure an exact, mathe matical performance of tills pledge. CA STO R IA 3?or Infaats and OMldf&a. . Youilavo Mmp liiiglS B uuhj th o jifjHatwo of V*. Second. The last Republican plat form promised the development of a permanent euriv.ney system, and a (ontinuance of the work of '.he na tional monetary commission. That work in going on and a report will be submittal to the next congiess. Third. We promised postal cav ings banks. The act providing for them was approved by the president June 25, 191b. Trusts and Monopolies. Fourth. Wc promised the further regulation of trusts and monopolies. That promise has been kept, first by the enactment' of the corporation tax law, and second, by the appropriation of the net-oseary funds to enable ihoj department of justice to continue tbo work of Investigation and prosecu tion now going on. Attorney General Wickersham in a fetter dated Muno 20, 1910, sftes that during the last year alone, 17 new canes under tho Slftirman law have been brought by tho government, ami 10 new eases for the enforcement of the, interstate commerce act. This Is 27 times as many prosecutions as wero made un der tho administration of Grover Cleveland, and it does not take. Into net punt the numerous investigations which have not yet reached tho stage Of public announcement. Fifth. 'We promised a more effec tive supervision of railroads. That promise has been kept by the act signed by the president on June 18, 1910, establishing a commerce, court for the expeditious tiial of cases un der the interstate commerce law, au thorizing the commission to malic In vestigations upon Us own Initiative ami to mtripcnd increased rates pend ing an investigation; extending tho provisions of tho taw to telegraph, telephone amt cable companies and' providing for a commission to ex amine the vvhole nubjett of the issu ance of {'.focus ami bonda by railroad companies. For Workinymon. Sixth. We proiiiistil fmt’ii-r legis lation re:.. mu ling tlie oafotv and <om- pejisaffoii of workingmen, and partic ularly of rallioad employes. On April RheamaWo Faina teksctS b? a** t*t F> tS'lh, tho president approved nit,act 'ntr>{-;ii’!ng the i rapin',ei'S* liability law cn ud to t xfend the- right of action to 1 ( rc-isial repr, a- motives or next of llii ami to broaden the jurisdiction rf-fcdt-ral court In ouch cases. -On 14. ISjit, S’o cpi roved an act e r-c :l':ra :r/ ; iLo c-sfety op; Hamo luv, Dr. May B, 1010 , he approved an art r, qnjr};Jn interstate carriers ] t»' n port nil ausiP-nts to the inter-1 Gate ronsijjcr'f1 eccKaSssifib and mi- thorkdng n rigid investigation of such ■ accidents; and there was also adopt ed at the recent cession of congress a resolution providing for o eommis- Fipn to investigate tho relation of employer;;’ liability to workmen’s', i ortipensation. Seventh, Wo promised to ■eslab- lish a Bureau of Mines and Mining, i The act for that purpose v,as ap proved May 16, 1910. Eighth. We promised statehood to New Mexico and Arizona. The act authorizing the admission of theses territories into tho I'nion was signed by President Taft on Juno 20, 1910. Ninth. Wo promised the further conservation of the natural resources of the country, During the session of congress Juat closed there were enacted laws legalizing the with drawal by the president of vast areas of the public domain, and authorizing him to continue such withdrawals in the future as ho may deem best; pro viding'’ for the building of dams for the protection of public streams un der the control of the government; preserving water, power sites; con serving coal lands and providing for the inspection of such lands in Alas ka .and elsewhere, as well as retain-' ing title to them in ‘ the govern ment; protecting national forests by permitting the states to select other lauds in lieu of those retained in'the forest 'reserves; establishing a new national park in Montana; enlarging the rights of bona fide homestead settlers, and finally appropriating $ 20 ^ 000,000 for the reclamation of arid lands in the west. „ Tenth. We promised a liberal ad ministration of the pension laws. The congress which has just adjourned passed 5G omnibus pension hills and appropriated- $150,000,000 for pen sions for the year 1911. “These 10 planks in the last Re publican platform constituted the chief promises upon which William II. Taft was elected. Every one of them has been kept. The only pledge which provoked any discussion, in .the kist campaign and which has not yet been written Into law Is the one con cerning the Issuance of injunctions jn the federal courts. The president stood squarely by his word to the people in this matter and urged con gress to pass a law regulating in junctions. The only reason it was not passed was that there wa 3 devel oped In the committees an irrecon cilable division as to the' terms of the measure. I have no doubt that at the next session of congress this- promise aiuo will be redeemed. Reduced Public.Expensaes, “.But the Republican party has done even more than it promised. It has prised a lay; for the publicity .of campaign contributions and expend itures, and It has reduced the appro priations for 1911 below those for 1910. The phrase “a billion dollar congress” van not now be. truthfully applied, for the appropriations which will require .actual drafts upon tho treasury are only a little over $900,- 000 , 000 . “Six weeks ago It seemed possible that the Democrats for the first time in their experience would he able to charge that the Republican party was not a party of performance. Now it looks as If We .-pe going to fight tho campaign on the old, familiar is sue: The Republicans standing for work and the Democrats standing for words, the Republicans making his tory and the Democrats malting faces. “WADE H. ELLIS." SMALL CHANGE Unhappy is the statesman who doesn’t, know the way to Sagamore Hill. Governor Harmon has gone to Charlevoix for his vacation. Now we understand about that early Michi gan endorsement. T. Il.’fi silence in causing quite as much uneasiness in some quarters as did the reverse among malefactors of great wealth in days gone by. Senator Culbertson of Texas was re-elected at the total cost of ? 2 t, This news Is going to be discourag ing to Ohio Democratic legislative candidates. “God willing," Mr, Gannon is quot ed ns saying, “I’ll be here next ses sion." Ago is cv* ently softening Uncle Jo t’s asperities, lie wasn’t so prayerful formerly. It was a pleasant surprise to ipany hio people to learn that Judge Dit- tey is “from Hillsboro.” Ought to go back to tho old town once in a while, Jedge; tho elms look mighty fins these days. LaFollctte hid his pompadour, but they spotted him, anyhow. Mr. Bal linger must havo disguised himself with smoked glasses and green whis kers. But maybo Mr. Ballinger hasn’t been there yet. Mr. David Gt ley Creanier is of tho opinion that there are many other things for Democratic orators to talk about this fall, besides “graft in tho rjtatq kouse." Ho doesn’t propose to mention it in his canvass. Warden Jones wants tho peniten tiary board to install a siren whistle, so an alarm may be sounded when ever a prisoner escapes. If they do, everybody in that part of Columbus will move. They want a little sleep once in a while. g g eiB r i 6 fc?BlftcQ ' .eattushicesccsSmtedfo? m oo k narc loss*. 'fimmemt •»«too*iva&,«,Wf*hvo 1 t 'vir.fl weran t , k c a tioethiuflsose , rtojftte . . . . ' Smdan&Jcl, draoKttT«ffOh 6 to- tvij.ii df.icnp-. Son. \V{; nOvso#, iE r.itrt'Cibie oi Utrt, itce ot Sifcss-gc. Outfeeafitdaatillp I » esimreu.. FAf.lfXtKV. "HowtoOJif.tit! Wifc,ti ’ {<or,t off taiKitinthoV-Cl,midforeigneonotriesg Rent free, AAJttea, - e»A.SNdw& 0 0 , I ort*, pAvejiVormes, tv«ontnavott, 85. 6 * .j- .. u < -rtWfvj i iftCBljE, trwer & I i s i ! “ T A K E TH IS C U P ’ .F . , i. V • ,-t, '"Vsst; , T * i t . til ' V* s; 2 ft CASTORld ALCOHOL 3 PEII CUNT. : A\^e(ali!ePjTprj^ion&rAs- TifigSite SwnMis criBmilsoi I nfants /C hildren ProroolesDigastionClKerful-l nessandResLConlajiisnellkrl Opiuiu.MorpMfl 2 norMiiifra!. N ot N arcotic , i ^ © g ln f a R tg a a i OM Id ren . The KindYouHave Always Bought B e a r s t h e S i g n a t u r e of jtefetfejd&wm ffltm .; ■ fkvpka Seed" jiliLSzaa+ jt&tSad* W S z& s*. UmvSetJ- poi&rf • V^s£gvat?7MK AperfectRemedyforOHisfip*- tlon*SourStoiradi,Diarrhoea Worms,Cornu1,sionsJeverish ness andLoss o r SLEEP, FacSimile Signature oF NEW YORK. A t 6 m on th s old D o s e s C ents Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years e m u THCCCRTAURCOMPANY#NCWYOFIKCfTY. ^NOCROPFAILtlffl w e s o l ic it y o u r WHENYOU' PLANTMONEY THEBANK SURE TO GROW PATRONAG E S afb D epo sit B oxes for R ent P aid C apital $80,900.00 INDIVIDNAL RESPOF.SIBILITY |THE EXCHANGE BANK, CKDARVILLE, OHIO. S. _W. S mith , President. G eo . W. B if b , lsi.Vtod Pres. O liver Q areough , Sd V. Pres. O. L . S mith , Gashlsr L- F . 'F indall , Assistant Cashier. H e r e T h e y A r e ! ! You have been Wondering what the styles would be this Fall New Fall Silks Just Received. Persian-Change able Silk Cash- e mere De Luxe. New Sk irts N e w W a i s t s , $ 011 !^% ^ - , We are sole Agents for the Celebrated MENTOR UNDERWEAR and this factory the best for price. Men’s, Ladie’s Children, 2 5 to 2 .50 . r HUTCHISON f t GIBNEY’S, OHIO DR, LEO ANDERSON, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. A Graduate of the Ohio State University. Oflice a t Waddle’a Livery Stable, Oedarville. CITIZENS 98, 83 oy 61 . Diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheap and Hog? MWo recommend It;' Uioro ion* nAy hotter.,, . In xnld-eummer you have to tm *t to a large dogroo to your butohor. Well Cared For Meats Ip hot woathor aro tlio only Mad to buy; wo havo proper appljnnees for kaoplng them right, and thqy’ro swe^fc and eafo when sold. Don’t most shopping when i t ’s hot, Huy of us and ho sure. C. H. CROUSE, GHDARVlM iE, O. OSS3BK9SES3 ‘EveryMonth’ writes Lola P. Roberts, of Vienna, Mo., "I used to be sick most of the. time, and sufferedwith backache and headache. MyMother,who had been greatlyhelped by the use of Cardui, got me two bottles, and I have been well ever since/' E49' Take CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Cardui is a gentle tonic for young and old women. It relieves and prevents pain. It builds strength. It feeds the nerves., It helps the whole system. Made from harmless roots and herbSi it has no bad after-effects, does not interfere with the use of any othermedicine and can do you nothingbut good. Try Cardui. It will help you. Your dealer sells it. M Th®Bookmaker i ...BestaaraBt... IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOit LADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S NOW « s CECNTS. Lunch Counter bn Main Floor Open Day and Night. The Best of Good Used iu th* Cul inary Department." J . H. McHILLAN. Funeral Director and Furniture Doalor. Manufacturer of Oemen-B Grave Vault 3 and Cement Building Blocks. Telephone 7, Oedarville, ;Ohio. g "1 m”M o g s : 5^1 HUNTING fishing ! . ^ - *&*$***AM1W IfftU tbe fun of country life .lt in thttti Bicjtoue 1 Catdooftpbrtt. to yotit tftmot frm iot bits* rant paetlnia in wooua ct 'bfjitcsxfi is yewtippy privilege. If yon**# tom ox thtst tbiniu yon will t^joytfco HAtiOHAL EFSBTSHAH ico tiagoa« *soa4b, law . yea* i Insttuotivo, Wit*- Citlnff, IhtlUlrg, tujea Wotle* On IioatlBO, fa'ain-, caioo!r.|-,tra25r-*5' Wineit:. Jieaa otc*.*yT::an and coy wliO-'lJyoa yrhsts olitfir* enJoyfiioaM ea, ot Mad, Blnffio eoj>ic>, I.^ i^ c « ly tub* srEsdi tx : u 6fM odtiaE^. * .fash and wo will eofid yc-a s oopy oi fca KA520HAI, iJfGnWMAK olsotno cJ 061 heavy hnrt:- Ishoa Oitaoia Ooidj. Watch Fob, -fVcMlat ttieo, Kfei,) at mown with too. est leather, .anil gsia-riatca hack 1 «. yOSs'btaJK^a? . ■You'r.a . .n:ndtoday. 65a ) VOR S l U l J a NATIOHAt SPOilTSHftN. tnr, R 00Fric»lSt.B ;»iin Opayeataaa *♦ , ISBEAUTY WORTHTOURWHILE2 ViolaCream positively orftdloato# ffeeidcn, tuolcs, black 11 coilo, enabtira and tan, f a a tj&rin g aiecaord, „ i limtchcft, rot!aa tmfl tiily isma m Uto ftesbao and ilaHoivvofvo l iwta In«ioBubaht-.ite (hr tblonsn " ' ' fflifetet, qgoted«furt.»rt. nl - ' *Tis??t r ' e t ’ivi and dhQM*s’ I toro wp ! hav I W e have ^ I v/hole fan j ofcyloa a n d Our new fa Remember SI.50 and town. W eb in Caps and Fo r your w! large part o ter stock is more comm find this tl STORE in Pens, Pen Slates, Lunch Box Tablets, e it pays to t l LOCAL —-ShirtB, ovc and etc, Itov. W. C, Vania will pr< United Presby Mr. David position as firm in Dayto t Miss Rosa home after relatives iu Ii a Mr. David Sabbath witi 3i. G. Lowry FOH SA I.l heating stove, a t this office Mr. N. I*, are, attendinf position in C Eev . W. 1 Yellow Sbr the week wi it Tiie Ilowa neighborlioo Wednesday Jam es Hliab Mr. At bei Oxford liavf days witli breath, Messrs Sariow an- hers of Co. company in Hattison m Mies Cl tlie guest JtimoMln'tt n honor at a well known Miss Edit sou Uibl-'j < upemllnit gmndpaie! $) Ofiii. 6
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