The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

For Fxeelleiisfo On* Job Worktall compare with fbatof any other firm,.... She Steroid. | aislfl IscKj w I imi unasked w!tb ,m ki» 5 i dea, denotes that 4 year a e'3bcr!rij> i turn is past due and a prompt cot- | llpjuctit is caiarotiy desired. . i- fH I R fT ^ I I I E D YEAB HO. 37. COUNCIL TRANSACTS Is yours a waiting game, or do you head the line? Do you want to lead off and get the pick? Now, today, everything new for Fall is hero for man and boy, For young men we have made special efforts this season and the results will interest every man who is, looks, or wants to feel young. Special suits in special patterns cut on special styles made from special fabrics. 1TO3 WHEN, Outfitter to Men Wild Know, Council mot in regular ecssoin Monday evening all membero being present except Orr. Considerable now business was taken up much of which was street improvement. The residents on South Main street, E a s t side will be ■ granted a'grade for cement gutters. The grade will bo as near on the old line na possible as tho property owners do no t desire to annex any more of the street. A grade for gu tters was also ordered on Miller stree t, • ' I t was decided to straighten out . the West end of Chillicothe street To do this the corporation will have to purchase about ilfteen feet' of . the Smith, McMillan aud Dean properties. The owners have sign!- . fled their willingness to transfer the property if tho council would pu t down the walk. The stree t is also to be resurfaced, To correct an error in putting d ow n , the Shroades side-walli council has agreed to pay for half of the costof raising Mr. W. P. Anderson’s walk so th a t a crossing can bo pu t in, The street committee was also ordered to get crossing brick for a crossing a t the Wilmington road a n d one across Mam street a t Elm. The reports of the different com­ m ittees were read. The Mayor’s report showed th a t fines and license^ bad been collected to the amount of $11,- fill we was only one line assessed during the month. The light committee reported outage for four lights one night. Mayor Andrew complained th a t the company was not giving the proper voltage and suggested th a t it m ight bd well for the corporation to spend a little money and purchase a .test er to be placed in the mayor’s office The mayor claimed the service was very poor. ..--Dr. J , O. S tew art reported th a t he secured a two year con tract with Mr. D. S. E rv in for a free damp beginning last January , Bills to th* amount ot $458.57 wore ordered paid. The finances were reported a s follows:, General fund $1875.49; Safety, .‘-e ■«;v Service, 939,17; H ea lth , , $100 Reward* $100. - The readers of thk paper (rill be please* to learn that there U at leaat. one dreedtoi dteeata that science has been able to attrote all ita ategee and that la Catarrh. HaUV Qaterrh Cure is tho only poeitivo eturenow .known to the medical fraternity, Oataati beiryi a constitutional disease, require* a constitutional treatment. Hall’* Catarth Cure ia taken internally, acting directly Up on the blood and mucouseumcee of syitant thereby destroying the foundation of <*• disease, and giring the patient strength bp building up the constitution and msiattqg nature in doing its work, The’proprietcm bare so much faith in its curative penrarsv . hat they offer one Hundred Dollara for any erne that it tails to cure. - Send for list o testimonials. Address. F. J, CIlfr'NSY AOct, Toledo 0. Bold by Druggist,'7«D* all’s Family Fllle arc the best. f>r. Miles' Antl-Paln Fills relieve paBb GBDAR¥Iiaa^ € 031 ), fKIDAY, 8 EPETMBER 9,1910 FRIGS $ 1.00 A XKA 3 L Great Experience For Hopping. pp“ May Organize |M. E. Conference Tile Company. I Appointments. Wo ’a ro 'ih receipt of a clipp ing ;■ from tho Oregonian published" a t i Portland, Oregan, where Mr. — ■ j There is a movement on foot od" a t : Tho article in our last issue ro la t- . among a nianbor of local capitalists G ha r-;iDg tho raid on a corn hold on Batur- jto organize a cement; tile company lea Hopping is now located which , day night a week ago whoa ’'B ill" gives a descriptive account of bis Thompson lost four dozen bottles thrillihg trip up tho mountains to 0f beer was a trifle more than Mar- Grater Bake National Park , accom- Bhal McLean could stand. paniod by Richard A. Ballinger, Secretary of tho Interior, and sev­ eral other men of prominence. The trip consisted of about 1000 miles and required 10 days to make it during which time they enter- countered forest ilres and were hem­ med m a t one point for three days. Bridges had been burned along with thousands of acres of fine . timber and is was necessary to ford streams, making a trip' of unusual experience, . . THE JAMESTOWN FAIR. Week after next, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday , Sept. 21-22-28 will occur the nex t big event in this p a rt of the state, the Jamestown Fair. After sixteen years interval the fair was resumed a t Jamestown last year and scored a tremendous success, no t a person attending going away disappointed.' This year the program- lias been improved and there will be something doing each day and th a t will please the big crowds tha t are sure to a ttend the fair. The Jamestown Fa ir is one of the old-fashioned fairs where everyone has a good time and this year will be no exception. The A rt H a ll will be a beautiful place this year, being enlarged to 80x115 feet. The poultry Department has increased to cash premiums. Each day there will be spectaular baloon ascensions, one two and three parachutes and a torpedo exploding in mid a i r ' being used by daring Aeronaut Raub. Then the races will demand the usual attention. This year the purses have been increased and one stake race added which will bring together the half- mile track three-year-old -pacers of tho year for a $300 stake. The track has been widened and improv­ ed un til it is fa st and there is Bure ti«> he mm * * n f ''n‘.T:tfT,Tn;iift1T|T^ day as there will be strings of horses in attendance, Tho Midway will be there of* course, with its clean amusements lo r young and old and in additions merchants of Jamestown and surrounding townB will make extensive .exhibits. Make up your mind to attend every clay if possible; if not, one day nt least. We know of no precedent a t tins time where Implicated parties ever rushed Into a newspajier office,to confirm such a story a fte r it has been given tho public. Neverthe­ less the officer who wears the Ridg- way badge, “ Chief of Police’’, pro­ tests against the use of his name in connection w ith the raid. AsThere is always two sides to every question it Is nothing more than proper for ns to state th a t Marshal McLean denies the whole affair so far as he was concerned. Having given him credit fpr th a t we must also give Ills answers to a few c, stions pu t to him. F i r s t , he adm itted of his own accord th a t ho saw Thompson taking ice to pack about the beer. When asked if he had made any; investigation he stated th a t he had not and did not intend to. When asked if he knew the beer had been brought to town he admitted th a t it xhad.bnen stored near the ra ilro a d .. Having such knowledge, lie was asked why lie did not take official action and the reply was , th a t Thompson was out of the corpora­ tion. • The above is but a sample to the attitude of the present officials and shows th a t both the mayor and the marshall daily wink av viola­ tions of the liquor laws. To make a long story short wo have hu t one more question to ask Marshal McLean, which indirectly X>roves his inclination as told of m the former article. Are you. not a t the present time indebted to the Golden Gate Company, distillers, Baltimore, Md., for liquor purchas­ ed of th is firm, said claim being im the hands of a collector? Your answer is requested. Officers Land UnjeDrunk School Opens On Sept. 12. The Cedarville Schools will open Monday, September 12, a t 8:30 a. m. Arrangements are made to have the ministers of the village and the Board of Education present a t tho opening, Tills insures us appropri­ ate talks and encouragement. We would like for all pupils who intend to bo in school this year, to be present a t the opening. Also ns many parents and patrons as pos­ sible. Come out and show your interest in our Village School. Help malm aud maintain it w ha t it ought to hi and you will thus be helping us got your children Interested. Very respectfully, F. M. Reynolds, Sup 't. spec I p I c b W ith probably twenty-five intox­ icated men on tho streots lost Sat­ urday night and a disturbance kep t Up until after one o’clock Sabbath mormng on South Main street, only one drunk was taken in. W alter Nooks, cole red was landed in Jail and on Monday was taxed $10.10 for his fun. Nooks is nob a voter in the corporation, being a residont of Xenia township, which explains why .he was singled out. I t was exactly . 10:30 Saturday night when Mayor Andrew emerged from Ridgway’s. On his way home lie passed seven Intoxicated men on Main street within tho space of a square. Tho mayor's eyesight seems to bo wonderfully defec­ tive. There’s a reason. FARM FOR SALE. E For a short time I will make re­ markably low priced on wire fence. This fence la not an all steel wire bu t an iron wire which tho govern­ ment chemists claims to be the near­ est to pure Iron as there is on tho m arket. One lot 47 Inches high a ll number nine Wire a t 37 cents per rod or 80 cents per rod If cash wltffc the order. Poultry fence 63 inches high, 10 Wire, 6 stay tile best fence on tho m a rk e t for 46 cents per rod, or 45 cento, cash with the order. Those prices will move this fence with a rush and Intending buyers had. bettor get their order m w ith­ out delay. (tf) (5. M. Grouse. pENNSYUVAN'A COLUMBUS $1 ROUND T R I P SUNDAY Train leaves Cedatvillc at 0;16 A, M. Small farm of four acres, three miles from Oedarvlllo on Townuloy road, five room house, new barn, two wells, cistern, good cellar, two large chicken houses, good fences, terms rea: onab'e. (tf) F. P . McGarley. —lidgemont crackers also full lino of bulk and package. McFarland Bros. A Mosquito’s War Song. la not very pleasnt music to lie awake and listen to after retiring. You’ll go sleep quicker and rest bet­ ter iffyou use OURMOSQUITODOPE about the house during mosquito time. I t ’s harm­ less to humans but sure death to mosquitoes. I t will insure your com­ fort on the veranda. By its use you’ll escape pois­ onous mosquito stabs. Price 15 cents per 02 . Wisterman’s Pharmacy In fact the proposition is well under way and several well known citizens will probably go to Finlay next week to investigate tho p lan t owned by Tarbox & McCall, which is doing wonderful business. The cement business seems to be in its infancy for each year we hear of it being used tor some other purpose than a t present. For years it was used only for sidewalks and foundation work, how i t Is used In the construction o f most all tho high buildings.crock (1 In tho cities. We have cement block business houses and dwellings and cement posts and now cornea the cement tile, one of the most useful articles th a t can be marketed! Machinery Is being manufactured today tha t is said to ,tu rn out the finest kind of cement tile th a t will Jast a life time. The soft burnt clay tile is good for only a few years compared with the yement tile. I t will not freeze and will drain land much quicker because of its porous condition. Each joint is perfectly square and the sections are always stra igh t ami true in size. Gedarviile is well located for such a factory having an abundance of limestone and plenty of water with good railroad facilities. The best cement tile is made from the sand of crashed rock. Such a factory would* give em­ ployment the year around to a num­ ber of mori and also add one more factory to the village. Members of the Board of Trade ishonlcl give this, enterprize oiiconrageinont. j Tho following are tho appoint­ ments as given mit a t the M. E. :Conference which closed in Gincin- j n.ati this week: 1 Rev, J . A .E iory of Westwood be­ comes superintendent of the spring- field district succeeding. Rev. U. W. DuBois, who goes to Price Hill, Cincinnati. Bowersville—R. B. Coleman. Jamestown—O. M, Sellers. New Jasper—W. G. Ripley. Osborn—J , O. Eokle’s. South Charlestour-J, W. 0 ddis. ' Now Moorefield and. Tremout—A. Hamilton. Xenia, first church, W. O. Sulli­ van from Price Hill; Cincinnati; Trinity, O. P. Hoffman. • Yellow Springs—W. M. Patton. Gedarviile—W. E . Putt. H ighland—A, D. Maddox.” . ! State Prohibiton Next Year. Rev, J . B. Rutledge, of the S tate Anti-Saloon League, addressed the M. E ; Conference in Cincinnati Sabbath night and stated tha t the league is going to elect U b delegates to the constitutional convention without a doubt th a t will frame a constitution with a state wide Clause and then go into a statewide fight for ratification. . Sixty two counties are now dry and if the saloon men were given; all the votes over the state they claim the league would still have a majority of 20,00u. T he liquor people will try to get a model license like th a t in Penn­ sylvania, 0IGGESTWEEK THE HAWKINS ACT. Under Uie Hawkins Act passed by the la s t legislature aud signed by Gov, Harmon, graduates 6f normal schools and norrnai courses in col­ leges enjoy special nrivalogcs fn the obtaining of cerfi The new'law is a elevation of teach! n schools to the rank 4? If I t a im s to do this hsfciew ’SlanT'wdtli professionally Gratae teachers... ; ' - Graduates of a two-yeara coarse by passing an ordinary county ex­ amination will be granted a pro­ visional elementary certificate valid for four years all over the State. Graduates of a four yea r course up­ on passing such examinations, will be given a high school certificate good all over the State for the same length of time. A fter twenty-four months success- full teaching a life elementary cer­ tificate will ho given to tho holder of the four years elementary certificate upon the passing of an examination in theory and practice, and a life high school certificate to the holder of the four’s certificate upon the passing of an examination in Theory and Practice, Science of Education, and History of Education. The advantages of tho law to nor- m il-traiued teachers are evident. In order to secure these advantages, the candidate for certificate must take the required course in an In­ stitution approved, by tue state com­ missioner of common pcliools and tho course must also be approved by the commissioner and m ust Include actual teaching under supervision In a training school. Dayton, O,, (Special.) Dayton is already proponing for what is ex­ pected will be th e ’ biggest week In her history. Merchants are decor­ ating their stores for the event. Courts of honor are being erected. The g ian t Exposition Building is finished. The new stage in Memor­ ial Hall, is complete. The scores ol s t r et-show locations are laid out. Two hundred display booths have been assigned, T'be bigHippodrome show been engaged. Hundreds of auto owners asked for positions in the Floral Parade. As many .merchants alid manufacturers are preparing for tho Industrial Pagen- an t. Twenty bauds have entered the Tri-Srato Gontest. .Roosevelt and Taft and four governors are chining, as Well as the mayors of 60 Ohio and Mr. "W. L, Olemans returned homo last Friday from a trip to Canada, where he inspected some Manitoba land owned by Smith. & Olemans and Dr. Isaac Wisterman. Mr. Ole­ mans brought back samples ot alfal­ fa five foot high, little red clover, three feet, both spiring and winter wheat, potatoes, beets, onions, etc. The exhibit is interesting and shows what this new country is capable of producing. Bradfute & Son Own Champion. D. Bradfute & Son now own the champion Polled Angus bull of America since tho head of the Meadow Brook herd defeated the the Thomas Johnson bull m the show ring a t the Madison county fair Jast week. The animals were shown together in the grand cham ­ pion class. Johnson bull has for several years carried this title and last, fall won first place a t the In ternational Stock Bliowin Chicago. The honors now come to the Meadow brook yearling adding to the honors of.tho Gedarviile township as the home of the finest Angus cattle ■in this/ country, The Senior L. T. L , held a picnic a t the Oiifton cliffs la s t Friday. Tho attendance a t the State fa ir this year has been remarkablly light owing to the effect of the strike in Columbus. The sales of tickets from this place usually reach two two hundred or more for .Wednes­ day and Thursday each bu t this year the railroad took away less th an one hundred people. There were few women in the' crowd this year. The fear of danger has kep t thousands ot people a t home and the shortage the state board will reach several thousand dollars. For headache Dr. Miles’ Antt-Paln Pllli. Opening Thursday, Sept. 15, Friday, Sept. 16, Saturday, Sept, 17. include the new the Exposition budding. There will be a complete automobile show Herbert Kline will havo all ten of his famous entertainments and amuesmonts devices on the grounds, running day and night. Thoro will be free band and orebes' Ira concert* twice daily. The entire city to agog with excitement which will culminate with tho arrival of tho many thousands of visitors who arc expected to be here the week of Sept. 19. Tho village schools open Monday morning and everything has been placed In readiness by Jan ito r Ross The building has been given a thorough . cleaning, several of the rooms being redecorated. The Board of Education is preparing to repair tho furnace which is in a bad condition. Tins will be done latter. The Board has asked Miss Dora Siiigler to supply for M iss-Edna Townsloy in No. 3, who is recover­ ing an attack of fever. The small hat with high crown, the targe hat. with low crown, the Hindoo turbin and numer­ ous other styles in turbins are some of the new features of the season. You are most cordially invited to visit our exhibition of exclusive models of ^ HIGH CLASS MILLINERY. SINZ, STEEL BLDG. XENIA, 0- Funerai Witness Here Saturday. Marion F. Buffenbarger of Grape Grove,the man v/itno oed his own funeral services was in town la s t Saturday. I t wan only a few days previous th a t Buffenbarger, wild is an aged and eccentric char­ acter, had hts grave dug in the littlo cemetery a t Grape Grove, H is desire was to have tho services conducted in accordance with ids plans, and services wore held a t the Christian church where friends gat­ hered, Tho gravo had already heon dug, casket purchased as well as a monument. The man is regarded aa sound mentally bu t is known as one hav­ ing peculiar ideas about affairs o l , life and instead of being tho “ corpso” he wan tho “ chief mour­ ner” . Tins man is appoarantly lu good health and io good for several years. —NOTICE:—I am now connected by telephone through th e Gedarviile ' exchange and persons having h a y ! lor sale can call mo direct. I also \ have tho Bell and Home phono. Will Grant. •- WANTED;-Homo one to act as operator. Applicants should call a t, tho Exciiatigo. t Oedarvlllo Telephone Company.1 TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR The Books of The Gedarviile Oil and Gas Go. now open for Subscription. Shares $i0 each, Fully Paid and Non Assessable Th is Company has over iooo acres adjacent to the famous BR EM EN oil field where large flowing w e lls are producing and large dividends are paid. The officers of this Company are w e ll known business men, wh ich g ives assurance of the stability of the Company, the field superintend­ ent being a practical man of twenty-five years experience. OFFICERS; ROBERT BIRD, President. DR. J. 0. STEWART, V. Pres. R. F. KERR, See. and Treas, DIRECTORS: ROBERT BIRD R. F. KERR J. 0. STEWART T, i. FITCH W.J. TARBOX 1 W. W. AGNEW HUH