The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
IwKiOBj -JW'Ssr. ■^x , ^sawr DoYour SuitYou? Our Refraction Work Is Plat' Excelled By Anyone ■ ......... I - . . . Chari®® S^Fay* * SM T ffG O p tid a n . S 9 JS E . M a .in 'S te S p r in k le ].!,' (). t o p C^i :eiQTftmaQM£raS: 'J j- Jiiuliiiili'-— JJ jilewteiniL S.“p 4 m 1 ^fcawlaiit S teady progress ysyeroiiHi'c w ay b a d s befwyaas a t o w m\i flit? ue-it; tha t's ? ■Q It|.i 1 . a a hea lth ; to a f s , ~,f- . day by ifey toward partcct To Library. n <”• h W a I1^ vi «. *uv*a*0 k.3iVJwft&jrUi**■*.-■ fc:o '•ii:? ton ic . A ye r 's Sarsaparilla Is a ton ic , tonic. T h e on ly Sarsaparilla entirely free Tram ] U i i n o t stimulate unless you r doctor says so?j Aslv Slim. D o as he says. i-’c .T f g F faTf^diX s . in, feS. ii tii. : : . one great cause ci drit'bcadariw. faltoassea, Indinesikm 1 - 3 . Mas your .’o orevem-commenda! Ayer'sFtilslwyen? J t e Cedarville Herald.js^ | 7 >“^ “ h^ p^ will bo advanced soon, Got today, © en ’t dalay. $ t ,00 !Per T e a r . KARU4 BULL •Edifcot* FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1910 tmmw txs w m m ■"HyfeSheVliDiS'bcrinntmScTorfroci glolilioaflco'bo *ortl’ulasttwenty-avoyonroand,novor foundany *oli(){untilhobecuntimingyemfCMearcta, Glnco fcobaabOBuntnUloii OaScoyoto ho ha3never hod tho hcadocho. They havo entirely cured Mm. CnMarotadowliotyonrecommend themto do; X will civo ym tho privlleco of mins hlaaams." 2MU.iUotop,IlipilaohnorSiu,IV.lndlanqpoUo,led, / Beat For ;; r ,m1| The Bowels imomm CANDYCATHARTIC Pleasant,Palntohlo,Potent,TasteGood,Boflood, KovorSicken, Weakenorurlpo, lOo, ?5e,ol)e.Fever •oldInbuilt. Thoeennlno tablet etamped C U 0. Guaranteedtoeurooryourmoneybufh. ; SterlingRemedyCo., ChicagoorN..Y, gg3 ANNUAL SALE, T£N MILLIONBOXES 60 Y EA R S * E X P E R IE N C E -»uinvention Cionsstric T rademarks D esiqns C opyrights <&c.' "esendingnsketchanddescription:may asoortoin onr-opinion freewhetheran sentfree. cSdestaaeneyforsccm'ingpatents. Patents taken throueh Slunn&Co. receltv Iprcfnlnetlcs,vrltboutohargo,Intba ScientificAmericas, AhandsomelyIllustratedweekly. I,nr«est cir.. Chlatlonof anyscientlllaJournal. Terms,t3a year; fourmonths,fh Soldbyall newsdealers - Bri®6aOffice, 655 T 8L.Washington,D,0. Public Sale Tip- rxivnfivt- PKiimuth'p- of tho PiTijonal Liberty L<anio paost'd a r-solution at a mooting; in Oinctn- natl last week, which indicates that this organization ■will not take a limul in Uio goyornatoruil fight in a this ,stale H ub fall. Ty/o years ogo , tlio organization fought Gov, Harrifi ; for this honor and succeeded in <ie- j bating him. Roth the Anti-Saloon j Loague anti the Personal Liberty |League seem satisfied with the- ro- j Bjieetivo eandldates for governor ! this ■fall cm the Republican ti,nd , Democratic tickets and each will j devote lheir time towards getting control of tile legislature, Tim platforms of both parties are silent this year on the liquor issue, which means that the fight of two years ago will nol be renewed. , Aftor one o f ,the most spectacular campaigns in (he history of Ken* tucker politics, Caleb Powers . tho man who was convicted throe times of tho murder of Governor Gobel, and who laid in -jail nearly eight years although innocent of anypart whatever in Gobel’s assassination, hasdefeatoded hie opponent, for noin mation for Congress in tho eleventh district of Kentucky piling up a majority of- 7,000 votes. Powers is one of th'e most able men in Ken tucky today,' and tho prediction that lie will someday be governor of that state is hardily amiss, At the time of his arrest for .the murder of Gobel he v,ras secretary of statm Tho roan who killed Gobel was imprisoned many years ago, and the present vindication of Caleb Powers i& grat* ifying indeed. IS ’ Having decided to retire from active farming I will offer at public- sale on my farm located four miles south of Cedar* viije and four miles north of Jamestown and seven miles east of Xenia, on what is known as the Nixon Brown road on t WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 28 Commencing at 10 o'clock- a- m. the following property: , „ . „ „ l a ■ U m J rtf Urt**.rtc We are in receipt of a copy of the it. _ n e a a OI n o r oC S i t j jjrookllno, Mass., Press, as sent by Consisting of 3 draft mares, 1 draft, Kev< W. W. which is well il- colt 2 years old; 1 draft suckling colt; Uistrated with views about tilts hls- ti mules 0 years' old; 2 general pur- iorie city. It is nearly surrounded pose mares and 1 gelding; 1 fancy driv* gy tlio city of Boston and a detcr- ing marc, Lizzie B; 2:10 1*4, nine years mined'fight is hoing waged by tho- old and a good brood mare; one 2 year jjdh City to force tills municipality old gelding, sired by Moko.ver, dam by {0 become a part of a greater Boston Lizzie B; ,, Bvooliline lms a po]>ulation of 25,000 ; 25 H ea d of C a t t l e 2 5 Iand lias tho old form of- village gov- Consisting of seven head of Polled ! urnmont as used 200 yoats ago. It Angus, milch cows recorded; |i Angus js regarded as tho wealthiest town bulf calf 8months old eligible' .t<i regis* in the world, ter; 5 Angus heifers and 12 Angus ^ 'o f ufllcers are the five se- sieevs. loctmen who arc chosen by the chf* HAnrl n f Q kann zons at an annual 'meeting in the . , . e a () 5! u ® beautiful town In link! we find Consisting of ol head of cwis; 20 thal it to0lt the clto-Usjust ftimlu- hmd of lambs and d bucks, 2 open wool; uU,g t„ Votfl ono ftnd ont,.half Ulil. auu l uelainc. . : lion dollars for the annual expense. 96 Head of Hogs 9 6 i The high school building cost $ 200 ,- Consisfing of 10 broad sows, 5 having *000, uiantial trainiiif .sdioul, $12,1,009, 31 pigs by side; the other 5 will farrow •municipal hath hou in $50,000. The this month or next; GO head of spring town lias an educational society pigs, with a permanent cmnnntteo for the Farm ImpfomiGntS . estahlisliment for the esfahlishmeul One McCormick hinder used two ° / a luan fund to aid worthy shi ft McCormick mowers;! ,ifsc i dents of tho town through college. ; Rn'aiipj-e!; Farm, Jessica Trouts ?Jn-i-sca Trent the Heireea; Jessica |TrenCtj I n i« tlfa a e o ; A n honor G irl; I k lised Pickien-^Evelyn Raymond, I i'd tty 's Pleasure Trin—Carolyn |Weils. ' ' • Tile Deadvrood Trail - Gilbert Pat ron. ■ i h i ■ Ahead , o r The Fisher R oy’s Mott*); jSt> M«ss, or The Carper of |Rolling Statin;.;T«m Nowcomhe, or }The Boy of Bad Habits—Harry Cas- STr. Charles Harris Imu p'lrchaned i AV | , , * Bound to Re an Electrician; Joe, 10 1 the hillard room of Mr. 11. II. Hitch cock and will operate, same aftor making some interior ehuugcu. Rev. W. J. Sanderson, wife and daughter have gone, to Selma, Ala., where the former is bond of the Mission school for colored children under the dim-tion of iho It. P, church CO; S L Rov. Sanderson has resigned ids charge as pastor of the local congregation. The Record-Republican . in the last issue illustrates a twelve wagon load of corn being brought, into Washington Q. II. by a twenty-four horse power traction engine. The corn was being marketed by W. O, Blue who had over 5,000 bushels and chose this method because it, was more economic tlmn by using twelve learns.. ' ■ • $100 Sewards $100. Tiie readers of this paper will bo pleasser to learnthlit tlierje is nt tost one dreaded disease that solodea hc.3been able to curein all its stages end that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cnro ia tho only positive ,euronow known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a eonatitntional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cureis.takeninternally, acting directly up on the blood and mneonsparraccs of system thereby destroying the foundation of the (Usecse, andgiving the patient strength by bplldingup the constitution and assisting nature iu doing its'work, Tho ptojiriators have bo much faith in Its .curative powers, liat they offer oneHundredDollars for any ease that it fails to euro. Send for list o testimonials. Address, k J, eHFNJSY. & Go, Toledo 0. Sold by Druggies; 70c. all's Family PiDsat;otho best, years; 2 Buckeye wheat drill;!; 2 disc furrows; 2 drag harrows; 3 breaking pbnvn; 2 Ohio riding cultivators; 2 Leering walk ing cultivators; 2 wagons; 2 pairs hay ladders; 2 gravel beds; Csot w'urft har ness; 1 two horse spring wago . 1 hay rake; 1 clover hunclier; 1 sleigh; 1 pheaton buggy and 1 road cart. Terms made known day of sale. 0. T. WOLFORD. Lamar C. Titus, Auct, R. F. Kerr, Clerk PENNSYLVANIA r LINES - .C IN C IN N A T I $ 1.35 Train leaves Cedarville 7.09a. m. PENNSYLVANIA r LINES C O L U M B U S $ ! ItOUNtt T1UP SUNDAY Train leaves Cedarville at 8;15A, M, in case tliey arc !mmp>-r<-d by lack ot means. Tho fax rate is so low in that mu nicipality that people want to live whestc they havo such advantages, today it m $10.50 ami was never higher than hack in 1S77. The total amount on which assessment were made reached $101,GhO,10ft, which shows that there must he few tax dodgers. , ■ One of the tilings looked to is the 5annual volume which contains the ■town reports, the persons having ; property listed for taxes, real and : personal, and the amounts pahi. 1Also the list of poll tax payers, , Everything Is done in the open in ] Brookline, consequently the town i has progressed and has not been : hampered hy having "star” ebam- i her sessions and petty politicians to smanipulate public affairs, ; Tim city him 19 schools. 147 teach ers, school property valued at $L- . 617,509 There is also a Catholic pa* , roclnal school whx*h cost $100,00!). 1 The, town has voted pensions for! . teacher;) where they react) the age j Jof r.o yi am and liavc 25 yeai.. I m one place. 'I ho pension at ho i time exceeds $500, or one-half the! ; regular salary, j SweaterCoats Greatest line in town to select from, atprices I that defy competition, We have them for your “ whole family” at prices that are right. SHOES ts Remember we are ‘the largest handlers of “ Shoes” in Cedarville. can fit and please you at all times we have the celebrated “All American” shoes for gentlemen. “Dorothy Dodd” shoes for ladies. “Buster Brown” shoes for children. Hat and Caps The new fall lines are in. Also a line, of girls “ Felt Hats” at 50c and SI.00 each, that are especially good. PANTS A wonderfully strong line to select from that cannot fail to please you. Men's pants $1 to 85 Boys* “ $1 to 82 Boys' Knee pants 50c 75c and 81. CLOTHING .e.iv**t*(,aailTw mRaS!Pat- '<KstlteilBtta«:o.iat;i£c(Jfc.zMor.rxiaw: rsen. a ’itmoi'wcbiapbPPosrtsu.oAWf^.ycrPioc? Ia*3V s t V.-.; ; ilStlt. luti.OSoS friTSSi* vVcstopto. , ,, H . a icsibif. n JTO® I?® liifaata nad Sldiiiroa. I A pKcSfrcs. «aufC83. h ; C , A 3 N O W 4 o O . ; Owes, ateimiwofi', fi, 6. i ' l o K l i Ysi! Ikm M m p laeglit. M i Our new ' Fall and Winter Suits have ar rived and we are pre pared to show you the the season's newest pattern in extra special values at 810, 812,50 and $15 each that are sure to pleas,e you. Don’t purchase your new ;;uir, or overcoat until'you see our line. ' Bcara tho BiOb&ttKO of r i a a i s iw t f i S t o r © i Tiie purveyor; Tim \uuug Auetiuu. eei'-Eihvard Straf lieu:oyer, A Fatal Ba il--‘Bora Rutiaoll, Tire: Flaming Feather—Kirk Mun rni*. • A Denperato Woman—Adah M. f Howard; • 1 Disenchantment—Mabel Robin son j Tiie Two glisters—Mrs,’ M, South- worth. *■ . ■ J The Girl in Waiting—Archibald f Eyre. The Wings of the Morning—Louis Tracy. The Lonesome Trail" B, M. Bow er.’ . . Going Some—Rex Beach. The Raw of-the Range—W. G. Barrows. Tho Hand on tho 'La!;ch—Mary Cholmomteloy. ’ A Moderd Chronicle—W l u s t o n Churchill, . . . The Green Mouso—Rohert Cham bers. • The Undesirable Governess—Ma rion Grawford, Once upon a Time—Richard H, Davis. Tiie Storm Birds—Seliroedor Da vis, Tales .o f the Road— Chas. E. Orendson. Cavanaugh, Forest Ranger; TTam- lin Garland, Tho Moccasin Ranch—Hamlin Garland. • Paths Crossing—Maude Clark Gay Tract Ho 8»77—GeKH . Higgins. A Life for a Life—Robei Herrick Under tho Rose—Frederic S. Is lam. A Country Doctor—Sarah Orne Jewett. The Broken Wheel—Florence Land May. Kilmeny of the Orchard—L. M. Montgomery, Tiie Butterfly Man—Geo, B. Me* Outeheon, *" The Kniglifc of Old Brandonberg. —Chas Ma|or. The Fashionable Adventures of Jonhna Craig—David G.Bbillips, A Little Brother of the Rich—Jo* soph MeDiH Ratferson. The Girljjfwm Montana; Marcia Sftuyler; Piteohe Dean—Grace L. Liit;;. - . . WlsatAU t.hd, World’ sr Seeking—j Ea|ph Waldo Trine, J Tho Making of an American—Ja -1 cob A. Rico. J Rural Wealth and Welfare—Goo, I T. Fairchild. - Jdiakespearo as a.Dramatic Artist'} —Moulton, | How to Study the Stars—L. R u -! deaux, ( I Halley’s Comet—H. H. Turner, 1 Bird Life and Legend—Margaret ! -Excursions; The Maine Woods— } ’H. D, Thoreau. j A Child’s Guide to American H is-j tory—Henry W. Elson. 1 Hollaud- Beatrice Juhgman. . | Japan—John Fennomore. Our Little Simese Cousin—Mary ! Wade. Our Little Spanish Cousin—Mary,} Flrixon Roulet, - { Toasts—Margaret Waters. ] Toasts and After Dinner Stories— ■ Anon. ■ J Life of .Mary Lyon—Beth Brad* I ford Gilchrist, , j Tho BIuo Flower; Tho Spirit o ff America—Henry Van Dyke. ' The Browning Letters • Life of Horace Maim- (loo. Huh- ' boil. 'Mindin (i:o Making—James Ed gar Swiff, Tho STow Psychology-E. W. Scripture. ? Psychology for Teach orp—O. Lloyd ; Morgan. : Psychology Hugo Mmnstcrherg, j RragniaUtun—Wm. James. Briefer Course in Psychology— ■ Win. James. Outlines of deccriptivo Psycho logy—Ladd , ■: Psyciiology-'-Augelle. ■ ; History of Edncactioir-•Moiiroc. j “ “ Pedagogy—Compayrc. 11 u Education- Painter, ' " “ u • -Seoley. : Our Schools Etc—Chancellor. j School Management—White ; EI<inetitary Education'-Gordy ! Fimdamentalo of Child Study— . Klrt Pairiek. i ^ I WANTED :—CoBinop'olilaii Maga- j zine, the service of a rep- | ] teaentative in C'eilarvillo to look after subscription renewals and io extend circulation by special moth* pda which havo proved unsually succesniull. Salary and commission Pri'viouh expcfieiico <l(>sirahlc> but imf ensotilial. Whole time or spare time. Address with references, H. O. Campbell, Cosmopolitan Muganitjo, iV’-’-D Broadway, N o w : York City. * A number of Osborn capitalism arn f<nmiu;-‘ a company and will drill for oil and us if is known both . oil and pa-,- ar, to lie found in paying : quaidiiii-'iijHimMad River Valley,. .'Vi v.'a1; aip'-.tcil in 1 when Osborn ; had a : ;tHwell of high pressure. j LMH pEy - m \fAi 13jir< UH ‘■D l f Z \ „ K ind Y «u Hava Always B ohs M , am i wMcIi lia been, fin use fsw ovap ycar.'ij lam Jrnjtn© flte slguatwr©. #£ i— an4 lies mmle tauulci? I*I:i rst * ^ ponal fiWparvIsiojz binca its Infancy, ..Allow a o one to deceive yon in this. JH1 Cimntvrfelt:), iMUatbmu a :m am b a t J3x|M*i’ljnents flin t triflo w ifli aad entlaagfairfhis Iiealtli o f 'In fan te an€ tCliiltten—JSxportoue© against JSsperfmeMt, ieiL ©or.tos’ia is a, Imrmless substitute fin* Castor O il, F a re - goric, IH'op.s and. Hoothing Syrups. I t is Flcasant. I t contains smithes? Opium, Morphine n o r other Kareotic faibstanee. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea, and 'W ind Colie. I t relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates tho J?ood? regulates tho Etiimaeh and Dowels, g iv ing healthy and natural sleep. T h e Ch ildren^ Danacea—Tho Mother’ s .Friend* r. ■ +. ■*f u u CASTORIA GENBNNE CASTORIA a l w a y s lBears .the Signature o f "We i« (aunmeitd if, tiiero hur ! nay better.,, * In mul-oummer yon have to trust to a largo degree lo your butoher. .Wei Cared. For Meals in hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping th*m right, and thqy'ro ! sweet arid safe when sold. Don't go j meat shopping when lt’ r, hot.. Buy ! of ub and be nuro. I . ,C. H* CROUSE, ' K CEDARVILLE, O. I l l© B i d f o i i l a v e A lw a y s Bought • '• In U s © F o p O v e r 3 0 Y e a r s CENTAUHCOMPANY. Tf MURRAYDTPpEt*NEVdYORKJ3ITY. Writes Lola P. Roberts, o f Vienna, Mo., “ I used to be sick most, o f the time and |q suffered with backache and A? .headache. My Mother, who had been greatly helped by 48 the use o f Cardui, got me two bottles, and . I have been well ever since.” B 49 WE SOLICIT YOUR ¥01 'PLANT M O W ' THE BANK J j ^ ^ l T S SURETOGROW :*l0tiflU6;sV5 jmh ; ■ PATRONAR E S ake D eposit B oxes foe R ent P aid C apital $80,600,00 iN-mviDNAL RESPOFSiniLITYj THE EXCHANGE BANK, CEDARVILLE, OHIO, S. TV. Satmr, Rreaidcnfc. Gno. W. R ikb , ls^.Vico Preff: O lcvee -G aiilopgk , Sd V, Rros. o. I,. S mith , Caahior L. F. TrkDAim, Assistant Oashior. i f h I? i Here They A re !! The Woman's. Tonic Cardui is a gentle tonic t for young android women. It relieves,, and prevents pain, it builds strength. It feeds the nerves. It helps the whole system. M a d e from harmless roots and herbs, it has no bad after-effects, does not interfere with the use o f any other medicine and can do you nothing but g o o d .; Try Cardui. It will help you*- Your dealer sells it Y ou h a v e been W on d e r in g w h a t the s ty les w ou ld foe th is Fall N ew Fall Silks Just Received . Persian-Changeable Silk Cash- mere De Luxe. “ New Skirts N ew W a i s t s ■6 We are ' ' J t e - V AvT5r > Th®Bookmaltep i i ' ...HestaaEaflt... IN T H E B O O KW A L T E R H O T E L HIGH S T R E E T DINING ROOM rOR LADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S N O W , a s C E N T S . Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open Day and Night. Tho Boot of Good Used in tho Cul inary Department. w . i . •§psi3ltjp; for the Celebrated MENTOR ONB tRW EAR and this factory the best for price, ien-s, Ladie’s Children, 25 to 2. 50. gBTGgISOfi St GIBJIEY’S, aassfiA. J. H. M cfl ILLAN. Funoral Director and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Cement Grave Vaults and foment Building; Blocks, 'telephone 7. Oedarvillo, Ohio. HUNTING « FISHING' v f - «- mt# 1 •' ITatf tiifj ftm of eboTiry hto U in tSicsa fixtitiCKi cuiOocr t£ttie. Vopfob o---- —yjA yourtt.n;?rr.O I.t |hh- y earnrcHttoid itt wrtmlsr,t ^ ‘ bv tttetim iuyou* fcapfv rwv/’cgc* If yoa’ra ford 11 the.’s ilREiga yeti t»Ul Mcnjdytka 1 EIATIC!!ALSfODTSM K)j $o£ce ft mr.titlr*lsw/ u yrcf.i- toftraettve. intcT- Ii?C[;C- jh t'UR-I. «*.r.nQcif Imtutfa , |fnl.m-j, canR.itip.frmnr*^ 1 -} V*insthoJitAttolata?ytree a{ anil LvV Whrt Uv€S T?l;C»0 - |theca ctSttfftff tnji' 6T0 tifaf 6t Imhtl. Sif-pU ‘ ssta P - ' c; fv;o. j5o. t yeftrly €cr*i<ii0H $i.wi 1• '>1 {1 f'“’ -.1 [o/L ■. 1 V'■«/) ■! W*) Ii’.ra* 11 ■ : \"' 1 %, kr\ r»«t i:P sip *v—- A \./rf ) «•■>:* WoV!> UV i Ml* CWKiitaP! BendtistSc.ctMrfio 6r cash and w* wiutend yon6 copy- of the ,v ..v VI nATlOtfAt v N a V-IV QFOBOTfAf? V7il:1i Pc’t.r.-'jttloffttso HatiooftlOpasiBsisa , „ fleuat.-. /!&?. cbj tIATIWlAF, srmjfStJAtJ, tr * '/■■*■ .~ta~T’ m ?._ ■ y— 1 ■'i,— . ffe r flwK'mS. ttl leathor r:tfa^ and cold-piaicui Lutklo, (V. ti ^utiLealtfi!3r CCi. i Atr, —, « &' IS j , I voucs r11 r- -- . sou ’ Sf*Brwfom DR, LEO ANDERSON, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist A S r a d t ia t e © f th© O h i o S t a t e i l i i t o e r s i t y . O ffice fit W a d d k r o I .i v c i y Hfabk*, Ot'darvillo. ' C I T E E N a F t r o H S m , SB m Q l ' ■ B i s e a s e o o f H o r s e s , C a t t l e , S i m p a s J ' f t e p , ISBEatllf ITOntHV 0 UBWHILB 2 t f A* c m m jjon.treoiy era tB oftloo i.Ti!;!io. viiolcn, lila c X .".q, liesilfl,muilturnntulfcm, / * ' fvw , r y nta.j f j},r ; aisejtek 1 ‘J i /• midally^ ■ ?.;■ tl>c lif.-Sfic',.') riti.l iScltr-ai"? afyniitti. Uivt'.i >*iuofi.tWHnlofr.,> liaff.i* K-aitusiasauan, ‘tLoLCjer.-s.q«i'tto■V'MliVa ft'rii.-ii'.T.f.trrfrsr.sirf laiw. At all Jiniffliotao? vyi’V*! hta Uprflot tsifiEUSltsaa StA UjiftlqlaJ*. aulv r.nre.ju *•■ ,f—jyiajjj .tOMo* ..Viola fitsirsfiftnu-w-.t tol5!lf{.ia:icz ‘ALUi«.<Vl8UM|jW f a ., Totojlo.h t <3 w« offer y< money It with tl m 17 E F n Jin vici. ereit Mi tho nse o food from The reliable i ctomach biliousna TF T H T i t e ! Bu Th- Wr ?
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