The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

By Order of United States Court of Bankruptcy Th e L . & JYL Hyman S to ck o f Clothing, M en ’s Furnishings, L ad ies ’ Suits, Skirts, W a is t s and W ea ra b le s o f all kinds are offered to you at Auction Prices. D on ’t forget the address-the street is E a s t Main, the number is 39 . L e t nothing keep you away . It ’s an opportunity o f a life-time. - f t 8 * Sale Starts Friday . 23, 8:30 A. M The History of the Trouble. 1 I I i Preparations were made for a busy spring. Everyth ing indicated such. Th e fact that the country w a s getting over a panic said so. A ll weather predictions said an early spring. S o the firm bough t liberally, anticipating a g o od season ’s business. Th ey w ere mistaken. U g ly w eather arid other reasons retarded trade, and com ing right to the point, you kn ow what happened—w e w ere driven out—the store went into bankruptcy. I t ’s an ill wind that does not b low som e one g o od . Th is time it ’s to X en ia and surrounding country folks. Y O U W I L L L O S E M O N E Y IF Y O U S T A Y A - W A Y . i f t f t READ THE PRICES 1 If f t I 8 Allen’s and Young Men’s Suits §7.00 Men-sand young Men’ s Suits.............................. .. .$3.65 $8.50 Men’s and young Men's 4 Suits.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.45 $ 10.00 Mens . and young Men’s S u i f s . . . . . . ................... $5.75 $12. 00 Men’s nnd young Men's Suits........ ..................................$6.65 $15.00 Men’s and young’s Men’tr .Suits« .. . . . . . . . $8.65 $18 and $20 Men’s and young Men’s Suits..... ................ $12.35 ' - Boy’s 2 Peice Suits $3 Boy's 2 Peige Suits.................. $1.95 $4 and ■$4.50 Boy’s 2 Peice Suits........................................... $2.70 $5 and $5.50 Boy’s 2 Piece Suits. . ........................ .$3.40 $6 and [$7 Boy’s 2 Peice Suits...............— ............ ........ $4.35 Men’s Men’s f t and Young Trousers $1.25 and $1.50 Pants___________ 79c $2.00 Pants................................... $1.15 $2.50 and $3.00 Pants.................. $1.69 $3.60 and $4.00 Pants,................. $ 2.20 1 odd lot sizes up to $5.00,.......... $1.99 25 and 30 cent Knee Pants.............. 15c 50 and 75 cent Knee Pants............ 38c $1 and $1.25 Knee Pants----- ’. . . .79c Men’s and Young Men’s Overcoats $8 Coats............................... .64.45 $10 C o a t s . $6, 65 $ 1 2 .6 0 . .. . ,................................... $7.70 $16,50 and $18......... ; ....................$9.80 Men’s FancyVests $1.50 and $2 Vests......................$1.05 $2,50 and $3 Vests...................... ,$1.65 Boy’SchooiOvercoats $5 Coats......................... . .$2,95 $7.50and $8 Coats.. . . . . . . .S4.95 Boy’s Waists 50c Waists, best make and material............................... Men’s Covert and Duck Work Coats 82 Coats .. . . . . . $2.50 Coats, .................... . .$1.69 $3.50 Corduroy Coats.. . . . . . . . ,.$2.45 $4 Corduroy Coats----- . . . . . . , .$2.65 Boy’s Covert and Duck. . . . . . Men’s Wearables Best 50c Overalls made........... Headlight Overalls and Jump- e r s . ..................... .... Men's 50c Work and Press Shirt...................................... . . . . 37c Men's 75c Dress Shirts.. . . . . . . . . . 44c Men’ s $1.00 and $1.25 Dresss Shirts..................................... . . . . 78c Men’ s $1.50 and $1,75 Dress Shirts............................. ....... ;.S1.05 AH 15c Linen Collars......... ..... All genuine Rubber Collars— . . . . 12 c Men’s 10c and 15c Socks......... Men’s 25c Socks............... . Men’s 25c Suspenders........ ..... . . . . 11 c Men’s 35c Suspenders............... . . . . 19c Men’s 50 and75 Suspenders.. . . . . .38c Men’s 10 c Handkerchiefs, all colors......................... ....... \ ........3c. All 50 Men’s Belt’s .................. . . . .33c Men,s 10 c canvas Gloves and Mittens................................. 50 and 75 cent Cuff Buttons.. . . . . 35c Men’s and Young Men’s Soft and Stiff Hats $1,50 Hats............. ................... . . . . 79c $2 and $2.50 Hats................. ..$1.29 50c Cap.'......... * . . . . . . . Men’s and Boy’s Underwear 25c Garments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15e 50c “ ......................... . ___ 33c 75c ‘ f ....................... 81 " ................................. $1 Union Suits......................... . . . . 78c $1.50 Union Suits.. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10.0 Ladies’ and Misses’ Tailored Cloth Suits $15,00 Suits___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6.65 $18,50 Suita............................. $ 9.25 $22.50 and $25.00 Suits*. . . . . . . $11.60 LadiesWashSuits $4.50 to $p.75............................ Ladies’ andMisses’ Coats S 7.50 Coats..................... .. .\. $ 10.00 “ ............. ............ ' .............. . $5.95 $15,00 u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.45 $ 20.00 " . . . . .............. .$9.45 Ladies Wash Skirts $1.25 Skirts.................. .. . . .69c S1.5tT*Sklrts............................. . . .85c $2.50 Skirts................................ ,$i.45 „ Ladies’ Dress Skirts $3.50 and S 4 .OO Skirts.............. .$2.45 85.(10 Skirts. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... $6.50 and 87.00 Skirts............. Silk Petticoats Assorted Colors 83 75 and $ 4.00 values.............. .$2.95 $5.00 and S6.0Q " .............. HeatherloomPetticoats Former price $2,98, now............ .SI.79 Sateen Petticoats Former price $1.25, now..............69c Ladies’ Wash Dresses. Former price $3.50 to $5 now. , .81.95 Former price 66.50 to $8.50 now.$2.95 Ladies’ Shirt Waists 75c Waists...................... .................38o 61.00 Waists................................ . . .59c $1.25 Waists..................................... 79c 81.50 and $1.75 waists....................95c $2.00 waists.................................. $1.29 Ladies’ MuslinUnderwear. 25c and 35c drawers................. . . .19c 50c and 75e drawers.. . . . . . . . . . . . 39c 25c and 35c corset covers... .... . . . 19c 50c and 75c corset covers.......... . . .39c 65c and 75c night gowns.......... 89c night gowns....................... $1 and $1.25 nightgowns........... . . .79c $1.39 night gowns,............. ..... 81.89 and $2.00 night gowns.., .$1.29 $2.50 night gowns..................... .$1.69 $ 1.00 sk ir ts ............................ . . .79c 50c skirts*................................. . . .39c $1.25 skirts....................*...........v . . .89c $5.20 skirts....................... ......... .$1.65 . Ladies’ Silk Waists $2.50 and $3.00 quality............. $4.00 quality........................... ... $6.50 and $7.50 kind................. .$3.55 Ladies’ Net Waists $2.50 and $3 kind.................. ... .$1.69 $5 kind...... ....................... .$2.89 $6.50 and $7.50 kind................. .$4.45 Dressing Sacques and Kimonos 59c and 75c quality................. . . .29c 89c and 61 quality................... $1.65 quality, long ............... .$1.19 $2.00 quality, long.................... $3.00 quality, long .................... .81,95 Ladies’ Vests and Pants. 10c quality............................... .. 15c quality................................ . . . . 9 c 25c quality............... , ............... . . .17c 50c quality..................*............. 65e quality................................. ...44c SI quality.................................. . . ,79c 50c and 75c Union Suits.......... . . .38c $1 Union Suits.......... ............. . . .79c Children's and Infant’s Vests.. »« 1 »5c Ladies’ Kid Gloves. Assorted Colors $1 quality............................ .. . . . 69c $1.50 and 81.75 quality,.......... Ladies’ Silk and Cassimere Gloves. 25c and 35c quality.................. . . .15c 50c quality.................. .'........... . ..36c $1 long gloves........ ................... Children’s Coats $3.50 Coats...... . . . .....................$1.69 $4.40 “ ............ . / . . . . $2.39 16 “ ..$4.15 $7.50 “ $5.15 From 2 to 5 years $2.25 Coats....................................$1.39 $2.75 u .............. .$1.95 $3.50. " ...$2.19 Ladies’ Back Combs and Barrettes 25c Barrettes.,............ ................ .15c 50c Barrettes................................... 29c 50c Combs........................................29c. 75c Qombs. . . . . . . — , . .45c $1 Combs , ........ . . . . . . . . . ............,59c $1.50 Combs.......... .......................... 89c $2 Combs........................................$1,29 Ladies’ Belts. All 25c belt......................................12c All 50c belts........ ............ .29o All 75c belts............................... 42c £ 3 Ladies’ Men’s and Children’s Hose. 10 c quality.......... 7 c 15c quality........ ............. 9c 25c quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18c |j|j 25c and 50c fancy............ ...15c Kabo Corsets 50c quality...................................... 39c . $1. quality............ ............! ______ 79e S? $1.50 quality............................. . .$1.10 ^ Men’s Night Shirts. 50c and 75c garments................ . .38c $1 and $1.25 garments.................... 78c Other Things for Men. Men’s 25c garters...................... . 15c ^ 25c Neckwear. .............. .. .11 j fa 50c “ ......................................29c 75c “ .......... . ,44e 50c Ties........... ............. °............... ,35 g -35c “ ................ ; ........................ 18c Men’ Fish Brand Slickers................ $2 Men’s Slicker Coats and Pants 1 .. ,89c Choice lof and Men’s and Boys’ Straw Hats................................... 10 c No power on earth should keep you away. You know the reason of this Sale, No “Ifs” and “ands” nor beating around the bush. The odiot has gone forth, it’s a case of MUST SELL to satisfy the creditors. Don’t forget the opening date, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23d, at 8:30 P. M. SHARP. LOOK FOR THE l$ED SIGN. ' £ THE HYMAN STORE 39 EAST MAIN STREET, XENIA, OHIO.