The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

DoYoiir , Cowghlng Today? p rep a id for St Ask your doctor about beeping Ayer’; SuitYon? Yet yow may cough tomorrow! Better b ?'*ben It comes* t'ferry Pectoral iii the liouse. Then wben tfie hard cold or cough first appears you few a doctor’s medicine at band, Your doctor’s approval of Its use will certainly set all doubt at rest Bo as lie says. B e knows. No alcohol in this cough medicine. Jx^}jsfcZl^weUM^% \M 4 m tm k i live STOCK i liohist health to a 0 «?at safeguard concUpatlen will destroy She best of it aitaclto o f th ro a t am t t a g troubles, b u t Ads your doctor about Ayer's Pills, Our Refraction Work Is ‘Not] E k *d By Anyone The Cedarville Herald. S i.o o P e r Y e a r , . C h a r l e $ 2 $ 4 ' , ^ a y<> S-M’I’g^Optician. 2V/» E. M a feS t,, Springfield,£0 . K A R L H B O L L E d i t o r FRIDAY, SKPTEMBKR 80, IU10 SourStomach rood Ciwufarotn omi fool like ftnourman. I havp "• ■■ * •J —4 i----- t>con a snfforoF from dyopopsla and opur BtomacU far tko last two yearn, I havo boon taking cicul- t lno and oftbord«uso, bufceonld find no rollof only or a abort time* i wilt Tocowmond Caaearofcq to xny friends no t»m only thitift fat Indigestion. -ond •our otoraaoli and to Uoouthe bowels in.(iemu condition, IMioy oro vorp-nloo to oat .1 . IXarty Stucltloy* Mauch Chunk, Pa, B e s t F o r r T h e B ow e ls ^ ^aaeu> CANDYCATHARTIC ir»ntoott,to ouroor-yflnr money oock .- Stetllng Remedy Co., Chicago orN.Y. 599 JiHHUALSALE, TEHHIU.10IIBOXES 6 0 YEARS* EX PE R IEN C E T rade M arks ;iDERior»a? •: - . . . , ■ C opyrights & c . Jtnyos* dondlnga nketch and doaralptlcm w a r. ■meklr ucortaln our opinion rtca ■whotUor an I.MAliAklrtMrt.iknf fti.t.i' . ' rv^MiylneitAn .pcijuii<ra»yjuyocuxuiivy . Pntontt taken through Mnmt’& t tvtclalnotkc, without cfmtRQ, in tha Stittitific America** Public Sale * I trill offer at Public Sale on the B . B. Barber farm located 2 miles Oast of OedarviUeand miles west of Selma, on tUeTBarbor road, on- TUESDAY, OCTOBERII, 1910 , Commencing a t 12 o'clock, sun time, the following property; 6 4 Head of Horses 6 t ■ ■■■■.' Consisting of 1 general purpose mare, 7 years old, in foal; 1 draft mare, 8 years old, In.foal; 1 draft gelding 8 years old; 1 team of mnlos 2 years old; 1 yearling colt. 16^ Head of Cattle 16 Consisting of 4 Short Horn gtoera, S years old, 5 milch cows, two with calves by side; 8 yoarlitig steers; 1 yoarling heifer; l Polled Angus bull one year old. 24 Head of Hogs .24 . Consisting of 4 brood sows and £8 spring pigs. 80 Head of Sheep 80 The recent slate election down in Maine has brought out many state­ ments why the Democrats wore victorious after being out of ollice thirty years. The explanations offer­ ed vary In the widest scope. For years Mamo has been under a strict prohibition law as*to the sale of liquors and every effort has been made to resubmit tho question to the people. The Republicans have in a manner been" supported by the prohibition followers while the Democrats have attempted jtp gain the support of the liquor element. The Democrats having won the Republicans now charge their de­ feat to the liquor issue in that the people are tired o! the manlier in which tlie law’s are violated. , The anti-saloon forces deny the charge and lay the blame of the defeat of the Republican tieltet to the high cost of living under the new tariff law. The Democrats ' have , now dropped the liquor question, and of course give credit for their success to the high tariff and tho bossism in the Republican party. Nevertheless there will bo a little surprise if the newly elected governor and legisla­ ture w’iU take steps to repeal the present anti-liqbor laws. Governor Harmon has a petition filed with him signedby several thou­ sand citizens of Columbus asking for the removal of Mayor Marshall of that city. Affidavits have'been filed also as proof of tlio charges of incompetoncy and it is expected that a hearing will be had in a short time. For w'oeJks there have been rumors that the Governor will ho asked to remove Marshall, The anti-saloon forces in that city claim that the liquor people are behind fhe. movement from the fact that Marshall has closed the saloons on Sabbath. However- it is claimed that not a liquor dealer has signed a petition arid probably they were not permitted to. Since the street car strike the Mayor has sided with the strikers and has gained the sympathy of the union men much to the disappointment of the citizens in general, To enforce tho liquor law's and then not make hotter out at pro­ tecting the lives ot thousands of people and much property, tho Mayor finds himself m a close posi­ tion. Marshall is quoted as saying that ho believes he wras ’'divinely” Inspired to handle the strike situa­ tion, Many other office holders get the came kind of “Inspiration” in Consisting of 22 feeding lambs; 10 yearling ewes; SH breeding ewes; 4 bucks, 2 Delaine and 2 Shropshire. t i that they side with Ihe majority to insure re-election. - " Farm Implements Consisting of 1 harrow, 2 breaking plows, 0 cultivators, 1 corn planter, 1 fond grinder, 1 buggy, 1 road cart, harness, etc. T e r m s M a d e I f a o t u n D a y o f S a l o MRS. R. B. BARBER. S. T. RAKER, Auct. K . F . K erf, C lerk Roosevelt has been assailed from all quarters. With one exception every newspaper, Republican and Democrat, in Now York City has fought the lion hunter. Even Chicago papers took up the fight against Roosevelt on the ground that ’•» was disrupting tho party and dragging it down to. defeat at the November election as William Jennings Bryan has done for. tho Democrats tho past twelve years. But it seems that tho more Roose­ velt was assailed in his fight the stronger he became and m tho end was able to down his most bitter Coes, Roosevelt- endorsed tho pre­ sent administration in glowing terms and was ably hacked m the convention by President Taft and the federal patronage. There Is some speculation as to whether the Roosevelt or progressive wtngol tho Republican party can win. in November with the “old guard’’ in open revolt against thorn. The.‘.‘old guard” could defeat the entire state ticket by throwing a small per cent of the Republican vote to- the Democrats. By doing this Roosevelt would have to carry the blame for not carrying the party to victory and tlie fact would go out that the Ex-President had lost Ins hold on the people. With President Taft in the “progressive" movement the Indications nowrpoint to the en­ throning in power of Madison, Norris, LaFolletfc, Cummins, Deli­ ver and many others who have led the fight in the national legisla­ tive halls againBt Aldrich, Hale, Dick,' Gannon and those of the “stand pat” branch. Things are- beginning to take a serious turn for Senator Dick, who wants another term as Senator from Ohio. The people of Cuyahoga county do not like Dick’s position on public measures and have expressed thomsolvA* as being against Re­ publican candidates, senators and representatives in tho Ohio house who would vote for tho Akron *tats- mnn. To offset this all the Re­ publican candidates from Cuyahoga county to the legislature has passed a resolution and spread it over the county Informing the voters that they ’ will not stand for Dick’s re-election. Additional Locals. C E M E N T ! C E M E N T !—A c a r o f f r e s h U n iv e r s a l c e m e n t h a s j u s t a r r iv e d . Tarbox Lumber Co, Miss Clara Mitchell ot Xenia has been spending the week with friends hero, PENNSYLVANIA r L INES [ C I N C IN N A T I $ 1 .2 5 Train leaves Cedarville 7.Oha, m. Till Gnat Diarrhoea andDysentery Remedy Cares teats a a l diwioie dfroheca, tlysen tetjv cholera marlins/*cummer complaint,” Aliatie cholera,juid preventsthodevelop' ibtsUmfal meat of typhoid fever. Santo worm *esaltf obtained In nil parts of tlioworld. 11WORKSLIKEMACie." M&Sil &VS.'5 J vs £2*&{ (v o<? * ‘/A vxY“~t m 6 a -- __ '—" ■ ........... ^&r&T'u Tho political fight ill New York state this week between tho “old guard” and Ex-President Roosevelt leading the “progressive” wing-of tlie party, ba3 attracted tho atten­ tion the entire country. Tho fight in tha t4tate lias become a personal affair between the leaders of the various factions and much sarcastic speech-making was heard at tho convention. The humilliatioti that was thrust upon Vice President Sherman, whom Roosevelt defeated by 1£2 votes; as temporary chairman of tlio convention, must he gaul- ing not only to Shorman himself, but to bio entire faction. Uuch a defeat, with tlio other critlestn that has been laid at the Vice President’s door, will evidently defeat him for a nomination for a second term, The platform an adopted in the con­ vention was of coursd made to suit tlio “progressive” wing. The “old guard” during the last hckh I ou of the New York legislature defeated a direct primary hill and the Roose­ velt people wore making their fight on this hsue and tho parly will again advocate ouch a measure. Tho fight for control of the conven­ tion has been spectacular in that Mrs, Osborn and Miss Nellie Sails ; of Xenia Bpent Saturday at tho j home of Mr. John Ross. Nothing itsevt s too good for C’hica- I go. The fact, llieivfore, that Rich* an! V,. Card< n, Irrlamfa greatest authority on flhurthorns and. one of tin- host krgnvn judges of these cat­ tle living, will ho tho judge to pass sentence upon this breed at tho In­ ternational Live Stock Exposition at ( ’Uieago this year is assuring. The fact that Mr, Carden has promised to make tho trip to Chicago and that he would bo accompanied by Mr. Richard O’Malley' of Wood- lawn, Sentry Comity, Dublin, one of tho best known authorities on farming and Clydesdale horses ip Ireland, has given great pit aruinj to tho International Live Stock Show officials. Mr. Carden’s fame ns au arbiter at Live Stock' Shows, extends throughout the British Isles, for not only hag ho made tho principal awards at tho Irish Fairs, biifc ho ha judged Aberdeen Angus cattle at Perth, Scotland; and hackney horses and hunters in Englaud, while hie homo at Fishinoyne, Tem- plemore, County Tipperary, is re­ garded as one of the most complete gentleman’s agricultural estates in Great Britain, As a deputy lieu­ tenant of County Tipperary, Honor­ ary Secretary of the Royal Dublin Society , a member of the council of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, and tho Shorthorn Society as well as President of tho Hunters’ Improvement, &k>eivf,y of England., Mr. Carden continues, to he active in the affairs or the Agricultural Com­ mittee of the Royal Dublin Society.. of which he has been for two terms, tlie chairman, Willi Messrs, Carden and O’Malley each representative of all that- is hest in cattlu and Clydesdale breed­ ing in the British Islands, available for conference and exchange of otffnions with our best and mosi rep' resentative breeders, it Is very clear that tho visit of these authorities will do an immense amount ot good. Mr. Garden meager to make a trip through Canada in tho interest of cattle breeding, and plans, an early sailing from Queenstown to that country before cowing to Chicago. After the Chicago Exposition, ho 'will return to Ireland In time to judge'at the Dublin Show’ m Dec­ ember. ■ B. H . Heide, Secretary of the In­ ternational Live Stock Exposition, announced that there will an .in­ crease in tho cash prize list this year, .several of the breeding Asso­ ciations having offered added purses in soriie of tho classeo Tho prize •list will aggregate $7i~. <0. The Board of Directors of tho As­ sociation w ill^W a meeting to an­ nounce the names of judges who aro to officiate in tho various depart­ ment. .As usual the naroq submit­ ted by tho various breeding Associa­ tions will bo given consideration, and w ill ho approved because of the recognized ability of tho moil select­ ed by these AKsociaMomi, to act in a judging capacity, Tho individual classes, this year will bring out stock of excellent quality If the entries at tho various State Fairs, which afterwards are show’ll at tlie International, may bo taken as a criterion. The entries for these classes, will close on No­ vember 1st and for the car lots on November 10th. . For the first time in the history of tho Show, tho National French Draft Horse Association of America is offering a list of special prizes which will exceed $500.00 in value. Tho International Live Stock Ex­ position this year, benefitting thru the •xperionco of the ten shows which have piccedcd it, will ho greater and bettor than ever, and will offer an educational opportuni­ ty for studying Live Stock condition such as never before been available. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. H ill of Flpnda spent Friday with Mr. John McFar­ land and family. OHIO TOBACCO LAW. Do not miss Prof. T. S. Lowdon’s lecture on “The Psychology and Art of Questioning,” at tho Bi-monthly Teachers’ Association meeting, which will bo held October Stfi, in the McKinley school building in Xenia, Mrs. J, T,V. Johnson and Mrs W. A. Spencer entertained about • 100 of their lady friends W^jlnesday afternoon at the home of ■ tlio form­ er, The rooms had been tastlfully decorated for tlie event. Refresh­ ments wore served, tho guests arriv­ ing at different appointed hours. Th^TJnited Presbyterian congreg- fttionls having a new cement walk constructed along tlio south side of the church property to the street west. A new crossing will bo put in by the corporation and there will then be a continuous cement walk from the M, E. ■church entrance to Mam street. Tho Improvement will add materially to tlie church pro­ perties and be of great cotivienonce totiie pub!! \ RAR3J3J) »Y Tlin OHIO OBNERAt. ASSEOTShY, 1910. ' To aniend section IfDflSof the Gen- oral Code, relative to smoking or using cigarefn by minors. Be it enacted by tho General Assem­ bly of tho State of Ohio; Section L That Section 12055 of the General Code bo amended to read as follows: Section 12113. Whoever cells, gives or furnished to a person under eighteen yearn of ago a clgarot, cl* garetwrapperor substitute for eithe • or a cigar or tobacco, shall bo fined no* loss than twenty-iivo dollars nor moro than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not less than Jtwo days nor more then thirty days, or both, and for each subsequent .offense, shall bo fined not less than fifty dollars nor tnoi’o than throe hundred dollaf&nud imprisoned not less than five days nor moro thanjaffity days. Section 9, That said original sec­ tion 1230.') be arid tho oamo Is horeby repealed. For hesdaeli# Dr, Sfltes* a ou-Paln PM* I P tlco 2 5 canto par Isn't r.tciepta ratir.thnh- -aM.fsIlciD’Jtict - l ..................... . Kw<aftbupniSlliar.n'tit don't CJ rcs it f ij yea cuid CJiBCcfcW THEWABI 0 CHKSHfiAt. f iW W , 4 dii&p, 0 .4 . - C A ST O R IA 2?os? lafantd t o t OMMm llio KindYw t o hi wafs Isaglt Germane Uolnp Lose Ryo Flour. , A rapid dcn'caso hi tlie use of ryo ; flour for broad in recent years in noted [ to tiermany, j 'Tp8f8|Bwr^J~-~4S^5’ ' i’AKE tiSSS Clff I®' Mq;'"' M& *1 imhf i i l iw^Ki iiil.iia'h.UAl ilc'TOES) M l m w CASTORIA For In fan ts and Children, A U ’OHOl, 3 PE Ii CENT. ^geiahlsPrepanftijinirAs- The Kind You Have Always Bought similaiift!) liieRictfoIKf linglit?.S!oy."u!3tadBiw&cr I n f a n t s v ’C iu l d . r e n PromotesDigestion,Cfettful- nessandltest.Containsncte Ophnu.MorplunonorMittssraL N ot N arcotic . ^ecfOUBrJSld'mmm JforjiMt S?;d~ jibcSai-z* jtdsiSc:d* Ifcam ht- . ' WxmSted-’ ■ CWarfJttter- iihlmftait’lamn ApetfectBeraedyforConstipa­ tion, SourStomach,Dlarrta Worms,'Coiwulsions.Fevsrisn- nessandLossOFSLEEP- fhcSimile Signature of NEW YORK.___ In Use Over ThirtyYears A t 6 m ortths old. >,35 D oses -35 C ents E xact Copy o f W rapper. c m .THECENTAUBCOMPANY, NEWYORKC|TY, m s <oDCROPFAIUlffi WE SOLICIT YOUR WHENYOU PLANTMONEY PATRONAGE THEBANS S0RE-T0GROW S afe D eposit B oxes for R ent P aid C apital $30,600.00 - ' iNDIVlDNAt RESPOFSIBILITY THE EXCHANGE BANK, CBDARVILIiR, OHIO. S . W . S m y t h , P r e s i d e n t .. G e o . W , R i f e , ls f .V i c o 'P r e s . O b iV E R G A itE o u d ir, 2d V , P re « . O . L . S m i t h , C a s h ie r L . F . T i n d a M i , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r . Here They Are!! You have been Wondering what the styles would be this Fall New Fall Silks Just Received. Persian-Change­ able Silk Cash­ mere De Luxe. N e w S k i r t s N e w W a is t s - dOtil *' We are sole Agents lor the Celebrated MENTOR UNDERWEAR and this factory the best for price. Men’s, Ladie’s Children, 25 to 2.50. “Wo recommend it; thora I sa * nay hatter,,, In mid-summor you have to trust t» a largo degree to your butaher. Well Cared For Meats In'hot weather are the only kind to bay; wo bavo proper appliances for keeping th*m right, and th^y’rs sweet and safe when aold. Don't g» meht shopping when it’s hot. Buy of us and be sure. _ C, H . C R O U S E , CBDARVILLB, o . ‘EveryMonth’ writes Lola P. Roberts, of Vienna, Mo., “I used' to be sick most.of the time and sufferedwith backache and headache. MyMother,who . id. been greatlyhelped by the use of Cardin', got me two bottles, and I have been well ever since.” E49 Tale The W oman’s Ton ic Gardui is a gentle tonic for young and old women. ; It relieves and prevents pain. It builds, strength. It feeds the nerves; It helps the whole system. Ma d e from harmless roots and herbs, it has no bad after-effects, does not interfere with the use of any other medicine and can ,j | do you nothing but good. Try Cardui. It.Will help you. Your dealer sells i t The, Bookmaltef ...jestauKUit... IN THE BOOKWALT6R HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOR LADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. ' M E A L S N O W a s C E N T S , Lunch Counter on Main Floor. Open Day and Night. Th» Best of Good Usofl In tha Cul­ inary Department. S555 J . H. McniLLAN. Funoral Director and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Coment Grave Vaults and Ccinont Building Blocks. Telephone 1. Cedarville, .Ohio. 5SG3ESS5 IWUMlIMg IffiTGHlSOfl &GIBJEY’S, JKiNXA, O H I O »T• aMp. n *+* o Bfi {\ •J fi.S .5-1" fiD * HUNTING FISH ING EYoSftlie tdn cl e^ntw Mo! h fch coontiy life !& in tfte>9fiCJi&iri coldest fipettfi. Tognst) your pen ctred fot y:ca* cant Tcctipe in ’irevdflet by dream ia yw# If yca’w Xct'd of tl.*3» tblrcs jrtu v?ii3 ■c^5oyt|:a RMICSAL SF03TSI3H lfit pSsra ft, JR®* J-siil t Ir.G!n:c*iv6, Ir.'.tj- ttUi-jfr tbtiStfcjr. 1110-J.Je- ton:,! tlwTica to hnntsci?. niMaR1.efir.-’pIr^r.tramfinc« \Y Lcarlci fiTCTytficr. fl^d Ley trliO Hvca wheto ilirb Uirrtoi VniftjnVtato Rio TiCaf r.t Jittiid. Single ccr,i«r cofc. eerlpUtD sicEia taia 3(j#8ls naa we wtu tma sev a csj-7 oi tao SA9S01U* BteatshAh' iXtomac.tmt li<nv7 t-atn. Midi 0;nxln jBoia Walcli F ob * ItSBUto fifiae, a».> t* ©ova Witt site* tsi Icailcr ttrisp jfoia.jiisftd Csiijcatcanisla? ■ W«cRFob,»,talairpile* . oca. I AtT, tlatlonalSpattsman , . 109. 1 vouta v tfS iV s , ®8»' Jroa B U I , * fNAflOWAl/ SPOfirgMAH, lof. iCiMcrtlSlJ s s ba DR/LEO ANDERSON, ISBEAUTY Baara tho Cignatuvo of ThouflhMMl Goorgo. j Mian flweot -“It lo juot. tlio sort of | ongagonirnt Ung I preferred. None of { iny othf ii; wore nearly co pretty. How : fhoughiful of yon!” »}corRO~,,fJot at : ail, dear, fhlo is tho ring I always I used city Journcd. < p.wcat'i.fiod1 jsadallPat- WSSt^laeaecsdi-'chJf-fii?MQoftaA'ss Ftsw. furtisri'ieEisa-worite hiS$i$thv Osscns <i w cancf«rrofjuaua s?asuitettsi i p mi'iid rjo t » H f3t:MtoS«6sUiSa 1 f.ijS-JjridaehdsAe-j.iffonbriii'*wqh *•15. Wo rjiKfaihr.vil.'.h&ies cfL 5 «S£Mo. eiiel^r.ejda«Hiifesrjat&t 3 cnrcd, g IAhattPist.t’i'fc*»Itowti Stull vatosiB,”wlCij, ,,-r.dct«i aamoIn tljoV-B. emt5 taiv-ukaf Wait free, AU ktsa, 5 C . A . S N O W A C I O . Ll OM*. PAffid v ics, WAOtlltJqYdfi, 0 . 0* c«vsjwywi« 0 Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist* A Graduate of th e Ohio S ta te University. Oflico a t Waddle’s Livory Btable, Cedarville, . C IT I% E ,N3 FITO N E $B» SB m S t D iseases of Worses, C a ttle , Shoop and Htigs. > poDljkcly o r d a io a to i acctdca, saolca, P laea coata, cpctfcl pispaistiia .aad ISnSilotokrawy m ttmest . viola aw» Hofl’o*ticsi tit taSlttiiwa m u th tu cA..trot«ntft Ohio, I B ® } in A e lm o i store in N e N ew n i} anteed :» for Men erboclnq Bov’s K S H C For youi prices - P re tties t | from, from. ■I * 7 J • ■New.sty.’ in tow B1 <E: Are a nei the cold v- Cottor. . Wool "x Comfo ¥ , i| •23c a .1 ■t BIB s .0 I IS toGA Ii A N l Mr. and Mrs S a b b a th i n O il Mr. J. Finer spent Sabbath - A fresh car rivod. Miss Ethel H cob’s Busines Monday.- IP The Philo L reception ■ las 13 their newly 1 . FI newstudents. Mr. Will Hn has been cal lei illness of Ids n ed better at th ti fn B For Hie and 6i here ii vari ii m\tht\ Wti Cfi:19 Mens in black and 8 to 16 ii u id . kCI ttt $ 4 j a n d $ hi iuA Boys all i $ 2 . 0 0 , $2.50 $3. itti; Icftil #.CS d ttfi 6>:. j'ttn iltz Girls and eat heiglr * 1 FRS Moi i I if?- Qi q £ ' tr$ hU itfit IA, CAt --tow