The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
T N I VERY LATEST FBFULAN OF ERA, SABRED and CLASSIC. mm • i AK«<rsr stock M u s ic At M E R E D IT H ’ S , 3 * W. 3dl«t., Dayton, O. Both'FLones, A y e r ’ s H a i r V i g ^ . - 5 STOPS rAUING HAIR AN rLEGANT DR IV ING DTSIROVS DANDRUFF MAKES H A IR GROW 1 ; Q InvrDillpnk * Sulotiiir. Glvrcrin, Quiaif). Saoisai CWoiii, 5 lilst rilieius. t aps.cuo,, L'age, AlvVfiul. Walcr. P«ifw«e, H A?k your doctor if there is qnything injurious here, ! Ask him also if there is not genuine merit here. 1 ! D o e s n o t C o l o r t h e H a i r i i J. ATXBA'QMfck:?* J«ow.cli*Moss, ^ i" - ■ " jl , - - -- - T h e C e d a rv ille H e ra ld ; DoYour Glasses Suit You? O u r R e fra c tio n W o rk Is N o t E xce lled By Anyone Charles S,rFay, ’v.flBKM'f’f j Optician., 29/i E. Mam St„ Springfield, O. $ r.oo P e r Y e a r . KARLH BULL E d ito ;FBIDAY, JULY 8, 5910. HEADACHE '‘•Hytfihorhudbeon»enfferctfrom.lokh.tfl.o'h* torth«lasttw«nty*fi.veyear*aridnorer foundany MllefntatUhaheu&ntakingydurCaacareta, Slnqo iobaaneginn takingCascateta bo baa novar bad tho beadaobo. They havo entirely cored him. Cawarotadowhat yourccomhiondthemto do, I ■trill give you the privilege of uiingblaname." XM, Dlek*on,1180ReiiiterS».,W.Indl»a»poll«,I04« Best For i m.| |f« r The Bowels ^ t o o c t w e w CANDYCATHARTIC Pleaaant,Palatable,Po.. KevarBlokon, Weakenor ... •plain balk. Tbegenuinei_____ ...... Guaranteedtocureoryonrmoneybask. Sterltoi Remedy Co., Chicago orN .Y . stS ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Lj.|,|liMU'itl».'i,',i;i»f.ei.>"'il.,"|i|. m s^ ggsfg f t m i;1»» WANTED! POUNDS f t WOOL W IL L P A Y T H E H IG H E S T P R IC E S . ta Phone. or.writeHthel^ DeWine-BeldenCo. Ye!lowfS|trings,$] Ohio BothlPhonesa NoPotatoBags 'will annoy you or cut down yc potato yield if you use this power: I Non -jw isono iM i P o w d e r^ - a KTIRES t EadsPotato Bog Ntdsmice k.O *'• « two Minings m season sufficient jEetter, aafer anti more economical than I’aria green, 8aye»time, la'oorar.;l esperse. Insure* W**?1*!$P®*ibte yield, Doesn’t bum foliage. A plantfenteaawellas hug destroyer. Fir.efor plant*, tomato vines and rose bushes., 'W*1* not poison hncans, fowls or plant*. Satisfaction guarantee! or coney back. \ v - Writ* fee FREEBooklet (TheAntipest * FertilizerCo. S8 K. Third St. CfaciaMt! FORIUlEfty * " Kepp & Hastings B pos . 60 YEARS* KXPStnitfiCE fi'SiGagitation for a more moderate celebration ot the Fourth has result ed in the passage of ordinances in many cities forbidding the sale alid use of certain explosives. While this is not only a belief as far as the loss of life and personal injury is concerned, i t is betterment to all classes in tha t their nerves havo not suffered the usual shock. This year the death list numbered 80 and the injured about 1,309 a great reduction over former years. The loss by fire due to such celebrations has also been reduced so that tak ing everything in consideration the celebration of *7Gmustebo given in some other manner. The attitude oi George B, Cox at the present time in the Burton-Cox combination to control the Republi can state convention is being close ly watched. President Tait is mak ing an effort and has probably suc ceeded in separating the two by tak ing Burton away. This has angered the Hamilton county leader who now serves notice that Burton mast stand by his agree ment. Cox does not consider Taft’s action-very seriously for anyone looking for denatorial_ supnort is not likely to be m opposition to the Hamilton county organisation, Cox also thinks the Republicans of the state can chose their own cand idates withoutthe aid of the Pres ident. The announcement of James A, Garfield, former member of RoO'se- velt’s cabinet, tha t the Republican party miubLnominaie a progressive S im m the coming convention V «Ws»* Williams, pUw <rf r**i- oanc to win ba# created noma stir among the state ieaders, lb is known that Mr. Garfield has jupfc come from Oyster Ray where he met his form er Chief and his announcement evi dently means that trouble can be expected in tho convention. Gar field. has been mentioned for Governor but the Taft element seems to have kept his boom under cover. I t is not probable that Garfield could be nominated In that Cox, Burton and Taft forces would be opposed to him. A t any rate Garfield has come out with the statement he would not bo a candi date for governor on any but a platform that would be suitable to Ills views. VALUABLEHOUSE A valuable family driving mare owned by Mrs. Vinna M, Harper, of Cedarville, was dangerously injured In Xenia Wednesday morning being rim into by a runaway horso. The Harper horse .was standing at the hitching rack a t the north side of the court house, when a runaway pony owned by the Axnbuhl Meat Company came along and daBbed into her, A shaft'was run into tho side of the H arper' animal, causing a dangerous wound. Hen. who were n e a r1and saw the accident caught the runaway pony which had evidently started to run from some point on West-Market street, where its driver had left it standing unhitched. The Harper horse was unhitched from the vehi cle to which it was attached.and taken to the Mason- livery barn where i t was given medical atten tion. I t is feared tha t the animal is injured internally.—Gazette. The following invitations have been received here: Mrs. Mary Cam eron requests the pleasure of your company a t tho marriage of her daughter, Florence C., to Alvin L. MoCampbell, Thursday evening, J u l^ lf , 1010, a t 8 o'clock. 097Law- ton St, Detroit, Mich. At home after August 1st, Sterling Valley, N. Y.” Rev, McCampbell is well known here to many relatives and friends and was formerly a student a t the college. OLD POTATOES per bu. 25 c . Bird's Mammoth Store, LEGAL NOTICE. Xo. 126009. Common Pleas Court, Greone County, Ohio. Mrs. George Williams, Plaintiff, vs. George Williams, Defendant. NewsAbout The Courts. fseese fiasr** T • wMtfr, Nr. 61*116«r»d<Ki!(>ri W , w * » ° J ! The Womift an the Moon, About tslae dejn after tho mnm a p r t f y Timutotcksbly r< fare tpmnm m the v.ccteia half of the disk. This toner indy, who Is woith WitfMng tor, to femes! by the mountain* and tablelands ejahraced by the ttoa* (.i Tmrialltfy, Vapor# .**■ ferenltjr, suit is best seem through !*» Wdlfisry op#** fit!#, Temporary injunctions have been allowed against tho County Treas urer, R, R. Grieve, for file collection of tho Daw-Aiken tax against J . H, Kerry, O. W. Ryan, M. J . Dugan, M. Carroll and Mox Simons, The above were ordered put on by the State Auditor who was instructed by the State Diary and Food Com* mlssioner, bo having obtained the evidence during the G. A. R, Ett* campment. Judge Howard dismissed on error the judgment against Walker Wil liamson, J , W. Collins and Mrs Carrie L. Flatter, for the costa in tho recent baseball eases, the latter being tho prosecuting witness. A new judgment was rendered against the above persons. A verdict for $013 on a promissory note, Was rendered the plaintiff in the case of Jennie W. Ridgeway against W. 0. Warnor tried before a jury Friday. Judgment for $153.32 on a cognovit note was confessed by the defendant in the ease of Henry A. Shade l against Joseph A. Shade. • Through failure of the plaintiff to ■offer testimony, a decision fit favor j of tho defendant was rendered by | Judge Kyle in tho iso of Ellsworth ! Edwards against t. iear L. Smith, cashier of the .Exchange Bank, Co* ; darvillc. Tho caso was a suit for | damages for malicious prosecution, ; By tho will of Rosannah Falter* son, admitted to probate, her prop- !° .,**,?w i orty is bwiiiathed to her :,on, Wil* *?,# ’ learn Harvey Patterson, who is named to act as executor without bond. W* J t. Hyalop and A. C. Anderson have flb d their first and final ac count as administrate!# of tho es» ate of Harper Crawford, donee unknown, defendant herein, will take notice tha t on the Slat day of May 1910, 'Rud plaintiff filed in Common Picas Court of Greene County, Ohio, lior petition for di vorce against him, upon the ground of willful absence for more than three years, and tha t said defendant ‘is required to answer or demur to said petition on or before July 9th, 1910 or judgment will be taken against him. Said action will be for hearing a t the Court House in Xenia* Ohio, Ju ly 16th, 1010, a t 9 A. M., or as soon thereafter as the same can bo reached. , Mrs George Williams, Plaintiff. Frank L. Johnson, (7~16n) Attorney for Plaintiff. Was Celebrated. TisoF cjisn ii t f J u l y * a » s c a r c e l y : , than any «>;htrr day m Cadar- j ille, Ontebit- e.t tli.- *iimil buy’s j ouul drmonstration the day was . dohrat-ed In % “safe and huno” : [jiumer. j Thf'ir. was exndu* «f jiH*pIo to carby towns where sja'cial demon- j strations wer, on and t»o streets took on a deserted appoaranee. Only two umd.-nt* were rtqiortcd, one on .Saturday night when a can non cracker exploded b* fore it left the hand of Caihiou Corn. A swollen hand was but the lad as a reminder of hm fun. Monday Morning Martin Wornier son of Mr, C. C. Weijm-r, met with an accident tha t caused bur. some pain though not of a serious nature. With some playmates tho lad was handling some powder which explo ded terribly lacerating the left hand Dr. M.I. Marsh dressed the Injured member. Tho fow persons on the street Monday afternoon managed ‘to anni.-e themselves by having a few sack, foot, summersault races among several town hoys. To add to the amusement a ring was stretched in the street add several boxing con tests were pulled off for small sums raised in' the crowd. WEATHER REPORT. Rainfalls Inches, per cent sun shine 76; clear dayB l», cloudy days, 5, partly cloudy, 8; rainp days 2; range of temperature, 15 degrees; average temperature, 65 degrees; highest temperature, 90 degrees: lowest temperature48degrass; thun der showers 7. RTo frosts. The last half of June aveaaged 78 degrees hot. The first half of 1910 was 15 50 rainfall in.inches. Ju ly 1st, 92 de grees. , Samuel Cresweil, Observer; A HIGH AVERAGE. The firm of Dobbins Bros, this week sold to John Turnbull, 94 head of .h o g s - th a t averaged over.220 pounds. There were a few year ling tha t weighed 876 each, but the most of,the shipment were only ten months old. Tho lot brought about $2,000, and was not only among the largest shipments in recent years but among the best. $109 Reward* $100. Th« render# of thl*paper will be pleue* to lam tbst there k at M One dreaded dfeeett that eoUaeebe#b«e&able to etna in all it* stage* and that Is Catarrh. Hall’s 0*t*rrh Corel# the only positire ear* now known to the medics! fraternity. Oatanh being a constitutional dueese. require# a QQUstitistiaoal treatment Hull's Catarrh Cureis taken Internally, acting directly up od the blood and mncoussuirscee of syetsm thereby destroying .the fonuditian of the disease, andgiving the patient strength by building up the constitution and ssetsttnr nature in doing its work, the proprietor# bars somuch felth in Its oarstlre powers, hat they offer oneHundred Dollars for any sew that it fails t o cmrs. fiendfor list o testimonial*. Addres* P. 3. CHIttAY * Go, Toleds 0. Sold by D tnoH 7*#, til's Family Fills are the beet, f , Announcement W e are desirous of announcing to our many friends and patrons th a t we w ill be unable to call on each persbnally and respectfully ask th a t you give us a call, inspect our goods, and secure our prices before placing your order for: McCORMICK BINDER TWINE McCORMICK BINDERS McCORMICK MOWERS DIARY MAID SEPARATORS CORN KING MANURE SPREADERS INTERNATIONAL GASOLINE ENGINES PETER'S BUGGIES FARMERS’ FENCE WEBER FARM WAGONS BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILL T h e K in a Y ou H ave A lw ays B ou gh t, an d -which h a s Isetm im u se fo r over 3 0 years, h a s borne th e sign a tu re « f an ti h a s b een nutfie under h is per sona l supervision sin ce Its infancy* A llow n o on e to d eceive yon in this* A ll C oun terfeits, Im ita tion s and “ Ju st-a s-good ” are boh E xp erim en ts th a t tr ifie w ith and endanger th e h ea lth o f In fan ts and OhUdren—B xpericnce aga in st Experiment* What is CASTOR IA Oastorja is a harm less su b stitu te fo r Castor O il, P a re g o r ic , D rops an d Sooth ing Syrups. I t is P lea san t. 16 con ta in s n e ith er Opium , M orphine nor o ther N arcotio sub stance. I ts ag e is it s guaran tee. I t destroys W orms and allays Feverishness* I t cures D iarrhoea an d W ind Colic. I t re liev e s T ee th in g Troub les, cures C onstipation and F la tu lency . I t assim ila tes th e F ood , regu la tes th o Stom ach and B ow e ls, g iv in g h ea lthy and natura l sleep* T h e Ch ildren's P anocea—The M other's Friend* C E N U IN B CASTOR IA A L W A Y S B ean s th o S ig n a tu re o f TieKindYouHareAlwaysBought In U s e F o r O v e r 3 0 Y e a r s . V YnrcCBTAUn4OMPA0V**VMUftftAVSTfltrr*NEWYORKorrv*' a N o C r o p f a il u r e w e s o l i c i t y o u r W H E N Y O U P L A N T M O N E Y T H E B A N K PA TRO NAG E S af * D eposit B oxes for R ent __ P aid C apital $80,000.00 • MTS SURETOGROW \* I ndividnal R espofsibilttv THE EXCHANGE BANK, • CEDARVILLE, OHIO. S. W. S mith , Prssidenls. G ko . W. B ifr , lat-Vioa Pre#. OtiVER-GAnLOUGH, 2d V. Pres. O. L. S mith , Cashier „ L. F. T ikdalu , Assistant Cashier. H e u $ e F u rn is h in g s :'r — : H u tc h is o n & G ibney ’s ;■ ■ ■■ * ■ FINE ASSORTMENT Room Rugs, lowest pri- . , ,, t _ . ces reached by the great Laundry Y<mr Lace Curt.m , A u o tic n S , Ios. L a c e C u r ta in s MADRAS and NETTS—In all the new 6 gurcs. LINOLEUM—all grades........ .............................50c up OIL CLOTH 25c up GREA T S A L E OF CO R S E TS ; A LW A Y S F IT T E D NEMO, REDFERN, ETC. SILK GLOVES, in all colors. Wash Suits, Auto Coats, Skirts RUICfilSOfi & SIDNEY'S, x m i L , OHIO “ TAKE THIS CUT I “We recommend it; ther* isn* nay better... In mid-Bummer you havo to trmi# to a large degree to your but#her. Wei! Cared For Meats Shi hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliance# for keeping them right, and tbejr’r* sweet and safe when »old. Don’t fi» meat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of u# and be sure, C. H . GROUSE, CEDABVILI j E, 0. £ EveryMonth’ writes Lola P. Roberts, of Vienna, Mo., “I used to be sick most of the time and sufferedwith backacheand headache. MyMother,who •had beengreatly helped by the use of Cardui, got me two bottles,’ and I have been well ever since,” _The Woman’s Tonic_ Cardui is a gentle tonic |' for young and old women. It relieves and prevents pain. It builds strength. It feeds the nerves. It helps the whole system. • M ade from harmless roots and herbs, it has no bad after-effects, does not interfere with the use of anyothermedicine and can do you nothing but good.. Try Cardui. Itw " help you. Your dealer sells i t The, Bookmalter ...itestauFact... IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FORLADIESUP STAIR ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S n o w a s C B N T 8 Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open*Day and Nijht. * Th# Best of Good Used in tbo Oul inary Department. J. H. McfllLLAN. Funeral Director and Furnitui Dealer. Mandtaeturer of Gemot tteave Vaults and Comonfc Bnlldin Blocks. Telephone 7, Cedarvlllo, .Ohio. C.N. Stuckey&Son, C e d a rv ille , O h io . The Palace Restaurant M rs . Clms, H a r r is , P rop . X e n ia Ave . Rooms fo rm e rly occupied hy^C . C . W # im e r. Meals by clay or^week, Lunch served all hours. Furn ished Rooms for R e n t N E W H E A T S T O R E I have opened a meat store in the J . 0 . Barbor room and ask for a share of your patronage. The finest outfit in tho county has been enstalled ior the storing, handling and retailing of fresh and Salt meats. OUr prices will always bo consistent with tho market quotations, INSPECTION INVITED C. C. Weimer. H U N T IJ F I S H I I Ilill tie lci?et^ lifs !4is thn*■ CBtacsrRteitt. 1 yesr(teac*to-lit —at t**im*In» u n tt It yen’, cl e.*w to MflOMLSPOUT! 133 r«*M»tr.iSBt*!. ye*,: fct'rjetiTi, eilirft thT:i.:c|t, i; tnHl rt:.:Ies (m fci »c4 t.-y, *sjr fi— 5 «■ i i - r . i > Cf.!:ss, IV,J;«! Kt.jftiCbtl.ti mmuMM. SenAMlSe- Meat is Healthy, The human system need* meat, not the tough, im digeetable kind which make* it a labor for tho diges tive organs to asimilate it, but the nutritious, Juicy kind which givoe you rnmclt and nerve for daily duties, G W, Crouse & Co, $u«*«w c. n m m Walshrofe,***sl»fptlc# , »Pc, RM'.asalSfMtn*** . , l!e, _ __ __ _ K«sdt«S*t, His' J #®X I"* mmxAi sroitTstus. iat, ..lour** Mt IMh Laek:*, C'»fije«M l Alt TOTJX* IS BEAUTY WORTHYDURWUUl ViolaCream »»!*#, bu ck «anbttni *naten, ^ , ENT- f * "X ^ "N > W e ^l^rS ln MBAnlly tfgiX th« ftmhpm m& NKW .. * mm
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