The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

& 11 f I ' t i. Books Added To Library Tho Spoilers t Who Silver Horde; Tim B a e ite—Box Beach. Tho SovQotn Noon—Frederic Grin . Bartlett. Tho Light of Stara—Hattie Bono* von Bohan®. W h e n a Man's Single—I, H, Bar- \ rfo. j Throo Daughtora of the Confcdor- j ocy— Cyrus T< Brady. f Shirley—Chnrlotto Bronte. Father; Av*’n l—Bona M. Corey, The Celebrity—'Vvliicon Churchill. A Girl of the Klondyfco—-Victoria ! Crocs* .! Bon IJuixotc—Miguel Bo Ceryan- i tea. ! A Million a Minute—Hudson Douglas, • . Boris; The Buchiss; Phyllis—The j Duchess. | She Story of mvThitolvi Love—Paul I L. Ford. j Three Men and a Maid—Robert | Frazer. ’ In the Heart o t the Storm—Max­ well Grey. Romance of a Plain Man—Ellen Glasglow. A Strange Disappearance; The House of the Whispering Pines—A. K. Greene. The Money Magie-'-Hamhn Gar­ land. The Redemption of Kenneth Galt —Win. Harben. . The '-People at Play—Bolliu L. Harfce. . Bella Bound; The Call of the Blood—llobert Hit kens. Heart’s Desire—Emerson Hough. Lena Bivers;. Tempest and Sun- Bhine—Mary J. Holmes. , f The Land of Dong Ago—Eliza Calvert Hall. The Silver Cup—Chas. Cuthbert Hall. The Time, the Place and the Gill— J . W. Harding. . Latter Bay Sweethearts— Mrs. Burton Harrlso.n. • A Daughter of the Snows—Jack London. , Katarlne—Eleanor McCarty Lane, Michael Thanwato’s Wife—Miri­ am Micnelson. Anne ot Avonlea—L. M. Montgom­ ery. The Man Outside—Martin Wynd- ham. Nedra—G. B. McCutcbcon. The Puppet Grown; A Splendid Hagafd—Harold McGrath, The City of Delight—Elizabeth Miller. Myrtle Baldwin—Chas. C. Mann., Littl&'Sister Snow —Frances Lit­ tle. Rosalind at Red Gate; The Lord’s of High Decision—Meredith Nichol son, The Avenger—F . P. Oppenheim. Stepping Heavenward—Mrs. B . P. Prentiss, Lucy of the Stars—Frederic Pal- mer. ' ■ Light Fingered Gentry—G. D. Phillips. At the Foot of the Rainbow—Gene Stratton Porter. . 1 Walled In—E . S. Phillips. Told in tho H ills—M. E. Ryan. Forty Minutes Late—Hopkinson Smith. Tho Revelation o f,Herself—M. E. Sanborn. The Bronze Boll; The Black Bag; The Private War—Louis Joseph Vance. The First Chriatmaa Tree—Henry Van Dyke. A Horse’s Tale—Mark Twain, A Certain Rich Man^r-Edgar Allan White. Conjuror’s House— Stewart E. White. The Powers and the Maxine—C. N. &A. M. Williamson. V ash fi-A . E. Wilson. Happy Hawkmo—Robert W, Wa- aon. Vlrgilius—Irving Bachellor. In Ambush—Van Vorst. The Angel and tho Outcast—G, Colmore. What A Sight it Was! They Came, They Saw. 5 mmm Amazed at Way Goods Were Practically Given Away. NOTE,S FROM THE SA LE Friday aid Saturday AU day—from the moment the doors were ppened to the. public—one sweltering mass of humanity surged onwaTd and forward, rattimes almost beside themselves with excite- . ment the harrowing low prices produced. Xenia never saw,, such a push. Extra salespeople have been engaged, and this week selling will be attended with more comfort. The U. S. Court of Bankruptcy % J Has ordered the stock sold at' whatever price it will bring. I t's a case of MUST, it's a case of turning stock into CASH. Read These Few Instance Prices Men's Cravanette Coats, sold for $12 and $15, marked to $7.75. Boys’ Overcoats, ages 5 to 12 years, made for this seasonl $4 and $5 values, $2.75., - Boys’ fine Overcoats with- military collars, worth $12.50 and $15, for $6^)5. Our Misfortune, Your Gain The sympathy of the whole town goes out to this well known reliable firm of Hyman's. Business adversity, is unfortunate—therefore we say HELP this firm, and at th e ’ ■same time HELP yourself to an AVALANCHE of BAR­ GAINS. Look for the RED. SIGN. Hyman’s, 39 JLast Main St., Xenia, Ohio. SPECIALPRICES GIVENMi WIREFENCE. For a short time I will make re­ markably low prices on wire fence. 1 This fence Is not an ■all steel wire i but an iron wire which tho govern-: irient chemists claims to be tho near­ est to pure Iron as there is on the market, Olio lot 47 inches high all number nine wire at 37 cents per roil or 30 cents per rod if cash with the order. Poultry fence SS inches high, 13 wire, 0 stay ihe best fence on the market for 46 cents per rod, or 45 cents, cash with tho order. These jirices will move this fence with a rush and intending buyers had better got tholr order m with­ out delay. (fcf) . <3. M. Crouse. FairShoes We open the new sea­ son with the most complete line of Shoes for Men, Wo­ men and Children we have ever shown—Shoes we are very proud of. Just the sort of Shoes you’d expect to find in the best Shoe Store. We expect a profit on our Shoes and in return we offer you the best Shoes, a t any given price, your money can buy. ■ I t will be profitable to be on very intimate terms with this Home of Good Shoes! FINE FUR N ITUR E WANTEDC osm opo litan Maga­ zine, reunites the service of a rep­ resentative in Cedarvilie to look after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by special moth- J i oda which have proved uusually Isuccessful!. Salary and commission Ton Nights in a Bar-room T. b. • previous experience desirable but Arthur. ( not essential. Whole time or spare Alice’s Adventures inWonderland . tim0. Address with references, —Lewis Garoll. ! H. 0 . Campbell, Cosmopolitan Donald & Borothy-Mary Mapeo j Magazine, 1789 Broadway, New 17 E. SHOE STORE, THE SHOE EXPERTS. Main Street. Xenia, Ohio. Bodge. York City. Buy Cedarvilie Oil & Gas Co. S to ck a t $ 1 0 per share. Price will he advanced soon . G et in today. Don't delay . Do you know tha t Adair is showing; this fal the handsomest assortment of good furn iture .in the city? Every one knows' tha t Adair's prices are lowest. If you don't, visit our store and you will be convinced immediately. We sell only furniture tha t can be depended upon, but we sell ’t cheap.. / DiningTable P idestal. , $11.50 BUFFET $ 1 7 .5 0 U p SIX LEATHER-SEATED CHAIRS $ 1 2 .0 0 U p Special: $ 18.75 Davenports $ 18.75 BEST CHASE LEATHER. SOLID OAK FRAMES. / MAERICK New Fall Suits New Fall Dresses New Fall Skirts New Fall Coats Our collection of the newest in stylish depend- i t r | | i Tho readora of this paper will bo plaoca- 0.DiC 101 1 garments now ! to lwmthftt there iaot least ono dreaded „ . . . 1 , , | ; dteaase that Neleacoha* bean able io cure in at it s best, Myles' ^ i<* 8^*.««1 tm* u 0 *^ . nun , , Catarrh Caro ia Iho only ijnsUivo caranow pretty, material s t y l i s h . aa** * J ' * ! bring a constitutional iltcreas, require* a !wtisliwildiiol tfsStoictife Iloil’t GMuth- Card!# token internally, titling directly up ■ m the bloodand mucoasaunvma of sysfem FARM FOR SALE. Small farm of four acres, three miles from Cedurvillo on Townole' road, live room house, now barn,] two wells, cistern, good cellar, two largo chicken houses, good fences, terms reasonable. (tf] F. P. McGarley. $100 Awards $ 100 . Prices never so able. r e a s o n ’ Mearick’s Cloak House DAYTON OHIO j thereby dcitrayitig the foundation cf tho ! tlixsfiz, and giving tho patient strength by I feutiding up tho constitution and ^dating ' ftfttaro in doing its wont, Tho proprietm-o havqeo much faith in ita {Urativa powcrc, ! bat- they oifer one li miihc-1Dollars for any Restaurant Mrs. Chas. H arris, Prop. Xenia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by C. C. Weimer. Meals by day or week. Lunch served all hours. Furn ished Rooms for R e n t *53*5 Physicians Advise S s S 1,10b0WC,£l °’pCnand mvcnt tS!6P°Kteo1 UR<3iGcsted p - ii - m I10 ?t.e*'cn<:c *s haxativo liver Symp, pi rciy vrgetaMa, gorttle, 5, anf t °/ a rka-aiit, arciiiatio ia&tc, Vdvo acts ait tlso liver, an well as on Iho a«‘l l301.1,13 nrevitor.t poaJito rhicaey in cofictiptiort, indigestion, hi|ioiPjnc^3, r,iii:licadacli3, feverishness, coils,tlatukncc,eto 'fry VF1 that it toiiii to <iar<\ flotui for lint o i Add«'£3. i \ J. tH M D Y <& 00, Toledo 0 . ■EbMIiyOrcggis^ Vtfc. inil’s Pills m U ki bat, LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP R U G S - Our Stock Is the Largest. Our Prices the Lowest. Tapestry Brussel Rugs— 9x12 as low as $ 1 3 . 5 0 China Closet $13.50 Up STOVES We handle the Standard Makes of RANGES, COOK STOVES BASE BURNERS, HEATERS* HOT BUS T STOVES GAS HEATERS AND RANGES. OAK 20-22-24 North Detroit St. A D A IR ’S, FURN ITURE , CARPETS and STOVES, XENIA, OHIO. To Core a Cold Id One Day TakeLaxativeBromo&jlnine j * t>» a Sevcftawtton hum ecid m pm iatiwBiii, Tils fighstsre, C w e r y IB %%w t e l W d th a t THI Cal To.U j i | hiBtc rofrcl that [ ,jr Karuf eulial -and if iod sf lovinl s l tho v.j "younj strug € in til Abral Lee 7| fronil Lined . menu was presfl trailil l | Houif propi nck.l Story| ver. t the 11 Xen:xl when ’l werel terefil the-1 a spa ot all eredi granl profq Gemf lzedj -t.lnitj he vl Lee 1 go tjv J froul rl [ I werJ L the 1 Blot] Hull chlil the ! t h if non rriul in ] | ym l I t su r l h a J p i I ; l . v | 1.,«i teril ■'Cl ten !Ls o u s l fo il! t o o l cejN for®p « g l | p cap® c an il ed.| ger loci De[ err bed <iu| tftif atll inf at bi! wu hr n<: pc ofl grj w f