The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
t I -« If I I Harvest Home and Corn Carnival, Horse Show, Matinee Races, Street Pair | I i Handsome and valuable presents given by merchants for cereal exhibits, for winners in the draft and roadster classes, and beautiful and expensive prizes for the best butter, bread» ^ I 1 3 Big Days in South Charleston, Ohio ===October 20 ,21 , and 22. ■ " - r • ' - y y . T - ^ ^ -r. ^ g -*iv t * >>» ^ «• *— m and cakes. Pumpkins and squashes also come in for recognition with nice prizes, $60.00 IN GOLD FOR THE FOUR BEST EXHIBITS OF CORN---See Conditions Below. PROGRAM Thursday Morning, Oct. 20,9 a. m. « 1 £ Work team exlnblt under the ausplceB of the Clark County Humane Society, in which awards will be made for the teams in the heat erudition, best kept,- best bitted and beat hand- led. Entrance FREE. Yon can drive in at the last minute. Exhibits of the four-year-old and oyer draft teams in which the first prize is a $15 breaking plow, donated by Houston Co., South Charles ton, Ohio; the second prize is a silver veterinary dose syringe, given by George W. Luckoy, South Charleston, Q.'; the third prize is a ’set ot plow double trees, complete, given by Rich ard Boland, South, Charleston, O. During the afternoon' and evening, the Street Fair and Carnival will be wide open with Dancing at the Pavillion. (2:30 I 1 & Friday, Afternoon, Oct. 2(, The Matinee races will.he held on the track at Maple Leaf Stock Farm. The classes will be Class A trot. Entrance fee $1, Purse, the entrance fees and $10 added divided into three prizes. Glass B Trot. Entrance Fee $1.. Purse, En trance fees and $10 added divided into three prizes. ' Class A Pace. Entrance fee $1. Purse, En trance fees and $10 added divided into three prizes. . Class B Pace. Entrance fee $1, Purse, En trance fees and $10 added divided into three prizes. 2 and 3 year, old Pace Horses which have not been started. Entrance fee, $1. Purse, En trance fees and $8 ad&ed divided into three prizes. Roadster Class (untraoked horses). Entrance fee, $1* Purse, Entrance fee and $5 added di vided into three prizes. All entries accompanied by entrance fee muBt he sent to H .D . Brydon, South Charleston, O. not later than Saturday, October 15th. Each class must have three or more starieis. Transportation will be provided to and from the grounds at a nominal charge, also be evening, The Street Fair and Carnival will in full swing in 'h afternoon and and dancing a' the Pavillion. Saturday October 22d, 9: a. m. Show of the draft and roadster classes, and Driving class. Afternoon the Gentlemen’s and evening, everything centers at. tho Carni val and Street Fair with dancing at the pavil- lion. Horse Show DRAFT CLASH—Draft Stallion with five of his get, 1st., Blud bridle donated by C. B. Hutchins, Springfield, Ohio. 2nd, Boxfof Cig ars, donated by Harvey Allen,, South Charles ton, Ohio. Draft suckling colt. Free service fee fdr next breeding season to the mares producing the best colt by the following draft stallions “King Edward”, owned by Diifendal and Whipple, South Charleston, Ohio “Manchester”, owned by Thos, Fagan. South Charleston, Ohio. v “Taquln", owned by D. A. Sprague, South Charleston, Ohio. ...‘4s Hugo” owned by W. E. Wilson, South Walt, Charleston, Ohio, “Lady", owned by P. B. and J. L. South Charleston, Ohio. “Quebec’’ owned by Frank Stevens, South Cha leston, Ohio. Mr. Stevens donates $10 on service fee for the first colt and $5 for tho second. Mr. Sprag ue donates $12 on service fee for first and$6 for second. Suckling colt Sweepstakes. $5cashi donated hr .. . ■ T ■*■% n ■ I * . ■ ■ *V A rt ■ by •Dr. Ohio. James C, Jones, South Charleston, 2-years-oid draft, class either sex, 1st Horse blanket donated by Alfred Clqmans, South Charleston, Ohio, 2nd, 12 shaves and i hair cut, by O. M. Dower, South Charleston Ohio, 8 years old and over draft mare class, 1st Horse blanket donated by McCulloch’s harness Store, Springfield, Ohio. 2nd Box of Cigars donated by J, D. Hicks, South Charleston', Ohio. PersouH competing for this prize aro required to send in 50o for one year’s subscription to THE SENTINEL, sending also one bushel ,of corn. Persons whoso subscriptions are already paid in advauce will bo credited with a year* from present expiration. Renewals count tho same as new subscriptions. BUTTER To tho lady exhibiting the best 5 pound roll of butter, first prize, a $10 One Minute Churn, donated by BarinannBros.; second, anew hat donated by Mrs.'Dora E. McCollum. WHEAT. Roadster C lass Stallion, 2years and over. -1st., stud bridle, donated by 0 . H; Wentz, South Charleston, O, 2nd., Horse Blanket, donated by Thurman Johnson. Suckling colt. 1st. Choice of buggy bridle ot horse blanket; 2d, Handsome russet leather show baiter. Both donated by Michael Mur phy, South Charleston, Q. ■ ' - ' M - '■ ■■ •!>*■ ’*• '. "‘■"MinII • l i i r n n w i n w n y n iimi i i Mil No entrance-fee is charged in any of the First prize, a handsome gold watch, valued at $35, donated by Frank McMahon; socqnd. one “Stay There” fence post, by Chase Colvin; third, one-halt barrel of Whlto Cliff flour, by F. It. Murray. LAYER CAKE First prize, First-class wall paper for on* room, by The Bazaar; second, one box of .choc olates by George H. Flowers. OATS LOAF CAKE First prize, host table cloth and one dozen napkins, donated by H. F. Gross; second, one box pf chocolates, by George H. Flowers. First prize, one lawn gate aridposts, donated ’by Chase Colvin; second,-one Myers Ratchet pump, donated by O. S. Battin; third, one box of cigars, donated by George H, Flowers. PUMPKINS PUMPKIN PIES First prize, on $18-picture, donated by George H. Slaughter; second prize* $1worth of tickets to the Princess theater, by Carl Hornick. M&Sfci horso events, except in the Matinee races, so come and bring in your good ones. Gentlemen’s Driving Class. 1st $5 pair of First prize, one gold watch chain, donated by Alfred Glenmns; second, 12 shaves and one hair cut by Lewis Walls. POTATOES shoes, donated by J. B. Malour; 2nd, pair of drlvint* gloves by H. F. Gross: 3d,, box of ci gars, donated by J. D. Morey, Springfield, O. SQUASHES CORN, WHEAT, OATS ,To the best bushel of corn exhibited the first prize will bo $25 in Gold, with a Supplementary prate Of$5 In Gold, donated by Brown ami Ti tus, South Charleston, O’hio. The second prize will be $15 in Gold, with a supplementary prize of a handsome ',$5 rooking chair, donated by George H. Slaughter, South Charleston, O* The third prize will be. $10 in Gold, and a half barrel ofWhite Cliff flour, donated by F. j R. Murray* , The fourth prize will he $5 in Gold, and a 50 box of cigars donated by Frank N. Noble, South Charleston, O. . . First prize,. one parlor lamp, donated by Stanley Sellars; second prize, ,12 shaves and one hair cut, donated by Clearance Inskeop. BREAD Shough Brothers, millers of Model Flour, offer tho following handsome and valuable prizes for bread, rolls and cakes baked with Model Flour: To the young lady, under 20 years of age who exhibits the best loaf of bread baked from Model Flour, a lady's Gold Watch; to the lady over 20 who exhibits the best loaf of bread from Model Flour, a 42 piece dinner set; to the lady exhibiting the best pan uf rolls baked from Model Flour, a 42 piece dinner set; to the lady exhibiting the best loaf cake from Model Flour, a 42 piece dinner set; to the lady exhibiting the. best layer cake from Model Flour, a 42 piece dinner set. First prize, $2*50; second, $1.60;- third, $1.00, All donated by Brown and Titus. No entrance fee is required in any ,of these competitions, except In the corn contest arid the MatineeJRaees. The only stipulation being the contestants shall enter their names in var ious baking contests as early aB possible, al though the breid, cakes and pies do not have to be brought in until Thursday morning. The prize bakings from Model Flour will become the property of the Slough Brothers. Don’t forget the Street Fair and ' Dan eing, whiuh will be held' every afternoon and evening during the three days. Come and have a good time. Ample provis ion Will be made to feed every one who at tends. Bring your farm products, your horses, colts, pumpkins, squashes in fact anything that you'- may have which you may think worthy of- exhibition, and show the people what you have been doing the past season. % SPECIALVENIRE; - FOBJUSTICE. A special venire of thirty-six names, from wkieh it is hoped to secure a jury to try Charles Justice on the charge of murder, in the flrsfc degroe was drawn Monday. Should this Venire bo exhausted without a jury being secured, the court njlay from time- to time issue special venire until trie jury box is full. The veniremen are: ' Allen Bumspert, Beavercreek; Harry Hackett, Miami; Brant Bell, Beavercreek; Gabriel Broadwoll. Bath; B. K, Bltnour, B obs ; D. L. Gerard, Jefferson; W. V. Luce, Spring Valley; Albert Kemp, Su- garcreek; C. E. Harnlsoh, Xenia, Third Ward; Thomas’ Jacobs, Miami; R. S» Cooper, Ross; David Tarbox, Cedarville; Wra. Racer, Xenia, Third Ward; Geo. Wood, Spring Valley; Mnhlon Siobers, Xenia, Second Ward; Wm. Kear ney, Xenia First Ward; ft. B. Turn- hull, Cedarville Tp*; Benjamin Glass, Xenia Tp.; Clayton Perkins, Jefferson; Charles Stevenson, Miami; Wm. Sutton, Xenia Tp.; J. H. Davis, New Jasper;A. H. Cos ier, Beavercreek; W. W- Barnett, SilV-orcreek; Clayton Howard, Xen ia, Third Ward; I. M, Edington, Ross; S. H. Faulkner, Ceasrircreek; Wm, Jackson, Xenia Fourth Ward; Joseph Adams, - Miami; Jordon Robb, Xenia, Fourth Ward; James Fletcher, Xenia, Second Ward; Albert Lloyd, Spring Valley Tp. Money counts, and time is fleeing, Money saved-it’s time you’re seeing This Bankrupt Sale-when it’s over THEN YOU’ LL KNOW, you’ve been in clover* It’s Now or N ever Only becau se w e must make good by order of th e Says Hyman to the Court, “This sale will be right; I’m wielding the hammer With all my might.” United States Court of Bankruptcy Will th ese p r ices Says the Court to Hyman, It’s all Dollars and Cents, When your creditors get that They’ll ailfeel immense* Hyman’s Great Bankruptcy Sale 39 E. Main Street, Xenia, O. This Bankrupt Sale It’s now in full blast, We can hot guarantee How long it will last. IS THE TALK OF THE TOWN if , , Men’s New Pall Suits and Overcoats Men’s and Boy s New Fall Trousers. WEATHER REPORT. ' . V Ladies’ New Wrappers, House Dresses and Dressing Sacques Rainfall 2.0$ inches. Per cent, sun shine, 78; clear days, 16; cloudy days, 6; part cloudy days, 10; rains, io; fogs. 4; thunder showers, 4; highest temperature, 86 degrees; lowest temperature, 60 degrees; range of temperature, 14 degrees; average tsmporaturo, 71 degrees; light frosts, 0;’ rainfall Up to date, 31.46 Inches. The average killing frost is about September 26th. This yehr is behind time one week at least, arid a good deal behind In rainfall* Samuel Creswell, Observer, That Were Contracted for-HAD TO BE ACCEPTED. Buy Cedarville Oil A Gas Co. Stock at $10 per share, Price will ha advanced aeon. Get in today. Don't daisy. FARMFOR SALE. Small farm of four acres, throe miles from Ocdaiwlllo on Townsloy road, five room house, new barn, two wells, cistern, godd cellar, two large thicken houses, good fences, reasonable. jtfj * v« McCarthy* There .Was No Way Out of It—Now A ll Goes at Smash-up Prices T o be able to buy NEW MEN’S and WOMEN’S CLOTHING AT COURT iPROCEEDING PRICES has stormed Xenia and all surrounding country with excitement and glee. DON’T DELAY A DAY—HURRY HYMAN’S SALE, e . m a in S t r e e t , x e n i a . LOOK FOR THE RED SIGN. i For I Wm f th * t TUI Taylo over t abont the et{ •tiie b has be Iraagi rate Is visits withoi ticket Natioi somet but if lence j. hrg a )L AST . We obi continuing bureau thl primary ■ that heis matter to I that Will otherwise! throughoif ver’s lette deri, Ohail Committa gressionaj March 3l [ insisted t( ered as tion for1 indicatedl vincihgvnl to step d(| and resnil hisliome The let ■ this part Mr*Dan Jesse Ta so wldel pie gene, as we a sole hei . trouble ot a Bing ip a mbn seeking this lett tances. On th R. Den\ compos- seeking well kep posed in see Jess, seize up< tov/hoi ate it t himself of it, sn for the this disi the etcr nl, and dictum Jesse T the Six trict. A Re for Tay x^t
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