The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
z. For Excellence Our Jot? Work will compare with th»fc of any ©th*r firm...... 9he Hedarv, Xerald, VWW>A<rWW ^VvrwVvVl/VV‘ Tlilo itemwbenmarkcdwith an in dex, dcsiutes that a year's safestrip* tion is past due ansi a prompt set” tlement is earuestiy desired. , . * tfT ttKxx THIRTY-THIRD Y E A R NO . 44. CEDARVILDE , OHIO, F R I D A * OCTOBER 28, 1910. PRICE , S1.0Q A YEAR . ESI A prominent Jurist’s answer when askefi as to Jesse Taylor’s former defeat was: “As I see it, Taylor was too wet for me “Drys” and too dry for the “Wets” . 44 Soak” Berry; s But Ridgway W a s to Be Let Down “Easy” By James town Temperance Mayor, Whom Taylor W a s Grooming for Recorder.......... Wanted Mayor to Play “Double Role”. Whether the Jurist was correct when lie made the statement two yfeaTsjago, following the election, can best be judged by the fol lowing story : We now charge without fear of truthful contradiction, that this same Jesse Taylor is as guilty of deceit ana fraud as any demagogue that was ever trapped. R om an ever appeared before a state audience advocating a moral cause that could dll the role of double-dealing be tween the wets and the drys as Jesse Taylor. Garbed on the one hand with anti-saloon livery we find him praying on the temperament of a body of people to rally to the cause and crush the saloon. 1 On the. other hand we find this treach erous deceiving character tinkering with Justice in regard to viola tors, urging the court to “ soak” one fellow and “ liberate” another. W o have no quarrel with Mr. Taylor for what lias been accom plished through his efforts for the cause of temperance. It is Taylor's eternal duplicity in making his temperance friends believe in his pu rity and good faith while .behind him leads the trail to the camp of the opposition, that we wish to condemn. We know of no man con nected with either side o f the temperance cause who lias shown as little conception o f manlinoss for his true position as Jesse Taylor. .A few years ago, when the temperance crusade had just begun, Jamestown elected a temperance mayor. Other towns in the county iind executives but their personal views seemed to over-balance the evidence when the violators o f tha local option laws were being tried. Laylin Urged Republicans To Bolt Ticket. A number of circular letters mailed out from Columbus Wednes day by the Republican State E x ecutive Committee, Lewis C. Lay lin, Chairman, in behalf of Jesse Taylor, first, and th'e remainder of the ticket, second, are being taken as a great big joke. Mr. Laylin states that the selec tion of a congressman is not a mere question between Taylor and Den ver as Individuals. Mr. Taylor inade tlia samejolaiip. two.*years ago to Jamestown to be tried’ be fore the fnayor o f that village, a man who possessed a sterling oharac- ■ ter, ■ - . „. -: ~ . The mayor at that time was urged by Mr. Taylor to come out for county recorder. Taylor pictured to him how easily he might, gam favor with the people of-the county by .“ soaking" the violators and in this manner his reputation would extend to every voter. One o f the first cases to come before the mayor was one, “ Grassy” Berry, of Xenia. The trial was heard and Taylor insisted • upon the mayor “ soaking” him to the limit. Taylor endeavored to show that Berry had few friends that could do him injury in a cam paign and by giving him the limit the large temperance element of the county would be at his assistance when he came for recorder. Time went on and the temperance mayor heard many cases and in almost every instance the defendant was found gnilty. But along came a victim from Uedarville, Charles M . Ridgway, druggist, on two ;chargos as secured on evidence by a committee headed by the late E .W . Hagar. Ridgway was taken before the temperance mayor for trial but in stepped this high-browed temperance orator to plead mer cy for the defendant. Taylor explained to the mayor that he had made himself “ solid” with the temperance element and It was now time to recognize the other side, •The mayor was astounded and refused to listen to Taylor’ s .pleadings for Rldgway’ s dismissal. Taylor represented to the mayor that the thing for him to do in these cases Was to let Ridgway down as light as possible as ho (Ridgway) was prominent in Cednrville pol itics and would be of service to him In his race for recorder. *. in justice to the mayor we wish to state that Ridgway wa3 found guilty on each charge and since that time has been arrested on two additional charges and pain fines amounting to $100, which tins been placed in the corporation treasury. While Mr. Taylor and tho temperance mayor had been friends for years it is said that this one act was the breaking of the friend ship of the two. We have not taken undue advantage of Mr. Taylor in exposing one of iris many tricks by waiting until tho “ eleventh hour” but have given him time lor answer to the charge to bo published in every newspaper In the district previous to the election. Nothing but an absolute denial from tho temperance mayor will bo regarded as an answer to the charge that Taylotf wanted Ridgway “ le td ow n easy’ * while ' ‘Grassy” Berry and other Xenia offenders were to be “ soaked” Republican Candidate for Lieutenant Governor »* •&**?««»**1 FUANCIt W, tBKAGWAV< date. Mr, Laylin makes the statement over lus own signature that presi dent Taft never recommended re- election of Democratic congress man. The State Chairman seems to be afflicted with absent minded ness if President Taft did not state in an address before the Ohio Soci ety that lie was In favor of continu ing the Ohio representation as we have it, which included Mr. Denver* As proof we refer Mr. Laylin to the Ohio State Journal, Cincinnati Times Star, Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, all Republican papers as well as the Enquirer, Democratic, those papers reported the president's address the day following. Mr. Laylin also forget&hlB advice to two prominent CedarvilllanB during his term as Secretary of State when ho advised them to go homo and inform their friends to voto the Democratic ticket ns a means of showing thoir disapproval of some primary election trouble' in this county which is now a matter of lffstory. Mr. Laylin stated that he was powerless in such cases and said, that while it did not sound well coming from his capacity, the above advice was all he could offer. Mr. Laylin will also recall that the Hon. Horace Ankoney introduced the two gentlemen. Come now, Mr. Laylin, refresh „ our memory and see if your wiris are not crossed. PAINFUL CORNS The kind that are for ever getting stepped on or hit. Have you some? . There’s a remedy—■ one that will entirely remove the offenders A . D, S. Corn Salve Will do it in three or four days— sometimes quicker. Try it on that old sticker that ha« caused you so much suffering Perfectly safe — will not cause sore ness. Guaranteed. PRICE, 10 GENTS Tisterman’s Pharmacy. When Jesse Taylor Judge of Morton Uou holding a judgeship id hud no court house, and was nothing to probate chips” , tho thought o conceived in his mind t to do was to come back’: the anti-saloon campai; build himself in public rewarded by getting s an office, it mattered » Eor weeks and w< Taylor campaigned i manner against the sa his weather eye on p tions b 6 that be mighty “the first opportunity along The time came for t a central committeeins^ in Janies town and the “ Judge” entered the contest on the plea o f hjk “ Republi canism” . Evidently tt* “ Judge’ s” friends thought that 10 was doing, best in the anti-saiofSa. work and for that reason elected^ftnotber for committeeman. TayloSfJmd in mind at that time o f stepping from the committeemanship mbga seat In the Ohio legislature. “ J Taylor had cards printed ftpd circulated winch proves that h«& had aspira- Probate , Kansas, nty that re there ‘Buffalo tly was ho thing o, enter nd thus rand be ..kind of hat. “ Judge’ ' vigorous keeping condi- hold, of hat came election of tions other than wb.ak/ffae temper- Evangelist Orr Is Coining. anee field afforded, is the card: “ Ta ilor’s eleetto Committeeman men and eucces* to Jus Representative a JAMESTOWN, ,following as Central organisation didafjy for ■pring. I f & M M S' « £ & CAN to represent &he>M County In the Ohio legislature they should vote for JESSE TAYLOR for CENTRAL COMMITTEEMAN at the Republi can Primary Election on April 7” . Other incidents followed during “ Judge” Taylor’ s anti-saloon work that camo near disrupting the Republican patty. In that the Judge insisted that heittttSfc have a, place. About this time Dr. J, G. Carson, the United Presbyterian minister of Xenia, was facing pushed as a candi date for state senator from this district* This was gall and worm wood to the “ Judge” and a few friends were compelled to administer an anaesthetic as a - quieting In fluence while tho nomination of the minister was completed, as per the Blate in such conventions. Another time tho “ Judge” came near sooing his ambitions realized and that was during the year of the celebrated and renowhed Hilde- brant-Scroggy double convention period. Congressman Scroggy had about finished one term and an nounced that he would not accept the nomination for another. “ Judge” Taylor had spent much of ids time in Washington with Con gressman Scroggy that year having a good time at the expense of the Junior Order. Washington life was a fascination for “ Judge" Taylor and lie made up his mind that he would succeed his? friend, Congress man Scroggy. When the time caine Mr. Scroggy recommended another person and once more “ Judge" Tay lor’ s aspirations were punctured. Two years ago Hon. George Little declined to run as a candidate for a third term In the legislature. Tim. gentleman’ s name was on many lips as the only person that could "re deem” the district and for a while “ Judge" Taylor devoted his energy and tact In having Ills friends insist on Mr. Little running for another term. Hla ultimate object was to keep him front tho congressional fight. “ Judge” Taylor at this time was successful in securing tho nomina tion hut when the election returns of November 10U8 were reported the “ Judge” los' every county in tho district, save Warren, with Greene included in the wreckage. In the ' campaign two years ago Mr. Taylor, m order that ho might win ■tho “ wet” vote, represented himself as neutral on this question but before tho close of tho cam paign an endorsement of the Anti- Saloon league was published, which proved to he tho “ straw that broke thocampbell's hack” . Tho “ Judge" was positive that he had the liberal element under Ins control at that time but tile endorsement something bo only wanted circulated among the “ drys” privately, proved his undoing to btdh the “ drys and tho “ wata” . W . W . Orr, D. D. of Charlotte, N, C., will conduct two weeks of evangelistic meetings in Cedarville beginning next Sabbath, Oct. 80, at 10 a. m, In the Reformed Presby terian Church, Main Street. Dr; Orr comes to us from the Associate Presbyterian Church of the South. Eor many years he was the pastor of a large and prosperous congregation in Charlotte, He loves blip work of an evangelist because liis heart is ou fire with the Master’s passion, Dur ing the past few years he has spent much' of bis time iu the work. Until less tlmn a year ago. he re tained tho pastorate of his congreg ation, having an assistant to carry on the work while he was away. But'a few months ago Dr. Orr re quested to be released altogether from the responsibilities of the local pastorate in Charlotte that he might throw himself'wludly into the work of an evangolist. wherever called throughout tho church. He has dime most of his work in ’ the psalm singing denominations, hot because he is averse to the other churches or tbeir praise service, hut because he came from a psalm singing body and is therefore especially at home with them. .He loves the whole church o f Christ and works willing ly wherever in it he is called to work. ■ -D r, Orris a man first of all; a big strong man, physically and mentally, and a man with a big, sympathetic heart. Best of all, he is a man o f God. He has a mission in the world for the K ing of-Kings; he knows it and is about the mis sion. Lot>k y t o hi» face and yon will know it too. Ho is an actor as welt as a preacher and naturally impersonates in much of his' speak ing in- making his sermons more real and vivid. You will love him when you know him. And will listen to him. Oomo and hear him. He will speak also Sabbath evening at 8:80 In the R, P. church. And during the week he will preach every after noon at two o’ clock and every even ing at 7 o'clock. Plan your affairs not only that you may attend tlie night meetings but also as many of tho afternoon services as possible. Dr, Orr addresses himself to Clirls- tains particularly m these after noon meetings. He brings with him a trained singer. Prof. F. R. Stover "from Missouri” , who will have charge of the singing. Como and hear Prof. Stover as well as the evangelist. A b I i your friends to come. The men will bo with us every afternoon and evening for the first two weeks of November. —WANTED ;—Some one to act as operator. Applicants should call at the Exchange. Cedarville Telephone Company- C. H. Crouse Sells Out. Mr. C. H. Crouse, the well known meat man, has disposed of his business to Messrs, O, A* Miller and Albert Aldrich, thnformor from Springfield and the latter from South Charleston. Mr. Miller has had considerable .experience as a meat cutter in Springfield while Mr. Aldrich has been a prosperous farmer near South Charleston. The new firm gets possession the first o f December. Mr. Grouse has not formulated any plans for the future other than he will continue to wholesale meat during the winter as he has done in the past. His desire has been to retire from, the retail part of the trade. Republican Papers Bolt Taylor. The Western-Star, one of the old est and most influential Republican papers in the Sixth District, and the Tunes, both published in Lebanon, Warren county have bolted Jesse Taylor for Congress. Warren county was the only coun ty in the District carried by Taylor two years ago.' Indications point now to the fact that Congressman Denver will carry every county In the district at the coming election. THEATRE NOTES. Nancy Boyer comes to the Fair banks Theatre for the entire week of October 8ist with a matinee every day. She visited the Fairbanks Theatre last year and is a great' favorite with Springfleid people. She repertoire as she Was last Beason and brings with her an ex cellent company and splendid scenic equipment. NOTIGEOF APPOINTMENT. In -the matter of Publication of Notice in the estate of William Martin Barber Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and duly qualified by the Probate Court of Greeno County, Ohio, as Exeeutor of the ’ above name es tate. All persons iudebted to said estate must make Iriimediate pay ment; those having claims will pre sent them for settlement. H, M. Barber. Taylor Did Not Make Mute Signs. The recont meeting of the execu tive: and central commi ttec-.s with Ibhe county and district candidates in Xenia at the Grand Hotel when Jesse Taylor banqueted in the name . of a “ love feast” evidently fell short / of its purpose from all reports* While the gathering was supposed to bo on 'th e “ confidential” order some thoughtless person has told of the inner happenings that lends a spioy tinge to the already compli cated congressional situation. 8o lar theN‘ ‘gag” has been ap- , plied to the candidate with unusual success and the campaign has been far different from that of two years ago when a speech from Taylor had the same effect on a community, politically, that a quart of nitro glycerine-, would have if dropped • from an airship on a heap of store boxes, . , 1 On this occasion it would not be expected that the host of such an affair would entertain his guests with the mute language so the “ gag” was removed. In the course of speech making our congressional c a n d i d a t e , “ Judge” Jesse Taylor, formerly Probate Judge of Morton county, Kansas, the court-houseless county, wasintrodnced. The “ Judge" was in his old time form and m a lew minutes was repeating the very act that he was censured for two yeats’ ago. A brother in the meeting arose and made some explanations that had A tendency to switch the j “ Judge” on other issues. The “ Judge” beihg proud o f his temperance record went after his “ traduesrs," what-ever-that-is, in . no uncertain terms. The “ Judge” by-this time had on bis fighting clothes and launched some advice to the committeemen. Taylor stated: “ Whoever in this room hears any one make a statement that I have taken a drink in fifteen years, call him a liar and if the charge is re peated not only oall him a liar, but knock him down and I w ill pay your flue." Bravo I Bravo 1 V indi cated again! H ip! H ip! Hurrah! Imagine a committeeman standing around waiting a chance to call a man a liar, then get arrested so that a vindication would come to “ Judge” by him getting to pay the fine. No tice the omphasis put on the com mitteeman taking up a persona! fight. Why didn’ t the Hon. Judge propose j:o do his own fighting? And he will if there is any done. For headache Dr. MUcm* Antl-Paln Pill*- Your , Clothes Money will go farther here than any where else. W e say this thoughtfully, and not with the carelessness often ^ used in making such statements. Schoenbrun A L L W O O L Tailoring When you get into one of these new Fall Suits in the novel brown effects it will be like breaking "home ties” t , o say good-bye to a mirror. Of course the results will not be complets without tho new $3.50 derby. 4tiMUMki)d W in * Mttev*#- ftf «#* *4 tut. tea**' f*f*ffc at 4 *m THE WHEN , Arcade, Springfield, Ohio, is not only better fitting than any we have ever handled, but is priced so that we can offer you a better proposition on your next suit than anybody elsecan make you bn tailoring of equal quality. ( . Our fabrics are more attrac tive than ever, everyone being w all woo l and' many o f them being special importations to sell at prices thatwill interestyou. Call and look over die line today, ' We Keep Your Clothe® Pressed FREE, Home Clothing Co HATS FU RN ISH IN G GOODS •J> ■ t H t m s • j J, u y , I * 11
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