The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
3 : 3 ? i \ I i > ( »I. .'!■»•" ■ ’ 3K i T \\ftt fi r l * . }■i• »3*f^aww Hi.i^.ifilj^t . ........yijtijj... Do Your Glasses Suit You? Our Refraction Work Is Not Excelled By. Anyone Charles S,\Fayt M 'l’ g Optician. 23 }i 33. Main S.t,, Springfield, <). «•* O n e D o c t o r - O n l y O n e No ssisge in rouping from one doctor to another! Select the best one, then stand by him. No sense either in trying ^this thing, that tiling, for your cough. Carefully, deliber- (ately select the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick \ to i t Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for j throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years, j No alcohol in this COUgh medicine. /. C. Ayer Co., Lowell,Mass. ■i _________ Wiiy try this tiling, that thing, for your constipation? Why not stick to the good ’ 11'diable family laxative—Ayer’s Pills? Ask your doctor if he approves this advice. The Gedarviile Herald. 5 i . o o J P e r Y e a r . KARLH BULL Editor FJRIDAY, OOTQBER 23, 1910 CONSTIPATION •■rgrow nlop yem* I Buffered with chionlo coo. BtlpatSoa *w3 durlne this tlmo I had to toko «n injection ot w»«n wotoronco every81hours boforo I could luvo Ml Kotlas qn my bowols. Happily I tried Oasoarota, and today I am a well man.. During thonmo years before I used Cascarets I aadored untold miserywith Internal plloa,-Thanks to yon 1 am free from all that this morning. Ton ean use this iu behalf of suffering humanity/* _ B. F. PIsbor, Roanoke, 111. Best for v The Bowels ^ m o c c u u to CANDYCATMAHTK} ■ol______ _____ __________ _ Guaranteedto ouraor yourmonoyback. t Sterling-Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 603 AH ilUALSALE.TEHMiUlOlBOXES •nfij wapedg jej siaipijqadoqt *) eju^ •saSed qqlz •8uopei}siij|i oo09 , ’ tassiqd pue spioM QOO'OOfr •Xqdeifosntajtn s«m H aa* t|ot qooq #qj ‘aojj -ejpitaoo jo wnaraoAOOs c ; pint 'noijnnuojn; je«uoJ jo tiempu m ‘Xjnqnqwoi jo oti * uj, •ttotmop pot Motqpj qjui pc)«i(u d o n 'pjotj - 3 »nqq pin *doqt ‘icwj* jo qoooclt Xsp-Xiaao aqj per* 'tooospj poc tp c oqf p X8o[astmj>) oq) 'toMninoatraas* joaojoj oinpMojiji qtijSnj ja d3«n3n»j »qj_ voqtj Xjnqoqo* im nds -on pcAisojt » « q ‘noptioimcoyd ‘ tmXnaaXt U3aiom£}» sqj^ <pt[qaop n q j wool tnoqt »*q pwnjop t hu » j j o joqanm Oqj* -pojjtjdenr pn* poIWjutodBooq OAtqtHogm!japs q - o p t -ppsdr idonmo jbem Xq pooiojuoM pm ^noji j o JtdojttjadBOj toptjj pojntg jmuoj 'nutjl *x ‘JQ J* ro 'rjaqjOMp«n»ijjo siuojoJykj*XqH»»X/arm qlnoiqldoptunodMq teqnejpnJjmwxoq£ *j[ntqnwqftq8»piu}tj5<lB«« sob noqtpmoj pjo oqj uq -donoMpojid i)i popaooxa qaoq |*qi« qowa« paoij»ws|o|pjosqi nm&mt ( «*W ‘ppiJ*«u<IS ,,0 0 ' 3 * *D) fXnoojvHQ1VNOIlVfraaiNI&3N WV& a a H s n a n d i s n p W liy has not Mr. Taylor publish ed Inn temperance record with a suitable endorsement in the Bpace he has contracted for with the newspapers of the district? Every county in the Sixth district has ■been carried by. the “ dry” forces under the Bose county local option election law. Th,e “ dry” element then should nob let blind issues defeat their cause by elocting a double-dealing candidate to Con gress. No “ dry” voter can support Mr, Taylor without putting a pre mium on perfidy. Will some one o f Taylor’ s support er’ s name twerity-flve voters, Be- pub 1L e a n or I) e m 0 0 r a t i c that voted for M. B . Denver two years ago and Will change their vote tnis year? It •wliould be pleasure for us to name twenty-five that supported . Taylor two years ago and are open for Congressman Denver’ s re-election this year. didates that are unworthy of your support. In Pennsylvania the party is fighting against a corrupt organi zation; New York Bepnblicans differ on the work of Boosevelt and the “ old guard;” Indiana as to the liquor issue; Wisconsin, the regulars against the insurgents, the Republi can state committee openly fighting ono of the state nominees. Ohio is not to he outdone and wo find an open fight between James B. Gar field against J. B. Foraltor and Sen ator Dick, All this is but evidence of the display of individual opinion among the voters while the office holders and politicians scramble for j a credit of the victory. Dedicatory Service Was Impressive. Impscesivo dedicatory services wrro held as tho 51.33. church Sab bath morning whoa tho newly re modeled building was dedicated tho sermon being delivered by Bishop David JI. Mopro, D. D., of Cincinnati. After tho sermon Ur. h . H. Bul- lcnbergor o f tho building commit tee made a report o f the financial standing. Tho coat of tho building j was about $8,280, The first sub scription amounted to about $5000, Through the efforts o f Bishop Moore $2,500 was pledged Sabhatn morning. The cost of the building as above includes the pipe organ and tho congregation I iub hopes of securing financial assistance from Andrew Carnegie, who gives gener ously for the installment of organs. Only about $1,000 of tbe indebted ness remains to be raised. In the evening Dr. W . R. McOhes- noy delivered an excellent sermon on tbe ovangelization of the world. ~ ~ - t - --- ~ *“ *" i Men and Kings. ' The people may be able to toilow; they cannot bo made to understand. T t i king’s mind Is tho wind, and grass are the middle of the' people; whither the wind blows, thither the grass bends.—Confucius.. SPECIALPRICES EFEHCE. Brother Chew is adding nothing to tho smoothness of the campaign in this county inrefering to Foraker^ as one who has “ bust his gall” The Gazette has no right to con demn .Foraker and support Taylor, when the latter was the Senator’s candidate two years ago. I f we were to give the same advice that would come from certain sources we would have to ,say that the Ga zette itself is •adding nothing to smooth the troubled waters. Tlie public has been hit often by the wrong kind o f a man being elect ed to office and not making, the dis covery until it was too late. Now days the candidate that comes be fore the pf ople must h a v e 'a clean .bill of lading and no argument in the name of apolitical party can be used to blind the people. The party lush has lost its sting and Is feared only by office holders and those who aspire.^ The great common people speak for themselves. The advice being handed out by the Taylor managers that the con gressional contest is not a matter of “ individuality” is but an acknow ledgement of Mr Taylor’ s unfitness for the place. When campaign managers attempt to cover up a man’s prlyate record it is time for the public to inve*stigate. We wish to warn the electorate that such tactics have been tried for years and sel dom wins laurels for the candidate. Mr. Denver could ask . for nothing better than a campaign on the line that is being persued to blind the voter in supporting an unfit man for a seat in Congress, For a short time T will make re markably low pr eson wire fence. Tols fence is not an all steel wire but an iron wire.which the govern ment chemists claims to be the near- J The Sixth District -is hut'a sp ed est to pure iron as thero is on the |men of-political turmoil that exists market. .n p t)IinByivalliat Nmv York, India- One lot 4*7 inches high all number nine wire at 8t cents per rod or 80 cents per rod If cash with the order. Poultry fence 59 inches high, 19 wire, 0 stay the host fence on the market for 40 cents per rod, or 45 cents, cash with the order, Theso prices w ill move this fence with a rush and intending buyers had better get tholr order in with out delay, (tf) G» M. Grouse, $109 Reward* $100. Tho readers of tfaiapaper will ba plaass- to lawn that tbaro ia at feaat on* dnadaii dt-ieaMthat sciesoo hrt bwn ahla to aurain ah ita atagrs and that laCatarrh, Hd]'a Cutcrrh Coro Is tho only ptwidre car* now known to the medical fraternity. Gtkwrh being a constitutional diacase, rcqttlns a cohatUtttlend treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure i* takeninternally, acting directly up on tbe blood and mucouseamtes of system thereby destroying tho foundation of the dieciOt, aridgiving tha patient strength by building up its constitution and cutting nature in doing its work, The proprietors lmva(tomuch faith In ita curative powers, tot they Offer oneHundred fiolhis for any OM» tliat It MU to cure, Goad foe list o testimonials. * Addas*, F.J, CTIFSfBY <&Co,Tokda.Oi 'gold byiJntg^if, ¥3e. •U' h Family L’iila ate tim best, , Uncle Ezra Says* •‘you'll find thot 'thd fUDiet’o main object ia wftlda' you co oarly In tho yeofnio’ ia to tell you it ia tlmo to 01$ up to*feed him.” *SfK *■* ' na Wisconsin and many other,states The fight is hot against the Bepub- lican party but an open robuke of the party managers and many can Races! Matinee Races Jackson Driving Park G edarv iile , Ohio. Saturday, Oct. 29th, L IBERAL PU R SE S 3 - - R A C E S - - 3 A Paco, H mile heats 2 in 3 * • - $10 B Trot, Vi mile heats 2 in 8 - - - $10 B Pace, U mile boats 2 in 0 - - - $10 R k c e s S t a r t P r o m p l y a t 1 2 : 3 0 Admission - - 15 Gis, Following the Cincinnati Times Star poll that there would t>e no change' m the Ohio delegation in the next House and that Congress man Do . er would bo returned, comes the poll of tho Success maga zine through its 25,000 life members, This magazine has the same predic- lionsfor the situation as did the Times Star, the leading Bepubli- can paper in the state. The New York Heiald has also taken a poll and has correspondents traveling over the state keeping in touch with the situation. This paper brings the same encouraging news of Mr. Denver’s success in this dis trict. And how could it be other wise when ■President- l ’att, iii a speech before the Ohio Society in Washington, D. O., stated that he was in favor of continuing the re presentation as it was, so that our representatives shall bo the fore most m both Halls of the Legisla ture. The people of this district m demanding Mr. Denver’s re-election are but carrying out the desires of our President. ’ . W. W. AGNEW RESIGNS. A meeting o f the Board ot Direct ors o f CedarvIUe Oil & Gas Co. was held Tuesday ' evening Oct. $5, at which time the resignation of W . W- Agnew as a member o f tho Board of Directors and General Manager was accepted to take effect at once and to succeed him J, T. Fitch was appointed General Manager, A t a meeting of the stockholders to be held in the near future a director to succeed Mr. Agnew will be elected. > The Company is having unusual success m disposing of the stock and will be able to begin operations in a very short time. The future o f the Gompany is cer tainly very promising an'd we thank the public for the confidence placed la the officers of the Company and solicit their continued patronage and assure them every effort will be made to serve their best interests. Rob’ t Bird, Pres. B. F, Kerr, S«o’y and Treas. DemocraticPapers RefuseSup porttcCreamerandGraves. RASY DOLT THE TREASURER Goaves, Who 'Would Be Secretary of State, Q&tair.ed the Nomination Through Having Delegates Pledged to Senatorial Endorsement Repudi ate Thc:r Instructions. Quick Returns. “You said you were going into come business that would bring you quick returns." “I did,” answered tho young man with ink on hla fingers. “I am sending manuscripts to tho peri odicals," Childish Ingenuity. If grown-ups were as Ingenious in manufacturing happiness as children are, this old world would be grinning all tho time. Two little boys In Jones street yesterday had a .roller skate to play with. The bigger boy put-it on, end tho smaller boy rode astride tho bigger boy’s foot. Tho two of them had as much fun out of that okato as if it had been an autOmobiio.-—Newark (N. J.) News, The troubles of the carefully hand: picked ticket which Governor Har- mon dictated to the Dayton conven tion* did not end with, the defeat of Newton Baker’s efforts to have the convention name the Democratic can didate for United States senator. Nor is the opposition within the party limited fo ,th e extreme Bryan radicals, who will eltner. openly op pose the Hurmdtt ticket as represen tative of the corporation influences within the party which groom Ohid’ts governor for the' task in which Judge Parker failed so miserably in 1004, or wifi show- their indifference by remaining away, from the polls. Two qf tho state candidates are al ready under fire. Treasurer Creamer is being openly repudiated by the Portsmouth Democrat, the Bshvling Green Free Press and the Wood County Democrat, while his name is omitted from the ticket published in a number of party Journals through out tire state,, Opposition t o .Grave*. Starting th'Ywcek before tho Day- ton convention, the Qafc Harbor ex ponent has since continued to sound the alarm on C, H. Graves, the Dem ocratic nominee fos secretary of state. The candidacy Of Mr. Graves was not suspected in his home county un til about ten days before .the Dayton convention, and it is charged In Oak Harbor, that it was engineered by J. H. O'Dwyer, the . chief of the “noble 800" in Toledo, Foremost among the opponents of Mr, Graves Is William Gordon of Cleveland, who was a Cuyahoga del egate to Dayton. He and the nomi nee wero-ibeys together, attended the same college and practiced at the same bar for years. In a statement over his own signgturo Mr. Gordon recites that on May 2$ tho Ottawa couny convention Instructed Its dele gates to tho etato convention to sup port endorsement of a party candi date for United States Senator. Thero was no division on this mat ter. The vote was unanimous. Forgot the Senatorshlp. "When notified, on their arrival in Dayton, that the price which they would be required to pay for the nomination of Mr. Graven as secre tary of elate was to vote against the proposition unanimously Indorsed by the convention which elected them, six of the seven delegates from Ot tawa county did so, thereby demon strating, in my Judgment, their utter nnfincso to serve In any representa tive capacity in a democracy, and they did this thing- at the* personal request and solicitation of Mr. Graves himself." Tho Oak Harbor Exponent adds the charge of tax-dodging against Mr, Graves, and recites that while he was prosecuting attorney he made loans on farm mortgages which he did not have recorded and, while re. delving 7 per cent h ’ >'-rcst, by keep ing the instrument off the records he •/scaped taxation. M c F a r l a n d b r o s . Fancy New F ig s : Bulk M in ce M ea t New c r o p P e a ch e s , A p r ico ts , and P a ck a g e Raisins* New pack , " S w e e t B rier” Corn and T om a to e s Bulk O ysters L ip p in co t t ’ s P re se rv e s , Bulk P ea ch and A pp le Bu tter “ E d g em on t ” C ra ck e rs O yster C ra ck e r s N ice Line o f C o o k ie s . Q U A L i T l f G U A R A N T E E D We Pay Best Prices for “Butter” and “Eggs Y O U R PA TRON AG E SO L IC ITED McFarland Bros. HWijN'H "TAKE THIS CUT’ 'tfKg; ~ -2 ! in, fiS ?1 'fii wJM j L&\ jl, I 1 Su^lw«fcT["ti m M III; jM O i & .m i J © }& K i i i M i lU s Abt’OHOL 3 PEK CEMT, . Awgclabte&epciraltonfarAs-' stranglingibeliJotfarjIBe^uD- ting lii?StooiadisaniLBoweLsof I n f a n t s /C hildren PromotesDigestioiuCkerful- nessandRssLContalnsneiffier .Opium.MorphinenorMaeraL N o t N a r c o t i c . sc^tcfauikmmmwm ItepknSccd“ JU&Sama+ JtMeSdts- ■jtoisrSttd* flmmat- U’arnSzcJ- ClaiQtdSmsp * WalBtjreaitltirgn, AperfectRemedyTorConiza tion,SourStomach.Dlarrhoa Worms,Coiwulsioiis.Feverish- nessandLoss OFS leep . Facsimile Signatureof - NEW YORK. C I S T O B U 3For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A tb m on lh so ld ^ 3 5 D oses Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years C A S T O R H THECKNTAimCOMPANY, NEWYORKCITY. ' PATR0NAG E nNOCROPFAILURE w e s o l i c i t y o u r WHENYOU PLANTMONEY TBEBANK. SURE10GROW S afe D eposit B oxes for R ent P aid C apital $ 80 , 600.00 ' INDIVIDNAL R e SPOFSIBILITY | THE EXCHANGE BANK, O E D A R V I I i L E , O H I O . S. w . S m ith , President. G eo . W . B ike * 1st.V ico Pros. O l iver G a R lough , *d V. Pres. O. L. S m ith , Gasifier J j . F. T indall , Assistant Cashier. Butterick Publishing Co. Will Give the Delineator 2 Years for $1.50 O t v Account J v Fortieth Anniversary. HUTCHISON NEW SUITS NEW GOATS SKIRTS LINOLEUM BLANKETS • THE DELINEATOR, NOVEMBERRlO & GIBNEY’S Selling Fast WAISTS CARPETS OIL CLOTH BATTING COMFORTS-wat low prices HUTGfilSON & GlBjlEY’S, XBN IA , ( o iiio THE RAPID Folding Go-Gart combinea comfort, durability and appear anco at tho loweat possible price consist ent with quality. Mother’o motto (—* “ Nothing too good for tho baby." Wo also manufacture Thompson’s Folding Crib- Sanitary, comfortable, convenient, durable and economical. Ask your dealer to ohow you a *<Rapid '**' Folding Go-Gart” and Thompson’s Fold- fng Crib, both of which are necessary Articles for tho baby. The best ono motion ( ’ollansiblo Cart made. If your dealer docs not la handle theso two articles, write us direct for price and circu rs. MISHAWAKAFOLDINGCARRIAGECO., Mishawaka, Ind* “ Wo reoommond if; ther* tm ’ i nay hottor-,, i In mid-summer you have to tw?*t |to a large degree to your but# her. Well Cared For Meals in hot weather are the only kind to fiuy; wo have proper appliance* for keeping them right, and they’ re sweet and safe when sold. Don’ t g* fneat shopping when it’s hot. Buy of ps and be sure, C. H. PROUSE, GEDARVTLDE, O. RARE CHANCE! Big Pay for Solicitors!, TH E C INC INNAT I W EEK LY . ' ENQUIRER is offering Five Thou sand Dollars in cash premiums to solicitors, in addition. to a liberal commission that is more than ample to pay one’ s expenses, besides af fording a living profit, while en gaged in the work of soliciting sub scriptions, TH E W E E K L Y ENQU IRER is now atwenty-fourpage magazine- style paper," chuck full of reading most acceptable to any well-ordered home. Each issue contains a ser mon by Pastor Russell, an essay by Dr. Madison C. Peters,, a.serial and short stories, natural history, gen eral news and special record of po litical and national affair^ that are of interest to all people, cut patterns for ladies and youths, and miscella neous matter, all of high moral in fluence; also marketreports from all commercial centers, and veterinary , columns. » . The editor’s aim being to present the reader with an exceptionally, good family journal df superior merit, free from all matters that an- tagonizemorality, justice and truth. To circulate such a paper, all well-meaning- persons can benefit their community and add thejrmite in iheuplifting of civic and political thought and action. ' Any person, lady or gentleman, - ~ withleisurehours, desirouso f doing a good, turn for the community,, at' the same timeearningfairpayment, should apply at once for particulars by writing to T H E ENQU IRER , Cincinnati, O. Ths Bookttiato ...Restaurant... IN THE BOQKWALTflR HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOR LADIES UP STAIR! ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S N O W mg G E N T S . LunchCounter on MainFIo«r OpenDayandNiijht. Th* Boat of Good Ua*d in tha Cul inary Department. J. H. McnULLAN. Funeral Director and Furniture Dealor, Manufacturer, o f Cement I Grave Vaults and Consent Building ’ Block#. Telephone 7, Gedarviile, v6 hlo. DR . LEO AND ER SO N , Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. g r a d u a t e o . a. u. Office Waddle’ s Dfvery Barn. Citizens ’ Phone 98 and 81 CEDABVILDE, - - OHIO S 3 HUNTING f i s h M H.U Vb» fern of Ilf. I. m tfcHt jtiMIOlu cntiloor tpoiU. To grab yo-uf gnn orred tot pW »»nt p «U ki . In woinl.ot bViirestn )3 yoM b.ppj br’vilcjo. If yoa-t* fend % £& , st ** NATIONALSPORTSMAN ICO r«S« » wratb, 4006« y c» i IcittctUt., Ictw. .ttrtUIn#, iif-pifc taroa *U?(•« on btmtmf . Win#Iuoheartofernyman and hay *ho live# what# SPECIALTKUU.•FFEk jesde«8&, elftsrp* will attid yes a eery of Ci* FAiLTJAt arosrsMAN ef cst heavy bans, lifted, Ofr.ftJo JBoM, W*teh: .. Fob* (teardat ' riice, zoe.y *# •iiownwits <a*» m iMtbuf «tn* ....Clllwii Conycafce*ttkt»t y*«ctird)<tea*f*tt!ri;» , g/.., r M.t, RationuByssuman , . 1B-, <■ Iir.,hS ■ Wo'JJftS, HATIB8AI, SPolriHAN, Iftf.
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