The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

St* mm. ■"Hi mm P M h f SWs *m*ma iH «* « wt&m DoYour Glasses SuitYou? / A W i A y nmwwii^iwww1 ■■^ Hair V ig o r W S rAllSWCs MAUI S>ES¥E®YS- PANPW J ff m ELEGANT DRESSING M AKE S 11A IR G ROW Jini'Vff'pdcPrBfRI Sulphur. {fytcrfn, Qsdnta. ScdlumCMorJd, £B-zllElirS4 Capstttan. Saco. Alcebcl. Water, Pofuae. A'. a li 3 ?om* doctor if there is anything injurious here. Ash him also If there Is not genuine merit here. "Oof/* f *.!QIffi*}1'Of'H t»g,3 !’r'csi *?lth tint) l&ptiOitj fjo has beta Color the Hair Our Refraction W o rk | '^ e Cedarville Herald, Is. Not Excelled Si.oo I ’ er Year. By Anyone KARLH BULL * Editor FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1910' Charles S»)F(iy, M’ f'gJ Op,tielan. E. Main St., Springfield, O. DYSPEPSIA ’■■ITovtaff talcon your wonderful ^Cnocarotfl 'fo r ihroe.nionfchs nnd voir ’ * . . . catarrh ovddyspoi»8tti. ... - ___ - _____ duo to^Utecaretfly/or.tlrciTwoydQrfalcomposition «£* entirely cured of ctomneli Ultroo io f bn at>U...... ... ............ „ ....... .. .. .............. ....................... i think a word o f praise lo ..ijwiio . uauenrofcri.'ior.xH"1--------■*"*- ‘* -------- 1 lmvo tajcon immercrno .....v* cub without; avail ami I find thafc Coscnrcts roliovo jworo in a day* than, all tho others XM vo taken wouldinnyear*1 , daftiob J^cUuno, JC3 Ilorcer St., JorcoyCifcy, N*J* | It appears that Secretary Sandies ‘ of the State Board of Agriculture has i b >en allowed liis railroad fare to at- |tend the Annual Farmers’ Congress , which.was heldlastyear at Raleigh, N. <!., while other delegates from over the state.were informed previ­ ous that they must hear their own expense, __________ _ During the term of Mr, Calvert as Best for The Bowels I «n u i j| m ocqatfo CANDY CATIlARTIC ■ Ploaaaufci Palatable, Potont.Tasto Good, Do Good, Kovor biaken, Weaken or Gripe, 10c, 113c, DQc.Never ■old In,bulk. Tho go'uuhio tablet otrunpod C O 0, Guaranteed tp earn or your money back. SterlingRemedyCo., ChicagoorN.Yr 592 ANNU ALSALE, TENMIL IONBOXES Public Sale t -V. Having sold my farm, I will sell at ^Public Sale, on the farm situated 8j}£ ’miles'east of Cedarville and S/jJ"miles Secretary of State Board of Agricul­ ture there were many frauds expos­ ed in tho fertilizer business. The. hoard was changed politically and A. P- Sandies was given the form­ er’s place. Mr. Sandies does not seem to haye interested himself to any extent in following out tho work outlined by Mr. Calvert add the farmers wonder why. “ Mr- Taylor’ s speech before the committee m Xenia a few days ago is typical of-the candidate,’ * says a well known Republican. Many of the committee present afc that meet­ ing became disgusted and have, not turned a wheel In behalf of the can­ didate. Just another case where the- wise-acres made a mistake in west of Selma, on the Columbus pike, j removing the “ gag” but this would Wednesday, Nov. 16 ; I 9 IC, i have been unjust when Taylor was at 10 o’clock, the- following property: HEAD OF HORSES tooting the bill. 5 5| One had to laugn at a statement One nine-year-old grey mare, weighs in the Jamestown Journal where it about 1400 lbs., an extra good all.round mare, In foal by Towfisjey's Belgium Staifion; 1 five-year-old, dark grey geld­ ing, weight 1400 lbs., all right in every way; 1 twelve year-old black general purpose getdingjl ten-year-old, bay gen­ eral purpose mare; 1twelve-year-old bay drivingmare, safe for any one to drive, 16 HEAD OF CATTLE 16 Two Jersey cows and two half Jerseys, three of these cows are giving a gdxl flow of milk, the other^erffe will be fresh by day of sale; 6 coming Si-year-old l feeding steeis and 6 spring calves. 42 HEAD OF HOGS 42 ’ Thirty-five feeding hogs weight 150 lbs, and 7brood sows, one of’these sows has nine, pigs, the other will farrow soon. 42 HEAD OF SHEEP 42 One Shropshire Ram, 17 OpenWooled , breeding ewcS and 24 extra good lambs. ; FARM ING IMPLEMENTS line two-liorse wagon, 1 handy low down wagon; 1binder, 1 mower, 1 corn planter, 1 tobacco planter, T steel hay rake, 1 roller, 1 46-tooth steel harrow, 1 6-horse breaking plow, I 2-horse break­ ing plow, 1 3-liorse cultivator, 1 15-tooth cultivator, 1 C-shovcl cultivator, 1 single shovel plow, 1 buggy, 1 spring wagon, 80Jlb. platform scales, 6 hot-bed sash, hay /ladders, combination ladders and liog rack, cuuinghox, breeching harness, j hip strap harness, buggy harness, fly ; nets, hay fork with rope and carrier, 1 ’ 46 gallon rendering kettle and ■stove, large fire proof safe, 1 large steel range, lug bolsters, log chains, Single trges, dt.a le trees, forks, shovels and many other articles not mentioned. HAY GRAIN AND FEED Hay in mow; 050 bu. corn in crib; 350 oil teks of corn in field, fodder in field, 60 bushel3of oats, stack of straw. TERMS; Nine months time on sums ow f $10, 4 per cent discount for cash. Lunch stand on grounds by Clias. Harris was predicted that Taylor would win in the district, and the .figures given by the Cincinnati Tnnes-Star lor Greene county was referred to The Journal made the article read 1bf course ju Taylor’s favor while the' same thing bad beet* published in the H kkaj / d tho week previous as taken from the Timos-Star where Denver would wm In the district. Next Tuesday will tell the story and we can b«?st judge as to which pre diction was correct. The way the Jamestown Journal handled the Orm Culp matter, the yopng Republican candidate for township clerk that 'was defeat­ ed by a Democrat, through the aid of JeSse Taylor and his friends, is really amusing. .The J ovknae , of­ fers apology for having to dig up a forgotten incident in that tho real truth is known only to the people of that community. Sorry, Mr. Jour nal, that we tramped on your toes for such an apology is convincing enough ns to tho x)f‘ rfc the Taiylor people had in tho Contest, only proving tho Congressional candi date’s Republicanism, Nome tinm ago a Cincinnati paper took a poll of tho different candi­ dates for Congress on the Republi­ can ticket in this s.ate as to how they would vote on the selection of a speaker in the House. It is known that a determined fight is being.waged against Joseph Cannon for this recognition. In the list Mr. Taylor refused to state his poai- Geo. Strobe). ! tion as to whether he would vote R. E. CORItY, Auct. K, F. KERR, Clerk. i against Cannon. Now that some of Love's Recompense, 1 think there is no imreturned love; the pay Is certain ono way or an­ other.—Walt Whitman. -.. Didn’t Stand-to Reason, Editor— ’’Whati Another flianil* script?” Assistant—“Yen;' ’Overheard ef tho Sowing Circle’—475 words.’ Editor—“Noncsnsol Return it at Oncol There mast have been many words than that.”—Lippincott’D Magazine. tlm Taylor people want to make much of liis temperance record, how can tho candidate favor temperance when tlm Speaker Cannon is pro­ bably tho worst foe the temperance people have in Washington, Mr. Taylor's temperance “ record” is only to bo used among “ home- folks” . His refusal to vote against |Cannon proves his real position. $100 Rewards $100, j > At the start of the campaign the ! Taylor papers sought to belittle |Congressman Denver’s position as .^u., ’ hanker, manufacturer, farmer and The readers of this paper will be plr«se-?»todi fc0(3f’r in his Judgment was not safe on handling tho wool tariff problem. By tho continual to koto that there is ot least one dr«dni dfceaao that science Las boon abio to ci;rnin alt its at,ig,8 and that is Catarrh. Hall's , , . , Cat :rrl» Cute is the only peaRivo ciiror.uw ’ hammering of tho Taylor papers it kn .ntt to the tncdUal fraternity, inkeuh ■was developed that Mr. Denver was bdng a constitutional disiace, mpiicrg a ( tho larges! wool producer and sheep eem.titutioua! tKaemnt, , f k<1, tn , 1)wlrl<.t ,vtum CufOis taken iiitmialiy, acting dirtotiy up <r.i the blufi.l and mucoussurrsemof ryotem Mr. Taylor did not own a single thereby destroying tho foundation of flic head nor lias ho ever been recog- dFiawtondnlvitigthofotont stungili toy ’ ni/G(1 iu that capacity. Mince then building up fi.seoiiiititutJoai on 1 «!u«ti»g ! malumh: doing its work, Tho proprietors toe lay lor Toe expenses for tho State Board of Agriculture for the year ending November 15, l ’JuBduring Mr. T. I,. Calvert’s term was $2M0.21. Under Secretary Sandies’ term this year of about ten months the operating ex­ pense is placed at $0(54394. These figures show an enormous .increase in the operation of the board or a hick of economy. haveno r.itnh iuitUin its mwlvc power::, lad.they nihr o!iollcitur: <iRjilaia fl .'any daaathi& It fflllo to euie, KOndtor hot o ttatiaionlala, ■ F. J. (TIFN'BY A00, Toledaft ■oUbyBrUHfito!,? iii’dI’aiaiiyTillsamtho bah followers have little to say on tins subject but tho Herald ; prediefn that m Taylor “ pelt” will he found hy nex, Wednesday and ' there will l>o no dispute an to the duty t,fi if. It will he admitted Into tiro “ Jamestown port” p«r£eetty tee* ' Tho Jamestown Journal charges M. R. Denver with being guilty of Blander, mud-sisngi: etc. Why did not the Journal name some spe­ cific instance whorein Mr. Denver has uttered a word or attempted to force himself in the campaign. The Taylor,organ cannot find a single instance where such a charge can lie traced to Congressman Denver. But how about two years ago when Jesse Taylor promised a postoffice appointment to a vet'oraa’s eon-in­ law in exchange for a letter attack­ ing the late General Denver, who alter years of service in the ranks was scored bitterly. TbiB same letter was exposed by the Herald and we traced it to Mr. Taylor’s very door, It'being first published In tlief Taylor mouth-piece, the Jour­ nal. , wi!h that} ho has tola With Mu edr; to tho ground to >crt; in the , 99 . trend j of tho ” iQm” and “ eh-ais” -, hoping ’ to fail hole to tho official rewards of i tho ono that might prevail in popu- s lar public sentiment. In a thousand j and ono ways ho has proven his i total unfitness for tho position to i which ho aspires; and we heartily j join with tlip Gedarvillo Herald in ] protesting against a “ Taylor reign” * iu the politics of the Sixth D istrict:! —Ex. THEATREMIES. If a man were to read the Jawns town J ouknai ., Mr. Taylor’s personal mouth-peice, one would ifnagine that the Editor of the Hr-iBAim was running for Congress, The JoimNAr, talks a great deal but has said little about Taylor,.the columns being devoted to the H kr - Abb, as if it was the. issue. AVe can find nowhere in that paper as to thepart that Taylor took in having his friends bet their money op bis success two years-ago. Neither do we find anything relative to the part that Taylor had m the slot- machine controversy in that town when one man was informed that his' machine could remain if the profits were divided,. Brother Gal­ vin wo, admit that you have long lived in Jamestown and know Mr. Taylor well, so there is some disap­ pointment in not being frank tand open with tho truth. Nancy Boyer will continue her repertoiro tlm entire week of No­ vember 7th with1the exception of Friday; tho J2th.- She has with her an excellent company and splendid scenic equipment and continues to be as popular with Springfield peo­ ple as ever, who will no doubt be delighted to learn that her engage­ ment at tho Fairbanks lias been continued another week. On Friday, November 11th at the Fairbanks Theatre will be seen Mrs. Fisko in “ Becky Sharp.” No an­ nouncement has boon nioro eagerly welcomed or created awider interest in Springfield as well as ibe country over, MrB. Fislce’ s position as the foremost. American dramatic artist is generously recognized. It is doubtful if any character ever given to the Btage is so closely re­ lated to its creator as Is “ Becky aharp’.’ to Mrs. Fisko. Not r itil Langdon’s Mitchell’s dramatization of Thackeray’ s famous novel “ Van­ ity Fair” had the/o ever been sue- cessful stage version of thaf liter­ ary masterpiece, but through Mr. Mitchell's work and the. absolute realization on the part of Mrs, Fiske of “ The Immortal Becky,” not only was a tremendous interest reawak­ ened m Thackeray but “ Becky” as a stage figure became as compelling amaddition tp dramatic, as she had been these mauy years to literary portraiture. FORCOMMISSIONER. The Lebanon Times and the West­ ern Star, Lebanon’s only Republi­ can papers, have come out openly for Congressman Denver. Each of them is entitlod to hearty .congrat­ ulations. Evidently they , have learned something of Jesse Taylor; even thought lie has kept himself well under cover throughout the present campaign, Mr. Taylor had no business to force liimself onto tile people in this campaign, espec­ ially after Ids overwhelming defeat of two years ago; and while much svas said against him at that time It appears that he is dissatisfied un­ less ho is further informed of how much more may bo said against him hy tlie people who knowldm. He has been Democrat, Populist, Prohibi­ tionist and Republican; he has been Mr. H. M. Barber of this place is a candidate for Gounty Commis­ sioner on the Democratic ticket and solicits the support of the voters of the township and county. While there are three com­ missioners to elect the Democrats only made /m e nomination and ask that they at least have ono re­ presentative ■on this board. For years tho board has been Republi­ can and the Democratic tyx-payersv of the county feel that there is nothing wrong in asking that they be given some recognition on a board, the majority of whose mem­ bers are Republicans. Mr. Barber was for ten years connected with the Hagar Straw Board & Paper Company aud is re cognized as a man of ability iu hamleliug business trahsations. He served With credit on the building commission when house was‘erected. the new court It. Delight In Industry, Industry is, in itoelt and when properly chosen, delightful and profit­ able to the worker; and when your toil has been a pfoasu. , you hare not earned money merely, but money, health, delight and moral profit, all in ono.—Robert Louis Stevenson, Considerate Burglar. A burglar brolto into a house in Ber­ lin one night lately and carried off a Jewel casket. Ho returned it goon afterward, with a noto saying that as it Only contained family documents ahd no valuables, bo had no desire to Inconvenience the ownerl Judas, TheBetrayer. (Put a Frame Around jit and Hang it on the Wail.) Most people, whother church or non-church people, find it necessary in order to accomplish the greatest am ant. of work, to rest one day in seven. Tho Lord's d y, co monly called Sunday, is the day on which tho great majority of peojilo refit from their usual employment and spend tho time in tho public and private worship of God, or in some form of recreation. Just before an election tlmexclusive business of all candidates . is to campaign. Rome of them pursue this work day and night regardI crs of the Sabbath, others after six days and nights of strenuous campaigning find tt best to rest the Sab­ bath. -From the Gang's “ weekly apology” . Where were your Mr. Editor a few Sabbaths ago when accompanied by your comimtteenam? Wan it not a mission of polities on the. autombile tour? Docs tho above refer to your trip? Cedarville is at present wrapped up in Evangelistic meet­ ings under the leadership of a noted minister. Any act then performed at tins time that would prostitute any division of of our people would ho directly against the power of the mes­ senger who is hero to uplift tho fallen. Next Tuesday Is election day and very frequently candi­ dates resort to underhanded means to influence the electorate. The most common method being the outright purchase of votes for. a monltary consideration. It is to this modern JTTDAN that wo wish to direct tho question as to whether or not lie, has contributed a goodly sum of money to be used in the “ corruption” fund tor the election of a congressman? We know llmt you, Mr, Judas, have been as­ sessed and paid In your amount, now come forward and tell us how much it was? • For us to tell, if? would be one of tho “ Crimes of the Tongue” , Words of tinkindiier.s. of anger, i>f envy, of hiHermes, of harsh orilicism, gossip, lying ami scandal. Ralhor than be. guilty of each a charge we will let tlm answer come from the accused, Judas, the bouayer. " 'vxm m m aam Children Cry for Flefelierys lOnd ¥011 Have Always Bouglst* a»ti wMcli SiasBeen to use for over *SO years, hm born©' tli© signature of and lias been w ad e under Ms per* „ sonal supervision since its infancy. A llow n o one to deceive y ou In this. AH Counterfeits, Im itations and ^Just-as-good ” are bufc Experiments that trifle with mid endanger th e health o f Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute fox- Castor Oil, P are ­ goric, D rops and Soothing Syrups. I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine n o r other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee, I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colie. It. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. I t assimilates the F o od , regulates the Stomach and Iiofvels, g iv ing healthy and natural sleep. The Children’ s Panacea—The Motliex*’ s Friend. ipi£?M3 In Use For Over 3 0 Years THECENTAURCOMPANY, IT MURRAYSTREET. N.EWYf itCITY* nNOCR0PFMME w e s o l ic i t y o u r m m yob .- PLANTMONEY THEBANK SURE10GROK PATRONAGE S afe D eposit B oxes for R ent P aid C apital $30,#00.CD I ndividual R espofsibilitv THE EXCHANGE BANK, CEDARVILLE, OHIO. S. W. Hurra, President. Guo. W. R ich ,,1st.Vico Pros. O l i vion G akloogh . 2d V. Pres. O. L. Surra , Cashier L. F. TrtoDALL, Assistant Cashier. Butterick Publishing Go. Will Give the Delineator 2 Years for $1.50 O n Account of Fortieth Anniversary. HUTCHISON NEW SUITS NEW COATS SKIRTS LINOLEUM BLANKETS hdVEttCfffwo © THE DELINEATOR.» —rr-'-v'’ i & GIBNEY’S Selling Fast WAISTS CARPETS OIL CLOTH BATTING COMFORTS^at low prices fiUTGHISOil & GIBJIEY’S, tf TAKE THIS CUT*' _ f w i l l ; M. ? H,-* <Hk 1 t- ■ .-tt. -.1 ICfcNSlpsf “ Wo recommend ft; there fen’ nay better,,. In mid-fiummer you have to trust to a largo degree to your butaher. Well Cared For Meats G E N U IN E CASTOR IA A L W A Y S } Bears the Signature o f ! in hot weather a •©the only kind to |buy; we have proper appliances for keeping th*m right, and they're sweet and safe when Isold. Don't go meat shopping when it’ s hot. Huy of us and be sure. C, H . C R O U SE , CEDARVILLE, O. theKindYouHaveAlwaysBought ; RARE CHANCE! Big Pay for Solicitors! THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY' ENQUIRER is offering Five Thou­ sand Dollars iu cash premiums tp solicitors, iu addition to a liberal commission that is more than ample tp pay one’ s expenses, besides af­ fording a living profit, while en­ gaged in the work of soliciting sub­ scriptions. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER, is now atwenty-fourpagemagazine- style paper, chuck fijll of reading most acceptable to any well-ordered home. Each issue contains a ser- mou by Pastor Russell, an essay by Dr. Madison C. Peters, a serial and short stories, natural history, gen- v, cral news and special record of po­ litical aud national affairs that' are of interest to all people, cut patterns for ladies and youths, and miscella­ neous matter, all of high moral in­ fluence; alsomarketreports froth all commercial centers, and veterinary ; columns. The editor’s aim being to presen’' the reader with an exceptibnallj good family. journal* of superior merit, free from allmatters thatan- : tagonizemorality, justiceaudtruth, To circulate such a paper* all •well-meaniug persons .can benefit their community and add-their mite in the uplifting of civic and political ’ thought.and action. Any person, lady or gentleman, ■withleisurehours, desirousof doing * a good turn for the community, at the same timeearning fairpayment, should apply at once for particulars by writing to THE ENQUIRER, Cincinnati, O. Th®Bookwalfe? ...HestauTant... IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET dining room for ladies up stairs ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S N O W as CENTS . Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open Day and Night. ; Tho Best of Good Used In tho Cul- j , Inary Department. J. H. McHlLLAN. Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer, Manufacturer of Cement Grave Vaults and Cement Building Blocks. 7, Opdarville, Ohio. sswss*—** fn-w i i'i».!■»« b - wl . DR. LEO ANDER50N, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. GRADUATE Q. S. U. Office Waddle’s Livery Barn, Citizens Whom; 91 aud 81 CEDARVILLE, - - olIIO K & P I D ' Folding Go-Oarv combines comfort, durabilityand appear­ ance at the lowest possible price consist cut with quality. Mother’s motto s— “ Nothing too good for the baby.” , . We also manufacture Thompson's Folding Ciib. Sanitary, eomfoit.tolc’/ : f Y*13 convenient, durable and tc-onomiYal. -v handle these two articles, write ns direct for pri. < mmm co., MISHAWAKA FOUAA your dealer dot e not m.d droulam. » MUhawakii, !iid« HUNTING FISHING c* Half the futt otnrantrr life lain l!;csanloT.c'jo GDtOOLTtipLTta, yeef u«n o.tfoJ j-icat* tsemtpftrtlmfl jtcwcsAdacr byfetfcaijI y sremyhnpBY MivGc;;a. J£ yctfifl fotrU tW‘“Saycu WU1 RATHHULmatSHM left J&sci tt iticsitli. ISM! a Jrat! inonscUvo,*. catins, liif.pic. sU-tita tii l.iiatin-, carri lr;,Inir;j,.Og, Wir.aIhcJ'.tnrtcffvotvftinr awl boywhoJi«t» vlissta e.ira Minj:g oji!o,!'.itr.t6 bt» near ol liotia; Sftssle fajit), l:.?.i scailyrob- wMf.KW» 01.00 v t ■. £ ■\hv;’.wA,>i fctoar ■ AT", UU.’ r 1' 1-SJ lirowr !>ota« i - '?c r »#ar # »(6ta vtosn i '.ti' f VaU Htpm Mfi. TOM.CVffiB 0cMC3r;s. ttasifej cr ciA tad \7t will real .yott . wry or to * WassosAJr vNS " * nronrsiuit Miff, f O tuottnr.itli (■:! lcai(n‘r titan con-jiiMta hurtle. HAtasdiopstMcaa , . soc, JtiC.uRa tea t-> fey, osfjFoa MATiOSAliSPAM8MAH,ln*. St, — — — ------------------— - wwdBwr’ jto *m.*s I " . p A j tow X GLOVE s Dili] 21 V .m if rea U-orc ins a i esst serial ■ory, t>rd o i thai tpat; .mist mqri 1 csfro 7 eteri Fa New ' - New Lippin “ E topr eptio sup rstW tindttj papei in b< their dpol ;entle ■usofi nimil rpayi aartic OUII We Pi lit M:tnt R H( r TI Mrs. i SUPS A CEJ; n FIoo jht. Ro ln {h0 nt. Meals I Fun of Co. it. Bui io . I REPORT < ,R 5 0 Number <> Enrolliii!« AveraP' ' l’ or cent i Number I Number 1 For cent 1 Number «• Rank tor’ ml Dii f>. T*. ry Utl| ami I ;1 T ka w n r . s Conley, ' Finney; director of ir atbar.® <*S'% tio l:-aCJ.Cd Numb-1- • PlnroUne ■ Averse;" For Ci u< Number Nutntn r Per Cen' Numlnr Rauk fm Wc^\Pi\ •m t