The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

Winter Will Soon Be with Us Areyou prepared, to protectyourself and family from theraiP® wad enoym thafcjir# sure to follow? If not, lot us help yon, for wo araih aposition*to'Kofckeep yqur feeFwarmandltry, bur-to do bo •ata very groatsavingonyour part* Our buying and selling immense quantities of footwear for cosh from the very Jargetjfc and best manufacturers, makes it possi­ ble for us to obtain a better grade of merchandise at any given price than would otherwioo be possible. See Whai NISLEY Is Showing Before Buying Your Fall Footwear . Men's Fine Dress Shoes* made of all leathers and the latest shoe styles and patterns ■—Hanan’s and Hurley mattes a t....................................$ 5 ,0 0 Nisley’s Special Shoes for men and young men’s dress and street wear. Made of all leathers and built on the very newest and,, niftiest lasts for young men, aswell as the more conservative for elderly gents, all styles and patterns at,... .$4 Defender Line Men’s Fine D r e s s e d Street shoes, made ofatl leathers audbuilton new and up-to date lasts aud pat­ terns, all styles at.....,..,.$3,00 Arcade Line Men's Dress: and Work Shoes, inade from all leathers and the newest lasts of the season, all styles at......... ............... ..........,.$ 2 .5 0 Men’s Street and Work Shoes made of satin calf, vici kid,. box calf, gunmetal and and.grain leathers; black and tans, lace, blucher and con­ gress ; light and heavy soles at $2.60, $2, $1.50...... ........,-,$1 .26 Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes made of black buck and pat­ ent colt, with velvet tops—the very newest and up-to-date fad in ladies’ line footwear at..........-.............. -.......... $ 5 .0 0 Norma Line Fine Dress Shoes, made of pat ants, gun metals and bright and dull kid leathers, high arch and heels, welt and turn soles, all sixes, at........*........ $ 4 .0 0 Nisley Special Fine Shoes for ladies, made of patents and bright or dull kid leathers, with mat calf or cravanette cloth,.turn and weltsoles, high and low heels, all sizes $ 3 .5 0 Minuette Line Ladies Shoe's for dress and street wear, made ip all leathers and on the new­ est and most up-to-date lasts and patterns, turn and welt soles, all sizes at......... $ 3 T0 0 Ladies’ Common Sense Comfors Shoes, made ot finest vici kid leathers, low heels, broad or medium plain toes, lace, button ahdbongress pat­ tern all sizes at $8, $2.50, $2, $1.50 and... .....................$1 .2£> Hosiery for Mfen, Ladies’ and Children. In The Arcade Springfield’s Largest and Best Shoe House ,^(3 A Non-Partisan "Bench. (Springfield Daily Hews) This, the second judicial circuit, comprising the Counties of - Clark, Campaign, Darke, Fayette, Franklin, GrcOne, Madison, Miami, Montgomery. Preble and Shelby was established by an act of the legislature m 1883. The court is composed of three judges whoMfc together and compose jthe circuit Court. The term . of service is six years, and one judge is elected every two yoars. From the formation of the court, all three of the judges have been Bepublicans. There had not been a Democratic representa­ tive on the bench during those Twenty-seven years until two weoks ago, when Governor Harmon appointed Hon, H. L. Ferneding, of Dayton. I t had been one unbroken chain of Bepublican judges. The term of Judge Theodore Sullivan would haVo expired.Fcb- tuary 8,1911. He had served two terms and was not a candidate for a third term. But another Bepublican had of course been nominated to take his place. Then Judge Sullivan died. The lawprovides thht where there Is,a vacancy upon the bench thirty days prior to an election, a judge shall be appointed by the gover­ nor to serve until his successor is elected and qualified. Prior to the death of Judge Sullivan, H* L. Ferneding had been nominated unanimously by the Democrats to succeed him. When Judge Sullivan died, Governor Harmon, appointed Mr. Ferneding to fill the vacancy caused by the judge’s death. But he (lid not do so until he had carfully investigated the character and capabili­ ties of Mr, Ferneding. In making the appointment Governor Har­ mon told Wliy he took such especial pleasure m naming him. Ho understood the qualifications of Mr, Ferneding, was aware of the high position he held at the Dayton bar, where the firmwith which he is connected iS recognized as ohe o f the ablest and most pro­ gressive in the state. Besides, Mr. Ferneding himself was rec­ ommended by the ablest members of the bar, and his appointment was a happy one all around, Under the law, unless a candidate is elected to fill out the un­ expired term of Judge Sulllivan, Judge Ferneding would serve until February 8, when the judge- regularly elected for the faexfc term will be sworn m and serve six years. But the Bepublican party—were unwilling that a Democrat should serve so long as thirty days upon the bench if lie could prevent it; they decreed that, a candidate should be voted for at* the coming election and who, If elected should servo until February 8, Many prominent Bepublicans objected to the course, but the bosses were obdurate, So they insisted a candidate be named. The republican candidate already named for the six year term is now judge o f the Common Pleas court of Franklin county. He declined to allow his name to bd certified, for the short term, because in the event of his election be would have had to resign his present position, which in turn would give tho power of appointing his successor to Governor Har­ mon, These republican bosses do net want to take any chances of a Democrat serving upon any judicial bench. So they named a candidate for tho short form and permitted tho common pleas judge o f Franklin to continue m office. Judge Ferneding has not certified his name, to appear on the ballot for the short term. Helms stated thafc'ho Is a candidate for tho regular term. He is now sitting upon the bench. His po­ sition makes it Clear that it the people Of this circuit desire him and thereby have a minority representation on the bench, fchov can •loot him for tho six year term; otherwise he is ready to step ‘down and out when Judge Sullivan’ s successor is elected. How, as for a non-partisan judiciary, Every organization of attorneys in this country .has gone on record as declaring that tho courts «»f this country should bo non-partisan, Several states have already provided by law that the courts shall hot he o f only one party. In those states whore the insurgent and progressive Be­ publicans ha v-espoken they have declared unequivocally for tho non-partisan courts. Stops aro being taken everywhere to secure for the people tho non partisan judiciary. Many presidents have appointed to tho Supremo Court of the United States, men ot opposite politics, thus making the complex­ ion of tho court non-partisan. The people of the Second Judicial circuit now have ah opportunity of creating by their votes a court that is non-partisan* onrather one that will have a minority repre­ sentation. If Judge Fornocflhg, a Democrat, Is elected, this court will corisist of two Bepublicans and one Democrat. The question therefore to be determined is, shall monopoly o f our circuit benoh by one party continue, or shaU the spirit of fair play prevail? It Is up to the voters to decide. (adv) TRY OUR JOB PRINTING BothCandidates Here Wednesday. Congressman M. B, Denver, ac» compamod by hie secretary, Mr, i D. II, Hempstead, made a tour of |the county Wednesday and ; reached this place, about four j o’ clock, Mr. Denver opont an hour - or so calling onfrionds and visiting tho different business places. The Congressman is looking the picture of health aud by his genial and social manner left a deep Im­ pression. Mr, Denver is greatly en­ couraged by his prospects in this county and reports that there is little question but that when the vote is counted next Tuesday Greene county will be in t! e Denver col­ umn along with" tlie other counties of the district." Jesse Taylor’ s ,'vlsifc hero was” not heralded to any extent for it it was, few ot his friends, took advantage of meeting the “ would-be-has-been” congressman. .The candidate only spent a few minutes in town and and was careful to dall. Just where he was welcome. Most of his time was spent wiih tlie editor of the “ Gang’s Weekly Apology” , where some Bort of an .excuse may have been framed ' up in ansWer to the charge that Taylor had used his in­ fluence In having “ Grassy’ ’ Berry “ soaked” while O, M Buigway was to be “ let down easy” , both being charged with the sale of liquor Il­ legally. Mr. Taylor arrived here in one of those pesky automobiles, just the kind that he charges Mr. Denver with using on the roads, thus wear­ ing out the farmer’ s pikes. With Mr. Dbnver here we are safe in say­ ing that the' automobile could not take Mr. Taylor away any to quick. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. In many respects the . office of Prosecuting Attorney is the most important office in the county. A good prosecuting attorney can <save tax payers hundreds If jaot thqur- sands of dollars, where an inffielent man in the position might lose the county thousands by his inability to meet a situation or by giving faulty leg'al opinions. It is a place that calls' for ripe legal experience; for the skill and knowledge that come with actual practice in the courts. Greene county is, fn a way, a big stock company, composed of or re­ presenting nearly 7000homes. This company every year spends thou­ sands of dollars. This expenditure calls now and thou for opinions that the legal experience should give In addition the prosecuting attorney In one term of office, must try cases the costs of. which, necessarily run upintohundredB of dollars. A weak prosecutor meaUB cases *lost and money lost to the tax-payers. A strong prosecutor means cases won and money saved for the fa** payers, . I t Is gratifying that M. J. Hartley has been nominated for this office. Mr.. Hartley did not seek, the nomi­ nation. It came to him through the demands of citizens generally. Ho lawyer in Greene county would make a better prosecuting attorney; tor he has the legal learning and the sound judgment the place demands. Back o f his unsought candidacy are 80 years of practice at the bar. Mr. Hartley, than whom no one in the county is better or more favor­ ably known, has held many posi­ tions of trust and honor, all of which unmistakably mark him as the right man at-this time for pro­ secuting attorney. It will be great gala for Greene county people to get aman of his calibre for the office. It ROLL OF HONOR/ Names pupils neither absent nor tardy; DIst. Ho. l “ Pauline Collihs, Cora Potts, Teddy Fry, Earle Collins, Willis Corry, Paui Fry, Bailey Grinnell, Roger Collins, Maynard Martin, Balph Fry. Diet, Ho* 2—Leola Corn, Edna Hanna, Hazel St, John, Howard Murdock, Boborfc Andrew, Lynn Northup, Dewey Corn, Dwight Northup, Carlton Corn, Don&ld Northup, Beba Harblson. , Dist. No. 0—Mable Dailey, Alice Lackey, Edith Bamsoy, Opal Stro- bridge. Diet; No. 4—Otis Shinkle, Nobert Weimer. Dist, No. 5—Leo Connor, Zelphft Dobbins, Morton Cresweli. Dist. No. 0—AUie Hixon, Ethel McMillan, Clara Widener, Flossie Widcner, Harvey McMlllab, BUy- mond Hixon. Dist, No. 7«-No report. F. P» Bitenour, Sup’ t. Excitement Will Be Renewed A T THE * ■* Hyman Bankrupt Sale The creditors have forced the authorities to make a still deeper cut, “W e ’ll not stand for any, further delay/’ say the creditors, “W e want some money.” So with this extra pressure, there’ll surely be RED -HO T BARGA INS . COME TO -M ORROW . These Are but a Few o f the Good Things Men’s Sweater Coats, Made to sell for $1.50 how............................. ........ 95c Men’s High-Grade Sweater Coats, made to sell for $3.50, now....... ....... $2.29 Young Men’s All-Wool Sweater Coats, assorted colors* made to sell for $2.50. . now.................... ........................................................................$1.29 Children’s Sweaters, regular 50c quality, now.... ...................... ...............29c ■ v ' 39 East Main St., Xenia, Ohio. w eath er repo rt . Bainfati for October 7.64 inched,* wiqd direction, south west; per cent *£ sunshine .75; range of temp­ erature. 17 degrees; avorage temper­ ature 60: degrees; highest temper­ ature ' 82 degrees; lowest. temper­ ature 82 degrees; snow squalls 2; first snow 28th day; fogs 5; freezes 2; frosts 4; number of rams 3; clear days 20; cloudy days 7; part cloudy 8; rainy day 1; iee two mornings; rainfall Up to date was 28.99 Inches, Samuel Cresweli, observer. HIGHSC001 ITEMS. FOB SALE; My 1910model T-ilve passenger Ford automobile. Address; G. W.Bickard, Dayton, Ohm. CA STO R IA For Infants and Children. Till KindYou Hava AlwaysBought Sotxta the- Signature of Prof. F. B. Stover gave us a very interesting ,lecture Wednesday morning after which he and his wife favored liSwith a duet on their cornets. The lollowing are tho answers to the questions In last week’ s issue: L Is it correct to spell “ all right” “ alright?” No. 2. What day o f the week was July 4, 1776? Thursday. The following are the test ques­ tions verbatim which were submit­ ted to the civics class thlB Week. Try them: When where and by whom was the Constitution made? 2 How was It adopted? When did it go into effect? State tile substance of tho three main compromises made at the Constitutional Convention. 4. How many general departments of out government? Why have these as they are? 6 State several differences betwoon- the Constitution and the Articles of Confederation? 9 0. Of what does Congress consist? What flan docs each represent? 7. Winch Congress is now in ses­ sion? How many members in each house? 8. State the qualifications of Representative? Of a Senator? 9. How is a Representative chosen? 10. Classify taxes. Define each class- A fresh car of cement, just ar rived. i D. 8. Ervin. A Beautiful Twentieth Century improved WILL BE GIVEN AWAY AT OUR STORE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th PATENTS o . a .V n o w a o o . Call and Secure a Chance No Purchase Will Be Required t *■ • ■ • 1 A special demonstrator from the Free Sewing Machine factory will be present during the draw/- ing and will conduct a most interesting demons stration on the machine, The demonstrator will explain the many points of superiority in The FREE Machine and its sew* enteen exclusive and convenient improvements, “The FREE” is the onlyInsured Sewing Machine BRING IN COUPON AND HAVE IT FILLED BEFORE DATE Someone Will Win the Machine IT HAY BE YOU SECURE YOUR COUPON NOW AND REMEMBER THE DAY ANE DATE Tuesday, November 15th C. M. CROUSE X X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X jWiWfrfldltoi 553*^ ' ' 1 yiaq)s'[jmg