The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
For Excellence Our Job 'Workwill compare with that of any othtr firm.,.,, She Xerald, THIRTY-THIED YEAR NO- 46 . C E D A R V It tE , OHIO , FR ID A Y , NOVEMBER 11, 1910. € This beta whenmarked with on if> | dex, denotes thgt a year's eufessirijp* $ tsoalspastdue end a proroyt set- ? ttejnent f$ earnestly desired. , . *I PKIGE, $l,C0 A 1 M B . i ; Whom the Sixth • .-0 ' • ' * Delights to Honor. RESULTS OF THE ELECTION. CONGKESSMAN M. R, DENVER, With each1succeeding year Congressman M, R. Denver has grown stronger and the result of the election Tuesday is proot tha t his constituents recognize his ability to fait|ifally and honestly represent the district, - , To be returned to congress for a th ird tune" after declining the nomination is do small achievement, Tha^ Mr. Denver has made per sonal sacrifice as to his private business cannot be denied, for Ills manufacturing, banking and .farming interests must suffer, the loss of his guiding hand while the interests of the' Sixth D istrict are Cared for* - '• •' ‘ , ,* . ",. f - H r, Denver’s friends fe lt confident th a t his efforts would be re warded a* thepoJIs by ,, magnificent victory bu t i t was never dreamed th a t his plurality would be double tha t'o f two years ago. While Mr,. Denver was confident of election many Of his friends were insisting that he would carry every county m the district. Those who were given to being fair in estimating returns only placed Greene County for Taylor a t <00, the resu lt being 223, Two years ago Denver , carried, the county by 99. The pluralities in the o the r counties'was a s follows; Brown* 1523: Clermont, 897; Clinton, 911; Warren, SS; Highland, 700, TWo years ygw^ity^gg eamfed^WwgpeBf fey Greene county felt the effect o# the sweeping Democratic landslide 'Tuesday, thtsre being a very fight vote on the Republican side while the opposition was very active. While a ll the Republican nomi nees were elected; Bave for con-, gross, there was a great reduction in pluralities. The nsuat pluralities- are around 2,200 hut two years ago Andrew L. Harris only came through with 1770. I t therefore was a great surprise to Republicans to learn th a t old Greene gaye hint only 1990 when It was confidently expected th a t he Jwould receive <000 or more; But then considering our -neighboring counties; Greene was in the lead after all. There was scratching pn various county offices, namely tha t of prosecuting attorney and county commissioners. The Democrats only nominated one, Hi W. Barber of this place, who had a . decided advantage m making an excellent showing against the other three. Governor— Corp Judson Harmon (D )......... 106 Warren G. Harding (R)„.183 Lieutenant Governor— Atlee Pomerene(D)..;....... 94 Francis W , Treadway (R) 180 Sec. of State— Charles H. Graves (D)... i.. 88 Granville W. Mooney (R) 179' Treas. of State Davids. Creamer (D)... . 87 Rudolph W. Archer(R)..„ 178 Attorney General— . Timothy S. Hogan (BH., 87 lilysses Grant Denm'ftn(R) 188 Supreme Court— James G. Johnson (D)„,... 85 Maurice H . Donahue (D) fri Augustus N, Surnmers(R) 188 William B. Crew (R).... 175 Clerk of Supreme C o u rt- Frank McRean (D)__ ..... 87 John S. McNutt (R)—..... 177 Dairy and Food Com.-— SylvanusFi, Strode (B).,.. $7 Renick W- DunlapfR),..™.. 180 Board of Public Works— Joseph A. States (D), .. u m m Constitutional Cdbvention. 4- The veto in Cadarvillo on the constitutional convention was as follows* Yes, 28lil No, 5, In the township; Yes, 513; No, 18. As the convention provirion was endorsed by each of the fcreab parties and waB voted upon by the regular party vote there is no dojabt but that the electorate of the riato approves of the convention. Congressi^nalVote Two Years Ago. *•*?*' and Overcoats For Men and Young Men While men have been putting off buying their winter suits and overcoats until they couldn't do without them any longer, we have been improving the shining hour by making our stock better and better and now with win ter weather just around *the corner we are ready to serve you well. Suits and Overcoats cut over the latest models $10 to $30 Boy’s and Children’s School Clothing Boy's fancy mixture suits 5 to 16 year sizes full cut knicker trousers, $2.50 to $10. Boys blue serge suits 5 to 17 year sizes, knicker trousers * . $3.25 to $10 Boys Overcoats 2 1-2 to 16 year sizes $2.50 to $8.50 TheSurprise Store, John W. Reller (R).. 176 169 Congress— , Matthew R. Denver (D).... 188 . 135 J9S86 Taylor (R)... ..... ...__ 165 139 Circuit Court Judge— (Dong Term) H, D. Ferneding (D)......... 90 90 Edmund B. Dillon (R)...... 179 164 Circuit CpurfeJudge to serve until Feb. 8, to il.— William. M. Kockel (R)..„„ 181 166 Common Pleas Court— 4- Carroll Sprigg (TO........ . 79. 81 Edward T. Snediker (R).. 189 106 Common Pleas J udge— George C. Barnes (D)....... 78 80 Edward J , West (R).......... 180 162 State Senator— (Two to elect) 1 DoWis H. Whiteman (B).. 83 84 Geo. W. Holdren (R )...... 182 168 CokeL. Doster,..,................ 176 165 Representative— W. V, Luce (D )..............- 91 89 J . E. Lewis (R)................. 167 155 Clerk of Common Pleas— J . M. Carper (D)....:;......... 77 79 L .T . Marshall (R)........... 197 179 Sheriff— G. F. Littleton (D).......... 83 79 W. B. McCallloter(R)...... 190 170 Auditor— F. M. Burrell (D).............. 82 84 W. L .Dean (R)....... ......... 188 171 County Commissioners— (8 to elect) H. M. Barber (D)............ 123 116 I. T. Cummins (R)..,...»..... 178 160 J . F Harshman (R)......... 174 160 R. D. Williamson (R)...... 178 170 County Treasurer— W.W, Ferguson (D)......... 83 " 78 R, R. Grieve (R)...,.......... 182 175 Recorder— B, F. Thomas (R),........... 103 181 Surveyor— S. Mmen McKay (R)...... 191 178 Prosecuting Attorney— M, J , Hartley (D)............ 87 87 Frank L. Johnson (Ri)...... 187 173 luflrmary Directors— Three to eteot F. W. Slmieon(D)........... J , B. Fleming (R)............ 190 178 J.H .M cV ay (R).............. 188 178 John C. Williamson......... 192 182 Coroner— P. C. Marquarfc (R)......... . 185 J75 ^8 & 30 East Third Street, DAYTON OHIO safe try our job hunting Taylor Denver Brown 257* 4318 Clermont. 411? 4815 Clinton , 8270 8357 Greene 3922 . 4021 •Highland, 2989 , 4050 Warren - 8828 3094 Total •21592 23192 Denver’s plurality 1600 Tp 96 181 84 174 84 172 ' 82 173 80 174 82 80 170 167 The Vote Two years ago Jesse Taylor re . celved a plurality ui Oedarville aver .congressman Denver of 92. In the township i t was 8, making a total plurality in jib precmctB of 100 for Taylor, This year Taylor received a-p lu rality of 17. m the corporation and 4 in the township,- making a to tal plurality over Den ver of 21, This shews a net loss to Taylor in plurality of 79 a s compar ed with two years ago. Fine Yield m If Corn. 87 81 acreage contest wtljfhusked several days ago and 1 -iasured by the judges, J . H. Da* &y, 3", B, Ginn and James Hite j\The yield was loabushelsoi she? * |com fjrojnone acre and i01j4 froui anohter. Last season this firm had a yield of nearly 112 bushels to the acre but the cold wet weather in the spring kept back the start, ■Then the fall SeaBon whs none to favorable for curing the. grain. The yield is re- gai ded as ex tra good when weather conditions have been taken into consideration, Regular Meetings Of Council. Council met in tegular session Monday evening, all members being present except Orr and Irvin. There was little business to trans act outside of the usual routine in the hearing of reports and allowing thdmonthly bills, Tho mayor’s report showed tha t <2.50 had been collected as licenses during the month, Tho monthly bills amounted to <399C3> There whs some discussion as to a newflre cistern but i t developed tha t the funds would not pormit. A now spray nozzle for the fire fire depart- tha t Was sent here on approval has been purchased for <25. 'WANTED i-CosmopoIitan Maga zine, requires tho service of a rep resentative in Oodarvillo to look after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by special meth ods which have proved unaually succcBoiull. (Salary and commission Previous experience desirable but not essential. Whole time or spate time. Address with .references, 51, O. Campbell, Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1789 Broadway, New t m city , CHOLERA MORBUS Is something to ho feared ■ and avoided during warm Weather. Bo ready a t all times to cope with an at tack, This distressing ami dangerous bowel trouble attacks suddenly, often in ... the night wbofi a remedy is hard to procuro, Keep a bottle Of A. D. S. Blackberry Cordial handy. One dose prompt ly administered will af ford instant relief and present development of the disorder. This remedy is also a cure for tho diarrhoea, cramps, colic, dysentery and all other bowel trou bles. We guarantee it Price &50,’ Waterman’s Pharmacy Lift CONFERENCE. The College ol. Agriculture of the Ohio State University, through its Department of Agricultural Exten sion, ima arranged for a Country Life Conference to be held a t Wash ington O. H, on Friday evening Nov. 25, and the morning and afternoon of the following day. This conference is called for the purpose of discussing the various problems of rural life! A special invitation is hereby extended to the farmers, farmers’ wives, ministers having country charges, village and rural school, members of township boards of edutation, country physi cians, and pupils In the rural vil lage schools of south-western Ohio. I t is planned to have round-table meeting for eacli one of these var ious classes of country people. Excellent speakers for the Friday evening meeting have already been obtained, and the State College of Agriculture is planning to make the whole conference one of the molt enthusiastic and profitable meetings of its land ever held in Ohio. I t is being held by country people for the country people'; but people from the lafcger towns are also invited to attend, The program, which is now being prepared, will la ter appear in thiBpaper, Everyone who is Inter ested in better things for the coun try Bhould arrange ’to attend the' Country Life Conference a t Wash ington on November 2ft and 26. The auditorium of the new Fayette County Memorial Hall has been se cured for the general meetings. Three will charge made a t any of the meetings. Barn Consumed InFlames. Fire destroyed a bam near the Pennsylvania railroad Wednesday evening about >ix-thirty th a t be longed to W. F . TownsJey. A. fast; fir* originated in th a t manner. When discovered the fire had a gpod sta rt in the hay mow and be fore the department could be a t work the 'structure was enveloped ih flame, For a tame the depot and Nagley Bros, new livery barn was in dan ger but slate and metal roofs no doubt saved the buildings. A small stream of water from a force pump a t tho livery barn was played on the exposed end of the bam and kept the siding from taking fire. The livery burn had been emptied of It’s contonts. A horse and buggy be longing to Mr. Townsley was saved. Mr. Townsloy only bad <190 insur ance on his building which is not one-third of the loss. To Columbus InFlyer. P. O. Parmnlee, driving a Wright biplane, left tho testing ground a t Simms Station on the Big Four railroad between Dayton and Springfield, and covered tho dis tance to Columbus, 61 miles in one hour and eleven minutes. Parmalec delivered a bolt of silk from a Dayton house to a Columbus house on High street and is said to have received *^5,000 for tho feat, with the additional <5,000 if he suc ceeded iti breaking tho American record for high flying. The biplane passed over Osborn, Yellow Springs and was in Bight of Cednrville a t one time. The wind wa3 blowing a t a ten mile rote and the timewas made in four minutes leas than the schedule. . Charles Justice Must PayPenalty. Charles Justice found guilty of murder in the first degree for the slaying of John F. Shoup last Sep tember while stealing chickens has been sentenced by Judge Kyle to dio m the electric chair on March 81, 1911, Unless higher courts or execu tive clemency 4ntefvetoes, Justice has a long criminal record and has always been regarded as a bad man. John Dugger, his accom plice will be given a trail on No vember 15. •—Large Poland China boar pigs for sale. Tho kind th a t raise largo litters with length and quality. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. II, CrcsweU & Sons," OfficialVote for GovernorandCongress In Greene County, November 8,1910. GOVN' R i CON GRESS 1919. 1910 . TOWNSHHIPS, WARDS AND PRFOINOTS Bath Township....... Fairfield Precmcfc.,......... Osborn Corporation........... Beavercreek. East.,, Beavvarereok, West..... Oassarcroek Township Oedarville Township... Oedarville Corp... . Jefferson Township Bowerevilie Corp....,....... Miami Township, East. Miami Township, West yellow Springs Corp,..,.;............ New Jasper Township...,..,....... Ross Township............. ..... Silvercreeir Township....... ■...... Jamestown Corp.;... ;........ Spring Valley Township __ Sjiring Valley Corp.......... ..... . Sugarcreek Township............. Belibrook Corp.................. ....... Xenia Township, North........ Xenia Township, South........... Xenia City, 1st- Ward A...... . Xenia City, 1st Ward B........... XeniaCitiy, 2nd Ward G....... . Xenia City, 2nd Ward D.......... Xenia City, 3d Ward H ...... Xenia City, 3d Ward F,..,....... Xenia City, 4th Ward G......... Xenia City, 4th Ward H,....... GOVN’RI CON- [ GKE 88 ISOS'■ 1003 Harmon, D ___ __ p .A'a**8 & ‘ w ■0 - ® i*. ti x >«t : o ■ F [ Harris, R... ............ f ; Harmon, D ..... . .... 9 ©• X* P l b©. < © Xs b j. 96 80 100 75 119 155 108 .41 28 46 32 50 43 4*2 f 8 9a 119 100 109 129 123 121 127 63 82 77 61 283 222 270 235 58 105 f>7 100 101 • 143 120 129 152 108 124 142 96 181 135 129 220 93 163 .155 188 138 155 283 60 206 114 J19 123 135 114 131 ‘ 123 99 165 51 38 62 24 63 40 84 59 42 63 43 60 93 47 72 61 69 65 50 90 62 .86 104 210 130 IS3 263 108 220 144 58 129. 71 114 IBS 73 134 94 115 Ill, 118 106 150 163 " 147- .141 01 145 101 155 191 83 164 122 99 217 97 221 220 96 198 120 80 . 110 87 101 153 100 129. 127 58 78 62 75 108 55 78 • 82 99 111 102 108 135 108 . 1*21 120 45 49 60 45 60 52 ' 45 67 99 199 132 166 280 104 233 .150 62 166 98 133 207 98 11.3 161 143 57 148 60 94 169 06 . 209 100 98 100 i9 ,158 ,158 145 165 117 131 147 loi 174 140 n o 194 109 180 145 147 .252 113 122 231 119 323 186 ,114 ,164 151 138 181 82 1ST . 104 103 131 112. 109 138 40 120 54 104 21f 68 HI 143 35 09 51 59 186 • '49 181 51 2572 8659 8018 8235 4843 8073 3952 4021 JOBE BROTHERS & CO. Sale of Manufacturers’ Samples of Fine Beaver Hats in Black, White and Navy, Hats worth up to $8.50* Sale jfeice For hMMfeeh* V r. MtU»* Antl-Prin FlU*. Jobe Brothers & Co., X E N I A , O . u rn 'h i 3 c o m : V ) wiu?.w An endless cha in of good overcoats reaching from New York’s fashion center to th is store and on to our customers. Every customer means a new link. Will you link up w ith us on overcoats? W e w ill guaran tee every link to be standard. Money returned if you find a flaw. Four great feature lines. T H E WHEN Amide * ■ Springfield, O. The Palace Restaurant INnnU~^TiinIlf-*<iiV~ji*'nii^T-^rJrid~!iirhVfliitlinli Mrf'T»mrtnrlJ Mrs. Chas. H arris , Prop. Xenia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by C* C. W eimer,] Meals by day or week, Lunch served a ll hours; Fu rn ished Rooms for Rent. I i
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