The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

S' DoYour Glasses SuitYou? ul> IT C o u g h s a n d C o l d s CROP RETORTS Our Refraction Work Is • Not Excelled By Anyone C h a r l e s S . F a y , M'f'ff Optician. 28j£E, Main St*, Springfield, (). , «Ywufckdl vatli a cough? A ha/4 cold, bronchitis, or some 5 | lu n g tro u b le ? T h e r e is a m ed ic in e m a d e f o r Ju s t A yer’s C h e rry P e c to ra l, Y o u r d o c to r k s u m A sh h im w h a t lie th in k s o f It, N o m ed icine: e:m e v e r l a t e t h e p la c e o f y o u r d o c to r. K e e p c lo se ic h w ith h im , co n su lt h im f re q u e ntly, t r u s t h im -fully,: )'a lcoho l I n th is co u g h m ed ic ine , J7c~Awr Co.,LomcitMass. mmr- ?ce e a s e s - rA o u t I t I s? ’j.AnU % r" Fills. Kugar-ccrial. AHvegetable. Act direct;? cn tiic liver. Gently Ja:sn- fhi^e, only onepill, SoU for nearly rixly years, Askyour doctor about them. The Cedarville Herald. KARLH BUM- - Editor FRIDAY, KOVBMBLR Ji, 1010 mmxwxrj «*£> PILES **I h.Te .nffarod with Pile, for tlilrty-.t* yew*. On, yeer »*»t u t April 1 ln*aa taking CesceroM for conittpatlon. In the non ,-so ot a weak * A never failing rule:—“ If a t first you don’t succeed, try, try, again1'. Shave dona' it -— feel Ilk, : e e I noticed i disappear and at tho end ot a ll isy did not t rouble too nt all. Caacarota 10 wondora forme. I am entirely eurodand a new man," Oeorgo KryUor, Hapoloon, O, Best Tor The Bowels. f WL*||W in D eis. j CANOYCATHARTIC Jpie»»an*,tPalst&ble.Potent.T'asteGood. Doflood, an, Weaken or Gripe, 10c, 25c, Sflj, Noyor ■oia in omk, The genuine tablet stamped OC0. Ctaaraniaed to cure Oryourmoney back. Sterling Remedy- Co., Chicago or N .Y , 393 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Public Sale Having sold my’farm, I -will sejl at Public Sale, ou the farm situated Sjjj miles east of Cedarville and .miles west of Selma; on the1Columbus pike, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1910, At 10 o'clock, the following property: 5 HEAD OF HORSES 5 One nine-year-old grey mare, weighs about 1400 lbs., an extra good ail' round mare, in foal by Townsiey’s Belgium Stallion; 1 five-year-old, dark grey geld­ ing, weight 1400 Ibs./all right in every way; 1 twelve year-old black general purpose gelding;J ten-yCar-old, bay gen­ eral purpose mare; 1twelve-year-old bay driving mare, safe for any ope to drive, 16 HEAD OF GATtiiE 16 Two Jersey cows and two half Jerseys, three of these cows a r $ '£ v i^ e saud pfrS«mp, by day of sale; 0 doming 2-year-old feeding steeis and 6 spring calves. , 42 HEAD OF HOGS 42 A good story is told on a well known Republican,, who while standing on a downtown' corner, Wednesday morning was whistling tliat well known refrain; “Has Anyone Around Here Seen (Taylor) Kelly'*? The “hoss”. editor of the “Jim- own” Journal la st week published the first complete poll of Greene icounty from authentic sources3 which showed th a t Taylor would have a majority of 1,878, not one more or one less. Wo know of. another paper tha t made a .personal investigation of the recent candidate and made a prediction that. Tay­ lor would carry Greene county by a .big vote. The question now is shall there be an investigation of the “ investigator’.'. for the people haye an abiding faith i n Mr. Denver. The returns over the state show a large stay-at-home vote. This no doubt hu rt the Republican state ticket more than anything else. The dissatisfaction in tho ranks with both state and national man­ agement was clearly expressed at the polls. : ( Tire “ wet” and “ dry” issues had a telling effect over the stale es­ pecially in Clark county where the “wets" ejected most of their candidates irrespective of politics. However the Democrats elected nearly the entire county ticket. As to the state, on temperance issues tho Anti-Saloon League Tho dispatches tell the story of defeat lor General Keifer for con­ gress in the Seventh District as well as for Jesse Taylor in the Sixth District. As there wag some con­ tention between tjie two over the immigration bill a few years ago ;he following conversation might be imagined: * Taylor to Keifer: “So you gave me the laugh two years ago didn’t you, and now" your in the “has- been” class. Keifer to Taylor: “Is th a t so Any bow I ’d rather be a “has- been” than a “ never-wasn’t” . | Tho estimated area seeded to t , wheat for tho io n harvest shows' | but a Final! Incrcagp over tho 15)10 area, as repotted hy the township ■ assessors. A wide discrepancy, .j however, e s c tod between tho 1910 f acreage cs estimated by tho corre-1 Bpomlentu and tho actual .area as | reported, by tfi° assessors, hence th o } present estimate shows a substan- j tiai inereaso m comparison with they* area reported on the corresponding'■ date one year ago. The growing } condition of the plant is excellent, j being estimated a t 10*per cent com-1 pared with the average. Weather } conditions have been most favorable ! to its growth. Reports of fly-in early sown wheat quite general over the I State, but no serious damage. The average date of seeding was Septem­ ber 28th, Alfalfa statistics show that tills crop is now grown m every comity m the Stote. I t is estimated that the total production of this was 01,519 tons. The estimated area seeded to rye for the to ll harvest is estimated at 01,337 aores. This is, a decline of approximately 3000 acres, in com­ parison with tho 1910 area. Its growing condition is estiraed a t 5)8 per cent, compared with the aver­ age. , . Corn prospects show an improve- claims control of the House of Representatives but the Senate wilH.jflejjt; of three per cent, over last remain under the control of the lib-'month’s report, being now estimat- 5 orals. This means no temperance ed at 81 per cent compared with a laws-can be repeated or passed. Jnormal yield. These figures are bas- ‘ed upon 3ft bushels per acre as nor- It is generally conceeded that Mr. Harding’s personal liberty speech m Cincinnati cost him thousands of temperance votes, especially in the being the ones that failed to roll up the usual majorities. In Hamilton county the speech no doubt slreugthBTied the Republican ticket in tha t Gov­ ernor Harmon's plurality of two years ago was reduced from 19,090 to abonl 10,000, s, Mr. J . D. Silvey was badly cut up Monday by being thrown into a wire near Mr. H. M. Murdock’s residence when the horse shied and over turned the wagon. The barbs on the fence cut one long gash across his cheek, to the heck besides small­ er cuts, The horse Anally got away from the driyer. Dr. E . O. Oglosbea dressed the wounds. mal, represented by 100 per cent. From present prospect the harvest should produce 00,391,185 bushels. The-crop has been damaged by ex­ cessive rainfalls, and many corre­ spondents note th a t i t is molding in shook. The area planted to potatoes, as reported by township assessors was 143,431 acres and from this have been produced 12,200.370 bushels, an average production of 8'» bin-shelf-! per acre. This is a decline of nine bushels per acre, in comparsion with last year's average and a ahorta'ge of 170,039 bushels, in total production in comparison w|th that crop. Condition of hogs is estimated at 5»7per cent compared with an aver­ age. Many farmers are rushing their stock to market tor fear of hog cholera. Tho Herald is. not proho to bo rudo with a defeated candidate bu t a re .g*££X&om Jjjifiaeatbwn tells u s ;th a t Payiof' was hnng in effigy Thirty-five feedinghogs weight 150 lbs, and 7brood sows, one of these sows has nine pigs, the other will farrow soon, 42 HEAD OF SHEEP 42 One Shropshire Ram, 17OpenWoolcd breeding ewes and 21 l ,tia good iambs. i FARMING IMPLEMENTS One two-horse wagon, 1 handy low down wagon; 1 binder, 1mower, 1 corn planter; 1 tobacco planter, 1 steel hay rake, t roller, 1 46-tooth steel harrow, 1 3-horse breakingplow, 12-horsc break­ ing plow, 1 3-horse cultivator, 1 15-tooth cultivator,! 5-shovel cultivator, 1 single shovel plow, 1 buggy, 1 spring wagon, 809 lb. platform scales, 6 hot-bed sash, hay ladders, combination ladders and hog rack, cuttingbox, breeching harness, hip strap harness, buggy harness, fly nets, hay fork with rope and carrier, 1 45-gallon rendering kettle and stove, large fire proof safe, 1 large steel range, log bolsters, log chains, single trees, double trees, forks, shovels and many other articles not mentioned, HAY GRAIN AND FRED Hay in mow; G50bu. com in crib; 350 6 luck 3 of corn in field, fodder in field, 60 bushels of oats, stack’of straw. TERMS: Nine months time on sums over $10. 4 per cent discount for cash. Lunch stand on grounds by Clias. Harris Geo. Strobql. R. E. CORKY, Auct. II. F. KERR, Clerk. nesso 'A' r u early Wednesday morning over the public square. Thp trouser legs had bdon amputated a t tho knees and a placard affixed with the following Inscription: *He’ll run no more' About a year ago we read in the Jamestown Journal the following “Tho one who got the lowest vote hung the highest m [the air’ -which would indicate that some old scores are being paid in th a t entc: prising little village. THE ELECTION. • Cove's Recomr nse. I think there ia no unreturned love; the pay is cortaln ono way or an­ other.—Walt Whitman. Didn’t Stand to Reason, Editor—"What! Another manu­ script?” Assistant—“Yeo; ‘Overheard at tho Sowing Circle’—47G words,” Editor—"Nonscfiso! Rotum it at oneef There must have boon many niOro words than that."—Llpplncott’a Magastino. 5100 Reward} |10O. The Democratic tidal wave that swept across the country Tuesday has Changed the political map until it is almost beyond recognition. Tho Republican states" in the Hast NoWYork, Massachussots, Connect- ieut, Hew Jersey and the Middle The readers of this paper will be pteicu- tu learn that there is at least one dse-VU Btatoff, Ohio, Indiana and part of Illinois, in tho Democratic column, the forecasters of political events are now explaining tho reason why. I t had been hoped by tho Republi­ cans th a t Roosevelt’s trip across ti country would Whip things Into line blit the results of Tuesday only indicate the reverse. The territory ho traversed seems to bo the one that gave tho greatest Democratic majorities. As to Foraker it is evident tha t his campaign was dlsastorouo to tho party m that his famous speech in Union county where ho attacked Roosevelt, lmd tho opposite effect and Union county today is Demo­ cratic for tho first time in its his­ tory. Morrow county the birthplace of Candidate Harding also fell into the landslide for the first time. tn tho Third Congressional Dis­ trict, Dayton, the Boldiera Home was thought to be loaning towards J , M, Cox, Democratic, against dlMMethatsdeucc basliRttiaWo tooura.In George Young, Republican. Bena- ; * * * » « * « * bp «« a kmnvis to the medical fraternity. Catwii a«d the Homo gave Cox a plur- txhig s constitutions! disease, rcqffiwl & ! alify Of 200. constitutional treatment. Hail's Catarrh j Cure i* takenInternally, tiding directly up on tho blood and raucoussurfaces of ryotem thereby destroying tho fouudutmn of tho Tho Sixth District result is nothing more than was expected by the leading polltieans in both part- Denvci' had mi r not bn xsw.onfl giving tbopajien* stnfitfh toy ciongrfRBll»»n ,tiding up tho coirstUatiun onJ cMistnig j . . . . , , . , tare in doing its work, Tho pfopri.dosa | enviable record which coult —YOU CAN MAKE MONEY, run no risk, no„money or experience required, wo (rust you. STAU- TER’S CAPSULES ETC,, are needed in every home. Good, pay for whole or spare time: you can secure regular income; we ageist and show you how to su c c e e d .',,... iroircr^TE'., stauter ; ' £ *’X!0.,1V.0*.11' lln*wle Springfield, Ohio. -It DID YOU? Ever stop to think what the pro- dyotion of pure bred draft horses weulu add to the r< farm. The best can make is a goo< mare. The Chan America-, Robert Projmetors, ro r Ji*a4*ehfl Dr. Mian* Anti-Pain Pilt* turns from yonr investment you -pure bred draft X>ion ’ Farm of Rurglss & Son hipin of, quality Iiojno • bred. G etour proposition before buying, Andrew Winter, Heal salesman ’Phone 28. | 4t v — 1 ' ■ f t WHY You Should Buy Your Shoes At In The ®> Arcade Springfield’s Largest and Best Shoe House This is not only the largest Shoo House i” this part of the state, but i f is the fatst—it must be best to eontinue the largest and we not only continue to be that, bu t as tho politicians say, -'From early . l ?all indications,, there is and will continue to be a land­ slide in our direction.” You know as well as the poli­ ticians there is never a land slide without good reasons The cause in this case is due to our immense stock of new and up-to-date Shoe3 for Men, Ladies and Child­ ren, carried in complete lines of sizes and widths. Our buying in large quantities makes it possible for us to obtain for you a better grade a t any given price than would otherwise be possible. AH goods marked in plain figures and one price to all. Honest values in footwear, honestly advertised find guaranteed to give satisfaction. * Men’s Work Shoes.................................“.$1,26 to $4.00 Men’s Dress Shoes..................................... $2.00 to $6.00 Men’s High Cut.......................................$2.60 to $11.00 Men’s Leather end Rubber Boots...........$3.00 to $5 00 Ladies’ Street and House Shoes.. . . ___ $1.26 to $3 00 Ladies Fine Dress Shoes.........................$2.00 to $5.00 Girls’ Dress and School Shoes.................$l.pO to $3.00 Girls’ High Cut and Jockey Boo ts .. . . ,$2.00 to $4.00 1 oy^ Dress and School Shoes................ $1.26 to $3.00 Boys* High Gut Lace Boots................. .$2.00 to 83.60 Infants’ f la y Shoes............................. .60e to $1.25 m m m m m oWli .VI Ip® $j [i ujiS h ^. l V i ; For Infants and Children/ ALCOHOL 3 EJ 3 HCENT~ AregetatlfiErejisi-dbii&rjis-' siraHalmgihpFdotfanilRfguia- tingtheSiomaciisarilCowels(j PromolesDigestion,Gtmfit]- nessandRe^tConlalnsneiSEr. Opimu,Morphine norMitiEtaL! N o t N a r c o t ic . Jtevpka)S:cdm JhtSctm* Jh/dkS:!ls- ufdsjS'cti* hn'a&djScij* CiarJkil&mp. ■liz!c^a)FliK& AperfacfRemedyforConslipa- lion, SourSlomch.Dlarrte Worms.ConvuJsions.Fevmsli- ness andLoss OFS leep . , Facsimile Signarureof NEW VORK. _ old i V P , o s e s --15C f j ; s GuaranteedundertheFooal Exact Copy of Wrapper. THCGCNTAURCOMPANY, NCWYORKCITY. N O C R O P FM J f f i WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE PLANT M O N E Y ’ THE BANK * S afk D eposit B oxes for R ent P aid C apital $30,000.00 lNDVVIDNAL RESPOFSIBILITV JTS SURETOGROW THE EXCHANGE BANK, CEDARVILLE, OHIO. S. W. S mith , President.; G eo , W, R ip e , Is6.Vice Pres., OilVBU G ablough , 2d \r. Pres. O. L. S mith , Cashier / L, E. T indall , Assistant Cashier. Delineator AT Hutchison & Gibney^s 2 Years for $1.50 The Largest Stock of Ready-to-Wear \ « Garments Cloaks, Gloves, Mitts &c. NEW SUITS NEW COATS SKIRTS LINOLEUM BLANKETS Selling Fast WAISTS CARPETS OIL CLOTH BATTING COM FORTS^at low prices |UTG|lIS 0 f F GlBpEY’S, “TAKE c u r CASTORIfl The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORiA *>Wo recommend it; there hm’ nay bettor*,, In mid-Bummor you have to trust to a large degree to your butcher. Well Cared For Meats in hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliances for keeping th*m right, and they’re Bweet and safe when sold. Don’t go meat shopping when it'a hot, Buy of us and be sure. C. H . CR 0U S& ‘ CEDARVILLE, O. RARE CHANCE! Big Pay for Solicitors! THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY ENQIJIRER is offering Five Tkou- sancTDollars in casli premiums to solicitors, in addition to a liberal commission that is more than ample to pay one’s expenses, besides af- . fordmg a living profit, while e n -■ gaged in the Work of soliciting sub­ scriptions. THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER ’ is now atwenty-fourpagemagazine- style paper, ehu<ik full o f reading most acceptable to any well-ordered home. Each issue contains a ser­ monby Pastor Russell, an essay by Dr.Tkadison-C, Peters, a serial and short stories, natural history, gen- eral news and special record o f po­ litical and national affairs that are of interest to all people, cut patterns for ladies and youthjj, and miscella­ neous matter, all of high moral in­ fluence; alsomarket reports from all commercial centers, and veterinary ' columns. The editor’s aim being to present ■ the reader with an .exceptionally good family: journal of superior merit, free from aUmatterS that au- tagouizemorality, justiceandfruth. To circulate such a paper, all Well-meaning ^persons can benefit their community and add their mite iii the uplifting of dvicand political' thought and action. ^Any person, lady or gentleman, . with leisurehours, desirous of doing a good, turn for the community, at the same time eamingfairpayment, should apply at-once for particulars by writing to THE ENQUIRER," Cincinnati, O. ' - The Bookmaker K ..SestaqfanL IN THE BOOKWALTfiR HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FORLADIESUP STAIRS ALSO REST RO^M. M E A L 9 N O W sa g C E N T S , Lunch Counter on M«ln Floor Open Day and Night. ] Tha Best of Good UBed in th* Gul- 1 tnary Department. J . H. McHILLAN. XENIA, j ' Puuottd Dlreotar and Rurnitnro i Doalor. ManutaetUror of Gement ; Grave* Vaults andCemonfc Building | Blocks. Telephone 7, i Cedarville, .Ohio, S DR. LEO ANDERSON, Veterinary Surgeon and DentiBt. GRADUATE (). S. U. Office Waddle’s Livery Barn. Citizens 'Phone fis and 81 <KfJMFS I JUX2A1 —“ No Un this offic«‘. tS r. O. M. day In * I’rof. H. two (laugh (i day bon*. 1 Biins ad. I t IK .tba* ma*. Sent we y O } IS a i‘ We 6 r of pi Bat ii thjjii.. from lnir,K G Fane Glam ed ( Mirrv Cups B r a Book Albu Book But cl your tog. V Boo He GLOVE? s a 1 her. '.indj }OS diq on'l . I Tto SKI Tki im^ fihfl am ies ile igS] IR] ;az| :adi 'rdei a s say al a , °f] at s ttei seel ral i oin rina rese ‘ otiw peri a te trut i ■iene rn i ilitic W m STAI iif ns O. ON Dottti 21 L im e larn. 81 CEDABVJLI j F, - , OHIO ••fciJBUak4*—“ on: FISHmG ■rtajv fj0 Halt (hotunotcfn-.trT life (s in 1ht,i kUrioni outdooripatt. Tov:»b I'woioui e p u n ic j.u B l i p yonfcnaotTo.dfo7jdfri* rantT4 ik M t »«invrcoilooi bv,ntkani !qyour hitry P|ivjicnd« At you’irofont rs* «ii T H E R A P I C Folding Go-Cart combines comfort, durability atid appear­ ance at the lowest possible price consist- ent with quality. Mother's mottos— “Nothing too good for the baby,” We also manufacture Thompson's Folding Crib. .Sanitary, comfortable,!,..u convenient, durable and economical. Ask your dealer to show you a “ Rapid "“ v1 F<ldin;; Go t'art ” and Thompson’s Fold- ing Glib, both of which arc in cefinary nrtiries for ^ ^li«si Ltitlitr. Tlirt Iwh'i Mfifi timlin the baby. he best one mot on ('ol)at-siblo Cart made, it y. handle tlveso two articles, write tindirect for price hnd circulars. «t r9«h __ i»m»;3i »en • **W el fee ' KAfiMJJti sroRtaMAjt •»fei»*»etileat heavy „;fcera. KhKl bi»>aa i f i .wetaii ifOBI ffttolM .-.rice, . m >,) in KlWWltsIlS m loiiii-t .Atte, n/itmrmr..KrniirsHAH, gee.wr«4H»Wt.ieiteii Far New c ONC INC St&l ti3*•. ri (4fas1! In N ew L ipp inc “Et T4t|i »C*yaa CniSEM 1245,ICS use. (cl t. liffr n.fctir.i J fii llv« v?k5 lx .nit ]I t:^l gca.,JC ?r»t* Tf.lbuM IWXH.WWI