The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52
HIGH SCHOOL ITEMS, TJ 10 Hi$t4 'School puplle aro taking a great interest in the revival eer* ificrs 1)dn£ bald by Dr. Crr» Hun-* day after neim the entires Btpru was dismissed to attend the special eer* vice for the children. ' . Tuesday afternoon the High School girl# were disnucsed to- at* toad the service for the Yfinnon. Mies Georgia Strain visited the High school last Friday afternoon -She will soon leave" for Florida and will bogroatlyinlsscd by her friends . and schoolmates whoso bent wishes go with her to her new home, Thb school was dismissed today in order that tho teachers might visit tho Dayton schools. A jolly holiday for all, ™ The q . H , 8. Ath tetio Club expects to malm agreements with the col lege Faculty in a few days regarding the use of the Alford Memorial during the Basket Bali season. The hoys are eager.for practice and look forward to tho team of merits, Monday the High School pupils received tbrnr monthly reports after wbioh were many long faces. Conundrums: Twelve pears wero hanging high, twelve men came riding by, each took one and left twelve there. Why does a dogwear more clothes m summer than m winter? - FACTORY SAMPLE SALE LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION. A CHANCE, OF A LIFE-TIME,! To g e t real values a t le s s than manufacturers’ cost- Talk and advertising [is cheap you say, but come and se e for yourself. Owing to the difficulty in securing building mate, Sal,-the kind called for by the specifications, we were obliged to postpone the erection of our new store building until Spring. So we have taken the spot cash to the Eastern markets and bought the latest In this season’s merchandise. At One-Third to One-Halt Off We Now Have This StocK "Unloaded and Will Give the Public the Benefit of Our Great Bargains WE QUOTE FEW PRICES HERE—BUT DON’T FAIL TO SEE FOR YOURSELF These combined exhibitions which take place a t the Union Stock Yards Chicago, on the dates of ^November 22d toDecember 8 rd, inelnalve, bring . together the greatest aggregation oi live stock that can ho produced- in any country in the world. The horse show this year, occupies the dates oi November 22, 28, 24, 25, and 26 and the Dive Stock Exposition, pom- menoiitg on the same day th a t the horse, show is brought to an end and extending to December 3d, gives ex- both, ah well as the gen eral public an opportunity of wit nessing these two extraordinary ex hibitions without ex tra expense- or loss of time, ' Chicago, as the greatest live stock marketof the world, duringthedaws of these shows, is the most interest ing place on this continent to visit while the International Dive Stock Exposition is in progress, for net only does i t bring -together by 1&X the greatest number ofcattle, sheep, swine and horses tha t could possibly be accumulated anywhere else, but it reveals tho finest ..specimens of ' every breed represented, as well as all the champions of the respective domesticated animals, By attend ing this exhibition the breeder, feed- • or, stockman-and farmed, as well as others who are interested in tho live stock industry, can obtain .in formation atot practical knowledge of live stock during the thirteen days of its continuance than is pos sible for us tq obtain in any other way. The moBt- renowned judges from th e old country, and the most expert lit this, come together for the pur pose of displaying the combined ta l ents of both, and pronouncing judg ment upon the various classes, that Jis supreme and beyond appeal. The ordinary breeder has his ideas in re gard to live stock, but when he stands near and sees the various classes pronounced upon by the best judges and groatesi experts tho world can produce, and is able to ascertain upon the spot why such a judgment should bo returned, he Will be the first to acknowledge wherein he has failed on SO many occasions, and how easy It is for him to make amends, ami turn fail uro into success of most pronounced form, redeem tho ground he has lost and make amends in the future thai will not only make ids name ao a breeder famous b a t lengthen his bank account tha t hitherto seemed Impossible. A pound of practice is worth a ton of theory, and in no industry can this bo turned into more gratifying results than i t can in the live stock world. Tho brooder living some distance from Oincago may say, " I do not see how I can afford the ex panse, much as I should Jibe to make the trip and greatly as I fed its nOed.” Dot tho good fellow cut down expenses in some other direc tion and attend the show a t ail haz ards, lor if will pay him, and pay him doubly and trebly, for ho will go back, nnt only full of enthusiasm . b a t witii a practical working knowl edge in ids head wherewi?li ho can right tho wrongs of former methods and start off the straight road to 'Success. Farmers anti Workingmens’ Clothing. :Y,; W . - ' v / - - -X-'■■ y ■- V . 'vV Corduroy Suits. $15 ones.....................'.,,.$9,85 Corduroy Suits, $12.50 ones-...-.,................£8.£5 Corduroy Smt, $10 ones............................. $6,95 Corduroy Pants, §3.60 ones—,........................ .$2.85 ;Corduroy,Pauts, $2.25.... .......... .........,...,.’..,$1.68 Corduroy Pants ,$8 ones........... ............ ..,..$1.48 "We have extra large sizes and boys'* sizes ona-tiurd to one:lialf oif. Men’s and Boys’ Fine Trousers One-Third to One half Off. Working Coats, Duck Coats, Corduroy Coats, Bain Coats and Sweater Coats a t one-bqif off. Furnishing Goods One-third to one-half off regular ^prices on Sweater Coats, Underwear, Wool SI iris, Fancy Dress Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hosiery, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mit tens, Overalls, Jackets, Beggings and Hunt ing Coals, Five hundred bOys*Bong Pants Suits, Knee Pants Suits and Overcoats a t half price. Don’t miss this great bargain sale now on. If you can’t find wbab you want a t all tbo other store, come to us, we will have it a t one-third to oue-half off regular prices. . . Hats and Caps. 8.50 H ats now.,.,-... .......................... ..$ 2*49 $3.00 Hats now.......... . .......................B„..-,.$2.19 $2.50 H a te how........................ ........ ..............$1.60 $1.00 H a ts now.~....................... ,......$1.39 $1.50 H a ts now..................... $1,10 $1,25 H a te now_............... ........ ................ . 98o $1.00 Caps now............... ................................. 680 75 c Cap'S now.,.......................................„....... 49 c 60c Caps now ......... ......................... ............... 89c 85e Caps now.................;............................... 28c 25c Caps, now...,,.......... . ............................... *!9e Overcoats, CraVenettes, Fine Suits $25.1)0 ones now...:......... $14.90 $22.60 ones how ................ $12.48 $20,00 ones now ...........................„.... X ........ $lG. 8 j> $18.00 ones now...... ................................4..,,,$ 9,65 . $15.00 ones now...'............................... 7.95 ’ $12.50 ones now...... „........................ ............$ 6.35 $10.00 ones n ow ....................................... 5.95 § 7,50 ones now ............................................. $ 8.95 Shoes, Boots and Ruhbers. For Men. Boys, Ladies, Misses and Children $5.00 Shoes now...,............. ............. ........ ,...$8.49 $4.50 Shoes now...,... 1..,., ... -............ ........... $2,85 $3.50 Shoes now-v..-;„........... .......... ........ ,.,.$2.49 $8.00 Shoes now......,!....,................. <~l .........$2.25 $2,50 Shoes now...,.......................................$1,69 $2.00 Shoes now.................................. :..~....$B49 $1.15 Shoes now.,..,.... .......... ................... ,$1.39 $1.50 Shoes' now....................... .................§1,89 $1.25. Shoos now,,..... $1.25 Shoes now........ ..$1.19- . 68 c Half Off On High-Top Boots ' One-third to one-half off regular prices on men’s High Top Shoes, Lubber Boots, Felt Boots, Arctics and. Bubbere or all kinds. 45-4D West Main Street, c. Open Evenings During Sale until 8:30 0’Clock. No Goods Charged. , X x x v u m XENIA, OHIO. See Big Signs. Last Two Store Rooms Down on-'West Main Street THEATRENOTES. One of the boBhkuown amlpopular plays n treceh t jTeate, “The 'Virgin ian’*wiil he a t the Fairbanks Thea tre, Springfield, on .Wednesday, November 16th. The play Is, based qn the book of the same name, th a t has been widely read and a great favorite with all readers of fiction. I t deals with the life of a Vermont girl who wont into the far West to teach school and her unique experi ence with • tho '-Westerners with whom she comes-in contact make an unusually interesting story. Thu play follows the story closely and has always drawn large audiences wherever hooked. Those who have not seen it heretofore wifi be a l l the more anxious since this is undoubt edly tho last year i t Will be on the road. THE PACIFIC MONTHLY’S SPECIAL OFFER ,Mi«umatlo Uaina rwiicveo *J o*» *1 - UIW A*.f, Villa K iMa »«*■ / The Pacific Monthly* Of Portland Oregon, is a beautifully illustrated monthly magazine which gives very full information about the resources and opportunities of the country ly ing West of the Bookies. I t tolls all about the Government Declamation projects, free . Government lands and tells about districts adaped to fruit raising,, dairying* poultry raising, etc. I t has splendid stories by Jack Bondon and other noted authors: - The price is $1.50 a year b a t to introduce It we will send six months for fifty cents. This offer must be accepted ou or before February 1, 1911. Send yuor name and-address accompanied by fifty , cents in stamps and learn all about Oregon, Washington* Idaho and California, Address Tho Pacific Monthly, Portland, Oregon. • Fft LSALE* Big Poland China Boars; Big Plymouth Boca Cockerels* best we ever bred. Book bottom prices just now. Thirty-five years a brooder, J , H ( Baqftey, Jamestown, O, Citl it izens ’phono 8-70. Up and Down. At Bristol, Bug, a lad of 14 years old climbed a factory chimney 150 feet high to show how smart he was. Then about a dozen men worked for throe- hours to get him down and show how smart they wero. Tho boy lost his nerve and had to he lowered by a rope, and he was sent to Jail for ten days for raising a fuss* Manners. What a rare clft Is that of manners! Bow difficult to define, how much more difficult to impart! Better for a )man to possess then than wealth, beauty or talent! They will moro than supply all.—Bulwer Lyttop. ’ © A Beautiful Twentieth Century Improved Sewing Machine W I L L B E G I V E k A W A Y A T O U R S T O R E O N TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15th. IESM ILE JIEITWIITffl © A poor furnace is not only a source of discomfort, but causes ill health, and wastes your fuel and yourmoney. HIGH G R A M Author’s' Poor Memory. The lam Sir Theodore Martin when naked which be wrote oi tho famous ’‘Lon Oaoltiof L'.dfoda/’ among tho wink;.*! pcchis fa Ccgtisb literature. Gififcietd tlM bo bad forgotten which wife bfp ned $Mw worn the wofii o f ! jfittr co5iafcMtor*. F re t Ayteaa, Oim At Mankind's Errors, j Como men do smt got estates tot the f purpose of enjoying Site# hat, blinded with error, thoy live only for their e®> tatca^Juvcaat. C A S T O R IA H op Infant$findCMldwrau ThsKMYwRanA'waytBwgM Bsars the .1 STANDARD FURNACES give younot onlywarmair, but pure, fresh air, to breathe, and it Is warmed to tho proper temper ature. STANDARD FURNACES are honestly made of the best materials, and will pay for themselves in a very short time by the fuel they save, They are not an expense, they ARE AN INVESTMENT *■» ■h ; earning you larger profits than . almost anything else you can buy. l Call and Secure a Chance No Purchase Will Be Required A special demonstrator from the Free Sewing Machine factory will be present during the draw / ing and will conduct a most interesting demon/ stration on the machine# The demonstrator will explain the m any points of superiority in The FREE Machine and its sev/ enteen exclusive and convenient improvements# v _ “The FREE” is the only Insured Sewing Machine BRING IN COUPON AND HAVE IT FILLED BEFORE DATE Someone Will Win the Machine IT HAY BE YOU SECURE YOUR COUPON NOW AND REMEMBER THE DAY ANE DATE T u e s d a y , N o v em b e r 15th C. M. CROUSE. G lB L IN & C O . U T IC A , N . Y . ' # E# PIERCE, Agent# Our Catalog is Pm. Ask for it and farany informationaboutHeating. X 2£ GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING X X Ft -w fchfa The from w al fores ity Tt Btaiula judged school teachoi service that th tween schools which i it ought Jnteresl schools the rea those i schooll and pr interesf blems«; •at and selves. . purse-s instltut ability kind of The school \.» r o u n c Bife Co ington '■ County towns h ^ educati tend th ence th portant , discuss varioui mornin be gen ing N after nc school i countii- the Cc admisi welcor t . Mrr .■.■..■.Mrs1 ■ . I patien ?j for xni n ij Eternal | day. ’ some t I her de a was 7« if The . •1 daugh I Jacks< . i and w • | htisba ' 1 died fi if - | Mr. ' j rnanyy*" —^ follow widow | since in.. i< I siirviv Jackst Hood, . . - The - - -<t| of pies | consls t life, b Presbj The . mg fr< being MoMit ( I M ItaI*'||~I'f'i#1|pt''illi-it*"^~fT*-*-v'YtT'f-’r— »-iTrnr*“- '* -• i —nfIn-"*-i--1 . ' Al H. G 1 £ ** c *
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