The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

oYour SuitYou? Our ;Refraction Work is Not Excelled By Anyone C h a r l e s ' $ . ] F a y , M T g j Optician. E, Main St., Springfield, ■O. PIMPLES **I trU&aU kinds of- blood remedies -whloh. failed to do mo any good out 1 have found the rightthing at last. My face wo* full of pimple* and black* hoarit. A fter toeing Coacnrota they all loft, lam continuing tho uao of thorn and'recommending them to myfriends* I feel .fine when I rise in the morning., liopo to havo a chanco to recommend Caseare ^ 'Witten, 59Elm 8fc.,Newark, N. Ji * Best For The Bowels w in o i j j CANOVCATHARTIC T.ato Good,Do Good, ;I0o,S3e,50c.Nove» ' (tampod OuOs back. .old Gpaiaotoei Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago pr N .Y . 595 ANNUALSALE, TENMILLIONBOXES J u s t P u b l i s h e d Wefciter’* NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary, (G. & C. Meiriam Co., Springfield, Mai*.) la rp u ie i the old International as nrnch a . that book exceeded its predecessor. On the old foundation s new superstructure has been built. The reconstruction has been carried on throngh manyyears by nlarge force o f trained workers, under the tnpervition o f Dr. W, T . Harris, former United States Commissioner of Educa­ tion, and reenforced by many eminent special­ ists. The definitions have bden rearranged and amplified, The number of terms defined has been more than doubled. The etymology, synonyms, pronunciation, have received un­ sparing scholarly labor. The language of: English literature for over seven centuries, the terminology of the arts and sciences, and the every-day speech of street, shop, and .house­ hold, are presented with fullness and dearness. In size o f vocabulary, in richness o f general information, and in convenience of cosidta* tiott, the book sets a newmark in lexicography. ,400,000 words and phrases. 6000 illustrations. .2700p**e*. * Writ* ta Ih s iU iim in SstdaM Pag:: ANDALL . DISEASES OFTHE RECTUM Dr. XeChlUa snccsaces to pufelfo that be meket a andfcssUsd to martwefei I'JL I. n d 4a d.tsntien f«n» UrtHurn' UliCd , Blood .s3 Skin.PI umi . «4 PfMMMcf Wtfttun, » « • ] «r«lne.. 1 U*#3*r,] WWTU FORB06K OX U f f i l SHXiKft (FK K ) u41*4oTM*<ct*o<»*tiiat*«in«t. m tllliM im . d r .° j . j . M c C l e l l a n r & t l & s e i C olumbus , 0. I nADE M A R K * O E tlO N S . C o p y r ig h t * A c . Aft/tC* lenfltng (i skeleb and deserlptlnn may ovfeHr aseerta’.n our opinion free whether an VUvennen Ja prohahlr r»t*nt »b!». Comtnmile*. “nn*nrMjroonadtntfal, HARuBOMonr'-... - '!it rrso. (Tlaoss acracr for eeeurin* cal 1’atMM taken tbrough Munn it 6 . ,cMnHin, withoutenarie, intha Scientific i f rear1fearmonths,|L Boiabxali newidealari. —-x—-rrrarr~ rnmmmmmmmm tmmmmmmmnin lyr ■ ■ ..................pins ir i i i it D o e s N o t S t im u la t e Ayer's Sarsaparilla does not stimulate* i t does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. It is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it. There is not a drop o f alcohol in it. You have the steady, even gain that comes from a strong tonic and alterative. W e wish you would ask your doctor about this. He knows. Trust him. Do as he says, f. c. AmrCo,,Lowell,Mau. What arc Ayer's Piils? Liver Pills. How long have they .been sold? Nearly sixty years. Do doctors recommend them? Ask your own doctor and find out. The Gedarville Herald. S z .o o P e r Y e a r , KARLH BULL - Editor $100 towards $100. The readers of ibis paper will be plaate- to loam that thhre la at least one diMd*d dteeese that telenet huebeen able to on* hi all its stogie and thnt is Catarrh. Hall’s Ostsrrh Cure Is thoonly positive cure now1 known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh twin# a constitutional disease, requires a tonetltatkmal treatment. Hell's Catarrh Cura is taken internal)?, acting directly up on the blood and raucoussumce* of system thereby destroying tho foundation of the disease, and gitinft thd patient strength by building tip the constitution and e-jirioUny liaian In doing its work, The proprietors haveso much faith in Its curative powers, fmt they offer oneHundredDollars for any ecse that it fade to cure, fond for Hat o testimonials. Addnee. V, J. f.HFNEY A tto. Toled# O, gold fay Druggiaf, 79».' all's Family Piile are Urn facet, t w FR IDAY , NOVEMBER 18,1810 NO EXCUSENOW. * - Governor HArmon during hxs cam­ paign when explaining why he had nob don& certain tilings made the excuse that he had done his best but that he was handicapped with a Republican legislature that would not heed his recommendations. When it came to the conduct o f va ­ rious officers tho Governor would ex­ plain that he could not control them for they were of a different political faith and that he could not get new appointments owing to a hostile senate. There can be no such excuse offer­ ed by the Governor on and after January: 1st for the reason that the legislature w ill be strongly Demo­ cratic iu both branches and , every candidate on the state ticket elect­ ed last week was a Democrat. The Governor has in some manner won the people of this state on his sincerity in the conduct o f the stale government and a close tab w ill be kept on him and'his co-officers le see whether he w ill keep' his pledge or whether i t was only a ruse to secure his election. v One of the first things that w ill probably come u pw illb a a tax law making the limit one percen.tinstead of one and one-half the latter being added at the last session by demand of the Cleveland and Cincinnati del­ egations. The Republican platform as well as the Democratic platform demanded this change. Another serious question for con sideration. is the manner .of selection tor the delegates to the constitution­ al convention, fix the time and ap­ propriate money for the expenses The delegates mnstoqualin number the membership, o f the House of Repreaentatsyifc. There is ' also a movement to change the municipal code fo r cities from the federal to the commission form, doing away with wards and making councilman elected at large. Among matters of general impor­ tance that w ill come before the Gen' Oral Assembly, and to which it is committed by the Democratic State platform are the regulation of all public utilities \ylth the right of home rule as the franchises .careful­ ly guarded; the ratification o f the Income tax.nmendment to the Fed­ eral constitution; the ini tiation of a moYomont for a national convention to revise the Federal constitution for tho direct election o f senators; revi­ sion o f the present laws for the nom illation o f TJ. S. Senators so as to have them voted on at the regular elections; a uniform school book law and tho enactment o'f legislation limiting the hours o f employment of women. 4*M**t& **»**# Those who keep in touch with the political situation have been en deavorlng to find out the real cause for the Republican slump at the re­ cent election. There are many rea sons given from the high'tariff down to the liquor issue. The endorse­ ment o f Senator Dick by primary, the charge o f graft, of improper leg­ islation and management of state affairs also figured in the list. The temperance forces teel tiiat candi­ date Harding’ s speech on personal liberty in Gincinnati cost the party thousands o f votes over the state. A long this line Mr. Harding has the following to say In his,paper! "T ile ‘ wots’ In Ohio have achieved a sig­ nificant victory and the extreme ‘drys’ have helped them to if, Tho temperance forces, criticising the the Republican nominee because he proclaimed a wish to he fair, have joined their determined opponents and tho end o f tho county ns the unit in local option was written at the polls Tuesday night. Forty var­ ied angles led to a mixed situation in Ohio.” The recent election teaches one lesson that Is proving costly to tho Republicans and that is in reference to the judicial districts \Vhofo one county votesm or out ajudge timt re­ sides and presides over a court in in some other county. Such legisla­ tion was alright in the days when straight party voting was observed butm this day of independence the party has lost some excellent, judges through an unfair law. For instance Montgomery county has no right to say who should be judge m Clinton or Greene countieB, yet Such is the law and Montgomery last Tuesday gave Clinton county a Democratic judge-ot the Court o f Common Pleats when a resident judge had carried the county. Much of our party legislation was all right when we.- held the club, but, Oh! M y l when the other fellow getB it, everything is wrong.. ■ A dispatch the first o f the week from Wilmington to a Cincinnati paper states that friendB of Congress­ man M, R . Denver have started a boom for him for Governor in 1012. The fact that Mr. Denver has car­ ried the rock ribbed Republican Sixth District three times m succes­ sion,, something no Republican has done, has proven him to be a ihan of unusual strength and' one whose ability to draw Republican votes is unsurpassed. Each succeeding elec­ tion Mr. Denver received an in­ creased plurality, the last being 3000 against the usual 5,000 Republi­ can plurality. The dispatch says that Mr. Denver would not commit himself when asked if he would be­ come a candidate for Governor. Whan Silk Was, Precious. ' Common as is sillc nowadays, in earlier times it was a most precious material. When it was first’ brought into Europe silk comrimiidod three times its weight in gold, and so val­ uable was it deemed that in the reign o f Tiberius a law was passed forbidding it to all save noble ladies and prohibiting men from wearing it on the ground of its effeminacy. So unusual was it even 200 years later for a man to wear silk that every historian o f the time of HeliOga- balils noted the fact that that em­ peror had a siik gown. Por ages it continued at an: abnormally' high price. Charlemagne in the year 780 could send to E n g Offa o f Mercia no more valuable a present than two silk coats. A Startling Queztion. , .An English actor tells of an amusing incident of- a theatrical tour. A certain town was “ billed” for two great rival productions. On the arrival of the train which brought both companies a certain man, hound on business, approached one of the company as lie stepped out of a first class compartment Mid, politely raising his hat, said in all sincerity, “Beg pardon, sir, but are you ‘The Darling of the Gods’ or ‘The Greatest Scoundrel Liv­ ing?’ ” . To tho Man of -Honor. Base gains are the same os losses —Hesiod. You Should read this ad, clear through. I t is very necessary that your Christa mas framing bo sent in now before we got buoy. O u r Christmas is arriving rapidly. W e w ill begin a Grand Sale o f pictures n e x t Saturday.-The best tilings you ever saw from 10c up Don’ t miss it, GAMES Fancy Goods, Out Glass, Hand Paint­ ed China, Hand Mirrors, S h e r b e t Cups, Brass Goods, B r a s s G o o d s , Books, Bibles, Card Albums, Giuldrou’s Books. But don’ t f o r g o t your picture train­ ing. WEST’S Book Store, XENIA, OHIO. SOT THI THIEFS SKULL £W.,*HWai*i!.''I—-r buried* Old fiisry Thnt ttf Told thi Kijar Sooth. frhe elder’ lio.ith ne-purnl a skull for uee iii “ Hemlei” ?:i an odd man­ ner, according to an ©M tinio story that is told about iho great actor. The tragedian, s.omowhat. in his cups, wag traveling near Louisville, when he took a horse from a field and rode off with it. "Horse stealing at that time was a capital offense in Kentucky, and the greatest horse thief was a man named Eontaine. Booth was soon overtaken and when asl:ed where he got tho animal said; “ I captured him in a field back here.” “ indeed!” said oho of the farm­ ers. ■“ And what might your name be?” ‘ . “My name is Fontaine,” said Booth, without a smile. •“ Fontaine I” ejaculated both men simultaneously. “ Then you are the very man we want,. Come back to town with tie.” “ Certainly,” said Booth in the most good natured manner, and, wheeling his* horse, he rode hack to Louisville with his captors. The city jail was then in charge of a Colonel Thomas, who knew Booth well. “ We have brought you Fontaine, the horse thief, and claim the reward,” . said the farmers proudly, addressing, the jailer. “ Where is he?” 'they were asked. Booth was produced. “ Why, what does this .mean, Mr. Booth ?” asked Thomas. “ I haven’ t the slightest idea,” said the great tragedian,- with the utmost simplicity, “ I net these two men with this horse, and they in­ sisted upon giving it to me. I-guess they stole X think one of them is Fontaine.” The rustics were about to'1be locked up when by the most singu­ lar coincidence a man rushed to the prison door on horseback and shouted out the information that the real Fontaine had been, taken into custody. Booth made Fon­ taine’s acquaintance after the des­ perado was lodged in jail, and the horse thief, who was executed later, left by will his skull to the actor.— Exchange. The Uceful Soap Weed, Greatest as well as most .com­ mon o f all cacti is the “ soap weed,” which grows wherever cacti grow and which is man’s only friend in the great southwestern deserts of thd tfnited States and in,Mexico, I t furnishes always a quantity of water when cut. As its name indicates, it can he manufactured into a soap, perhaps the least alkaline soap, ever made, even though the weed itself may grow iu tho center of an, alkali desert. Beer is brewed from it, the Indians make, a hemp-like fiber from it, and horses and men can eat parts o f it I f the spines are "cut away. Also when it shoots up its one great arm skyward it tops that arm with one of the most gorgeous flowers in the worid.~Cbicago Rec­ ord-Herald* Anciont Thomas Parr. Thomas Parr lived 152 years and was buried in Westminster abbey. Born in Shropshire, England,, in 1483, Parr led the life of an agri­ cultural laborer in his native place till blindness and extreme old ago kept him indoors. Early in 1635, his longevity having made him fa­ mous, Thomas, earl of Arundel, took him to London to ho exhibited to Charles I. He was lodged in- tho Strand, but the change of air and diet told upon him# and in Novem­ ber of that same year he died. He was described os a good looking man of medium size, with a deep chest and a thick heard. Ho attrib­ uted ]ii3 excellent health to modera­ tion in eating and drinking. Curious Titles. The English reformers adopted some curious titles for their devo­ tional and controversial works. "Matches lighted at the Divine Fire,” “ The Gun of Penitence,” “ The Shop o f the Spiritual Apoth­ ecary,” “ The Bank of Faith,” “ Six- pennyworth of Divine Spirit,” “ Some Fine Biscuits Baked In the Oven of Charily, Carefully Con­ served For the Ghickens of the Church,” “ The Sparrows of the Spirit” and “ The Sweet Swallows of Salvation” are among the number. Cartful)? Guarded Tea* The tea used in tho Chinese royal household is treated with the ut­ most care, I t ;a raised in a garden surrounded by a Wall, so that nei­ ther man nor beast can get anywhere near the plants. A t the time of the harvest those collecting these leaves must abstain from eating fish that their breath may not spoil the aroma of the tea, they must bathe three times a day and in addition must wear gloves while picking the tea for tho Chinese court. Piles or SmilesP A POSITIVE GUARANTEE toIfnmtoHtitlrNfltv*AAd CartwHh DR. HEBRAS UNfiOID tifh most WimderM itelcnllflo dlucwerv of moderntlmesforttm »«Vfre*tc**: 3 ofllcfdnf? Pile*, KcsnnAi TalUt, 8*1 fcP.lirtirn, Hill* Wofm, H»rbeftiIteh, ato. rid* hftlilrtnem- efttod rntisepito 8 *iv» kill* th* g«wn*, re- Moves {lift trouble rod fcesMtbs irrithlton pftrin*neiitly, Absolut* ssttofsttiaa goat- ftutesdoroioust r*ftimi*d, ... .... ■ I’xl6» Met*. fttDrujurists, fit toslled. Trlsl totnpl* * centoto coin suuilny, THE«. 0 . IITTHEtia 0 .tTMMMo. ' JIJ.U*!'|> -jiuSiutsiS*' >■»!»•'iSmMBMliaMiWftsivsw C h i l d r e n C r y f o r F i e t e h e r * s OR The Kind You Have Always Bought, and wlilch. has been in use for over SO years, has homo tho signature of and has been made under his per- , sonal supervision since its infancy. • ^ A llow no one to deceive you in this. A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, P a re ­ goric, Drops and- SootMng Syrups . I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacear—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS IBears the Signature o f TheKindYouHaveAlwaysBought In U se For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAYSTREET, NEWYORKCITV. ' ^NOCROPFMHEE we solicit your WIEN YOU PLANT MONEY IN THE BANK ?qrs SURETOGROW PATRONAGE S afb D epo sit B oxes foe . R ent P a id C a p it a l $30,000.00 I ndividual R espofsibiutv THE EXCHANGE BANK, CED AR V I L L E , OHIO- S. W . S m it ii , President, Guo. W . R irn , Ta».Vice Pres. O l i v e r G a r l o c g h , 2d V. Pres. O . L. S m i t h , Cashier L , F. T i n d a l l , Assistant Cashier, ButtericK Delineator A T H u t c h i s o n & G i b n e y ’ s 2 Years for $1.50 V T h e L a r g e s t S to ck o f * «■ ' R ea d y - to -W ear Garments Cloaks, G loves, M it ts &c* NEW SUITS NEW COATS SKIRTS LINOLEUM BLANKETS Selling Fast WAISTS CARPETS OIL CLOTH BATTING COMFORTS/^at low prices p TG R lS U iT s iB llE Y ’S, •■ t a k e m is o n * l ’f. w’ *1 , u -Lv.fH.r-* •>- * v - ,v “ W e reeoimaond it; -there lin ’ nay better.,, In mid-Bummer you have to trunt to a large dogreo to your buteher. Well Cared For Meats ip hot weather are the only kind to buy; we have proper appliance* for keeping th*m right, and they’re ■weet and safe when sold. Don’ t go meat shopping when it ’ s hot, ■Buy of us and be Bure. C. H . CROUSE , CEDARVTX.DE, o . RARE CHANCE! Big Pay for Solicitors! iiieio- TH E C IN C IN N A T I W E E K L Y ENQU IRER is offering Five Thou­ sand, Dollars in .easli premiums to solicitors, in addition to a liberal commission that is more than ample to pay oxie’s expenses, besides a f-, fording a living profit, while en­ gaged in the work o f soliciting sub­ scriptions. . T H E W E E K L Y ENQU IRER is now atwenty-four page magazine- style paper, chuck fu ll o f reading most acceptable to any well-qrdered home. Each issue contains-a ser­ mon by Pastor Russell, an essay by Dr. Madison C. Peters, a serial, and short stories, natural history, gen­ eral news, and special record o f po­ litical and national affairs that are of interest to all people, cut patterns for ladies and youths, and miser :ia- neous matter, all of high moral in­ fluence; alsomarket reports from all commercial centers, and veterinary columns. The editor’s aim being to presen*- the reader with an exceptionally good family journal of superior merit, free from all matters that an­ tagonizemorality, justice and truth. T o circulate such a paper, all well-meaning persons can benefit, their community and add their mite in the uplifting o f civic and political thought and action, ' Any person, lady or gentleman, with leisurehours, desirous o f doing a good turn for the community, at thesame time eam ingfairpayment, should apply at once for particulars by writing to T H E ENQU IRER , Cincinnati, O. • Th®Bookmaker ...Bestaarant... IN THE BOOKWALTgR HOTEL HIGH STREET D INING ROOM F O R LADIB5 UP ST/ A LS O REST ROOM . M E A L S N O W m i CBJNfi LunchXounicr on Main Floor Open Day and NJ^hl. Tho Best o f Good TJsod In iho C Inary Department. jJiJll!-1 «M J .iu H P! J. H . M c n i iX A N . Funeral Director and Furnlt Dealer. Manufacturer o f Gem Grave Vaults and Cement Build Blook*. Telephone 7, Gedarville, Ohio. DR. LEO ANDERSOf Veterinary Surgeon and Den G R A D U A T E O. S, U. Office Waddle’s L ive ry Bari Citizens 'Phone 03 and 81 C E D A ItV lL L E , - „ 0 J XEN IA , THE RAPID Folding Go-Cart I I H combinco comfort, durability and appear* anco at the lowest possible price consist. ■ H o ent with quality. Mother's mottos-*. j ^ H L “ Nothing too good for the baby.” Wo also manufacture Thompson’s M l Folding Crib. Sanitary, comfortable,' IflBjlJJ convenient, durable and economical. SHP5W Ask your deakf to nhow you a “ Rapid ^ Folding Go-Cart “ and Thompson’s Fold­ ing Crib, both of which arc necessary articles for tho baby. Tho Dent one motion Collaroible Cart made, If your dealer docs not handle those two articles, wrlto us direct for price and circulars, MISHAWAKA FOLDSHd CARRIAGE CO., » Mlshmke, led. HUNTING FISHjNlf m il the fan of eMmfcrp life it in these gforlotM GYitdcD?fpsrit, To emb your gtmor rcafor Mnt pseifme in woodsnr by,eireeifi A* yeti hippy *J,® * r*# you’re fond tMr;g* r w **“ RATIONALSPORTSMAM IfiD Mg*, k morilh,troo * ttiMd stories on hantinf, " hcnTtofeverymws hoy who lives whew • .etlftiftjg enjoyJYisnJi . n w et iTend; SlnJtle ^ M i : o r M;y*o,h StECIUTRIM. UfFfR S-.Tido<aj6. rfiap, VT fMtl *r.d w» will Mnd yen i «cjiy Ot fh* HAtiOKAL arcArtmut tlitaoK* •ica . t.e«vy I*!«a tmnWji H614 WUifi Fill.* ( S r'.., - witara*. Hit Icslhcf *1141! goia.tiiiuia LTK-ale, Oa»yoobeMlhi|f « * AOC. > jmUKS kMa* j vS% M t f C l