The Cedarville Herald, Volume 33, Numbers 27-52

mm BOYS’ E LEC TR IC A L SHOP PRACTICE, Y . M. C. A ., DAYTON T y O K K In electricity always has its appeal for -bovs and never more definitely anil certainly than at the period when they are beginning to make things for then-solus. Many youngsters are forced to commence to earn their living at a time when this particular form of work and in­ struction makes its most vi-oious appeal to their minds.' To meet this situation the Y.-M . C. A.’s of the state, through their State Committee’s help, have installed classes' in electrical engineering in 20 cities through­ out Ohio. The picture herewith shows one of the classes in Dayton, It will be noticed that the most up-to-date appliances are provided for tfcoboyfc. LAK E COUNTY Y . lUi.'C. A. BOYS’ CORN CLUB. P RIZES will be announced within a few. days in one of the most unique corn growing contests ever h- l;l in Ohio. It was entered by 90 boys living in- bake county, who ywre induced to take up this form of agriculture by the ■County Y. M. 0. A. Practical .work in agriculture Is one of the very latest things that the State Committee of the Y . M. C. A. has undertaken. The picture shows a class of these young farmers stand­ ing in front of the Court House in Painesville. Professor Giaham of the Ohio State "University and oilier leading agricultural experts addressed these boys from ’time to time. If the State. Committee is properly encour­ aged by the needed funds, agricultural work will be extended through Y . M. C. A.’s In the coming snrimr. . THANKSGI V I NG Will Soon Be With Us And for those who will need new and comfortable as well as serviceable Winter Footwear, there is no better place to supply your want than at this popu­ lar shoe house. Before gathering around the bountifully filled table for the annual feast, as has been the custom since the days of our pilgrim fathers, you should give your tired and faithful feet a feast of comfort and protection by having them fitted with a pair of NISLEY’S NEW FALL SHOES. Men's Dress and Work Shoes............. <-.$1.25 to $6.00 Men's High Out Lace Boots............... .$2.60 to $11.00 Men’s Leather Boots....... .. $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00 Men's Arctics, one and four buckles___ $1.00 to $2.25 Men's Felt Boots, all grades a t...............$2.25 to $3.50 Children's Jockey Boots, colored tops ........................................ .$3.00 $3.50 and $4.00 Boys' High Cut Boots, back or tan....... $2.00 to $3.00 Ladies Fine Dress Shoes......................$2.00 to $5.00 Ladies Warm Lined ghoes.................... $1.00 to $2.00 Infants' Fine Shoes, fancy colors........... $1.00 to $2.00 Infants Play Shoes, laceor button........... 50uto$1.25 Nisley’s, 5&S& Springfield ’s Largest and Best Shoe House. Official Vote On Congressman. The official vote in this congres­ sional district makes some changes from the first reports in that Jcsso Taylor carried both Greene and .Warren counties, the forml*r by 218 and the latter by 63. Denver carried the other comities with the following pluralities, Brown, 1523. Clermont, 808; Clinton, 211; H igh ­ land, 700, making Denver’ s total plurality in the district 8053 agaiUBfc 1000 two years ago. & m m i t m i t f t Special Bargains for Oist=of=Town Patrons g-gEBczntrJi Dugger Given Eight Years. Johu Dugger, charged with mur­ der in the first degree, as a confed­ erate of Charles Justice, fo r the slaying of John Shoup last Septem- has changed his plea of not guilty aud entered the plea o f guilty, to manslaugh ter. Judge K y le sentenc­ ed him to five years in the penitent­ iary. H e also plead guilty to a charge of assault with intent to k ill in the case of W illiam Shoup and Judge K y le gave the defendant three years. Charles J usfcice, who w ill pay the death penalty for k ill­ ing John Shoup has already been taken to. the penitontiary. ■ • ■ Newspaper Man Gets Judgeship. George C. Barnes, Democrat, Mayor o f Sabina, and formerly editor of the Xenia Herald was suc­ cessful in being elected as Common Pleas Judge in Clinton County by a plurality of 388 over Judge Edward West of Wilmington. The three Republican counties o f the judicial district gave Judge W est a plurality o f 8623 but Montgomery county gave Baines a plurality of 4011, or 888 more than Judge West, LIVE STOCK SHOW. ThePalace Restaurant 6 Mrs. Chao, Harris, Prop. Xenia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by G. C. We imer. n • . Meals by day or week, Lunch served all hours. Furnished Rooms for Rent. Th'e eleventh anniversary o f the International Dive Stock Exposition w ill be held at Union Stock Yards Chicago on the dates o f November 26th to December 8rd and w ill be wider in scope, larger in entries and greater m Importance than any o f its predecessors. Seventy-five thousand dollars w ill be given away in prizes which w ilt be awarded b y the most expert and distinguished judges in this country and from abroad. The importance o f this show from a breeding as w ell as an educational point of view caiinofche measured, realized or understood except from a personal visit and a systematic study o f its extraordinary proceed­ ings. Most excellent newspaper accounts are published and the breeders aud farmers’ journals deal with it in a most comprehensive masterly man­ ner; It muBtbe seen to be appreciat­ ed; it must bo studied to be under­ stood; I t is the greatest school of instruc­ tion of Its kind that has ever been presented to breeders, fanners, stockmen and others who are inter­ ested m the live stock Industry and an institution of practical informa­ tion that teaches in a fortnight more than can be learned in double treble and quadruple the time any- |where else. j The Intern itlonal Dive stock Ex- j position atChieago Is a stockmen's store o f knowledge an encyclopedia [ of breeding and feeding information that is presented in buc I i practical |simple and easily understood metli- |ods that the interested, intelligent visitor must o f a necessity cari-y away with him a fUDd o f useful and practical information that he could not buy for dollars anywhere else in so short a time. Those lessons learned from watch­ ing the judging by masters o f live stock breeding cannot be gained from books. The comparison of the various champions and other prizo winners with their less fortnnato brethron allows the breeder and student the weak points aud shortcomings o f those winch do not reach the re­ quired standard; aud so these men go home carrying with thorn ah object lesson that can bo acquired nowhere else and a fund o f breeding knowledge that w ill stand by them and be their very best friend. Everyone whose calling, whose work and whose interests are cen­ tered in the brooding and feeding industry should religiously attend this exposition for it w ill pay him over and over again, no matter what the apparent cost may be. The.'e specials are to be on sale Saturday only at these prices and if yo • are in the market for a Coat Suit or Furs it will be to your advantage to see these bargains. You must mention th is ad . when ask ing for^these speosals Sa tu rday as th e bargains advertised have been se lected for our out-of-town trade exclusively. f t I i SU IT SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Women’ s strictly high-class Pa il Model Suits of rich black, pure wool cheviot, 30-inch coat models, satin lined, now Bklrt stylo. You cannot find tho equal of this Suit in Springfield for less than §15.00. Special £?-_■ (t*/\ A fo r Saturday...........................................................J b V * V U SU IT SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Suits of broadcloth, serge, bard finished worsted, novelty mixtures- the choicest styles and most approved models, unlimited choosing, and every (Suit in this lot positively could be marked $20.00 and you’ d say “ a bargain” Special for Saturday................ $ 13.90 4 Special Coat Bargains for Saturday W om en ’s Black Kersey Ceats, $ 7.98 Extra heavy B lack Kersey Coats, fu ll 64-inch models, neatly tailored throughout. Cannot bo duplicated for less than $10,00. See These W onderfu l Coat Bargains $12 95 Our great assortment of Novelty Coats for women, includ­ ing every style of tho season. Every approved fabric and such variety of choosing that detailed description is Impos­ sible* A ll aro 54-inoh models. N o t a coat worth ,less than $10.50.. Others are positively gilt-edge values at $18.50, Fine Black Kersey Coats at $ 14.50 Pine wool Kersey Coats, in black only, 54-incb models,,,, braid trimmed, half lined and interlined to give extra warmth The tailoring in these coats is of the highest order and you w ill find it impossible to duplicate these models for less than $ 20 . 00 . Stylish N ove lty Coats, Priced at $ 16.50 Women need look no further if they want Novelty Coats for the ones we otter at above price positively cannot be du­ plicated for leas than $20.00. N ove lty homespuns, Bob Boy tweeds. Be sure to see this line. 1 i I WONDERFUL FUR BARGAINS FOR SATURDAY Coney Muffs » , $ 1.89 Coney Scarfs , , $ 1.89 W e have just received a delayed express package containing 600 Coney Sable Scarfs which wo bought to sell at the above sens­ ational price. Coney Sable Throw Scarfs, in either black or brown, satin lined; extra size, and quality. Special (2? T Q A for Saturday................................... ?. ...........i .............. ........................................................................................................ ........... 1 Barge 10x4 padded aiid lined Muff to match. Special for . O A • Saturday...!........................;....................................’......................................................................... - .................... .......................'.Jp 1 • ( J j J For those who wish something inexpensive in Furs yet rich looking, and that w ill wear for several seasons, we recommend this special bargain. . ’ 1 R iver Mink Scarfs H e r e ’ s a very stylish semi-shawi scarf, satin lined, trimmed w ith finished tails ; .two shapes. A D Sale P r ic e ......................................... ........... ...... ^ ^ * ” 0 Mutt to match ...................... ......... ...............;...... 1..........$2.08 Black Coney L yn x Barge Shawl Collar, satin lined, trimmed with (1?C AC four tails, ve ry fine quality, Sale price................ Barge Muff to match........................ ........................... ,....$6.96 Brown Marmot Sparf This is very similar in appearance to mink. This AQ ... is new style satin lined, head trimmed. Price.....I b t / t V O ’ ; Muff to match..................................................................:..$3.98 Imitation Black L yn x And positively it would take a fur expert to tell it from the real lynx. Bong black fur—glossy black—satin A Q lined. Sale price....................................................J p t J iV O Muff to match,............. ..................................... ........ .......$8,98 B lack Coney Lynx Barge Shawl collar, lined with shirred silk, trim- g A med with natural tails and feet. Sale price......;JV/| • O i l Barge Bug Muff, head and tail trimmed, to match......$tf.60 B lack American Lynx E x tra fine quality fur, large shawl collar, lin&d with shirred silk, accoideon-pl*atfecl ruff at edge—trim- B j l 1? f i C med with 22 tails. Sale price..... .................... Jh I Barge Pillow Muffs to match........................ .....7T„........ $10.00 • f t f t i 8 I Women’s Fleeced Dined Wrappers $1.25 and $1.00 Values A D r r Saturday,.,.. ....... yOK> Kinnane=SiillivaiiCo. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. Child’s Fine Bearskin Coats worth $3.00 ages 2 to 6 years' d*/* Saturday... ..... 8 TRY OUR TOB PRINTING Hard to Collect. | The world owes every man a living, , but you’ve got to rise up at the break of day to collect it.—Atlanta (eta.) JConstitution. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, Hie KindYou HavaAlways Bought November’s Newest Styles in Men’s and Young Shown at Dayton’s Leading A most complete showing o f the latest models conveying all tho new ideas in men’s and young men’s fa ll and winter clothing, de­ signed by the'world’ s best and largest merchant tailors, produced in the smartest desirable fabrics and colorings for the- autumn and winter season. W e cordially invito you to view this elegant stock. I t is a pleasure .for us to show goods. Hart, Sehaffner A, Marx Suits and Overcoats— $18 $ 2 0 $22 $25 $ 2 8 and $3 0 Michael Stern Co. and Other Well Known Makes— $10 $12 $15 $18 and $2 0 Boy’s and Childrens Department Specials 2 Floor Choose from the largoBtand best selected stock in thestato of Ohio Boys Blue Suits, full cut knicker trousers, 5 to 18 year sizes $3 .75 $ 5 .0 0 $ 6 .5 0 $ 7 .0 0 to $10.00 Boy’s Fancy Mixture Suits, knicker trousers, S to 18 yrsize $ 2 .5 0 $3 .50 $ 4 .5 0 $5 $ 6 .5 0 $ 7 .50 to $ I0 Boys’ Fancy Mixture Suits, straight trousers, 11 to 17 years $2 .50 $3 .00 $3 .50 $4 .00 to $6 .00 Bovs' Blue Serge Suits, straight trousers, 10 to 17year sizes $3 .00 $3 .50 $4 $5 to $6 .50 / K. Boy's Overcoats, 8 to I7 year sizes— ($ 3 $3 50 $4 $4 .50 $5 to $8 .50 Children's Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits 2 1-2 to Syears $2 .75 $3 $3 .50 $4 $5 $6 .50 to $7 .50 Boy's and Children's Reefer Coats 3 to 13 year sizes—- $2.50 $4 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 to $6.50 Men’s Suits and Overcoats Now Being Men’s Clothing Store Headquarters for Men's sheep skin lined Coats, Sweater Coats, Hats and Caps and Fall Furnishings a-a The Surprise Store, 2 8 & 30 E. TH IRD STREET, - - - - DAYTON, OHIO. DAYTON’S LEADING AND PROGRESSIVE MEN’S CLOTHING STORE. i Boaro tho Signature of p a t r o n iz e h e r a l d a d v e r t is e r s .