The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 1-26

B I R D ’S G R E A T F I R E Begins Saturday Afternoon, Janu a ry 7 , at One^Thirty, In the store room next to C. M. Crouse. Wait for it. See “Ad” in next weeii© HERALD, LOOK! What cash will buy the next week at Cut Rate Prices’ , 1 Sack Snowball F lo u r............ ........................................6&c 1 Sack 25 lb, H . & E, Sugar.. ......... ...................$1,80 1 Cano Best String B ean s............................................. ho 1 Can best C on i.,.............................. :..L.;...""..'""72“Z!.8o XOan bast Peas......... .......... ...... ................ Best Brooms matle.„.......................... ...... ,...g5c,.S0o ami 85c XPackage Post T oasties................. .......................... . 7 0 Xbu. Po ta to e s ............. .............. ................"•111.””"".” 70e ... . 41b, boat Carolin'a Bice... ...............................................25c 7 Bars ^ lienox ” S o a p ..,. ....,.........,,..25c Eve ry th ing goes afc Cut Bate Prices. *----- WE WILL PJ iY YOU ------- Far Eggs ................... ........................................................; SSc For Su tter, ............. .................................................. ; £So O, M. TOW N SLEY , THE CORNER GROCER^ 2 LOCAL AND PERSONAL £ y _ _ . v The H erald , wishes a happy and prosperous Hew Year to. all, Mrs. J. E . Pierce is visiting in Springfield. ' —Try Hagley Bros, for sealshipt oysters.' Mr. Samuel Sanders is visiting in Cincinnati, Mr. Balph Wolford spent Christ­ mas in Columbus. Maynard and Helen Puffer' are visiting relatives in Springfield, M rs,E lisabeth Owens entertained a few relatives a t dinner, Monday. —FOB SALE :—BuB Plymouth Bock Cockerels- W , A, Turnbull, Messrs. F . A. Jackson and 0 . F . fchegler were in Cincinnati Wednes­ day; . ' Mr. John Lo tt and wife of P itts ­ burg are guests of Mr, and Mrs. w ; H . Owens. Mr, H a rlan McMillan and wife of Mason City, Mo., are the proud par­ ents of a daugh ter th a t arrived sev­ eral days ago, Miss Louisa Smith, had for her guests over Sabbath, Misses Mary and Catherine Osteriy of Xenia. There will be preaching by the pastor, a t^ th e MethodiBt church. Sabbath evening a t 7 o'clock. Mr. Jam es DufHeld and wife and Miss Pauline Grindla spent Monday in Springfield with Mr. Frank Grin- dle and wife. * The family dinner for Mr. S. K. Turnbull’s fam ily was held la s t Sat­ urday a t the home of Mrs, Fannie Barber, Miss Hattie- Kerr of Knoxville Tenn., and .Miss Sadie Kerr of Cin­ cinnati were guests of Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Kerr over Christmas. Mr. Charles Coulter ajul . wife of Oxford have been guests, of Mr. K. B. Barber and family for several days. Mr.,and Mrs. A. C. Kyle enter­ tained a number of relatives a t din­ ner Tuesday, among them being Mrs, Jeane tte Ervin and two child­ ren of Xenia. The annua l1dinner for the Cooley fam ily was held Monday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cooley. Mr. John Clark, wile and daughter Grace, of Columbus were present. M c F a r l a n d b r o s . Fancy New Figs . Bulk Mince Meat New crop Peaches, Apricots, and Package Raisins. New pack, “Sweet Brier” Corn and Tomatoes Bulk Oysters Lippincott’s Preserves, Bulk Peach and Apple Butter “Edgemont” Crackers Oyster Crackers Nice Line of Cookies. QUA L ITY G U A R A N T E E D We Pay Best Prices for “Butter” and “Eggs” YOUR . PATRONAGE SOLICITED McFarland Bros. Mr. and Mrs. L. H» Bullonb‘*rger am visiting in Oxford. Miss Nellie McFarland ban been the guest of relatives in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Townsley are entertaining a number of invited guests a t dinner today. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Spencer are riving a dinner today to a number if relatives. - Tiie p lat for the nex t number on thp lecture course opens a t Johnson's, Jewelry Story, Wedn rday, Jan . 4. —For your next order of flour try “ S ta r ligh t.” one of the best high grade flours en th e market, K e rr &, H astings Bros, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ervin of Cin­ cinnati spent Christinas with tiie I'ormer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Ervin. , Mi A. B. Bhanor, wife and two children visited with the la tte r's parents uear Batavia from Friday until Monday. Prof. J, Baymond Fitapatiick ot the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia,, will return Mon­ day after a weok’s'viait here. J Twenty-four young people were entertaiuod^Mpnciay ■ evening in a very tfpleasant manner by Misses frma and EulalOfeswell. Mr. O. M. Townsley and wife and Mr. and Mrs; C. M. Crouse and wife spen t Sabbath in Springfield with Mr. and Mrs. F rank Welehhans. ' Mrs. B. C. W a t; and sister, Mrs. Hardy of E a s t Orange, N; J., visited with Rev. XV. A. Condon and wife of Trenton, Thursday and Friday. Mr. Caspar Finney, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finney has been quite side with pneumonia which followed an attack of the grip, Mrs, B. B. Patton arid son, Bobert, returned to Columbus Thursday after a visit with thf former’s par­ ents, Mr. aud Mrs. D. M. Dean. Mi?. ForestW addle of near Spring- field has moved into the A. O. Bridgman property, Mr, Waddie has entered the livery business-with his brother. Elmer. ^ -T h e press notices for the Tyro­ lean Alpine Singers speak very highly of this organization. Tiie Now York Sun and Cincinnati E n ­ quirer have nothing bu t words of praise. Opera house, Janua ry 7. Mr, Charles M. Martin, Pbg., of Indianapolis, a medical strident of th a t city, returned homo Thursday morning, after a short visit with bis mother-in-law, Mrs. Alex Batts. —The Singers and yodlera of the Tyrolean troup th a t comes hero on ; January 7, were selected from their Alpine homos. They appear 'In the picturesque national costumes of their people, the most attractive of European nations. Mr. Charles Baskin of Michigan University; Mr, Joseph Finney of the (). S. U .; Mr. George Stewart of the Ohio Medical College, Colum­ bus; Mr, Wm. Haw thorn of McCor­ mick Seminary, Chicago, and Mr, Oliver Jobo of Wooster have been hero for the holiday week. The following invitations liavo been issued: “ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob j Sieglf-r invite you to be present a t ’ ; the marriage of their daughter, D»rai •Ktha, to Mr. Karili Bull on Tlmrs-j day afternoon, January the fifth, | ono thousand nine hundred arid- eleven at three o’clock, Cedarville, Ohio.*'. The announeement cards state- tha t they will he ’’A t Home” after April tenth, Cedarville. Ohio. n Mr. N. L. Ramsey and wife c ide r-{ talnpd a number of relatives a t din­ ner Monday, -- Canvas gloves and mittens, leather and kn it gloves, Kagley Bros, Mr. Kenneth Pu tt,-o f Ohio Wes­ leyan University io a t home on his Holiday vacation.. Mr. G. B, Wiles and wife are spending a couple of weeks in ( ’in einuati and Hillsboro. Mr, Gowdy Williamson is ’homo from Harvard University for the holidays. • WANTED; Some one to cu t 500 cord of wood near Clifton. Address, Box 897, Cedarville, O Mr. George Morris, wife and daughter, visited a t Trotwood, O,, from Friday until Monday. Mr. Fred McElwatn and family, of Washington C. H ., are guests of relatives here, Mrs. J . 0 . Stewart has issued in­ vitations lo r Monday afternoon from two to four P. M., in honor of Miss Dora E, Siegler, , Mr. J . W. Matthews and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bradley of North Hampton, Christmas. . . Miss Bernice Wolford of Cincin- cinnatl and Mrs. Oliver Dodds of Akron liavo been spending a few days with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J . H. Wolford. Mr. J . B. Orr and family have had for.their guests this week Mr. Bed- path and daughter, Fern, of Sparta, 111. Mr. Kedpath is anticipating locating here. Mr. and Mrs. J , W. Johnson ,en­ tertained Mivand Mrs. Charles Gil­ bert, and Mr, Ralph Gilbetfcof South Charleston, ami Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gilbert, a t Christmas dinner, Sab­ bath, Mrs. G. E . Jobe suffered a sprained ankle some days ago th a t has kep t h e r confined to the house. On leaving Mr. Hun ter Bull's resi­ dence in Xenia, she slipped and fell causing a painful sprain, —•The Tyrolean Singers no t only swig their own native. Bongs but, have a repertoire of many of the favorite national and popular songs of America. Spend a jileasant even- ing.With the M. E . lecture course on Janu a ry ? . —•Think o f a good low grade flour, 2 5 pounds for 5 0 c . Order a sack from Kerr & H astings Bros., and he convinced tha t there is merit In th is flour even a t th e price it is sold for. Mr. George F. Hardy, wife and children of East. Orange, N. J ., have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. B; C. Watt, Mr. Hardy returned home while Mrs. Hardy ambchildron will remain for a few days, 'Word has been received hero th a t Mr, J . 0 . Matthews and fam ily of Wagoner, Okla., have decided to retu rn here after a few years resi­ dence in tha t state. Mr. Matthews’ family has had a siege of typhoid fever, several members beingaitlmt- ed with the malady, —ME b : Cora G. Rammlen. the reader with the Tyrolean Alpine Singers is an excellent reader and her selections are chosen from the bright, fre h material th a t pleases all audiences. Opera House, Jan u ­ a ry ? . 'DAYTON , OHIO We Begin Our ■ * Annual Winter Saturday Morning, December 5/st NOTE—As has been our custom, except a few items sold under contract at a fixed price. Everything is Reduced THE RIKE-KUMLEH CO. (Dayton A gen ts for Ladies Home Journal Patterns) Hutchison & Gibney XENIA, OHIO. EltsemnaUo f-'nir.u rrliavccj by as* ei dr. UUcn' Aaii-Puln Pill*. ** Cc**. 14-16-18 E. Third $t. I T T ' *' . ■fn-- Y T r ■ Hunter & Hardie DAYTON. OHIO. Semi-Annual Cost and Clearance Sale Great Reductions This Sale Will Begin TUESDAY , JAN . 3rd, 1911 p - Silk and Heatherbloom, Persian Petticoats, $5.oo J ' Silk and Crepe Kimonos FURS—Child's Sets $2 up. Pillow Rug Muff $2.75 Fur Sets $12 to $loo. SILK WAISTS-Embroidered or Tailored Waists Mufflers Mitts Gloves Silk Scarfs Towels Fancy Hose Leather Bags Purses Three Cases Full of Christmas Novelties Children’s arid Ladies’ Sweaters $ 1.00 up Shawls and Scarfs 50 c to $ 1 Dressing Sacques Knit Petticoats Handkerchiefs Aprons RkM S tate of O hio , C ity Ol? low- bo , I LfCABO oost Y } 3j j ' R eams : J. C uebev makes oath that lio is. senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cniw /rj & Co., do’nf? business in the city of Toledo,1 county, end Gate atartaH, W l that raid! fiii-m will pay tho muna ONE HUNDRED1 DOLLARS for each oyery c.via of t’nt.irrh that cannot bo caret! by tho nso of I I a ix ft (.ATAnr.n Cone, . I-'U \NK J, <TIEN IA . Sworn to before mo find aubtenbad iti my presencio, this Gib doy of December, A. D* A, W. OLIIAfloT, ... | ueai ,J Notary Public Hall'll Catarrh euro io token intariwily. ’eiisl acta directly op- tho blood and raucous ' surfaces of tho eyetatt, Send tar tci.itaonj I . ntn, free. Subscribe for the Hetabl. The PalaceRestaurant Mrs-, Chas, Harrla, Prop, Xenia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by C* G, Weirder. Meals by day orweels* Lunch served all hours, FurnishedRooms, forRent,