The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 1-26

MltPWIll •Mi mm lip ] M e r e d i t h s usic Store. 6 p a w ©.% a N O W Located At 131 S. New Cappel Stock a»riwg«wai 8 rawrir^ The Cedarvllie Herald <3s.uo P e c I f c o r . KARLH BULL Editor -Ktju>r> I to tho I ’er.fc-Offtoc, Cedar* villa. 4 Oct»«bor Ql, 11 j 7 , aa occoad c 1 g ,33 matter. FR IDAY , MAFw©fI 0, 1010 We Will "Pay You 8 Second Largest in Ohio. H ELP US GROW Sour Stomach “ Xnseil PaucaTCts nnflfcol Ulio a newman. Iiitwo fce»n • miCeror trim ilj-nnopsio oud sour atmnscti for the last too yeara. J hftvo been taktoc mciti- «lne and other iharaa, hut could tlnd bo relief only tor a Bbort time. Xwill recommend Cnscarotn to toytrionds aa tho only thine for indieeatlon «md S onrotomaehandtohoopthebowola In poodcon* itloti. Theyaroverynlcotocat.” HarryStuchloy, JMaochCtiunls. Pth Best For r The Bowels a v d m i m CANDYCATHARTIC Pleatant, Palatable, Potont,Tnote Good, DoHood. Jtever Sicken, Woahen or Gnpe, 10c. .sc, 00c,Never ■ old In built. S'ho eonutno tablet stamped OGO. Guaranteed to octroor yonr money book, Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N .Y. 599 AHMUALSALE,TEHMILLIOHBOXES “Dr. Miles" Nervine Completely Cured Our Little Boy of Fits.” A family can suffer no greater affliction than to have a child sub' Sect to fits or epilepsy. Many a father or mother would, give their all to restore such a child to health. “I am heartily glad to tell you 6£ > our little boy who was completely cured of fits. He commenced hav­ ing1.them at 10 years of age and had. them for four years. I tried three doctors and one specialist but alt of them said he could not be cured, ' but Dr. Miles* Restorative Nervine and Dr, Miles’ Nerve and Liver Pills made a comptete cure. He is now hale, hearty and gay. It has been threegesrssincehe hadthe last spell. give Dr, wneraver 1 Miles’ medicine* . . . go. You are at to use thia letter * * you tee ROGUE, Windfall, Ind. Dr. Miles* Nervine is just what it is represented to be, a medicine compounded especially for nervous diseases, such as fits, spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul­ sions and epilepsy. These diseases frequently lead to insanity or cause weak minds. Dr. Miles* Nervine has proven most effective in reliev­ ing these dreaded maladies. Sold byall druggists. If the first bottto falls to benefit your money lo returned, „ MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. LAW ENFORCEMENT. A fair cample oflav/ enforcement under the present administration was again exemplified last Saturday night. About cloven o’clock there arose a disturbance on Main Street within a hundred foot of Mayor Andrew’s residence that awakened the resi­ dents for some distance. An over supply of liquor brought out the fighting qualifications ot one,'Frank Jeffrey, better known as “Crutch,” being deprived of one limb Borne years ago. ■ For nearly one-half hour the resi­ dents of the community were inflict­ ed with round after round of bad language from an intoxicated man who wanted to fight. Finally offi­ cers .McLean and Puffer appeared ou the scene and .Teflyoy was taken to jail where he remained until Sab­ bath morning. Regardless of the fact that Mayor Andrew had released Jeffrey the week previous on an unpaid fine of $8.60, he was given his liberty Sab­ bath morning. Monday morniiig, the mayor taxed Jeffrey $10.60 for his Saturday night frolic and the fellow was released on a promise to pay. A fair sample of the kind of an administration the mayor has laid «uit for the people is given in one of. his rules to the officers and that is not to bring a drunken man into court but take him home. We have not this statement from the officers but from a leading citizen who questioned the mayor if such was .the ease, and lie admitted that he had so advised the officers. Tinder such Circumstances no crit­ icism should be heaped upon those who are but following out tho orders of their superior. I t ’s coming elec* tion time arid the mayor is looking for votes for the organization and jrspell a policy will win a certain fodfenent evwry time. r.WMWI» « IMIIMI«lllll» , |*. ...1.1,1 ■■III Mr .pjMacH^Mlaf «m * « « • tmi«s to n ti* m aetftn *t *»• UYwr Aiii *•*«* t r. M i**’ N*rv» * b i Liver FSB* cur > t* *m tm » CO YEARS* EXPERIENCE T rac e M a r k s O esiq m s CcPYniGHTGAc. Aft*s7o nmdimr a tfeoteboaf iKaeRjiHaa taaj: Qiiieuvascertain m t epmina frcownetBer as ‘avfjv.Ina Mpf-hatlr rntc".*-- iKKanMiciwessOCcatfel. (IAUG l II iu Iearnests «ratfree. <»««$#K 0 Beyforcccuf.n;?patents. I’ater.t# taken tLracea a o>. rc-ciw ft-.vfotnaU:.', tiuboai, caarae, in tto S c ie n t i f i c f im c i i c a n . AbiedsdinelytlSasfrsJna weakly, farooatjrtr. rr,:a!!..a of any ft';cm!2.7 j. urr.rj. i'criud. $ 1 a w ir: fc-irtcsitM ,#!. Sohlbycii r.owBCraicm. MUNN£ Co,M« :« ^ N ew York Btfcn«iOSes,eUrVfi:.,Washington, D. G> IGe Per dozen for clean, fresh Eggs, “in trade" to ­ dayonly, Saturday, March 4th, Bring us yo ’-r surplus. W E W ILL S E L L YOU Onion Sets good, clean, yellow sets, per q t ............5c Eggs per dozen.. . . .16c Oranges choice navels, sweet and juicy, d o z .. .15c 24 1-2 lb. sack Snowball Flour today only. .65c 3 10c sacks Meal__ 25c Lard (choice country) per l b . . . . . . . ____ 12 l-2c Cranberries extra fancy per measure......................10c Dried Apples clean and bright per lb ....................10c Canned Corn Spring Valley brand, standard quality, today only 2 cans for..........................................15c B IRD ’ S MAMMOTH STORE . 1 The Three Or«*t Cfeanneia. E-cr.v h'l •n r ‘ i'1, womoo ’ atil f W l , i ‘ 7,5 r ” 4 -" t tM . ticurso- ] th nl * {ltd 4e: ;>i -a !’ r 'an, nthlcto , ami in’.riid n.; !i cr« i Fng of Gt >3 through £hsc'\ « r i ■: \y thsxo, f,Tcr.t . channpJ-i — i’-i'F'y. rcarcatina or.d rUc'i‘L'n: rv**:. p'ly or/3 love. With thfvj ury L'f-‘ i-> ra'py in opito - of Borrow noil fnm. r:i< deVito tho bitterest failnn ^ Without them a roan hroaha Ida lirair, t-overo h!g com . coiocu • mc-Ston v '*’i If yoa : wont i keep a headstrong, fatuono ] youth from merreat bins Mmcalf y®B I } try to give h ia re ■}■ nwhility, reorca- * ! tloa and uffcotinn. ,If y'm want to put ; , courage r.r.d aopiratioa into tho gelati- j , c-'uw character oT a (-‘i.-i't walker or i '•tho flickering tnfiifahsy of a hysteric j |you labor to furnish Just tho name trio j J - -work, recreation m;d affection. Iu j ■every cate tko hraiing power which j you want to give is real life, and real life means just tluso three things. The came needs are tixe I for ail of us and the game all sniiioing bounty i» the' supply if we can got and keep in touch with It.—Atlantic. Mic* For Whooping Cough. A fairly alarming relie of medieval nostrums came to iny notice recently. A mother was dip!-u«'~!ug with her housekeeper the probability of her ■ childreu talcing whooping cough, which was then prevalent in the community, Tho housekeeper, a most dependable, valuable helpt «*. of more than average good sense and judgment, said; "Sirs. Black, if you’ll let me I can keep your children from having whooping cough. I’ve kept lots of children from having it, hut I wouldn’t do It without telling you first.” “Well, Martha, what |3 it?” "You catch a live mouse am’ kill and dress. It and stuff It and bake it and feed it to the children. It Isn’t bad to take, and of course tUey don’t know what it la. That would spoil the charm.” To my friend’s exclamation of horror she replied with conviction, " I’ve given It to lots of children, and never one of them had whooping cough.”—Mary Newell Youta in Designer. T h e m " a # gjf M Ofi 7 w o t'M k ' A*:-1 M iy , i s l ®n^uULkilli ALCOHOL 3 PElt C’EtriC ^GetaliteBjejiaiaiba&te*' siraHatteSficKiaicHm^ui: fcrtiliaStoaiLssciBoiKbfif I nfants /C hildren PfontafcsDigssltoaC!*cifd-' kcssmidlfestXJontainsiffiiiitr: OpiimuMorphinciwrMinfraL N o t N a r c o t ic . i . i . ■ ........... . i M x p cfm ik& M w m m Banka Seed” JKScast* Bd.dteSdts~ AdsiSad * _ Jij(aL'DdeSr£r+ HhnStsd- C/aSiidSai^» h&a&tcfttjKr. ApcffectRemedyforConsOpa -1 tion, SourStmimdi,Diarrhoea Worms.Coiwulsions.Ffverisii- ness aiulLossOFSLEEP. PacSini'li Signatureof NEW YORK. _ Aif 6 iriopths old 3 5 B 0 S E S - 3 5 CENTS n » "Sot Bafantg and DMldrea* . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature o f GuaranteedundertheM<xUj Exact Copy of Wrapper, In Use For Over Thirty Years G A S T O M A T»e ccntauh coMMwr, NfwYonst city. v i a 0i PILES A n l l F I S T U AW AJtiti , DISEASES OF THE RECTUM KJM «3t< *Ka ZMtm *S'l KSM*» at ftcteSfa, « hu * ttm me* e* p.*rr*!, * r ! t**eMe*reUcfr*uc:Bcaw. s.s.'. dr . j . M c C lellan C olumbus , 0 . Ontltek fiuilAr.*, 4i (M VfBitf Street HIGH SCHOOL ITEMS. SEN IORS. Yes, they’re studying up their speeches, And they’re looking powerful wise J ust a scratchin’ a t their heads And a rollin’ up their eyes, Trying to think just -what to say III that great time not far away. Yes* they’re strutin’ round like pea­ cocks, , Thinking they are lord of all, Never bending of their necks Hardly seein' us a t all. But the cat will mow they say, And each dogmust have its day. But I kinder like them Seniors Seems to me they’re kinder smart. Always tending to their study, And hate for them to part. But for each Lhore’ll come a day To start out on. our separate way, —Cor* Mann. Miss Eu la Tarbox has been out the past week on account of sick­ ness. A very warm debate was given in Literary Friday, subject, “Resolved that Oliver Cromwell was worthy of admiration.” AfilrmatUe was up­ held by Marguerite Kyle, and Ma- blo Hanna and the negative by Eula Crtswell and Bertha Huston Tho judges decided in favor of the af­ firmative, Tho H. 0 . basket ball team m arranging a schedule of a few games and will make a tour through the southern part of tho state last of thin month. The teams wo will probably play are: Franklin on March fiSd: Lebanon on March 21th; Middletown Independents,on March 25th; Middleton II. U. on Mari h 25th A Usefti! Science. “What ia t ’eofirapby s?” ankrd ilio fa- tl top who vx io teotisig Ills 00 n’o %l:Stl to Dtfldj r. f,($cm i •ajjliy," r<. piled t: jigftfl, i v;liat J put it jddo your ■irouooro tvhoa y tit ' think '•a oro r,oh :R to Got a will; i C-M— V fslti ,Bfar. y RdvolaWoiw, ■ Von nover I juocv how r;r.ny figures can ta tarried fa tto head until you ir ,;? ft ik'o' fsmiatwo n 1 it .(or talk, L? to*? ft wottou r.k'o out tfodbos for .)taScs.~-Atd; WEATHER REPORT. Rainfall 1 ,Of!; number of rains 7; number of snows, 5; depth of snow, G India; wmd direction, south-west; thunder showers 2 ,; frosts, 7; freez­ ings 7; dear days, 7; cloudy days 11 part cloudy II); percent sunshine G3; range of temperature H degpeen; highest temporalure, 70 degrees; lowest temperature, 20 degrees; av­ erage temperature. SOdegrees. Thors wan ono day, the 'lfi’h of February, that was different from any I had observed before. It. was tho same temperature morning, noon and night. This month was very dry anti warm. Bamuel Crrnwoll, Observer. None So 0 o tho Chows, Mora than four laiiiiou t« oylo am enliMatol to attend moving plcfino chows in the Unite*! Staten every day, No wonder it in getting ro hard to find loooliCily willing to do tho chores, Scrap Book , Entirely Too-Liberal. Ivory 1 once in a while u new cam­ paign story yet bobs up in Washing­ ton. This one is on Ralph Cole, Ohio member of congress, who did his best to make his Restrict go Republican, but who cannot jxfint to any particu­ larly howling success in that regard, At oua town in his district ho was to divide his time with a local spell­ binder. The local xuim njtoke first and t was to have kept going for half an ■ hour, but he m*de it .an hoar and- haif. When he got through he. made } an apology for encroaching on Cole’s i time. "It reminds me,” Colo said, as he faced his audience, “of what I once heard in a courtroom. The defendant had been found guilty of a criminal charge. The judge sentenced him to fifteen years, ‘Have you anything to say.?* demanded the -onrt of the pris­ oner, ‘Nothing but this,’ was the re­ ply. T think you're mighty d-— Mb' oral with another man’s time.’ ” Then Cole turned loose and coaxed hack the departing audience by the flow of his wonderful oratory,—Cincin­ nati Tlmes-Star. Thy Purpose, Ono and only muat thy purpose be. Whole and decided. From giant force but pyemy deed v.-ouldnt BOO Wore It divided. Thou must at onco thy - chalca .forever make, F o r tslrifo or pleasure; ?.f«at ehooao tlio kernel or the hunk to take— Repent a t lelaurc. Somo neel: for pearlo^ others for bubblea mere. On llfo’o eca crulnlnjr. Complain not if tho bubble disappear. 'Tv.’cs fhlno own chocsing’. |L**t fUvolutionary Survivor. The ls»t survivor of the Revolution­ ary war wa* Job* tltay, who died iu Noble county, Digged TOi years, on March 2d, lftfiA. So came to the'Back* ey* State early in it* existence. For some years before he died ho drew an annual pension of- ?300 from tho gov­ ernment, Leupral John A. Bingham having got a special act through congress for this. Bray’s father was killed at the battle of Stillwater and lie took his pine# in the army, being only sixteen years ohl then.’ He serv­ ed through the remainder of tho war. His military record Is on. file ’at the office of the state commissioner of sol­ diers’ claims.—Columbus Dispatch, • When Wagner Died. "Nearly all the visitors to Venice,” saj's n letter from that city, “go to the Vendramhx palace to see the place where Wagner lived nearly a year and j, where he dkd in February, 1883. We who were here on that glorious spring day when they bore the master away, who remember the long line of mourn- |j ing‘barges, wish that the palace could have among other mementos a pic­ ture of that occasion, The great state barge contained Anton SeidL’a orches­ tra. and after it came barges with singers, nobles, great men and women, all In deepest mourning. This I t the scene which some artist should fix on Jcanvas. But, alas, he who saw it conld never know' what it represented unless he had been here at the time. The music, under Keidl and Neumann, and its effect on the mourning throng no brush could portray.” Father’s Fairy Tales, During an entertainment period which followed the business cession of a woman’s dob ‘one afternoon re­ cently some of the gentlemen who called for their wives were asked to tell come stories. The husband of the hostess begged to be excused. "It’s something that I celdom do,” he exclaimed, “and I am afraid I’d make a oad failure.”, The little daughter of the host arid hostess was on her feet in an Instant. "Oh, papa, how you talk!” ex­ claimed. “ 1 heard mamma say only last night that you had a new yarn to tell every time you came home Into at night from the office.”—Youngstown Telegram, Tho Winning Trick. A tricky lawyer was defending a i man in a promissory note case, and he j knew ho was g dug to lose. But in the ,• lunch hour In his tricky way he sneak- | ed back into the courtroom and chang­ ed tbo markers in ali the prosecuting counsel's reference book, The judge after consulting all these reference books two hours later pronounced sternly: “I should certainly have decreed for the plaintiff, but on referring to tho citations quoted by plaintiff’s counsel I find that they none of them bears even remotely on the case before us, and I inclln» to think that a gross in­ sult lias been perpetrated on this court. Counsel, Titlt idiotic levity, has re­ ferred me to the action of a French­ man who sued u geological society for kwing been bitten by a bear. The SK-ofct reference is to a ease of slan­ der. Next I a*n directed to a forged will nnd « .cafe robbing. What have the *' thiiifp to do With an action to recover -m a premia :»uly note? But tnrhup .1 the shameless Insult to tills i , net: Ken In councol’s final refer­ ence to tho notorious Llppmaa versus Konshaw case, the silliest Mid most , ribald breaeh of proiaico suit lit all tho j anaal'j <>£ westcraJurisprudence, tfutlg- Bleat tm defendants, tsith costs.” T h * Bull o f P«rtllu». Perillus of Athens Is said to havo In­ vented for Plialafls, tyrant of Agr 1 en- tum, f>70 B. C., » brazen bull which opened on the side to admit victims who were to be roasted by tho firo which was built underneath. Tho dy­ ing groans of the sufferers resembled closely tho roaring of a mad bull, Pha- laris greatly admired the invention and by way of iest roasted tho inventor first Later tho populace rose in re­ bellion and burned Phalaris. Progr***. "I notice a .lady has received by wireless a prescription from her doctor at sea.” “V/Izafcwas it?” "Told her to brace up and oho would bo O. K.” “Well, we!!. Hero’s a case of drag­ less treatment by wireless prescription for a sleklcs-i illness. What an ago wo live in!”—Philadelphia Ledger. Smalt Thing*. We ore too tend of cur own will. Vko want to Iso doing what we fancy mighty thiuga, but tho great point 13 to do email things, when called to them, in a right spirit—B, Cecil. Marvelous, He—There iu no doubt that' nature's works nro indeed marvelous. . She— Aren't they? Only fancy, even tho tiniest insect has its Latin name.— London M. A. P. uco in l«disp*ns*b!ft, j Knickor—Did be make hlmcelf indis* ! poncabio to tho fim? Bodies—Yes, so •much eo that when ho left they set, f three detcctivci byifcksg fer him.—Now |York Times. An Apostle of Repose, First Bum-Writers cay dat do secret of aristocratic appe-araaeo is repose of manner. Second Bam- Dat'd me.— Chi­ cago Nows, Ho that sleeps feels- not ache.—ShafcwpftM*, the tooth* I t ’s All in th e Making; Whether clothes fit or not. That is where we excel. Whether we succeed or not, you can judge by the fact tha t the best dressed men in Greene County almost without ex­ ception patronize us. Poorly made clothes always look cheap, while those made by us have comfort, style and elegance and give perfect satisfaction, £ £ £ both in wear and price. Kany, The LeadingTailor, N. Detroit St., Xenia, Ohio. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING PATENTS W«S, iwwtlwia these! W-.*■><■>?!*»**5f>*, ■i*«. uiwviteft'ofi S .................._?•*»«»J aft* ftfttifcfl €3.i?‘.l:ie»J O.A.SNOW&CO.: FAflfiiV**«*«, W«*HiN«y 6 M,ft. ft. * THE HIGH GRADE LEHR PIANO IS USED AND CNOORSCD BY tho GratiaConsewaUfyc5Mudo, Haw VotSCity, ThoPonn8vS*uataGeltejjaol Mucio, PliS’ade’phla. Ct.i:::;ioGonaemitotsiAISiashas School o?Ofiota,Chicago. ThoPcotb COfi*irraiotyo5Music, Pachlo, Co!o, AMOOTHER LRAD1NQC0NSR0VATQRIE8 inlay, it Solira ideal piaua f.wtfio fiotac,whomIt* pi-irracoi*« einnnfcnitocooadlefinomcot, I’lANOiir ‘ * ‘ ' ths rest of piodnf i in Ift* toaricet »t LKHII A OOiVIPANY, Nltnu f m , H “TAKE THIS CUT” n r j y- c ■* jjwmj-il- jj ilr~ “Wo rceommond it ; they* ista’ noy bettor... In mid-suramor you lmvo to to a largo degree to your butoher, Well Cared For Meats ffi hot weather are tho only kind to buy; we havo propor appliances for keeping tlmm right, and th$y’r* sweet and safe v/hen sold. Don’! g * meat shopping when it ’s hot. Buy of us and he sure. C. H . C RO U S E , eEDARVLLLE , O. DRESS SKIRTS SUITS, WAISTS, FTC, Buy your Suits early and get good selection. CORSETS, PINS, GLOVES, H O S / IERY, BUCKLES, ETC, New Designs in House Rugs, Window Draperies, Linoleum Mattings Finest Assortment Curtains Madras, Etc., Yet Shown k \ NewfromCover to C o ^ r l ? ) W E B S T E R 1 S ■ ■ NEW-' INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY J U S T 'S S SU ED . E iiV Gtiief, -Dr. ?/.T. Harris, former U. S, Com. of Education. The Webster Tradition BavelopeiS by Modern Scientific Lexicqgrapby. KeytoLit- t ratureof SevenCenturies. General Information Practically Doubled. 2ZQQ Pages. 6000 Illustrations. -400,000 Words and Phrases, : GET TH E B E S T In ScSioiarchip, Conven­ iences Authority, Utility, y # . Write{orCrcolttenraEtato G &C. fc’XnWAWCO., SPRlKCFttLO. MASS, Yc-Jidlldc'catttiviTtoiitnScatUajujbaciaon, TheBookoialter ...Bestaurant.. IN THE BOOKWALTER HOTEL HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOR LADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S N O W a s C E N T S . Lunch Counter on Main Floor OpenDay andNl|(ht, Th« B est of Good Used in th® Cul­ inary Department. J* H. McfllLLAN. Funeral Director and Furniture Dcalor. Mftnuiaoturer' of Cement Grave Vaults and Cement Building Block*.' Telephone 7, Cedarvllie, Ohio, 55ZWS j DR. LEO ANDERSON, ' Veterinary •Surgeon and Dontisi ; GRADUATE O. S. U. ; Office Waddle’s Livery Barn, l Citizens ’ Phone 08 ami 81 OEDARV1LLE, - > OHH IS BEAUTY WORTHYCUHWHILE? ViolaCream positively Cfaflloftto* fteqtlcs, mole#, black besaj, suo'ouraawl ten, Oi#»asr.;l Wotcbca, touch«n-Uoil? BreM Jprin E At m Gula'oferaufyoa r ^ . tro?a4ltioa M ALin f*>a»-iirT,i for tsUet,taisejy a; xm-.o. c. lixxxKi : b ' co ».ToicUo.oidc WfM Ki«tOjrt| Pit* HUNTING FISH ING * - Ha!! tholoti ti cT!tjai# life,ifi ia t:.fsa catach?c^oria. to you?ctmc??r/jfflsrfit** rmf iuwc^JIsC? hveXscixnM Srit?fcifjfcy j P|*V|R," js * Jj?yoa’ra iL tuS£ WH 1 e^oyUja NATiGSAt m m m JW tijea * ntcr.lh, ipte »S«»i xpwntttve, tet« jci!.. ?, t i : . t : - - >■ } p:-l U.v.vtsoUvr#wtere n ThiE wm J«Gs,riiSr.iii tr.-.h tea w! » cent! sea * eyy c* ta sm issti, CSCEKMUSf Dlenratt f2 t easy taae, f >Wet sr iV;MS' feSlih!! rv;;.', 7 ; j ft, iDcnoahcas» mttf gt';a»rUiea ifcftssKLr