The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 1-26

IT ’ 1 s 4 * k - W, ly 1 «ro Inf ■ jo tftuft niter. ■ Weats kind to c cm f o r tbnjr’r* Don’ t g» it. Buy H otel •STAIRS CNTS. oor h« Cul> *. ‘ irnltnrs Oemsnt tulliiag •ON, Dentist. L 3nrn 81 OHIO cfjreath. Jo? is»r»* wwotlft’* ena tsm jtn i ta.Ofel*. T IN G I l N G j is c tM im has »:mn» rt> t « jm« fc-j tame- i la stm ts* i s^a v.ttr* sea « u mi •;.>y;s tm ircsiMtt «:*e, f tut- tt :;:;f ■ ea.t««;«»»fa* tan tthtte I tfi'zjr-nn esar >:««♦ yp '-5’*'* xmmm <:■'> tea «SS w* tt? % SSS I p 01 Is* iAtitMkit tomato* frthSf-ltmt f ? i-Wfs r i •»**** t„* fw**w it*, i'*i m tn».*sw*» fa* *» ,**•# d t W « ..Bird’s Mamoth Store • • mmrnmm i W ill place on sale this coming week the finest line of RUGS CARPETS LINOLEUM in the comity. W e have room size . Rugs in Tapestry and Body Brussels, Velvets, Axministers and Royal W ilton Velvets. L IN O LEUM in all widths and grades. New styles Curtains and Nets. The best assortment we have ever shown. W e invite you to come and see these goods. Birds9Mammoth Store. J LOCAL ANB PERSONAL | Th* b**t In th* cvreal linn, •!- w*>« fresh. McFarland Brea Miss Clam Ball of Xenia egoraft; Sabbmh with Hites Olivo Winter* ' Mrs. J . B. Winter ami Mrs, (i. Y. - Winter spent Tuesslap in Seals. ■ Mr. and Mrs. II. (J, Watt gave a family dinner last Saturday to a number of relatives. Mr. Beals Gilbert remains, in a very critical condition, little change for improvement is noticed. Mr. E. C. Watt was in Columbus, Tuesday. —Try Nagiev Bros, for scalship oysters, Mr. M. W. Collins made a business trip to Cincinnati Tuesday. FOR SALE; A Jew bush*! of Mammoth clover seed. 8t A. H. CreBwell. Mr. Daniel Dennehy is taking jtroatment at Mudlavia, Kramer, iInd,, for rheumatism. Mrs. Julia Condon entertained a ’ number of friends and relatives at dinner Tuesday. j —Eden Beauty Flour, a good ' one, 2 5 lb. for 50c , Got it at Kerr & Hastings Bros, The Palace Restaurant Mrs. Chas. Harris, Prop.. Xenia Ave. Rooms formerly occupied by C. C. Weimer. Meals by day or week. Lunch served all hours. Furnished Rooms for Rent. Mr, and Mrs. W. B, Stevenson are entertaining about fifty invited guests at a St. Patrick’s dinner to­ day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs. Oliver Dodds left Xenia Thursday evening for her home in Akron, after spending a few days with relatives nere and in Xenia. —FOR SALE: One Jersey cow and one horse. Call on Lee A. Shroades. Phone 66, j Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Wolford have purchased the Sinz property on jWest Market Street, Xenia, and 'may locate in that city in the near future. t CASTOR IA Foe Infants and Children.. Tiie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ‘ Signature of * ANNOUNCEMENT I AST YEAR we enjoyed the largest trade we " ever had—this year we intend to make the increase still larger. We know there is nothing like real live bargains to create big business—we have them—yes, lots o f them we cannot describe them here—such bar­ gains you will not see in any other store in this vicinity. These low prices are for you all Spring. The largest stock here all the time. For weeks we have been making preparations for our Great Spring Display and are now ready for you with the finest stock of new home fur­ nishing* ever shown in this loc aity. W e invite you to visit our splendid store. This solid oak Dining Table, round top, neat pedestal, our low price...............$ 1 0 .5 0 ADAIR, 20-22-24 N. Detroit S i , - Xenia, Ohio. FURNITURE, CARPETS, - STOVES. We deliver or Prepay Freight on Any Order of Goods, When in the City Visit Us. ; Mr. and Mrs. RobertBird returned ! ■lioino Thursday evening from <Ln-, I cSnuatl where they ogcofc several «days this week; * 1 —Man past; thirty with horse and j baggy to soil stock condition pow- . 1dor ia Greono County. Salary $70 \ < per month. Address SOI Unity Bldg,. ! ' Indianapolis, Ind. i Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Crouse gave j a six o’clock dinner to about fifty j guestB, A three courso dinner was j served, the decorations and favors I bolng green aud white, j -NOT ICE :—Thoso wishing to send their old carpets for Rugs I should bring their old carpets in, as [ I will make a spring shipment goon, j Mary 0. McCorkell. Mr. Charles Turnbull, tho leading j hog feeder in this section, sold to Mr. Frank Townsiey 78 head of hogs that would average ahout^SOpounds each. Mr, Turnbnll probably f«eds more hogs in a year than any other farmer in this section. . Mr, and Mrs. G. II. Hartman are the proud parents of a daughter, Esther Mae, who made her appear­ ance at thefr home Sabbath evening. The parents extend thanks to Dr. M. I. Marsh and Mrs. "W. B. Putt. Miss Ina Murdock returned home last Monday evening from her trip to Richmond, Va., wh» re she Spent a month with Rev. Walter Morton and wife, On her return she stopped m Cincinnati for a few days visit with Miss Morris. Campbell’ s Varnish Stains are scientllcally prepared from soluble colors,combined with the toughest hard gnm floor Varnish, in such a way that tills stain works like a transparent Lacquer. Nothing like it for use on Floors, Furniture, and interior woodwork. Very durable, Stains and varnishes at one opera­ tion. C. M, Crouse sells it. _.. The tenant house on the Allen Haines farm, occupied by Marion Hamilton and family burned about ten o'clock tills morning. Mrs. Hamilton had gone to the well for a bucket of water when she discovered the roof afire. The alarm was sound­ ed to neighbors but before many of the. household goods could be re­ moved the building was a complete loss, The loss is covered by insur­ ance other than the contents. Mrs. Sarah ^ftohell moyed this week into the property recently pur­ chased from Henry Make. Mr. James Duflleld took the rooms in the rooms In the Harper building just vacated by Mrs. Murray, who will keep house for Mr, A Bradford Mr. H, A, Townsiey has vacated the Bradford property and moved into the Robert Hood proporty in the Holmes addition. Mr, Howard Harbisou, who has been clerking in t). M. Townsley’s grocery for some time will give up his position Saturday and on Tues­ day will leave for Cannon City, Col., where ho will remain for some time with his uncle and aunt Mr, and Mrs. Jamison, with a view to locat­ ing in the West. Mr. Charles Con­ ner will take Mr. Harbison’s place in the grocery. II Word has boon received hero of of the marriage of Mr. David Steel McBlroy to Miss Elnora E. Aiken of Huntsville, O., at the home of the bride’ s mother on March first. Tho coremony was performed by Rev. Ii. Hargrave in the presence of a num­ ber of relatives and friends. The next morning tha couple loft for their future home near Wilberforcc where tho groo o waB engaged in farming. Tho bride was formerly a school teacher and themany friends of Mr McElroy are now congratu­ lating him on his venture. The New Spring Garments Are here in all their glo­ ry— -SUITS, SKIRTS, DRESSES, COATS and WAISTS. Never have we shown such a handsome line of garments at such reason­ able prices as at this time. Mearick’s CLOAK HOUSE, Dayton, Ohio KINNANE—SULLIVAN CO. “Absolute Honesty in Mercbnn4ising” Springfield - « « * Ohio ■Invites our many Mends and patrons from ou to f town to our = = = S p r i n g O p e n i n g = = = THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY March 23rd to 25th, 1911, You will find displays of Spring merchandise up to our usual high stan­ dard o f excellence— and far surpassing in greatness any previous show­ ing in our 45 years of mercantile supremacy in Central Ohio, We're members of The Merchants Association and pay round trip carfares to all points within 40 miles o f Springfield on all purchases of $15 and over $ ANNOUNCEMENT We are pleased to announce that our business has grown to such magnitude that we are forced to secure larger quarters to accommodate our patrons. We will soon move into the rooms formerly occupied by S. Altschul, Jr. Yours Respectfully, THE QUALITY SHOP, M. L. HEFFLEY. “ In the Arcade. A, B. LEFFEL. Springfield, Ohio. Boggan’s E v c lu s iv e S ty les Opening ContinuesThursday, Friday andSaturday During These Last Three Days of Our Grand Spring Opening We W ill Offer Our Exclusive Merchandise at a Won­ derful Concessions in Price. Never before has there ever been assembled under one roo f the mass of artistic style creations that are now being shown at this EXCLUSIVE STORE. * WE feel amply repaid for our efforts when we gaze upon the magnifi­ cence that surrounds us. as we realize that we have not left a stone un­ turned to gratify the desire o f the good.and tasteful dresser, who is de­ lighted with the exquisite models we have collected. Our GOWNS, SUITS, COATS, MILLINERY, SHIRT WAISTS and all the necessities o f woman, represent the newest in style and labric, best in material and workmanship and the cheapest on the market, qual­ ity considered. . We extendyou a most cordial and hearty invitation to attend this the most superb dispaly of style creations that has ever been presented in Springfield, .. - S P R G T a t .-t s a r . ,ii , 1„ Store open Thursday evening 7:30 to 9:30 for inspection only, with a musical program by the celebrated Hawken’s Cadet Orchestra. PETER A . BOGGAN, 24 East Main Street, ' Springfield, Ohio. We refund round trip carfare to all points within 50 miles of Springfield on all purchases of $15 or over* This money is paid you by our cashier, thus relieving you of being discommoded by having to go elsewhere for same. XX GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING .X3C To Cure aColdInOneDay £?^L —ess