The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 1-26
% \ Additional Locals. FAKMEKK! Oco fEio Miotri tic - , ( Ho* Koglno s f <3. E. Ificrcc'e, H its -.-W. A- P ioneer lo trends ng ei;o day in S)ay£ •^FruItSj vegetables and oys ters. McFarland Bros. M?. F rank W o ld ibans and wifa of - flpnncOclrt apowt Sabbath with Mr. and Mru. 0. £1»T«w, ..eley, XENIA AND GREENE COUNTY y f "-"nr —FOB SALE; One and ojio horso. Cali Shroaclos. Phono £9. Jersey cow on Leo A. —Ico Cream* lee Cream! tn large or small quantities, The best th a t comps to town. Can he sup* plied each day. Wm, Marshall. Mr, H a rry M, Barber, who has a position in Indianapolis, spent Sab hath with his mother, Mis, Jeanette Eafcerlcige, —A floe line of Piaster Post Cards and other frames to mount your pictures m a t the Penny Wagon. Como and See. The Presbyterian congregation a t Clifton has extended a call to Bev. O. B. Lee of Albion, 111. -The con gregation will remodel the parson age. . . . Judge.Kyle on Monday granted a divorce to Minnie McCarty and also gave her the custody ot the' son. She was restored to her maiden name ot Kildow. —The recent public demonstra tion of the “ Wonder W asher1* proves all claims made for it. Im mediate 6ales made to those who know its merits, C. M. Crouse, You are all invited to our spring opening. Latest up-to-date merchandise from the best factories in the country. Prices lower than the lowest. Men’s fine suits I8.50, *5,12,50, lo, 9, 7.50 6, and $4.85. Boys’*long pants suits, ages 14 to I9, 9.85, 7.50, 6, to $3.95. Boys knee pants suits, 3,98, 3.29, 2.98, 2.48, 1 . 98 . $148, - Trous ers for men andboys all prices. SHOE DEPARTMENT all kinds of shoes, oxfords and slippers for men, boys, ladies and misses. Also solid everyday shoes for everybody. HATS all the latest styles. Stiff hats and soft hats for men and boys, prices 49 c to 2.75. Latest style caps 23c to 98c. FURNISHING GOODS DE PARTM ENT Latest style dress shirts, collars, neckwear, hosiery, suspenders, belts, underwear, kid gloves, etc. Best overalls, jackets, work shirts, and workingmen’s wear to be found anywhere. NOTICE Remem ber you are all invited to call and look over ourvery large stock of well selected clothing, shoe? hats and fur nishings. Don’t miss the place. SE E LARGE SIGNS. Last two store rooms on West Main Street, K E L B L E , A g t . , 45=49 West Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. Notice C., Kelble’s big-ad. else where in this paper, This store is now, holding its Spring Opening, showing the latest styles in Clothing Shoes, Hats and Furnishing Goods. 45-19 W. Main St., Xenia; Ohio. . W. B. BRYSON & SON Mr. W, P- Townsley has purehas- j ed from I.. B. Preston in Clifton, the j store room occupied for many years by Mr. Andrew White as a general store- Mr. Townsley will fit up the room for a barber shop and billiard room. Fgr your next order of flour try “Starlight” one of the best high grade flours on the market. Kerr &, Hastings Bros PUBLIC SALE T H , The M, 33. church a t Yellow Springs th a t was rebu ilt along more s modern lines tins past year is to [ have a new pipe organ. Andrew < Carnegie gives $1000 towards the movement while M r., Towns Car lisle subscribes a like amount for th’e congregation. Those who were in Xenia Satu r day had a long w a it as the evening accommodation tram did not arrive here un til m idnight. A wreck west of Xenia held a ll passenger trains for several hours. " . - O F ~ ■ ■ 35 FINE HORSES OAKLAWN FARM, XENIA, OHIO. TH UR SDAY , APRIL, 20th , 1911. (Send for Catalogue .) E F O L L O W I N G A R E TO B E S O L O 10 head of Mares and Geldings; ready for the road, track or matinee Work. 3 Head of three-year-olds;-jirospects for the training de- Xiartmentof the best train ing stables; all baying size, style and speed, 3 Two-Year-Olds and Yearlings; rich ly bred youngsters. 1Nineteen hundred pound d ra ft S tallion ; a g rea t breeder. 8 Span of Mules, coming 2, 3, and 0 years old, 1 1200-pound d ra ft Colt 2-yo;«.r old, by American Fritz. 1 Team of sorrel d ra ft Geldings, a .very toppy team. 1 Gray mare coming three years old. 2 Bay D raft Colts, (joining 3 years o ld ; good boned colts. 2 Yearling colts, both good ones. COME BEFORE THE SALE AND SE E THE HOR SES Stop 31 on SpJtingflpld & Xenip, Traction Line Address, W. B . BRYSON & SO N . Bell Phono 701-2 XENIA, OHIO, R, F. D. 5 His Brother Was Different, j A noted Philadelphia attorney teils [one on himself. He'left his native ‘ town in Tennessee years ago and to- j cated in Philadelphia to practice .law. «He has been uniformly successful. J His brother, on the other band, re- j matned behind a t the family hom’e- | stead. Keturning to hfc native town ' some time ago, the attorney met an old darky in the road, “Hollo, uncle!” lie said. But the old man did not recognize the boy he used to know' In the prosperous looking citi zen who addressed him. "Well,'husked the lawyer, "how are the Blank family?* . “Oh, they’re all right," said the old darky, "Jim Blank has gone to Phil adelphia and done made a lot of mon ey, He’s a lawyer, sab.*’ •‘Is that so?” answered the attorney. "And bis brother Toni, how is lie? Has he made a fortune too?’ “Lavdy, no!" answered the old darky, shaking his head. “He ain’t no lawyei', Mav.-e Tom wouldn’t take a dishonest penny from nobody."— Philadelphia Times. Subscribe for the Herald. LEGAL NOTICE. Common Pleas Court, j Greene County, Ohio. i E tta Gustin, Plaintiff, f vs. ■ j William W. Gustin, Defendant ; William W. Gusrin, defendant in v above entitled action, will take n o - ! tico th a t E tta Gu°tiu has filed ’ in said court her petition ag a in stj him for divorce, Case No. ISi&G, , upon ground of gross neglect, of d u ty ,; and th a t the same will bo for bear ing a t the Court House in Xenia, Ohio, a t 9 A. M., April 10th, 1911, or . as soon thereafter m the same can b ? heard, by which date defendant iliiuat answer or demur to said peti tion, or judgment may be taken ac- ■ o irdingly. Defendant’s residence, Idnville, , Ind iana. E tta Gustin lfd Mearick’s Cloak House j FOR YOUR I Spring Garment i Baits at $12.50, $15.00 and $20,00 Goats at $0.50, $8.50, 810 and §15.00 | Dfeces at $10.00 $12.50, 815; - am! $20,00. ,?I Bkirto at $8.75, $5.00, 87.50,! and $10.00. ? Waioto at 08c, $125, 81.50 ‘ and up. i For the quality and ofcyle tho ptices are the most rea* suitable we have ever offered, i 123 South Main Street, > Payton, Chfo. I p CJ :s> m t;.r i ® ^ T 3 ''7 ^ rt Y r ( p ^ «1 Refinishing Floors and Furniture will bring you more pleasure and abiding happiness fo y0ur hose than anything you can tlo about the home for which you will epend any cucli email amount in time and money ao will be the expenditure in thb work, “DOYOUREALIZEWHATTOOCAWACCOMPLISH?” “Hanna’s iinsiroFinish” “Made To Walk On” Is permanentjn its color, never fades, positively durable because it is made of be:t materials, Old painted H ook made to look like new in ail beautiful shades, such as Mahogany, Antique Oak, etc. Makes old woodwork and old furniture as good as new. ■“IS THIS CLEAR TO YOU?’' ro n OAncr bv KERR & HASTINGS BROS, Palace Restaurant Mrs, Clias. Harris, Prop. Rooms formerly occupied by _C» Xenia Ave. Weimer.' Meals by day or week, ’ ■Lunch served all hours. Furnished Rooms fer Rent. A Russian Railroad. Nicholas 1. of Russia had unite an original way of transacting business. He scut one day for his engineers and gave them eight days to bring him the route of a railroad to connect S t Pe tersburg with Moscow. At the end of tho allotted time the plan waa pre pared. “What," said ho; looking a t it, "what is all this—these twists and turns, this serpentine ' track? You must have misunderstood me." "Sire," said the spokesman, "we have drafted the shortest route which would embrace on the line tho t<ndlng towns and villages." "Give me the pencil and rule,” he said, and he struck a bee lino from one city to another. "Here-you under stand mo?" “But, sire, you leave tho largo towns entirely out of sight I" "That is their affair. Let them come within sight." And so the road was made as straight ns an I, The Kauri Gum Diggings. Kauri gum, fr.urid underground in New Zealand and dug to the amount of a minion and a half yearly, is used chiefly for furniture polishes and var nishes, and of it is exported to America. Tire industry of-digging i f la unlike any other in the world. A kauri forc-’t is a ! c-aa ifr.l nigltf, but kauri gum country is treeless, barren and desolate, evt-h and swampy very often, with singularly heavy, cloggy soil, out of which tho gum formed on kauri pinea of asriont and long van ished forests is dug or speared. There arc v/holo a‘nd.-i;es of thin treeless kauri country with nothinR but a lit tle scrub and fern growing on it. gome of tho gem digg::s - about 3,009 in all are Maoris, pleasant, friendly na tives; same are British, and a certain number aro Daliuationn.—Argonaut. Thoughtful Girl. The young man was calling on the girl. He didn't know her very well, but aho looked gord to him. lie want ed to call again tho nest night, but hardly had the nerve to oak parmiusion to do BO. “I’d Hire to come up again,” he said whan ho was ready to go home. "How about nakt week some time?" A look of disappointment came over her face. "Nest week?* obe caid. "Why, isn't that--or .well, I’ll tell you what to do; you eomo up tomorrow night and we'll deride which night nest week sou may call."-~l>elrolt Times, Tho Qoul of tho Houoo. ■ There are big and omall, handsome and plain, dear and cheap, but every house la like a auit of clothes in that it makes ruch a lot^of differ ence who is walking around in It.— Life. True enough. If atia'o there, it ccenw iikfl home; if Blip isn’t, it doesn't. No amount of elegant o of edifice or fur bishing} can compensate for her ah- nance ftlie is the* ijidiapansaldo fac tor to any b-m;e> ijfo worthy of the natncv-Tr,»y Frees. New Spring Styles in Fine Footwear For the entire family can be selected best to your liking at NISLEY’S for here you will find the largest most complete and satisfactory lines of new, up-to-date SHOES and SLIP PERS to be found in Central Ohio. Three large rooms de voted exclusively to footwear:—one each for Men, Women and Children. Then your choice of styles from a score of America’s most noted shoe factories and with each line showing only the choice lasts and patterns of their respective makes, you can readily see why it is that NISLEY IN T H E A R C A D E is and will continue to be the Largest and most Satisfactory SHOE HOUSE in Springfield. , Member Merchants’ Association A Hard Hearted People. Filial plct.v finds no place in Tibetan character, It Is no uncommon thing for a son to turn hit, father, when t«u | old for work, out of doors and to leave ; him to perish In the < old. The supersti tion that the souls of the dead < o n .: •If they will, haunt the living drives | their hardened nature;} to gain by the ! exercise of cruelty the promise of the living that they will not return to earth. As death nppro.'ndien th'e dying p. r ;on iri asked, "Will you come bark or will you not?" If he repHe’i that he will they pul! a le.ithir lug over h i ; head and Mice her him. If he nay;; he will not he in allowed to die i n , peace. 1 . ■ , ...■ r,-r~ ---- j A Lightning Chango Ar‘.:-S 'she vapidity with wliieh fh:«n,iIvons e* age their color is in .'!r.e h .aY o u ’ ; Cher one from an oufd inr '-•liriiT* and V- immediately tiroontea dark’, alike b 1:.'Ck, hissing and with its month wide. <,;ii n, threatening to blie. Meanwhile it in never still, imt continue; to crawl - upward whenever go-oil. -p you, tip i your sleeve, ahvoyn upward. By do-! g’lp.-s the angry black changes into! whatever color is- nearest. If one’s ! flic-s la of a brownish color no in tho j ekumeloonU i Tho Floal Thing. | “This,” nalil the young benedict who was jii :t realizing that he had caught u tartar, "is what 1 call real married life.” ‘Tin glad you’re .satisfied with some thing," she snapped. “Oh, I’m not! I merely meant to in form you that it is not ideal,”- Phila delphia Ledger. Hio Good Action. A little ('snadinn ln.y went to 1c<l and then suddenly rccoihWid thai lm i. eln’f done oae good action that day. Jr; i (imscie’ue was gnawing at him. lie heaid A little squeal in the corner r.£ his room, and he got up and re b ased a mou;e that "had been caught m the Thou he gave it to the sat. CASTOR IA Vm Infaats oadGMlteih lo KindYouHavaAiaysfiitgl Eoaro tho CigaMura of Call and allow us to demon strate the best line of Syracuse Breaking Plows Double Disc Harrows Spike Tooth Harrows ' . Sattley’s New Way Corn Planters Steel Land Rollers Double and Single sets of Driving and Work Harness T h e b e a t o n t h e M a r K c t f o r t h e m o n e y TRY SALVET STOCK SALT. St Son, ATLAS HOTEL and RESTAURANT, REMODLED - RBFUBNIAHRn .. ................................ . i«—'in i i— , ............milieu„ Popular Priced Restaurant for Ladies and (ientlcmei). - Service is unexcelled S. Detroit street, Xenia, O . 1 ; KcMteifl
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