The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

i t . s- F'i,l V I For Excellence Our Job Work will compare with thetof m y other firm.... THSRTY-FQURTH YEAR NO l 27. =P?5 CEDARVXLLE, OHIO, Eternal Sleep For Robert Finley Kerr, Well-Known Citizen Answers Final Call After a Month’s Illness— Prominent in Com- mercial and Church Circles, : Oedarvflle lost one ot her most able business men when death end­ ed a month’s illness o f Robert Fin­ ley Kerr a t the & Clellan Hospital in Xenia la st Saturday aboiit eight o’clock A. M. About' four weeks ago he was taken HI with bowel and stomach trouble apd underwent an operation by Dr* Oliver of Cincinnati* From the very first, physicians gave little ■encouragement.-for ultimate recov­ ery. ■ - . • The operation revealed a perforat ting ulcer of the bowel and but little A'alief w'as aiforded the patient, who had become weakened owing to the ,stomach being unable to retain food or water. He su ffered 'a sinking spell last Friday while Mrs. Kerr was here on a mission a f her hus­ band’s suggestion, and she was has- ‘ Wy summoned, to his bediltte. From th is time on Mr, Kerr sank rapidly bu t Whs conscious to the last arid recognized relatives a t his bedside. f£he deceased, would have been 59 years ot age in December,’ son' of Paul and Filiztybeth Kerr and was ;pne of of five childrerii, two Sons and three daughters, The fam ily came to th is county from Brown county in the spring of I860 and one year iatrir located ip,Ced- arvijle. Receiving his eartyj train­ ing in the public schools and being a irian of unusual energy and deter­ mination, Mr. K e rr took ■ up peda­ gogyAmt taugh t for twelve years, p a rt of which time was in the vil­ lage schools. F o r slit years he re: .sided on a farm- and la te t located in to wnwhere he engaged m the groc­ ery business for abou t three years wh*re Mr. J . B. Cooper is located. He afterwards entered the partner­ ship o f'Andrew Bros, in th e eleva­ tor business and beeam* a member .•3^m^l§!^|k anocaiad^J: - K e rr has been in business where the firm of Kerr & Hastings Bros. is now located. ' S:*SS*!S< Jn commercial life Mr, Kerr* was regarded as one of the beet business men In this community. His keen foresight and conservative judg­ ment made him a strong factor and his ad sdee and counsel were sought by many. His business consequent­ ly -b ad grown extensively and he was interested in many enterprises. Besides°being a partner in the hold­ ings of the elevators in- Cedarville, Spring Valley and' Columbus, he was director in the Oedarvilte Tele-' phone Company and also- m the Oedasyille Oil &Gas Company. Mr. Kerr served, as a member of the Board of Education. A t the time' of his illness, Mr. Kerr.wag making extensive improvement's on bis home, ; • % About the year 1874 Mr. Kerr uni­ ted’ with , the’ United Presbyterian church and became an elder in 1885. In point of years of service he was the oldest memberof this body. For nine yea rs he has i?een clerk of the session. Even though business in­ terests required most of b is time, Mr. Kerr- always -assisted with the forwarding of the church work*with’ personal effort qnd liberal financial support. He taught a Bible-class for many years and was also faith­ fu l iu attendance. ■’ - , The deceased was mar­ riage to’Miss Frances Ladora Jack- sop ori March 29; 1882, who survives him along with a foster son, James Hutchison, son ofRev! B.A,. Hutch­ ison, D. 23*, Pittsburg, and two sis­ ters,,Hattie and Belie Kerr, teach­ ers id Knoxville College,.Knoxville, Tenn, Both sisters ’were a t the bedside of the brother from the Best* The funeral services were held from the United, Pregby tonan eb tu‘eh Monday afternoon a t two o’clock, Rev-J, S. E. MbMlchaeJ* the poster being assisted by R^y, TV. E , Fd tt 'of tim M, who' :m d . e>r' scripture and offeree! prayer and Dr. Joseph Kyle of Xenia Seminary Dr. Kyle impressed the thoughts in two lessons, one a message of warning and the other a meessge of hope. The speaker referred to the mystery th a t surrounds the taking of an active jump in middle life but stated tha t death was not under­ stood and neither was i t to be. In this? case tiine had been taken dur­ ing business turmoil to prepare for a future home, - - • Bev. McMieh&el in his remarks stated tha t a sermon liadr been Frank Kearipn, i James Kenupn, who has been, -pin; , with hie grandmotb* b Kenn0H iJelil)RrAtdy^ preached by the thoughts, ambitions tI) 8 0m lh o ree ftnd and acta throughout the life of th *Ung to Ur. 3, k J x < m deceased, and nothing more than; 8Vemng~about nix o’cii the benediction could be pronounced, bitching rack in front f Burial took place a t Massies Creek l0gtce< ’B cemetery, .the pall bearers ' members of the U. P, session; Watt, W, J . Tarbox, Dr. AY, JUNE 30, 1911. PRICE, *1.00 A YJ3AE Young Lad Ti NewReservoir IsCompleted, of Mr. Id, anti his home Mrs, Mary propriated jbelong- boirig B. O. M , I. The lad, drove tbrot field and when father as to 'w pere hr Marsh, Thompson Crawford, John stated that it belonge^lo T. B, Ap- MeGanipheU, Di^ J , O, Stewart>| tjJ!,ew^ v,j1(>g^¥^ jjjW $brmlssioi); to ............. Mr. Kennon pu t R. B., Barber. There were many floral- tributes from friends and •church and business organisations. The business men of tue town closed during the services and more than flffy attended'in a body, marching to the church from the mayor’s office where they gathered. Among those from dut-of-town who attended she fuuerai were; Mrs. J . P. Rogers, Mr, George Rog­ ers, Wheeling, W. Va.; James Bent­ ley, St. Olftirsville, O,; Bev. Parks Jackson, wife aud daughter, Ruth. Olena, 111.; Miss Clara Fierce, Lon- doufRev.'B. A, Hutchison, I),’D., Pittsbutg; J . 0 . McMillan, Colum­ bus; Robert Elder, Reece, Calvert and J . A. McBorniari, Bolma; Stew­ a r t Frazer, W. h . Marshall and fam­ ily, X\ T. Tarbox and daughter, Ruth, Miss Flora Xisbet, Mrs. Kate Jackson, Charles Ervin and wile Xenia, ' . drive it, Mr. Konuon pu t the horse m the livery barn whe&e it had been for about an bout when a telephone message, from here informed, him ot The now reservoir for the Hagar Straw Board and Paper Company was completed last Saturday after several mouths labor ori the task? The work was started parly la s t fall and the work has been continuous on Sabbath i exeept during the severe winter from the Imonths. The reservoir Is the third th a t the company has constructed the latter fiewever being much larger combine capacity of tb?. drftt t&ori The now one covers a tracS ’o i about thirteen acres and has been surrounded with a high embank­ ment tha t wiil probably average about ten feet high, Hundreds of thousands of yards of d irt have been moved for the bank alone. I t Herald to Spring- ad by his got the rig the trouble. He immediately went? was necessary to change th e course to the barn and secured the rig riud jo f a small stream to protect the with the boy returned here, where' banks from high water,. he learned the full circumstances, t _ — ------^— Mr. Crewwell-aid not wish to proa-! „ The reeent puWio domopstra- eente the lad. yet ho fe lt th a t th e re 't-lon -ot “ Wonder Washer” PondCovered With Oil. Oil was placed on the J. B, pond east of town laafcRatiirday arid and it Is said that the hundreds- of the finny' tribe became sick and died the next day. ’ ' - *’* The pond has been the favorite rendezvous for flsbermon who wanted a hurry catch and there is much disappointment in having the * oil placed upon -the water, which wagdone for iho purpose of; killing the mosquitoes. ■ , • of ojling the pond »ud the. pH was set on fire and a large part of it was ’consumed, was a serious offense committed, and one that if allowed to go unno­ ticed rUightiead 'sopio; oilier, young­ ster to do the same trick, lb was Anally determined between the father arid Mr* Gresweli that so long as the.boy conducts bbriSfi^Fpr^j/er- ly rind does riot ge&lhtp tl'Oublethat there will be no action taken -but if he does not make'good his promises, he Avili have to answer fpr his act Sabbath evening. ’ ' The rig had been driven' to town by Mr. CyefiwQlpe sou aqd'daugbtqf, M riRapl and Mrs-Alberta Uyeswell Who were attending GhrisUan 'E n ­ deavor a t the time the ng was-takeri Mr, Crekweil stated to the Herald th a t he had had. three runaways and the trouble ^aUbafriCvenlug all h i six weeks, which appease to-be }Ids share of trouble, With horses ip ^ r r | thablength of time. , - , proves all claims made for it, Im­ mediate sales iriade to those who know-its merits. 0. M. Crouse, -Xew honey for sala.afcWolford’s '-We are always *gtatf to see you and our untiring Oerviori Is a t the command of every customer. ’ , |||0 r s h i i i . ’ ;> The members or tbe Q, JBL&S, O. Home aiqrpm Jtnd' nariils THE LETTER WRITTEN ON . GOOD STATIONERY alwriyS'makes a better, impression than one written on any old kind of payer and envelope. This applies equally to social as Fell as business, correspondence, . OUR STATIONERY WILL- • f l e a s e ;-; / : your frlentjs or customer* on account of its, flue quality. I t wdl please p p account of its moderation ■m th a t 500 pupils wlfbatten'd. General J . Warren Kelfef of Spririgflejd will make an address. WistermanV Ph^rmacyj to Begining Tuesday, July 4th, rny store will close e t 5:30 o’clock every TUESDAY and FJR-IDAY evenings during the months o f ’JULY and AUGUST. Please keep this in mind and make your purchases according­ ly, . • # ..We Will Pay You ’■ 1 4 c Per dozen, jin trade only, for No. 1, clean, fresh' — — EX5GS----------- • , . • z* J ■ Saturday, July 1st, Bring us your surplus, . „>h i *' * - 1 , - * - V -j 4 ('4 »' t W all Paper Barga ins I have selected and put. up in bundles of 20 to 27 bolts, (enough for a iarge room) 10 Rooms,, Wall Pa­ per Remnants, and marked them a t 39c per bundle or about l^c per bolt; These are bargains,-: -1 . ' , Our Store c lo se s at noon, July 4th. Don’t for- ' g e t it; CUT THIS OUT AND SAVE IT. This coupon will be accepted as a 10 peif cent, cash . payment on any ROOM SIZE RUG in our store* -cash purchase only, if-presented on or before July 15th. “ Bird’s Mammoth Store. This coupon will be accepted as a 10 per. cent, payment on any Men’s S15,00 Suit in our s tore-r cash purchase only—if presented on or before July ,15th. / Bird’s Mammoth Store. WMM ........ TH E D A Y L IG H T S TOR E , 8 and io. E A S T TH IRD S T R E E T , D A Y TQN , OHIO. W ill Begin th e P eop le ’s GREATE ST COST AND CLEARANCE SA L E EVERYTHING AT COST .. F IR ST FLOOR A t Cost Drtss Goods “ Cloths Glnghsrris Muslih* Table Linen* Toweling S h « « tk Notion* Embro ldefie* Unrtbreils*. Men's *nd 6oy*' Silks Dress Linings Cstlcods Sheetings Napkin* *Bad Spreads Botton Batting Hosiery White G^ods Men's Shirts Velvets Percales Shirtings Flannels Towels Pillow Case* Dress Trimmings Gloves Handkerchiefs Men's Underwear Suspenders Men's Collar* artd Cuffs Overalls Neokwoar WHEN THIS STORE ADVERTISES ALL STOCKS = A T COST= EVERYONE in DAYTON and VICINITY Knows That a Bargain Season Is at Hand That Eclipses Any Like Event in the City . This store's imputation for reliability of merchandise arid all round square dealing Is responsible for tho phenomenal success th a t always attends ,thls sals. 1 With Aft Departments Full of Choice New Glean Merchandise, This Will Make the Greatest Cost and Gtearanod Sale We Have Ever Made We are exclusive agents for ths celebrated WODl/MSX Ladies’ Ready-£o-Wear Garments In Suits, Skirts and Jackets. Remember, the above garments Are guaranteed satisfactory wear for two seasons. Be Sure to Be on Hand at This the B iggest Summer Clearance Sale Ever Inau­ gurated at the DeWeese-Bidteman Co.’s Store. Come on the Opening Day W EDNESDAY , JULY 5th , 1911 EVERYTHING SE.COND FLOOR, A t Cost Ladies'Suits Ladies'Dress Skirts Ladies end Children's Cdats and Jackets Ladies' Shawls Ladies' Wrapper* Ladies’ Petticoats . . Ladles' Dressing SaCques Muslin Underwear LadreV and -Children’* Underwea4 Corsets Infants’ Wear McCall's Paper Patterns Yarn* FOURTH FLOOR A t Cost Portieres Sweepers . Mattings Blankets Comforts* Grills Wlndowphante Carpet* Rug* Oil Cloths Linoleum Lace Curtains Window Shades Draperies D o n ’ t Forgot, Every Artide in Our Store from the First to the Fourth Floor, W I L L BE SO LD A T COST* and many Goods to Close Out at Almost Ydur Own Price REMEMBER, THE PEOPLE'S GREATEST COST AND CLEARANCE SALE WILL BEGIN ON MORNING, JU LY 5th,