The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

m f.l.fnlMnV-.liTil.ilii memm HfeiSi The Cedarville Herald $ttioa Ibm? Yeas*. . KARLH BULL - - Editor Entered at the Fost-Ulfice, Cedar- vjlUq Octobsr 01, 1§5», . as seconds clasii matter. FRIDAY, DUCUMBEK bt 1311 The hunting season closed.Monday, and as usual there have been hundreds hilled arid wounded V-y accident. This manslaughter should not he permitted in tb name of the sport and it is in­ timated that the federal government is going to take ahand in the hunting busi­ ness, . ■ The chairman of the state central cotnm-Uep, Walter F. Brown, is out with an interview in'-that he favors a prefer­ ence primary for selecting presidential candidates and indicates that his choice would be Roosevelt, .With LaFollelt trying to bag delegates to the conven­ tion and Taft depending on federal pat­ ronage returning him the.nomination, it appears that the party will witness some mighty interesting •cyents before. the next convention. ■ The sudden ending of the McNamara trials in Los Angeles in connection with; the blowing up of the Times building some months ago. and snuffing out twen- ty-oije lives was a great surprise to peo­ ple of all clas$cs. The labor organiza­ tions put up a strong defense of the .McNamaras and held that they were in­ nocent. Nothing’ could have been more startling to organized ■ labor than the confession that has followed. Many labor' organizations and leaders have de­ manded that the McNamaras be' given the limit since they have admitted their guilt,' Whatever feeling there has been {igaiiist organized labor for defending these men* must give way now when, they demand the full extent of the law for those responsible for the terrible deeds .in sacrifice of life .and property. OLTipfir^st issue of the Xenia Rep­ ublican under the new*management ha» reached our desk and we 'find . it a bright newsy sheet. The edi­ torial announcement is that the pa­ per is not to be the “ organ” of any faction and there will be no “ cook­ ed” editorials as frequently pass­ ed atottnd these days. v . rq* Mts. James McMillan visited her daughter, Miss Clara McMillan, in Co­ lumbus, Saturday, Mrs. Lucy^McClellan, who has been Spending several weeks 'with her son, Mr, 0, -A. McClellan,, in Tndranagofit, returned home Friday evening. &*. Miss 1 Sharidhe' ' Siegler bag been spending 'thlf week in Columbus, Mr, James McClellan returned tt* In­ dianapolis Monday, ' didn’t’ Stand to Reason. Editor— "What! , Another mantt- Bcript?” Assistant—’Yes i 'Overheard at the Sewing Circle*—475 words." Editor—'‘Nonsense!., .Return it at once! There must ,have been many more words than that,"—Llppiucott’a Magazine, , .’■waaaas. The Man Doesn’t Mtrid. Even the slightest little lady will grab desperately at a man who is a perfect stranger to her when; the street car in which she is standing lurches, and she fears that she is going to. sit down in another perfect stranger’s lap.—Somerville Journal. > True Hospitality. A woman who possesses a charming temper and cordial manners is sure to be popular. Said a witty Boston wom­ an: “I do like to have people behave as if they were glad to see me, whether they are or not I think a hostess ahould speak in a pleased tone,, even if she only says, 'My dear Mrs,'^Sa­ in d-So, 1 am perfectly delighted to see you! Do sit right down on this bent pin!*"—Harper’s Bazar, C A STO R IA lo r Infants and Children, ThaKindYouHaveAlwaysBought Bears the Signature of I Have A Good List Of Southern Ohio Farm Lands Also some good Town in­ vestments and Houses. TH E FOURTH W ARD . The announcement that Attorney General Hogan, or eom* attorney from his office, will assist in the investiga­ tion, of the charges against election officials in the Fourth •ward, Xenia, indicates that the state department has been convinced that it is time to clean up affairs in that ward. The exposures^)! recent date are nothing new to^those who have had knowledge of elections in this county in the past [twenty-five years. Not only in Xenia have corrupt practices been indulged in but here in Cedarville every effort was made by the H erald to compel an honest count when candidates were given credit with Just the number of votes the election officials saw fit to give, This abuse has been abolished bjr the primary law. The Fourth ward has been notorious for years if, sur­ face'indications, are to betaken into consideration, Elec­ tion time in that precinct has, been the greatest day of the year .with a large per cent of the electorate. Money was,king of the day always and brought prosperity as at no other seaso of the year. Just who, are responsible for such conditions, no ohe can explain, Present conditions are the-result of factional politics, one endeavoring to out-general the other. Each faction has had the opportunity of improving conditions, each has used, the same mea as of warfare, and each must Stand it's share of the blame. With the situation as we find it the public would be thrown into convulsions were the lime-light turned into that famous precinct. Gangsters, reformers, Wets and drys, have contributed to the debauchery of the electorate and the shpwer. of gold on election day was as much expect- •ed, as that election day would roll around. To go into detail of Fourth Ward conditions would require columns of space. Many things have been hinted at by word of mouth and by the press that should have .brought immediate changes. When • it comes to “Reform­ ers” contributing to a “ slush fund'’, in the interest of a reform candidate for the highest honored'position at gift of the people in the county; workhouse prisoners lib­ erated on threats of election fraud exposures in this same ward; ballot boxes opened at will; candidates sailing un­ der a reform banner proffering to equip a social club's headquarters with furniture in exchange for the solid vote; election officials offered bribes and temperance folk, as well as the liberal element,-using unjust means to win the electorate in the Fourth ward, as well as in some other precincts, what can we expert? Conditions in this county warrant drastic action and the. public .hasJ no reason to feel shocked at the above insinuations, . If you are a believer in, the theory that one wrong rights another or that the Devil must be fought with J his ,own weapons, then let the contest continue, but don't complain of present- conditions. S»# The Right Kind of Reading Matter , *The home news; the doings of the people in this town; the gossip of our own community, that's the ,first kind of reading matter you want. It is more important, more interesting to you than that given by the paper or magazine from the outside world. It is the first reading matter you should buy. . Each issue of this paper gives to you just what you will consider The Right Kind o§ Reading Matter 3 Good bargains in Hale Co., Texas and Arkansas that will pay 10 to 15 per cent from the start. Don’t Use a Scarecrow ToDrive Awaythe MailOrderWolf Voti can: drive, Jjim out quickly if you use the mail order houses' own weapon '•‘‘•‘advertising'.. Mail order concerns are spending thousands of dollars every week in order to get trade front the home merchants. Do you think for'a minute they would keep it up if they didn’t get the busi­ ness? . Don’t take It for granted that every one within a radius of 25 miles knows what yo.U have to sell, ami what your prices are. Nine times out of ten your prices are lower, hut the customer is influenced by the up-to-date adver­ tising of the r. ail order house. Every article you advertise should he described and priced, You must tell your story in an inter­ esting way, and when you want to reach the buyers of* tmmity use the columns of this paper. 6 . H. SMITH, Estate Agt. Cedarville, o . TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Made sf Handkerchiefs Painty Hoik!ay Q-fts That Are Fsrily Made and Ijtojjponsivo B f JULIA BOTTOMLEY WesternNcwspaj-CF-Vclo;)} In casting ebout for Rift3 are tnexpeucivo but attractive usd worth while, nothing will tie found more sat* iefylng thus handkerchief!}. They arc mado in the greatest variety in cize, decoration. Quality and ,style. Manu­ facturers design.them for many uses and consider tho needs of those who' convert them into accessories of dress and furnishings. Any number of tlio personal belongings of women and children are easily made from them, and, what with1 the real beauty of tho handkerchiefs and the hand work In­ volved, these 1sttic gifts embody the essentials of tasteful dhrlntmas gifts; no matter how small the cost. Handkerchiefs for fancy work and dress accessories may be bought for less money than other equally attrac­ tive .articles. They will cost from five to fifty cents each,' The average for pretty, daintily finished linen ones will be .in the neighborhood of twenty cents; good designs may bo had for fifteen cents, showing printed borders, and a quarterwill buy®, good grade of linen with some embroidery. -Narrow hemstitched edges or small embroi­ dered scallops are decorative, figuring in the designs In neckwgar and other accessories made'from handkerchiefs. m Children Cry for Fletcher's Torn-Over Collar and Jabot. Val of Cluny lace and narrow ribbons are used with them* Lace-edged hand­ kerchiefs are inexpensive and are es­ pecially adapted to making the neck­ wear-fashionable at present, A turn-oVer collar and Jabot is shown here, 'made' of .a shoe? lawn handkerchief edged with a narrow Cluny insertion and a Val lace edging. It is very simply constructed. Cut oft from one side of a lace-edged handkerchief a, .strip three inches wide and divide ■this strip into two equal parts. Make a straight band of mull three Inches wide and of the required length add hem it all round with a quarter-inch hem. Sew to one edge of thlpi strip the two short lace-edged strips cut from the 'handkerchief, turn* ring the corners ,fo the middle of the strip. Allow the lace edges to over* -lap qt this point. Turn in all raw edges and hem-down. Lay the re­ mainder of .thdPSmttffltsrchisf in small aid* plaits, forming h jabot, and sow to .the tower edge of the neck baud at the center, To make - a plain turn-over collar and cuffs select a sheer, dainty liand- A Pretty Bib. kerchief with narrowhemstitched hem and a little embroidery. Use a three- inch strip .from one side, sewed to a straight band of mull, for the collar. Two' remaining edges wifi make the cu, s. They ohould bo cut a half-inch wider than tho collar to allow for turning over the sleeve. Finish tho raw end of each cult with a narrow hand-sewed hcfii. For a jabot, select & lace-edged or embroidered handkerchief in sheer lawn of linen of cotton. Cut the liahd- kerchief itt twd pieces on a diagonal line extending from a point threo Inches In from one corner, to a point three inched in from the opposite cor­ ner. Sew one or both of thefio pieces in a scant raffle to a straight band of Insertion or fine embroidery, with their widest portions at the top of tlds strip. Hem the ends of the strip. Beading may be used Instead of inser­ tion, or ribbon V/j, inches Wide laid in fine plaits as shown in the net and lace Jabot pictured here, A dainty bib is shown made, of tho corners of a child's sheer linen hand­ kerchief. A narrow hemstitched bor­ der Is edged with fine Val lace. Tho little spray of fine embroidery In the corner nets it off.. Pretty baby bofmets are made of hemstitched sheer lawn handkerchiefs, Choose a moderately large size and rim a few narrow tucks along one- Piles orSmiles? A F aSItiVE GUARANTEE ie ImtMdialebrelievetwduiiin.ak'; a t 0 Wf f IS, HSBMSy i i l tho mori w.-awlcrful cifcnfiffe fifscovciy of ■ ‘ ’ neafetiiRtovoTrsmwsfifltc’iitifj (SheKind You Have Always Bought, and which,has hcen In use iov over SO year:;, has Borne the signature of and has Been made under his per- , sonal supervision .since its infancy* *** Allow’ 710 one to deceiveyouin tbLs. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ^Just-as-good** are But Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health pf Infants and Children—-Experience against Experiment. What is CA STO R IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, I>rops and Soothing Syrups* I t is Pleasant* It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic . substance. Its ago is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms . and allays Eeverlsbness* I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Childrens Panacea—The Mother’s Friend./ GENUINE C A STO R IA ALWAYS pBears the Signature o f TheKindYonHaveAlwaysBought In Use For Over 3 0 Years THCCENTAURCOMPANY,77MURRAYSTREET. NEWYORKCITY# / ' *. TIFFANY’S For Jewelry “They Talk Tiffany's” TIFFANY’S, For Rings and Watches The Home of Style, Quality "and I Elegance in Jewelry, Gut Glass and other Articles . that make-' the Cherished Christmas Gift. WHAT TO SELECT Jewelry y , ' ' Solid Silver Diamonds Watch Fobs Watches <•* Optfb Glasses CutGlass : > ' * ■ Hat Pins Rogers Bros', Plated Ware Gold Handled Umbrellas ALL GOODS ENGRAVED FREE OF CHARGE . N. B.-—Come early and get choice of large as­ sortment of Splendid goods,, irresistible in charm and appealing in-price. TIFFANY’S For Enduring. Gifts. The Tiffany Jewelry Store, South Detroit Street, *■ Xenia, Ohio. TIFFANY’S For Quality and Style Fresh Fish A N D . O Y STER S . At C. M. SPENCERS moves.................... ........ ....... V-eniianoiitly. Afeniista jMifDftrtian £««■- ontetdovttioftesyrefafiilwl, „ „ _ COeta.atBwififo'J. <;t mauta. % 1 « cataj lo 3 centstoewor THM. C. BITtHEftCO.tT »liM h lc, ATLAS HOTEL and RESTAURANT, REMODI.ED - REFURNISHED rrtr'rtnitiwn niiirtTtiiwif^rBri^ rra-rnwiT■ ai<rnn^i-iEi-.iriiiwrlimm iwunphiwwi ^riwntrrnirainwan tw ^ i ii>iu<'miiBiui.w» Popular Priced Restaurant for Ladies and Gentlemen, *■ Service Is unexcelledu S. Detroit street^ Xenia, O, IT W ILL JUST TOUCH THK SPOT and prove an every day winner every time. Good health, good cheer and long hfo is what we promiBo if you. Buy Our Meats Microbes, .disease and death lurk in a lot of the meat that’s sold, But not in ours. We sell the best ami' at a fraction above cost* Our market is safe and cot high priced. G H* CROUSE Cedarville, Ohio. New tramCoverloCovar w e b s t e b : s N EW IN T ERN A T IO N A L . D IC T IO N A R Y J U S T IS S U E D . Chief, Dr. W, T. Harris, former U.S. Com, o f Education.. The Webster Tradition Developed liy Modern Scientific Lexicography. KeytaLif- eratureof SevenCenturies. General Information Practically Doubled. 2*00 Pages. 6000 Illustrations. 400,000 Words and Phrases. GET TH E BEST in Scholarship, Conven­ ience, Authority, Utility. The ...flestaurant... IN THE BOOKWALTER HUTEL HIGH STREET, J* H. McHlLLAN. Fuheral Director and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Cement Gtave Vaults and Cement Building Blocks. Telephone 7. Cedarville, Ohio. f***" DR. LEO ANDERSON, Vetonnary Surgeon and Dentist, GRADUATE O. S, U. Office Waddle’s Divery Barn. Citizens ’Phone 5)8and 81 • CEDARVJDLE, - - OHIO Very Serious It is a Very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one,given"you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine**** B u c k - draught Liver Medicine * Tho reputationof this old, «Ha* § hlo medicine, for constipation, in- digestion and liver trouble, infirm- Iy established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than *'/t others, or it would-not bo the fa* £f yorxto liver powder, with a large? K sale than all others combined. iff SGtD IN TOWN K3 fij ■ W'M'iuW FISTULA AimAm, DISEASESOFTHERECTUM warns toaeMittnwLlSeStee tw$*‘ ...........~v..„w*rminineuren* pR .*J. j . M c C l e l l a n .fltlllrfiMlrfrtrfUBdk'Ai iltf ^ ^ C olumbus , 0. Outlook fttiililin*, 44 Ettt Smi ikfti 7-‘ $ DINING ROOM FOR LADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S "N O W a s C E N T S ,;;.., Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open Day and Night. l Tha Beet of Good Used in the Cul­ inary Department. igaiiisagf B I S B a f t We want and will but you up judge Eggs We wil: prices” fo All we wT ity. ■ H o l i We are -re the larges Toys, Fan .ever, had Come i our line w Ball Rubber Boots, Ru tics, Alas Remembe every pair sell you t wear or a Bird’s M It pays t .M I M I t ) * 9 m* LOCAL Frof. F. A. With the grip Mr. and Mr gone on a trl nia, and Virg, Mr. Ed Kic cation this wi day In Xenia F or S ams : cheap. —Pilot Ace the lighting o Kodaks to ces to fit all —All coal, at cost to n stock. ■—*Xotice pared ta do Our prt< )s a be satfsfacto Mr. J. E. daughter, L Friday eve Kev. A. G. i Idavhio, Ira —Dry bat glnos and an the market. Mr. Charle his position Mr. H . M. years had el partmont b owing tt>ill Marshall’s 1 - Call and Grinders an glntm. - Typhoid deaths in th the Li tile having diet age of til. died Oct. 4. tho Fry rel tho disease boon broitp well of itnj SCOTCH By my pr eimiaH. < farm ram giroo with tt, tLmci