The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

■MaMinWipn STORE NEWS Butter We want GOOD BUTTER and will pay. a good price but you will have to let us judge the quality. Eggs We will give you <ftop prices” for clean fresh eggs. All we want is the qual- ity. CARD OF THANKS. We wish .Jo thank our many ■ friends and neighbors, tiin Young: lad ies’ Missionary Society aud others for tho “ Sunshine Boxes” i and flowers, and all for tho kind* j ness arid sympathy during tho s ick -! ness and death* pf Marie. . Mrs. Fannie Barber and Son. AKERBROTHERS ARE IIETED. NOTICE, WANTED, A good man for ox- *elusive territory, to sell a lino of Household and Veterinary Kerne- 1dies, Extracts, Toilet Goods, fjpec- ' laities, etc. Horse, wagon and bond required. A permanent and profit­ able business. Address, Mutual Mfg. Company, Canton, Ohio, 6Qd --■FOB SALE: Twenty-nine acres, new house, pu good pike,. close to town. Price right, G. H. Smith. ! Mrs. B, E, McFarland entertained t the Home Culture club Tuesday of } last week. Holiday- Goods We are ready for you with be largest stock of Dolls, Toys, Fancy Gouds we have ever had in our store. Come in and see them, our line will surprise you. Ball Band Rubber foot wear, Felt 3oots, Rubber Booos, Ar­ les, Alaskas and Sandals Remember we guarantee every pair of this Brand wfe sell you to give reasonable wear or a new pair is yours Jird’s Mammoth Store Ifc pays ta.fcrade at Bird’a _ Mrs, Mary Hoqcbin returned to Dayton, Thursday where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Maggie Kenham. •—Try a Kraut. can of our Pride Sauer Waddle’s Grocery, —Heinz pure olive oil, olives, baked beans, catsup and sou? pick- Waddia’s Grocery. les.- Mr. Jesse Morris, Who on the sick list is able to has been be about. ‘ BUGGY ROBES. Plush, Fur, Buffalo, Cloth. Good values for the money asked. -18d Kerr & Hastings Brps. ,4 | LOCAL AND PERDONAl. | ... n - v j, Prof. F. A , Jurkat 1ms been sick with the grip. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stuckey have gone on a trip through Pennsylva­ nia and Virginia. Mr, Ed Richards took a little va­ cation this week, spendingWednes­ day In Xenia. F ob S ai / g :- cheap; -Second hand surrey, J. H. WolfoTd. —Pilot Acetylene Generators for thelightlng of country homes. J .E . Pierce. Kodaks to fit most pockets at pri­ ces to fit all purses. Nagley Grocery —AU coal, wood at cost to make stock. 0 . M and gas heaters room - for other Crouse. —Notice Farm&rsi We are pre­ pared to do butchering for you. Our prices' are light and work will be satisfactory. Kohler & Truesdale. —I will close out all coal, and- gas stoves, a t . cost €6 room for incoming goods. C- M. Crouse. wood make Mrs. W. A. Spencer is visitig inn Dayton; ____________ Mr. Andrew Jackson and wife have for theirguestsi Miss Sloe Dufi- .lap of Cincinnati, With Make your youngster happy a Brownie Camera. ' ,Nagleys Grocery. Wanted at once,, a good farm hand Single. W. J. Miller. .Bell Phone 4- 098. Trlbins, Ohio. - , „ Rev. Foster o f Clifton will preach Sabbath for the D. P„ congregation. Several friends o f Mr, Cecil Burns took dlnnerwith him on last Tues­ day, , it being the occasion' of bis gOth birthday, Mr. W. P. Anderson has been. In Hale Center, Texasand states that 1700acres o f land east of that, town is to be laid off in quarter and half sections. This land will be Sold reasonably low,and those interested should investigate .before buying elsewhere,’ . G. H. Smith. Mr. J. E. Hastings, wife and daughter, Lena, arrived home last Friday evening after a visit with Rev. A . G, Hastings and family in Idavllle, Ind . —‘Dry batteries for gasoline en­ gines and automobiles, the best ott the market. C. M. Grouse. Mr. Charles Marshall ha3 resigned his position at tho paper iml.i and Mr. H. M. Barber, who for ton years hail charge of the straw de­ partment bue gnvo up the place owing to III health, •has taken Mr. Marshall’ s place. Mrs. Lida Archer was very pleas­ antly surprised on Thursday, when ongoing to the door, in response to a knock, she found ten of her Sab­ bath School class ready to enter.. The afternoon was spent in pleasant conversation, and enjoyed by all es­ pecially Mrs; Archer. Dainty re­ freshments were served during the afternoon. ' It Is nice to have birth­ days when kind friends remember them. .... . Mrs. S. T. Baker sustained a heavy loss Tuesday, while driving from Xenia jn company with Miss Jennie Bratton. The ladles had been shopping in the county seat and while driving home' Mrs. Baker laid her small hand satchel on her lap. During the' trip the satchel disappearhd in some .mysterious manner and the ladies were unable to get trace of it after re tracing part j of the distance. In the satchel was <a pocket book with about $25 In tnoney, a golU watch, several valua­ ble articles that had been purchased a pair of glasses and several cards of value. The estimated value ot tho loss is over $100. -C a ll and see the Bull Dog, Feed Grinders and Miami Gasoline En­ gines. J. S i Pierce. Typhoid .fever has caused two deaths in the John Fry family on the Little farm, Miss Nettie Fry having died Saturday night, at the age of 851. John Fry, a brother, died Oct. 4. Six other persons in tho Fry relationship are sick with the disease that is supposed to have been brought on by drinking from a well o f impure water. ■"35410 FOB SALE SCOTCH COLUTE PUPS siml by my prize winning dog at Cin­ cinnati O., June 1011, They Are tarn raised. Will 1unitah pedi­ gree with each salo. £*, RoaelU. Springfield- SANTA ADVISES THE USE! of a sdok of our flour, it you want to bo successful with your Christmas baking. It's use aa- •sores you of light and digestible foods, OUR PURE FLOUR will cost you ho mere than ordi­ nary brands, But. you will find it goes further, and that it is more economical and satisfac­ tory than any other kind, Cedarville Flour Mills. The grand jury on Wednesday is sued a partial report and -two counts were returned, one against Frank Baker for murder in the first degree and manslaughter against James Baker, for tho alleged killing of George Than*, in this place on Sat­ urday night, Octobers!. Through Ihe efforts of the Xenia police tho evidence brought out re­ sulted in each pleading guilty to manslaughter before Mayor Dodds of Xenia, but their plea did not af­ fect the grand jury. Tho Indictment against Frank Baker is that- he robbed Tharr of $57 and ‘ ‘ then with a certain club, which he held In both hands” heal Tharr over the right side of the bead with inteutto kili and that lie then and there gave 'Pharr a mortal wound, The Bakers na well as, other witnesses testified that Tharr had fallen down stairs and was killed in this manner and that the body was placed along the railroad tracks. Each plead not guilty Thmsday to the indictments. L. T. I . NOTES. A Silver Medal Contest, was held at Clifton Friday evening, Decern* her I, the contestants being mem- bers of the GedarVille L< T L. The medal was won by Ernest Foster while Robert Conley followed a close second.' The other contestants were Carl Finney, Cecil Burns, Fos­ ter MoFarlatid, Paul Creswelt and Burton McElwain. The contest was given, under the auspices’of the Presbyterian. Christian Endeavor Society and quite a neat sum was realized for' that organization and our Legion. The Legion has entered upon a contest which wilt'extend through­ out :the month of December and promises to be the most lively in which We have ever engaged.. This is not a lo ca l"contest but one in which every the state will be interested and the Legion hav­ ing the largest number of points to their credit at the closeof Decem­ ber 31, will receive a beautiful and. costly pennant from the State L. T. L. Here is the plant One noiy member counts five points; One sustaining member (paying $,I) counts eight points; one life member (paying $5) counts ten points; every new subscription to' the Ohio Legioner, counts three points.. Every young man and young woman- in- otic community' should be enlisted.. All the older people should become Ufa or sus­ taining members. N o W is the time to do if. , The regular meeting will be held next Tuesdayevening at 7:09 o’clock Special music has been arranged for and Rev. MoMichael will deliv­ er an address. Every member is Urged to be present and to bring a new member With him. % f t * C. H. S. NOTES. Miss /Corn Conner, who, a few weeks ago, entered the Junior class of tho Yellow Springs high school, Was a visitor Monday. Kathleen Putt and Ina Farls Were absent Tuc sday. A very interesting physical cul­ ture lesson on the use of Indian clubs was given Tuesday morning. Carl Bpracklcn has been absent several,days this week on account, of illness. Solve this: Zf Christ was born four years before the supposed time, would it affect your age and what would he the present date? Mr. Grey was a visitor at the high school Wednesday. The Seniors held a class ineeti ig Tuesday evening* The following is a list of literature questions: 1. How is the character of the Civil War period reflected in its literature? 2. What is meant bp metaphy­ sical poets? Name two. 3. Give main events in Miiton’ B life. Name four of his poetical works. Name’ one orhis prose works. 4. ’ What was the character of tho first Critical period? What was its date? What was the French influ­ ence and how was it introduced? 5. Give author and example of each oi the following of this period; novel, periodical, satire, poem. 9. What is the general character o f Dryden’s works?/ To what reli­ gions party did he belong? Name two of his works. 7 Give brief description of the first periodicals. 8. Who was Isaac Walton, Rich­ ard Steele, John Evelyn, Detqn, J^iin Lock, Samuel Butler, NOTICE. There are still a few members o f the Cedarville Protective Assoeia tion that have not paid their assess- mmifc and unless same is done they wilt be held in arrears and not in good Standing. Payment should be made afe’ tho Exchange Bank. The'Beet Medicine. Work is a bettor remedy for th* evils that Afflict men than Idleness, DOYOURCHRISTMASSTOPPINGNOWWHILE ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE SILK H0$E 'Men’s'and Women's Ini ial Hand­ kerchiefs 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c & 50c Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, . 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and. 50c Children^ Initial Handkerchief*, 3 in a fancy box, 15c and 25c HANDKERCHIEFS. Patterns Cloths. . . . . . $2 to $6,25 Napkins to match*.. ,$2 to $4.50 Lunch Cloths Sets $2.50 and $2.95 Lunch Cloths/$ 1 , $1.25, $1.50, $2 Side Board Scarfs, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Cluny Centerpieces, $1 to $4,50 Scolloped Linen Towels, 50c & 65c Hemstitched Towels 50c, 75c, $ 1 .. LINENS. Men s Silk Hose, black and colors, lisle'soles............! , 25c Men’ s Pure Silk Hose 35c and 50c Men’ s Silk Lisle Hose, jn Xmas boxes; 4 pair for $1.00. Women’s Silk Hose in black and . colors.. . . . . .35c, 50c $1, $1.50 GLOVES. What makes a more useful gift than a pair of gloves? , Voltaire, 2 clasp glove, SI. La- Fayette glove, all colors, SI.50; Walking gloves, tan and grey, lined and unlined..SI and S1.5Q Black Sbeda, lined', unlined, Si.50. Boys gauntlets, black or tan Si Womens gauntlets, black, tan $ 1 Long white kid gloves, S3, $3.50 BRASS GOODS Finger B o w l s . 1 5 c Ash Trays ............................. 19e Pin Trays................................ 35c Flower Baskets.. . . . ,50c and 75c -Service Trays..................... $1.25 Jardiners $] ,25, $1.75, $2.50, $3 Jardiner Stands........*..............$3 Umbrellas ’Stands*............. . $3 SILK PETTICOATS Soft Messaline Petticoats, all col­ ors, $5 value, special........$3 95’ Taffeta and, Messaline Petticoats, Unusual values a t . , $2.95 Black Cotton Taffeta Petticoats, values up to $2. .’5, specially priced................................... 89c . SOe KNIT TIES, 35c Knit Four-In-Hand Ties. 50c values, 35c 3 lor $1.00 FANCY BASKETS . 'Fancy Work Baskets, lined, 35c and 60c jWaste Baskets, 50c, 75c and $1.60 TAILORED WAISTS At Half Price White linen tailored waists, $1.60, $2.50 and $3.50 values at just half price. , MUFFLERS Fine Knitted Mufflers, ail colors at. 60c. Fringed Phoenix English Scarfs 75c. $1.00 SILK CREPE SCARF'S All Silk English Scarfs, hemstitched In plain, flowered and Persian effects 60e to $2.52 TOILET GOODS Hudnufc’ s Toilet Water In holiday boxes ' Extracts,... . ...................... ...... ................,.60c & XENIA, OHIO. Sirs. Emma Harper o f Dayton ssent Wednesday-with Ml and Mrs. it. S. Townsiey, ! ‘ The G. C. T. club was entertained last Friday by Mrs, Raymond Bull, near Xenia- f Misses Bertha ahd .Ellen Harley of Harveysburg have been guests at the home of Prof. Reynolds. . Mr, J. A. Bumgarner shipped a doable deck ear fine hogs from Bel-, ma, Tuesday, ,—Four rooms for ront in the Os­ born property.. Inquire of G. F, Siogler- PUBLIC SALEi-Horses, milch cows, 180 shocks of corn, farm im- pidments, etc, on Thursday, Dec- 21 atone o’ clock, on What Is known as the James Raney farm. R .C . Bradford., Mr. Harry Iliflf of London is spending the day here. TH* Sagacious Wolf; In the school of woodcraft and knowledge of how to keep Out of dangeV wolves hove no four footed equals. The fox is it dunce in com- pnrisop, the coyote, or prairie wol/, a fool, and the rest nowhere. The giant moose, king of the Canadian woods, is the most difficult of all the deer species to stalk in the fall months, hut nevertheless it is often stalked successfully and shot by amateurs. Not so the wolf.—Wide World Magazine. J" Wanted Further Detail*. “ I had a mighty queer surprise this. morning,* remarked a local stockbroker, *1 put on an old pair of trousers, and in one of the pock­ ets 1 found a big roll of bills which I had entirely ’forgotten.* “ Were any of them receipted?” naked a listener, who seemed to he a pessimist,—Cleveland Plain Healer. •; . tatbof Omo, C ity or ior,ftt>o, LecA* C gimm F oamk J. Caesitt »»k«( o#th that l»a ta senior wurtnarof th* firm of F. J, Onus** A. Co., So*** basiam >n the oity of Tolcdjv county, s»d #tat* tlmt jflid {firm will J*f' the Stun* l/M$ IJtlNJDItBD JDtlLLABKI for each w r y ease of Catarrh- That wnnot be Cored by then*- of IH m ?# CAftAitMtCcss, I RA.KK J. OH1ENKY. Sworn to before tn# aod subscribed In !ny presence. Ibis bob day of December, A, D* ISS0. . , A . W. GLEASON, |sim, | Notary Public Hull's Catarrh ftttra it taken Jntatnnlly Mid setadkwstly on tbs blood sad (nsUxnta axrfsces of the ^ystata. Send for tesMnumi tit, free. m itriftitTitaimt tn# conttrt ttta Action of ftt* Uttar And ttapa#* iff. fUMf tf*### «M Vi|V«V*3U# &U* , John's Blunder, A minister in Scotland who was making a call the other week upon a member of his flock whom he had not seen ut church for Borne time asked,- “ What’s come over you that l don’t see you at church at all now?” “ Hoot, man, ye’ll n‘ 6 ’ ha’ seen me because 1 .sit abint the pillar.” ’ “ The pillar, dohn? Good gra­ cious, the pillar I Why, it is two years since it was removed from the front of your seat.” Ho Got tho Pin. ' ; A fat man stooped to pick up a pin in Herald square. New York, and lost his balance. An indulgent motorman, unwilling to run over the prostrate form, brought his car to a sudden stop at a place where the power rail was cut, and a by- standcr figured that for live minutes there was a blockade of 10,0 trolley cars, fifty automobiles and taxicabs and several thousand people. The man got the pin. . Smart Boy. . “ Want a situation ns errand boy, do yon? - Well, can you tell me how far the moon is from the earth, eh?” Boy—Well, guv’nor, I don’t know, but I reckon it ain’t close’ enongli to interfere with me rub* bin* errands, He got tho job.—Christian Reg­ ister. Cuto Littlo Silly, “Billy,” said Billy’s mother, “didn’t I tell, vott that if you ate any of that jam I’d vhip you?” “ Yossum. But you wouldn’t whip a sick kid, would you ?” “ Of course not. Are you ill, Billy?” “ Yessum. I don’t think I’ll git Well.” “ Mamma’s poor little hoyl What piade him ill?” ’“Hatin’ too much jam.”—Cleve­ land Plain Dealer* Lizo Was Otherwise, ■ gain Jones found Eliza Williams animatedly talking with Jim I,owia at a colored baptism. Now, Eliza was Sam’s “best girl,” or he reck­ oned her that way, so. walking up, he sought to monopolize her atten­ tion, But Eliza, considering the in- I terruption unwarranted, wheeled i upon Sam with: “ Yo* will have to *‘ecuse me. I am otherwise at pres- > 1 .”—National Magazine. The Woman In the Moon!5, About nine days After the now moon a pretty unmistakably feminine face Appears on tho western half of the 4isk, This lunar lady, Who is worth watching for, is formed by the mountains and tablelands embraced by the Sea# of Tranquility, Vapors and Serenity, aim is best seen through an ordinary opera gifts*. The Yeung Man'# Tact. The man who was having his pic­ ture taken in the photograph gallery was an innocent listener to the conver­ sation between two young ladles on the other Bide of the screen: “You know, Kate, I sometimes wear a long curl hanging down the hack of my neck?” • ’ ’Yes.” ' ‘ "Well, when Phil wns calling on mo the other eveulrtg lie asked me If ho might have that eurl. nnd I Jokingly said yes. Before I knew what he was about he had taken a little pair of scissors out of his pocket and clipped ft off close to my head.” . , . “Why, the Idea! Didn't that make you furious?’’ "Not for the smallest fraction of a second. I thought it wns .splendid of him thnt he didn’t seize and pull it Off.” ■ Poet Laureate, The office of poet laureate practical­ ly begins with Clmueer. who assumed the title about 1385, After Chaucer the ofliec was more or less In the shadow, but from Spenser In 1599 the line of poet laureate Is pretty well filled down to tlie .present time. The office is largely honorary and has not rilwnys been held by the greatest of English poets. Dryden, Wordsworth and Tennyson belug the mo^t Illus­ trious of its holders.—Exchange. KHeumatlc Fxln* reltavea by «aa fc> ■t. Vila** A.nM-Vailn PSI1« « 4tmam J*«V Ks. T 6 get the he#! o t Backache Get a Box o f D r . M i le s * A n t i -P a . in P i l l s Otherwise Backache May*get the host o f you Nothing disturbs -the human system more than pain whether it be in the form of headache, backache, neuralgia, stomachache or the pains peculiar to women. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills are a standard remedy for pain, and are praised by a groat army of men and women who have used them for years. "A friend was down With LnGfippe and nearly crazed with awful backache, I gave her one AntH’ain I’tTl and left another for her to take, ’I Jie.y helped her right Away, and the Says she will neverhe wUhontthcm agairr,” M rs , G. H. Anstinbmpi O. At nil drusmtais —53 Uoecs 53 cents, MILES MEDIOAL OO., Clkhnrt, Ind. jni|iiiii',**1**««** Is Bargain Day .At Siebler’s In making out your- gift list for ChriBtmaB, why nofcput down a tailored suit .or over­ coat for father; son or brother? Jlist what to buy tor each in­ dividual is always a perplex­ ing problem and we make this suggestion in the hope that it may be of assistance to. those who are having a difficult time to decide. ■ A tailored suit or overcoat as a gift would be appreciated by any- man, young man or boy far more than some article that is more ornamental than useful Possibly you have given some thought to such a gift but have about decided to give It up because you have an idea that It requires an expenditure of from $20 to $80 to secure a tailored suit or overcoat. I f this should happen to be true in your case, we are your “ life saver.” Wo make suits and overcoats for NO MORE NO LESS "We have on display more fashion in every color and pat­ tern than any five tailoring es­ tablishments m Springfield, All our suits and overcoats are cut as lesbian dictates and tailored by skilled workmen. Each and every oho Is A bargain at $16, We have but the one price. Why not decide.on a Suit or Overcoat as one of your gifts and have one of your Christ­ mas problems solved early? Siebler Tailoring Co* T1ri !*■*>*, Cor.iMain’&'iLimestone Springfield, 0. That Mifjhty Pea. The superiority of man to nature is continually llluotrated. Nature needs Tin immense quantity of quills to make a goose with, but a man can make a goose of himself with on#.-* if !