The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

**^*ip- ‘if>i. .-ft,^ y.fiHraX -1 R'ftip.iW' • For Excellence Our Job Work will; compare w ith that of any other firm.,,.. Tiri* item whemr.irkei with »a in­ dex, denote* that a year'a^ubaeWp- tlon fi pait due and a prompt »ei- 1dement ii earnestly defined, ; , * TH IRTY -FOURTH YBAB NOl 30. CEDARVILLE, OHIO} FRIDAY , JUDY 21, 1911. FRIGE, t l .00 A YEAR School Question Reached Clirnaz. The question of uniting tbs junior and senior years of the Yellow Springs high school with the aca­ demy department of Antioch col­ lege resulted m a heated argument at a recent mass mooting la that village and some personalities were indulged m that has divided the tqwn on the question and came near reaching the churches. A t the meeting Mr. E. 8. Kelly, millionaire manufacturer of Spring- field, who resides in’ the district, was chairman and supported the movement, Others were called upon for talks and both sides of toe ques­ tionWas openly discusaed. 'William Huston, a prominent fanner and a man of extensive means took the op­ posite view and read a paper that soon brought matters to a focus. ‘ - Hr. Fess and Mr. Kelly were brought into the affair under re­ flecting circumstances audboth re­ sented the acquisition, the latter in terms such as used in a political convention, Mr. Keily a few days later wrote Dr. Fess withdrawing all financial support of the college and other charities in that community, also the $200 annual subscription to the Presbyterian.ehurch of which Key. W: R. Graham is pastor. Mr, Kel­ ly also advised D r/ Fess to resign and leave tlsve town. Dr. Fess has made great sacrifice OBITUARY Mrs. Catherine Jenkins was born April 25,1830, and passed away at her home Saturday morning, July 15th 19U, being 75 years of age. Bho was born in Virginia and Caina to Belmont Co., Ohio, with her par­ ents at the age of two years. After- wards tnsy located near New Jas­ per. , She wag united in marriage to Frank Jenklaa, July 4,1854.-and to them were bora two ohilareh, a son William, who died In young man­ hood, and a daughter, Mrs. Dee Shrgades, who still survives her. Out of a family of five children Mrs. Jenkens leaves just one broth-1 ef, Mr. William Pjckeral of Trot- wood, O., to mourn the loss of a dear sister. The deceased is also survived by four grand children, Ream, Roy, Frank and Nina, Ream having lived with his grand­ mother. and especially since ' the death o f Mr. Jenkins which occured over six ypars ago, , Mrs. Jenkins has been almost a life member of theMethodist church having joined at the age of 18 years at New Jasper under the pastorate of Rev. Tibbets, and in early life madeA public profession of religion and continued a faithful and con­ sistent member until as we believe her membership was transferred from the church militant to the church triumphant. Her faith m the Saviour was strong and she was willing arid .anxious to go home to her Saviour whom she had loved and tried to servo during all these to remain with Antioch, h a v i n g * years just a few months ago refused the presidency of Otterbeln cellege with an endowment of $500,000. To re­ main in Ye]low Springs and devote bis time to rebuilding Antioch Dr, Fess declined an offer of $10,000 for a yearns salary with a lecture bu­ reau., "Mr. Kelly recently- gave the M» E . church $200; Presbyterian, $ 1 , 900 , both for rebuilding purposes $1000, for the new gymnasium anil and has pledged several thousand fo ra new water works system at at Antioch. Both Dr. Fess and Mr. Kelly hAve been philanthopists. Saturday evening the Board of Education voted to unite the two years o f the high school with th® college, the latter to give a free trial one’ year. The Yellow Springs board is said fcobs In poor financial •was- oorispelieib kbftdfi^K'tee expense o f the past year h$& not all been paid yet. , '-'Stop with her at Marshall's tee Cream Parlor. THE PRESCRIPTION ' your doctor writes names the drugs and quantities he deems best for the patient. jr UNLESS THE DRUG&ST fills the prescription exactly . as written, he Is undoing tlie work of the doctor. Bring your prescriptions here whore they will be faithfully filled. Wisterman's Pharmacy She was a humble, unassuming etiristian with love for Gad and God’s people. . She always loved hqr church home, and was found in her place, at the - church service, until her falling health compelled her to remain away. She has been a great sufierer for years, but dur­ ing the past eight weeks she grew rapidly worse and at.times her suf­ fering was Intense, but she possessed a large measure of grace and pa­ tience. - fSlie was kipd and quiet In disposition doing a good deed, and giving a word of good cheer when she could/ . She will be Badly missed by ber family and friends but we know th a t.our loss is her. eternal gam. FOR SALE : Anglo readtnglamp. ■c . M. W. CdlUns. Key. and Mrs. J /B .E . McMIchael and children are spending two weeks With relatives in Bollbrook. ' ’ nt 1;1*"?*1— . I K , ’ -Itfa are always gfad to w # you and duruntiring service is at the command of every customer. Marshal}, - Mrs. R. B. Barber and Mrs. Louise Bratton left Wednesday for Oxford whejee they will be g u e B ts of Mr. and MraT.Oharles Coulter for a few days 'Motion For New Trial The appearance of Attorney Mar, cus Shoup of Xenia fier last Fri­ day lu connection with t,.e case of T. B. Meohllng, who-was tried last Thursday on a charge of disorderly conduct and found giulty by Mayor Andrew, resulted in a motion for a new tria^being filed. No time was set fop arguing the motion, it must he done between the fifth and tenth clay. . Attorney Shoup is assisting J, C, Foley, who represented the defen­ dant at the trial. There came near being a personal encounter lust Friday njormug when Mayor Andrew and Attorney. Foley had a heated argument. Only the in­ terference of Judge Shoup by ap­ pealing to the manhood of the two, was seriouB. troubfe averted. Charges are now made against Mayor Andrew in that certain pa­ pers were changed after they had' been sworn to, the alleged change being-made to cover a blunder made by the Court. The result Is now that criminal action may be taken against the Mayor or the defendant resort to a damage suit against the official and his bondsmen. ' Death o John •Mr, J o 1 j » ; n ;■ 03, died Wedn suffering a strok Sabbath. The Mary Dsan, sis Deau of this pine Wright. ght, aged about in Dayton after Of paralysis last ceased married r o f Mr. D. M. and to them were CHURCH SERVICES. Prosecutor Makes > Another Raid. Ten Cleveland Detectives were brought to Xenia Wednesday even­ ing. by Prosecutor Johnson ahd raided suspected booze joints. Mrs. Maggie Day a id Michael Dugan were the only two caught jwifch the goods. The cases will be tried in Yellow Springs. FOR SALE Automobile, buggy type, just the thing for agents or farmers to rup erronds. Will sell dirt cheapvas it stands or will guar­ antee, Ralph Wolford, Prof, John HiMcMilian, of Mon? month College, Monmouth, III,, accompanied by his wile is expect­ ed here tonight for * vi»it With,7Mr, ;e!cwL relatives, •Prof. Collins and wife have been epjoying, a lake, trip for two weeks and will probably remain hereabout that time before return­ ing home. ' born one spa and hwo daughters, Burial takes pl*"» Friday at Mas­ uria Creek Cemetery, Publii Sale to auction at my t Xenia jivenue, m 1911 the I will sett at pus residence on E, Jamestown., O., hi SATURDAY, JULY’ 22nd, Commencing at I o’ clock p following property; 2 . STALLIONS 2 PRINCE, a black Clyde' stallion, weighs lfSQQ lbs., and Is an excellent foal getter. This horse is known in Cedarvfilo and Silver- creek townships and has . • produced some of the be^t draft colts that have - gonq oiftho market. JOE, . a seal- brown general purpose horse weighing ■ about i860pounds arid is six years, did. He is not only a . gute fohl getter • but a prodqcer q£ some ,excellent rofcd il'Olts- 3 HEAD DRAFT HORSES 3 Consisting o f two draft mares, one five years old, will foal in August, the other 11 years, both in foal to Prince, 1 yearling filly colt sired by Prince. . 9 HEAD OF HOGS 9 Consisting of one Berkshire sow' abd eight pigs.' ? f a rm in g im p l e m e n t s Consisting of 1 Imperial breaking plow, 1 potato plow* 1 60-tooth har­ row, 1 Buckeye double corn culti­ vator, 1 corn chef ft piano box bugs sled, 2 sets buggy* work harnesa, ,coT shovels, set. Terms Madk Known Dsy of Sale MRS. SIDNEY BOWLES S. T. Baker, Auofc, R eformed P res iiyate ihn ( jfiain Street)—S. 0. as usual at 9:30 a. m ,; preaching by pastor at 10;80 a. m., subject, “ Jesus and the Children.’ * G. E . meeting at 6:00 p, m , subjeot, '‘Lessons from the Animals" Ps. 104, Evening preaching services in tho U, P, Church at 7 o’clock, Bermou by ReV, J, H. We oster, D. D., of Xeida Theological Seminary. NOTICE. Those liavmg laundry •for the Dayton Pebrless Laundry, will please leave same at Finney’ s Res­ taurant not inter than 5:45 p .-m „ Wednesday evening. Delivery on Saturday. Robert Dixon, Agent, —Fancy dried fruits and the best In the canned goods line.. McFarlandBros. Dr. S. D. Fess For Delegate. Petitions work ui circulation in Xenia Monday for Dr. S. D. Fess, as a candidate to the ceustitufcional convention which meets the first of January For some time interested ones have been casting about for a candidate for this important place. Probslhly no man in the county is more qualified for this honor than Dr* Fess, The law provides that all candidates shall be chosen on non­ partisan tickets but it is held that this is contrary to the" present con­ stitution, which holds that members shall bo elected as members of the House of Representatives. In this case Dr.Feitaf would,run on'the Re­ publican ticket. FOR RENT: Four rooms la the Osborn property, Inquire ot T. W. Bt. John. « nr, UU m * Anu-J?».in mu» y .U . v . p.n. —The second annual Jamestown Chautauqua will bs held in that village, opening Sabbath, July *tth, and closing the following Sabbath, An excellent program has been pre­ pared, r*T*or Oiwo, C ity or loxzpo, l Lieut Comnrx J " fkAMtJ. C ojmxy « i M rath tbM be in MakarMr.tRsr of ttui firm ot T. 3. O uslkhy k, Ox, eol»g bvaiuMi In the city oiTpIsdo, •treaty, sad *U m -aloneii,. w i that Mid fflrtr will fw taimau HUNBRKD D0JA.AJMfor esdi tywrj css* ot OtMrb- thst ewnot be rand by the an of -J luuL't Oxtxmm C om , J, CHKnrv. ■worn to twfereme ami aabsorlhw) ia ny inaiaaoe. this gdi dey of Daeraiber/A. J>' , a . w . ar.EX 80 ir, | Notary Public Bsll'a CMerrir etue k taken tit-wily and «et« dlnwtly on tbe blood, and n csovi * iwfioMpf- «bt ayatera Sradtor-niitmoai ala, free, . SKAt Commencing Saturday, July 22d 2 0 Per Cent. Discount 0 N flHD°pRuDM Ps — t h a t m e a n s y o u c a n bu y - Kegul S4.50 Oxfords for men,......... ............... ..... ....... ............... $5.60 Regal,$4Oxfords for man or woman, for...............T................. $3.20 Regal $3.50 Oxfords for man or woman.................................... $ 2.80 $3 Oxford for ingn or woman... ...... ........!................................... $2.40 $2.50 Oxfords for man, woman, boy or girl...;................... :............ $2 $2.25 Oxfords lor man, woman, boy or girl............................... $/.8o $2 Oxfords for man; woman, boy or girl...... ............... ;...$l,6o $1.75 Oxfords for man, woman, boy pr girl.......:....................... $1.40 $1.50 Oxfords for man, woman, boy or girl............... ............... $1,20 $1 25 OxfordB foi; man, woman, boy or girt..................... $1 $1 Oxfords for man, woman, boy or girl.:— .................................. 8 0 c SpecialLotMen’sRegal $1.65 SPECIAL LOT Children’ s White Canvas Jockey Boots 50 PER CENT. DISCOUNT SPECIAL LOT —100 pair Ladies’ Oxfords, tan, patent and gun.metal, small sizes only - ■B ' A Has a Good Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Mills of New Paris arrived this morning and are being entertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Enos Hill. Mrs. Mary A . Osborn, who. has been with her grand daughter, Mrs. F. T. Tarbox in Xenia, suffered a stroke o f paralysis several days ago and was in a serious condition bub' has improved at this tune. Quite a delegation from here went to the Miami Vailey Chautauqua this week, most of whom have em­ ployment during the tour weeks*. Misties Ila Ramsey, Gertrude Bum­ garner, Letta Bumgarner, BL ibe Turnbull, Bertha Strain, Mae Tar­ box, Bertha Stormont, Grace Mor­ ton, Mary Stormont, Carrie Town- Bley, Lncy Sha’w, Martha Knott, Lulu and Maze! Tonkinson; Messrs, Howard Turnbull, Howard Cres- weli, Birdsell Creswell, Cameron Boss and P. D. Dixon. I f he uses good materials in the houses he builds. We use best materials only in the building' o f Harvard —first in our manufacturing then in our selling. In the latter—-best principles to .incite and maintain con­ fidence are used—hence our glorious business— our glorious values at regular ,prices ten arid fifteen. Now, during our 20 Per Cent. Discount when these acknowledged values are offered at $ 8 and $12 excitement is at highest pitch. Harvard Dept. 3—entire Stein-Bloch Co. product specialized at twenty N o w $ 1 6 Fifth and Jefferson Now York City, The Fifth Ave/Building, DAYTON, OHIO. H A R V A R D Whero quality-is never a misrepresentation Rochester, N, Y* Shops rind Main Office -o Harvard’s Corner : Chicago Office 14S2 Republic Bldg. DAYTON, OHIO DeWEESE BIDLEMAN GO. THE. DAYLIGHT STORE, 8 and 10 E. Third Street, Dayton, Ohio. WILL CLOSE SATURDAY NIGHT, July 29. T H E P E O P L E S G R E A T E S T C O S T A N D C L E A R A N C E S A L E o f D ry G ood s , Carpets , Oil C lo th s ,C u r t im s , B lan ­ k e ts , Com forts , D r e s s G o od s , S ilk s , L a d ie s ’ anc Children ’s Ready*to*lATfear Garments, Muslin and K n it Underw ear , M en 's and B o y s ' Sh irts , Em bro ideries , L a ce s , G loves , Hosiery , Notions,^ E tc . W e Ere exclusive agen ts forthe celebrated “W O O L T E X ” L ad ie s ' R e a d y - to -W e a r G arm en ts in Su its , Sk irts and Jackets R em em ber , the “ W O O L T E X " garm en ts are guaran teed satisfactory w ear for tw o seasons . B e sure to be on hand before the c lose o f this, the g rea te s t Summ er C learance S a le w e have ever had. f 1