The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

D B M W riB3B)m>ni p mm*mm s^rwggmm am~ 'i *T 'T 1 T r T y tiffT r r i*~ g F E W R J ^ O Z E , / the losses that are suffered by those who pay in cur­ rency. You frequently read of money kept at home being lost, burned, eaten by mice, stolen. AH these losses are needless. ‘ It you carry a bank account here and pay by check your actual money is always safe in the bank. Ninety-five per cent, of all the business now done ' is handled by means of checks. Are you following this up-to-date method? . It is just as good for farmers as for merchants. Even i f you live from 1 to 10 miles from here, you can mail your deposits and pay by ^heck. m e Invite correspondence. 0 DIRECTORS S. W. SMITH, Pres. GEO. W . RIFE , 1st V. Pres. G. L. SMITH, Cashier. OLIVER GAIiLOUGH, L . P. TINDALL , Asst. Cashier. . 2d V, Pres, - M'fyn"’ --- - -■ LOG^fc AND PERSONAL '•Chicken feed $ 2 for 100 lbs. McFarland Bros. Misses Esther Townsley and Lu eile Haines spent Tuesday in Dayton For Sale:- 8 head of Duroe Jersey shouts averaging about fit) pounds- j Phone 2 on 71. 1 Mrs. Vina Engle,of TVashingion, D. 0., has eeen spending a few days witl{ Mrs, G. W. Harper. • —Lipplncott Preserves! bulk Peach and Apple Butter. McFarland Bros. Dr. J. H. Webster will preach for tho U. P, congregation Sabbath Mrs. Samuel Albright has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sprinerflbld. -Bouer’ s Koban coffee, no advanc in'price, Bros, 25c per pound. Nagley 'Mr. Ira C. Davis’ of Cincinnati caiT);e up Sabbath to spend the .day with his son and daughter, who are with relatives here. Mr.'Wilson. Adams of Princeton, Ivy., was entertained this week by Mr. P. D. Dixon. Miss Edith Barber entertained a number oi.frionds last Friday even­ ing in honor ot Miss Lydia Shaw of Clifton. , Mr. J, Erndtson Tfisbet is home on his vacation, having returned from Cleveland where he spent several days,'.':. . ~®sk cents is certainly a, small amount to pay to hear the class of entertainment that will be on the chaAitauqua program, Jamestown, July 80th to August 5th. .* 1 ' •A t triesW. O.T, D. contest in ^air­ field last night Miss Kathleen Putt won the gold medal. - Miss Putt had on a former occasion won a silver medakarid tier fo*ndg ar# elated over her success last night, Reports of theAoptest are that ail the speak­ ers did well which is more to the credit o f the winner. Messrs. J. It. Cooper, Foster Mc­ Farland and Dwight Sterretfc are taking in the Dahi-Milliken excur­ sion tn Niagara Fails and Thousand Islands. Mr. C. E. Cooley and sen, Wilbur, are reported as improved m their cnmlition. i Mr, Frank WlBterman of Rockford a jovv’i-lor in that place, spent sever­ al days tlds week witii ills father, Dr, Wlstmnan, the druggist. Tl»o many friends of Mr, A, C. Kyle will regret to hear of id s . ill­ ness,having suffered several hom- orhages tins week, which 1eft him very Weak, Miss Carrie Finney loft ia&t Tues day fora trip through the West, stopping at Salt Labe City euroute to California and Portland, Oregon. Miss Finney recently resigned her position In the public schools ant; will teach in the high school at Harrison, Idaho. Smith & Clpuuuis on Thursday sold the residence of Mrs. Lillian H. Clemans south of town to Mr. Lillian H. Cleman.s south of town to Mr. W.'F. Thompson ot Lancaster. The consideration is given at $3,50u Messrs, Louis Tindall of the Ex­ change Bank and Lester McDorrnan of Selma expect to i^ave next week for Toledo where,they w ill.take a boat trip across the lakes and down ttie St. Lawrence river to Quebec. They will be gone two weeks. Mr. J. J. McClellan has resigned his position as advertising manager of the Dayton Journal and It is re­ ported that he will go to Indiana­ polis on the Sun’ with his brother, Mr. G. A. McClellan, Wm. Fortune, who ceived a tVfelve dollars per month pension through the efforts of Con­ gressman M. R. Denver, lias re­ cently received word from the de­ portment that his back pay' will be forwarded from the U. 8. treasurer In a few days. The arrears and bounty amount to over $500. LOST: A bent handle cane on the Jamestown pike on Sabbath July 2, between. my •residence and Mr. Thomas Field’s residence. Return to;Mr. Samuel Creswelh ■ —Di*. W . E. Biederwolf,. the noted evangelist who visited Xenia last Winter comes to Jamestown for the chautauqua for a sermon Sabbath afternoon, July 80th. H e 1w ill also deliver another sermon in the even­ ing1* , Several good crops of wheat were reported this week. One field of 00 acres belonging to Hon. George Little made an average of 28 bushels which is considered above the aver­ age owing to the size of the field. Another good crop was 14 acres that made 34 bushels acre for Mr. George Sanders. A part of this crop averaged 42 bushels. Mr. David Turnbull and wife of Monmouth, HI., are guests of rela­ tives in this county, the former be­ ing a brother of C.G.andH.A. Turn- bull and Mrs, W. L. .Clematis and Miss Minnie Turnbull. Mr, Turn- bull has been prominent in business and political circles in ' his county and nas held, several offices Of honor and!, trust. Their daughter, Miss Lots, has been visiting bere for $ev* eral weeks, , * . abeumatio l*»tns relieved. by -*f (F Member Merchants’ Association. Fares refunded, KINNANE-SDLUVAN CO. Established 1869. Springfield, Ohio. . Re-incorporated]1909, We Announce Our Semiannual Clearance Sale Beginning Thursday, July 27th, and Continuingfor TenDays t>. Our entire stocks w ill be bona-fideiy cut in jjjic e to m ove out all Summer M erchand ise to make w ay for F a ll good s soon to arrive. Sa les Are Genuine Events With This Store. ,, .Ttiih g s Are WhatTheV Seem / .............. This Is a Store of Certainties. EVERYTHING EXACTLY AS ADVERTISED ja|MiljMMMaan<MMWaai ^ i Member Merchants* Association. Fares Refunded. R. S. KINGSBURY Kingsbury's flid^Summer Sale of Clothing and Furnishings Is always an interesting event. You owe it to yourself to visit ‘‘The Headquarters for Fine Clothes” and inspect the exceptional buying opportunities. Every article bears the stamp of KINGSBURY quality. Notice the prices which an advancing season enables us to offer you: M*m 4 MEN ’S SU IT S Including the famous Hirsh-Wick- wire andL-System.makes $25, *28 and' $30 Su its .. . .$17.50 $18, $20and $22 Suits now .$14.75 $12, $14, $15 and $16 Suits.$9.98 MEN ’S TROUSERS $6, $7 and $8 Trousers... .$4,98 $4.50 and $5 Trousers, now . $3.75 $2.50 and $3 Trousers, now .$1.98 $1.50 and $1.75 Trousers.; .$1 24 STRAW HATS $5 and $6 Panamas............$3.50 $3, $4 and $5 Straw H i t s . . .$1.98 $2 and $2.50 Straw H a ts ,. .$1.48 $1.50Straw H a ts ....................... 98c $1 and $1.25 Straw Hats___ _ 89c 50c and 75c Straw Hats........... 39c 25c Straw H a ts .. ................... 19c, BOYS SU IT S /, * / * ’ J - . 'w “Including Hacktt-Carhart’s Stylr ish Knickerbocker makes $8, $9, $10 arid$12 Suita/. . .$6.98 $6, j$7 nd *7»45 Su its .. . .$4.98’ $5 $6 and $7 Suits, a special l o t . , . , , . . . . . $ 3 , 9 8 , ‘ $2 and $3 Suits, now* . . *. .$1.98 BOY’S BLOOMER PANTS $1,50 grades, n ow ................$1.24 $1.00 and $1.25 grades, now.................... .............. . . . . 89c 75c grades, n ow . ...................64c 50e and 65c grades, n o w . . . . . .43c BOYS WASH SU IT S $2.50 and $3.00 Wash Suits, now......................... * . . . . . . . 1.98 -.reduction bn these garments. $2.50 and $3.00 Union Suits, n o w . , ............................. ..$1 .98 $1.50 and $2 Union Suits, ' n o w . . . : . . / ........ ............... $1.39 $1 and $1.25 Union Suits, , now...... .................................... 89c 50c and 65c Union Suits, n o w . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , . . ./.4 5 c Some prefer the two-piece under­ wear. We have made the same $2.00 Wash Suits, n o w ......................................$1.48 $1.50 and $1.75 Wash-Suits, now ........................! ............ $1.24 $1.00 artd $1.25 Wash Suits, n ow ............................. ...88c Allen’s Shirts -w * Including the celebrated Wilson ,Bros. York and $1.50 Shirts, Famous Brands now. $1 and, $1,25 Shirts.,,----- \ 50c ahd 75c Shirts, now , .$1.15 .89c * « « « * * .45c For the Traveler: 2 0 Per Cent Discount on All Suit Cases and TravelingJBags , ” ' & ' '< s - * ** If it comes from KINGSBURY’S it must be good. S I S S Men’s Underwear ( S S f y s ................................................................ i Men’s Hosiery 1 S y y y y s y y 25c and 35c grades now...................... Silks and, Lisles in many shades. 50c grade, . . -------c35c, 3 pair for $1 ■ now . . . . . . 25c grade, n o w . . . . . ; . 15c grade now .ISc ; 3 pair for 50c * #t,( » f 9 * ** * * HO Men’s Neckwear . > ' * , * _l * . « -V- \- *.. ■>:v -r-J'O-. t .f Special line qf Silk and Linen . xTies, 50c values n o w . .___ 25c Master LaAvrouce Nlshot of Love­ land la the guest of liiS grandpnrenta. Mr. Charles Smith days lu Greenfibld. Spent several Mr, and Mrs. D, S. Ervin went to Cincinnati Monday, tho later re- tmiimng several days. ‘ • Mr. and Mrs. G, Vf. Rife, Miss Carrie Rife and Mr, Wallace Rife Were in Cincinnati. Thursday. Miss Bertha Anderson is visiting relatives in Pittsburg ahd will go to Lancaster and Philadelphia before returning home. Messrs.G. A. McClellan and J. J. McClellan of Dayton spent Sabbath here. The former has purchased a half interest In the Indianapolis Stin and becomes president and general .manager oi tbe company. The latter has resigned hla position with the Dayton Journal and will go with his brother. The Sun is ah independent paper but, has support­ ed the insurgents, The Clhclnnatl Commercial Tri­ bune, one of the oldest Republican papers In the state, will rie sold un­ der the hammer Saturday. .Ror years this paper was a power to Its party but of late it has lost Us pres- tigo. For several years it is said that John R. McLean held control­ ling interest Interest In thd* paper but found that it was a loser and sold his interest to others. M. L. Flnnoy of Osborn lias been recommended by the Republican Executive Committee and B. K. BHonour by the Democratic com­ mittee for re-appointment as mem bers of tlie Boards of Elections to Charles Graves, Secretary of State. Blessed Are They That Want Little. Those who want fewest things are nearest to the gods.—Diogenes. Mr. Jagies Dnffield, employee o f the Telephone Company, received a broken limb Wednesday afternoon when a twenty-five foot pole broke throwing him to the ground.. To make matters worse Mr. Duifield was fastened to the pole with his “ srfftety strap” and was thus unable to protect himself. The hone of the left limb was broken midway be­ tween tho hip and knee and pfo- Jrmied the flesh. The accident liap- pened near the Bridgman place arid JTegiey Rr<)«- ambulance removed tne unfortunate man to his home where Drs. Marsh and Stewart dressed the wsnnd and set the mem­ ber. It will he several weeks before Mr. Dnffleld will he able to bo about Forverauda vacations or tho various vicissitudes oi vigorous business there’s nothing equal to one of these pin check suits. P in this advertisement in you r hat and send a check for on e o f these ch o ice pin check suits. Eng lish Out, no stiffen­ ing or padding. Use, com fort, beauty and econ om y describe its value. Price$25.00. THE WHEN, Arcade - Springfield* BURROW IN THE ROCKS. Curious Habitations of the Cave Dwell­ ers of Tunis. , * <cIn the southern part of Tunis and extending away to the Sahara desert still live a race of men who carve their dwellings from .the rocks, veritable cave dwellers, living in caves of their own digging/’ says a writer. “ Their land is ah elevated plateau, rolling, barren, scorched by burning suns and swept by tho hot winds of the north of Africa. And yet the capital city—if such it can be called—of these people contains 3,000 souls. Traversing the streets of this desert metropolis, tho visit­ ing tourist will <'o well to keep a wary eye, lest suddenly lie find him­ self precipitated from tho level of the plateau—which, of course, forms the roofs of tho troglodyte city—-to tho inner court 6f 'some cave dweller’s home, for, not unlike the moles of our meadows, these strange people have burrowed deep into tho rock wherever they have found a place that seemed suitable for tlicir subterranean dwellings. “ This is the mode o f house con­ struction among the cave dwellers o f Tunis. A site is first selected which seems to permit o f easy exca­ vation and at the samo time offer® stratifications of harder rock of suf­ ficient durability to insure the cave man that his house will not tumble down about his ears. A trench or pit is then excavated to the desired depth, perhaps thirty or forty feet, one Olid o f which is loft sloping at an. angle to permit of easy exit. “ Into the perpendicular walls of this pit tho cave man digs; hollow­ ing out chambers o f such size ns his fancy and the needs o f his liouse- i hold dictate. Tho rooms'at the low­ est level he will use for the general purposes o f domestic life, for sta­ bles for his camels and for gran- arisaj tunneling upward, he will hol­ low out chambers at a second grade to be used as sleeping rooms. Per­ haps a abaft for light and air may connect with tlio level o f the ground above and afford an upper ex it/’—* Chicago News. “ The Only Thing That WiU Relieve Neuralgia.” T h e piercing pains o f Neuralgia/ which often follows a bad cold or La Grippe, are frequently almost un­ bearable and few medicines afford anj) relief to the sufferer. . “ I am a rural mail carrier and have been a user o f the Dr. Miles medicines for years. Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pills can’t be •beaten. They are the only thing I have found that will relieve my neuralgia and I have tried most everything, besides medicine from the doctor. I am willing to tell anyone what the Anti-Pain Pills did for me.1’ C harlhs H ilderbrandt , Box 405 Woodvill, Ohio it If you, like Mr. Hilderbrandt, have tried most everything’ ^ in vain, why not do as he did, fight yout aches and pains with Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills. List the pills bear the brunt of the battle, N o matter how stubborn the con­ test, they will come out victorious. Dr* Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills stand on their record, which* is a long list o f cures extending back a generation. Druggists everywhere eelf. them'. If first package falls to-benefit, your drug­ gist will return your money. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind. Pilis or SmilesP A POSITIVE GUARANTEE totamttfliftfyrslkvsahdiiftlffl*t*tyMr*tokfe OR. HEBRAS UNBIND the west woftderfc) actenkSa da led seUseytlo Belts kUM the (terms, tt* tasted ihft trouble Mid healsJ t* IrritattMt permanently. Absolute aMlInwuoM Mat- fcnteedor mousy refnndsd. Prio*Mcts. alUrogt^ts. or mailed. Trial aampl*acents to corermailing. THE& C. BITTNER00., Titiif*, (Mite.