The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52
HAR.VE.ST TIME Usually brings the farmer a considerable sum of money When this money is received he ought., in justice to his own future, to put 0 part of it in this .Bank on! a certificate of deposit, not to de disturbed for any ordinary cause. In thisway a reserve fund of available yet interest earning cash is created that puts the fanner in a strong position financially. * No man should spend ALL of his income. Can you lay up u few hundred dollars this harvest season? DIRECTORS S. W. SMITH) Pres. GEO. W. RIFE, 1st V, Pres., 0 . L. SMITH, Cashier. OLIVER GARLOUGH, ' L. F. TINDALL, Asst, Cashier. 2d V, Pres. LCCAt AND PERSONAL Ch icken fe ed $ 2 fo r 100 lhs. | M cFarland B io s , j Mr George Barber of Columbus j spout Thursday here. j l’" F. Jk I - Clearance Kilo of Low Cut Shoes i Mime Clothing C«. FOJt SALE: Anglo reading lamp. M. \V. Collin.*. R . S . K I N G S B U R Y —Greene County !>, 10 iUld 11. Fav, August s s s „ s Kingsbury’s flkU Summer Sale of j 50-52 East Main Street, Xenia, Ohio. —Clearance. Bale of Men’ s- and Boys Clothing, Home Clothing Co, B an cro ft ’s rem ova l sale is now in fu ll blast! The ' prices •are cut to This is the-first time that a make it short, sharp and de- July sale has ever beeh at- cisive, tempted outside of New York . ■“ 1 and Chicago, bue the prices We move to our 0 new we’re naming-justify the sue- building August 10th and all baying. men’s, boys’ and children’s headwear, as well as all fur. coats, muffs and scarfs must - AH summer hats are be sold by that date. just’ half the-regular plain Mr. B, Ei. AIuFarland and family spent Sabbath and Monday. wiH) Dayton relatives. Clothing and Furnishings .Mr.' and Mrs, Kay Lawrence of Cincinnati are, spending the- week here. ... Is always an interesting event. You owe it to yourself to visit ‘The Headquarters for Fine Clothes’’ and inspect the exceptional buying opportunities. Every article bears the stamp of KINGSBURY quality. Notice the prices which an advancing season enables us to offer you: —Fancy dried fru its and the b e s t in the canned g o od s line. McFarland B ros. K )v W. A. Oondoa.of Trenton will occupy the P. I\ pulpit Sabbath morning. Notice:. My cilice elopes Wednes day, August2 for three weeks. Dr. L W. Dixon. —Boner’,s Hoban coffee, no advane iu price, 23c per pound. Nagley Bros, .Messrs. Frink Jeffries,r Berry Fletcher, aud Beam S'lmnules are with their company at Camp'Berry, A dauglmu- was' born to Deputy County Clerk, J. Carl Marshall and wife last Saturday morning. The, j . AnU1 farm of Pi acres- was sold by Smith & Clematis id' War ren Stratton of Clifton ror $87.50per acre. ’ . - Mrs, Caroline Wilson was called to Indianapolis Tuesday on account of the illness of her ' ^ister, ’ Mrs. Nancy Stevenson. ’ J. Prof. K. E. Randall ami family of Spring Valley were guests of Mrs. Elilwabefch RandaU from Wednes day until Monday evening. There will be no preaching in tho M. 23. church for three Sabbaths, Rev. W. E. Putt, having been grant ed a vacation; - - - «figure price. r Soft and stiff Thousands of dollars worth hats in correct fall shapes go of new fall merchandise , in- with the rest eluded in this unusual sale. • served. -nothing is. re- —W e are a lw ay s g la d to,,see- you arid ourun tiring se rv ice is at the com m an d o f every cu stom er. Marshall. Messrs. Hugh Turnbull, Paul Ureswell and ' Ralph Bill left Tuesday for the Miami Valley Chautauqua. . ',v. - MEN’S SUITS Including the famous Hirsh-Wiqk- wire and L-System makes . $25, $28 and $30 Suits,.. ,$17.50 ‘ $1S, $20 and $22 Suits now.$14 75 $12, $14, $15 and. $16 Suits.$9/98 MEN'S TROUSERS $6, $7 and.$8 Trousers... .$4.98 $4.50 and $5 Trousers, now.$3.75 •$2.50 and$3 Trousers, now.$1.98 $1.50 and $1.75 Trousers., .$1 24 STRAW HATS \ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ Y/’ ■' ' 4 . ‘ I- Mr $5 and $6 Panamas.............. $3.50 $3, $4.and $5-SH’aw Hats.. .$l!9S $2 and $2,50 Straw Hats,. ,$1,48 $1 50Straw Hats.. 98c $1 and $1.25 Straw Hats........89c 50c.and 75c Straw, Hats. . . . . . 39c 25c Straw Hats........................ 19c , ,' j' '* , i, - j.. . . < BOYS SUITS Including Hacktt-Carhart’s Styl ish Knickerbocker makes" $8, $9, $10 and $12 Suits'.. . . $6,98 $6, $7' nd $7.45- Suits..,.$4.98., $5 $6 and $7 Suits, a special - lot, *»#•,»,*.*•>,•» $3.08 $2 and $3 Bints, now. . . . . .$1.98 d BOY’S BLOOMER PANTS $L50 grades,, now................$1.24 $2.50 and $3,00 Union Suits, $1.Q0 arid $1.25 grades, , n o w . . . . . . . . . . ...............$1.98 n o w . ................... ;, 89c $1-50 and $2 .Union Suits, - . now.............................. .$1.39- 75c grades, now.......................64c $1 and $1,25 Uliion, guitB) 50c and 65c grades, now. . . , . .43c now . ............................ . .‘89c 50c and 65c Union Suits, v jJQ YS WASH SUITS now.......r ........ 45c Some prefer the two-piece under- $2.50 and $3.00 Wash Suits, , wear./ We have made the same dow......... . . . . . ............... . 1.98 reduction on these garments, $2.00 Wash Suits, 25c and 35c grades n ow ............!. .................. $1.48 now............ ............. ;............. 19c .50 arid $1.75 Wash Suits, now .$1.24 $1.00 and $1.25 Wash Suits, , now^.. . . ; ....................;. 1.'88c Men’s Shirts Including the celebrated Wilson Bros. York and Famous Brands $1.50/Shirts, \ • now...........$1,15 $1 and $1.25 Shirts, a . . . . . . .89c 50c and 75e Shirts, now; ..................... . ,45c - D in WMJ. Btodervvolf, tho noted evangelist who visited X«ma last wintin comes to Jamestown for the Chautauqua for a sermon Sabbath afternoon, July 80th. Ho will,also deliver another sermon in the even ing- . F op the Traveler; 20 Per Cent Discount on All Suit Cases and Traveling Bags I f it comes from KINGSBURY'S it must be good. I S s f Men’s Under J \ f S S s Men’s Hosiery f I S S s s s s Silks and Lisles in many -shades. 50c grade, now/ . ..........c35c, 3 pair for $1 25c grade, now..... 15b grade now. . . . . 18c) 3%pair for 50c .11c Men’s Neckwear Special line of Silk and Linen , Ties, 50c values now.,.........25c The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. JE. church will bold their business anil social meeting at the cimveh Wednesday atternoon. They expect to entertain the Selma Ladies’ Aid at this 'meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladles of the congregation and their friends. O N L Y 2 Days More Of WILLNER’S Great 10 Days R DAYTON Stamps Two days more of extraordi nary bargain opportunities-— -on Winner’s highest class merchan dise. Finest hand Tailored Suits, Men’s and Young Men’s. Our en tire stock of children’s clothing, our entire Spring and Summer stock of Furnishings and Hats. ALL MUST be sold. This is the ONE sale that people recognize as a REAL SALE— -that’s why we draw the largest crowds— -this years event bigger than ever be fore— Everything as advertised Heed our advice. BUY THESE GOODS WHILE YOU MAY. ,No o the r sale approaches the high quality of the goods, none other can begin to duplicate - the bar gains. 2 - DAYS MORE - 2 • * Sales Tickets | This vicinity was visited Sabbath night and Monday with ' violent- wind aiidw heavy rainTell Sabbath night. Monday (luring the wind storm a part of the roof on the J. O. Barber building was torn oil, ,The sudden drjp in the teinpefatui> came hear being as uncomfortable as was tee excessive heat the weeks previous. , Mr. If. 15. Barber and mother went to Dayton this morning where Mrs. Barber will Avisib her son, Wallace, Mr. Barber going on to (he CJiaii- tauqmv and Oxford, Mr, It. S. Town- sley and wife are also. spending a low days at the Chautauqua. CHURCH SERVICES. ~Indications now point, to a lull list of exhibitors in all departments Tim fair management bar; arranged (o care for alt those who wish to, ex hibit as well ns a record breaking crowd. HarvestingWill be comple ted by fair time and everybody is going. At the R. P, church, Main street, Sabbath School at UdlOa, m. ;Proacli- ing by tho pastor at 10:30 a. m. Sub ject, “ The Three Judgments.” C, 12. at 0 p.Jii. Subject, “ Missions inBurmah. ami India, Acts )X:1G-31. Preachingm the evening .it seven o'clock by Kpv. J., K. Wylie of the Itcformod Presbyterian church,Leit, Texas. „ Prof. F, A. Jurkat is assisting at the Exchange Bank during the ab sence of Mr. Louis Tindall, who is on his va atiob, ' Mr, James A. McMillan is home from Minneapolis, Kansas where ho spont two weeks looking afteir Ids wheat harvest. While the wheat crop In that section was not up to i1maverage the corn prospects are very flattering, Alts, (Jiaralladalmigh and daugh ter Belle, returned to West Man chester Sabbath, after being the guest of Mr, andMrs. J. W. Bada- haugli several days. Air. and Mrs. John Coffey ami Mr. Marlin Cokey of Cincinnati have been guests of relatives iii this cotinly this week. John and Martin were in town Tuesday meeting friends. Both are membars' qt tin, Cincinnati llros department and form irly worked for the local tele phone company. »Slf, Frank Bhepard and wife and Air. Mercer and daughter of Coltim- fiOOD LOOKING FLOUR 5 fturt Mrf *. ^ ,0« o£ Chli! ‘ „ , , . Ueston spont gabbnth with Mrs, A* Whal. it) i?*>od Jooknng, hut juTiIgman. Master Howard good? Cttr flour looks good and tnsts nrd who lias been visitng with heller* It couUl’ t look any other way lW|ntt f6hirnei|hoirni with FOR SALK Automobile, buggy type,just the thing for agents or fanners-to run errends. Will sell dirt cheap as it stands or will guar antee. Kaiph-Wolford, —The ExpenmontStation Exhibit at the Greene County Fair should be visited by every attendant. . Un derstand tho economical feeding of animal, control of insects, orchard and garden management as well as the business management of the farm. , For several weeks ail out-of-fhe- coiuity paper lias been running a column of correspondence and we have found many items word for word as appeared In the H erald . Last week an important item was given iirst page position with a changed name to see if the corre spondence was taken from the JtlEKAl,n. We had substituted tho name of Prof. Collins for. Prof. Mc Millan and this week discovered the uneorreoted item iii the same paper as we had used it. ’ KathAn Cheney, aged 61, died Tuesday evening of apoplexy after returning home from a fishing trip. His death was very sudden and the coroner was called for examination?: Besides his wife he leaves three sons, Uharles, William and Frank, anti two sisters, Ella anil Emma at, homo, and Airs. Enlia Mason and Myrtle Bhoup of Xenia. Tho funer al was held Thursday morning, burial taking place at thoBtovenson cemetery. ; ' .i than good.' The ovperfc milling and j t)u< boiling through tho line silk j cloth nmkoqurtfhwr the PEER OF ALL FLOURS F a ! j it niskcs a iittio better bread, cakes, - ■ and pies, is morn wemwmival and C S S T S NO MORE . Gedarvillo Flour Mills, his his par ents. Mr, aud Airs, O. 32, Jobe and two sons, Aterald end Delimit1, Airs. 31. II. John and nob, and Misses ifnth and Esther Cony expect to Air. Charles Hopping and bride from 1‘orlland, Oregon, arrived here Wednesday evening after-spending: several days in Dayton, All-, and Mrs. Hopping came 32ast on a trip with the Elks ol Iheir eiiy on a special tram to Atlnnlie City for the.. .Elks Convention Arr, Hopping engaged in the novelty business in Portland and is meeting with good success. Howovor he reports that reciprocity, program has upset the J!entire West amt Taft is very nnpop* NOTICE. Those having laundry for the / Dayton Peerless Laundry, will please leave same at Finney’s Res taurant not later than 6:45 p. m., Wednesday evening. Delivery on’ Saturday. Robert Dixon, Agent. Airs. W, S. Harper wife of tho U. P. minister in Clifton, died at three o’ clock Thutsday after a ten weeks ilnnss with heart trouble, The funeral will be held at two o’ clock from the church. The corpse will be taken to New Concord for burial, leaving hero Saturday.mornleg. Rev Harper cable to Clfton m January from Pittsburg, There is no family. Rev, W. E. Putt, D. D., left'Wed-' nesday on his vacation. He. will visit in (Janal Dover, Cleveland and Lakeside and several, other places before returning home. Petitions have been circulated for Hr. S, D. Foss as a candidate for delegate t o . the constitutional con vention and will be filed In a few days,. Probably no cltlzeh of tho county is bolter qualified for the important place than Dr. Foss. Ho possesses the qualifications neces sary to fill tho place With honor ami dignity to llio county. His knowledge of constitutional law, Ills ability as a historian, tamed as a noted educator and high regard ior moral principles makes him qualified for the place. ttf utrenjtttipninx rtuT lu in t* wtite* mntrol the action at th<! Uver fcowtl* >r. Miles’ H a t* aka liv e r HBA cu r ., M ««•«• W CMkfcK • leave next Tuesday for a two ■M,«jnl(»jutlltwini lho ' running and outing at Chautauqua, N. Y. j cjittosft interests. 1 tH** ftd** KWH** \ • ’ “ “ I *jm#*t* ft#* » * m f j tit, MtUcs’ Antl-I’aln Pills rslttvs psln- Piles or Smiles P A POSITIVE GUARANTEE is Immediatelyrelieve«iut carswith OR. HEBRASUNQ01D the iatmt womlcrthl stbntiflc dircovery at wrtrtomtimesfi»r theec\4W.*tcwt#ofItcMnK I'ilCS, i>jcl!un 'iVUer, Salt Hheurrt, Bin? Worm, Uetbor'sKelt, etr.. ifhto hishlr meflr- tattil MitLse^dct Stilvs Yhls the jtttms, re. tho troufita l-nd heSls the'lrrlUtloft owmsurttfly, Ahroliite wtUtflifflott gsar- (Hitcwl et iitetitv ri-fuBUrSI, 1‘rire fta t is. ni llt-iisRists. or mslied, KVisl- «atdple 9tent* tocover taietlhqf. YtiEC. 0, BITTHERC0,tTctcds. Ohfe.
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