The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

y~fr~iiiLi*^itiiiB AW nc M pesfsfet— 1 Takes Bicycle. Frank Kcmibn, aged ID, of Sx>ri«n- ■; fickl, who mafi* hiB homo here the j past winter, was arrested in Dayton * Sabbath evening at( tbo Western I Union Telegraph oilk’o wlillo at- ■ tempting to dispose of a bicycle,;. which he said later was stolen by f him. A denial was first made but afterwards ho made confession. The bicycle was stolen from a Springfield grocer and the lad rpdo it to Daytonwhere ho offored to sell it. . It .was only a few weeks ago that the boy took Mr. J, II, Creswell’ s- hors.e and buggy from 4 rack and drove It to Springfield. There was no prosecution at the time, the young fellow being allowed to go on his good behavior, . A COMMUNICATION. Jamestown, O., July 22, lOir. Cedamlle Herald—1 am much in­ terested for .the farmer in our com­ ing Constitutional Convention and the kind of delegate Greene county sends to represent us. There are vory few counties in Ohio that will send a representative that will give the farmer a square deal. Thus far I have not heard of a single man put up that is a fanner, mostly lawyers;- a few •doctors, college professors and some of the profes­ sions. The farmers of Ohio repre­ sent about 10per cent, of the vote, the lawyers, I presume not over 1-2Q of one per cant, (this is guess) but at least a very small per cent, yet m the Ohio SCmite and legislature that is, mostly lawyer and about three genuine tamers. Our United States£5enate and House are about the same proportion* That is why the farmers must submit to the forced Canadian reciprocity. Our Senate and House are mostly mil­ lionaires and lawyers, and we do not get even what Lazarus did, the . crumbs that fall to the dogs. Why can't Oreene county, farmers put up a farmer that will represent ns in this convention. There are several causes to coihe into consideration that should noirgo in. One will be the one per cent tax, which ni a nut shell will eventually mean all taxes put upon land or real estate. "What has Harmon’ S one per cent, tax'done? Nearly, every dollar of increase has been placed upon land m Ohio which has doubled, trebled and sometimes quadrupled, that , raises tfye taxes on land' and of ' .course lowers it on money and credits. Initiative and referendum , will also come up for ratification; temperance legislation. Pick out Greene county*£ best man for -his politics, this is non-party just think, is he a good, conserva­ tive thinking, .honest man, who will have the goodOf the whole people at heart. Shuii the -constitutional “ ring politicians” as you. would a pesti­ lence. He will sell you put every time, Greene county fanners have' itin.thelr hands at Clio primary and election to send' who they will. Forget party once and think, “ farm” first, last and all the time and see to it that Greene, dear old Greene county, is represented' by a man who lain a business, that has made and is making Greene county fa­ mous, from one end of Ohio -to the other and beyond—the business that has made all the prosperity you and the county have or expect t« have.. H . N , E N S IG N . mrnlM'Pf&s —.............. .... uni C D L U N & U _ Mid-Sumer Clearance Sale • • . ■. ■■■■ \ ... • . Our semi-annual Clearance Sale presents an opportunity to buy STANDARD MERCHANDISE at much less than its real valued | Hanan’s Oxfords for men in Patent Kid, Gun Metal Calf and Tan Russia Calf reduced from $$.50 to $4.50. £t& . We claim that the Howard & Foster Oxfords at $3.50, $4,00 and $4.50 are the best looking, best fitting, best wearing Oxfords made. During, our sale you can buy the $3.50 grade for $2.75; $4.00 grade for $3.25; -$4.50 grade for $3.50, . Almost every woman knows that Armstrong stamped^pn a shoe means perfect fit, real foot comfort and splendid service. The $4,00 grades goes for $3.20; the $3.50 grade for $2.75 during this sale. • 7 ' 20 Per Cent. Reduction on All Other Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Oxfords, and Strap Slippers. Extra Special—1lot broken sizes at 85c apairif youcanfind yoursize ■t CD . I wm © } 0 f f l i % i v " - - : -■ /. ' ........................... New Theory ForWateredMilk. . Recently a dairyman, William Ray, of Dayton was charged with selling adulterated milk and a hew theory was advanced regarding water discovered In the milk. Ray's attorney •stated Ills belief that the recent rams had gotten in­ to the milk by means of the water soaked grass eaten by the cows but the idea did not take well with'Dr. Welilver, bacteriologist. To estab­ lish stich a precedent, milkmen ac­ cused of giving shortmeasure Would plead that owing to dryness their cows were giving condensed milk, Ray was fined $so ahd costs. £ Clothing,Jats, Furnishing(roods, Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers* The long and short of it is we are overstocked and must turn a good part of this stock of merchandise into cash. If you miss this sale you will miss the greatest bargains ever offered in Xenia, -Clearance dale of titraw Hats Koine Clothing Co !« & Men’s, Boys’, Ladies’ and Misses Fine Shoes and Oxfords and Slppers. 1-4 to 1-2 Off. i r.iTt Of OilfO, CtTY OP XOfcBDO, L ucab C ouktx , I W kk J, C iif . hs Vmakes oath that ho is ItOilo? partner of fii« Arm o fT , J. Clnrm sY Si Co,, dO*»g b«si*WH In M ia city of Toledo, county, ana riiw aforeiM, and that mid flirta will "fttf the tu u i ONlS HUNDRED for wall eyi'ry case o f Oatarrh • that CMinot bo cured by the nte of II a U ' k O a ?A h p IC oxa , FRANK J. CXIKNET. ttwom to before me and subscribed in my nrmence, this dfh day ofl)«cetnbitr, A. !)■ W*. ISS A. W. OX.EASON, |S ? |nui j Notary Public I m R <ll'a Catarrh our* la taken hitefnaily 1 Ann aote^imtly oil the blood and rnaamm ' VC aarMCMof tfar ayirtem. Send for trsHinoni j fift CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. fts KindYouHaveAlwaysBought Hearn th* f t p m m v i Soft Hats Stiff Hats Straw Hats 1-3 to 1-2 off. «. Furnishing Gopds, Shirts. Collars, Ties, Kelts, Under­ wear, Hosiery Suspenders 1-4 to 1-2 O ff . ■ i 4 * Men’s and Boys’ i Fine Suits and , Trousers 1-3 to 1-2 Off Men’s work clothing, overalls, shirts, jackets, shoes, etc., at 1-4 to 1*3 off. This a bonifide sale. Come and be convin- ced. S^je started Thursday, July 27 and ends Saturday, August1 llth . Come early to get first pick of these bargains. Don’ t miss the Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Dep’ t. This is the greatest Clothing Sale ever put tip in Xenia. \ Don*t miss the place. See large signs, last two store roome down W . Mail! St., Nos. 45-49. C . K E L B L E , . ,Vs.'*' Store Openings Until 8:45* XENIA, 0. Clerks half holiday every Friday afternoon* PATRONIZE HERALD ADVERTISERS -*4