The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52
y~fr~iiiLi*^itiiiB AW nc M pesfsfet— 1 Takes Bicycle. Frank Kcmibn, aged ID, of Sx>ri«n- ■; fickl, who mafi* hiB homo here the j past winter, was arrested in Dayton * Sabbath evening at( tbo Western I Union Telegraph oilk’o wlillo at- ■ tempting to dispose of a bicycle,;. which he said later was stolen by f him. A denial was first made but afterwards ho made confession. The bicycle was stolen from a Springfield grocer and the lad rpdo it to Daytonwhere ho offored to sell it. . It .was only a few weeks ago that the boy took Mr. J, II, Creswell’ s- hors.e and buggy from 4 rack and drove It to Springfield. There was no prosecution at the time, the young fellow being allowed to go on his good behavior, . A COMMUNICATION. Jamestown, O., July 22, lOir. Cedamlle Herald—1 am much in terested for .the farmer in our com ing Constitutional Convention and the kind of delegate Greene county sends to represent us. There are vory few counties in Ohio that will send a representative that will give the farmer a square deal. Thus far I have not heard of a single man put up that is a fanner, mostly lawyers;- a few •doctors, college professors and some of the profes sions. The farmers of Ohio repre sent about 10per cent, of the vote, the lawyers, I presume not over 1-2Q of one per cant, (this is guess) but at least a very small per cent, yet m the Ohio SCmite and legislature that is, mostly lawyer and about three genuine tamers. Our United States£5enate and House are about the same proportion* That is why the farmers must submit to the forced Canadian reciprocity. Our Senate and House are mostly mil lionaires and lawyers, and we do not get even what Lazarus did, the . crumbs that fall to the dogs. Why can't Oreene county, farmers put up a farmer that will represent ns in this convention. There are several causes to coihe into consideration that should noirgo in. One will be the one per cent tax, which ni a nut shell will eventually mean all taxes put upon land or real estate. "What has Harmon’ S one per cent, tax'done? Nearly, every dollar of increase has been placed upon land m Ohio which has doubled, trebled and sometimes quadrupled, that , raises tfye taxes on land' and of ' .course lowers it on money and credits. Initiative and referendum , will also come up for ratification; temperance legislation. Pick out Greene county*£ best man for -his politics, this is non-party just think, is he a good, conserva tive thinking, .honest man, who will have the goodOf the whole people at heart. Shuii the -constitutional “ ring politicians” as you. would a pesti lence. He will sell you put every time, Greene county fanners have' itin.thelr hands at Clio primary and election to send' who they will. Forget party once and think, “ farm” first, last and all the time and see to it that Greene, dear old Greene county, is represented' by a man who lain a business, that has made and is making Greene county fa mous, from one end of Ohio -to the other and beyond—the business that has made all the prosperity you and the county have or expect t« have.. H . N , E N S IG N . mrnlM'Pf&s —.............. .... uni C D L U N & U _ Mid-Sumer Clearance Sale • • . ■. ■■■■ \ ... • . Our semi-annual Clearance Sale presents an opportunity to buy STANDARD MERCHANDISE at much less than its real valued | Hanan’s Oxfords for men in Patent Kid, Gun Metal Calf and Tan Russia Calf reduced from $$.50 to $4.50. £t& . We claim that the Howard & Foster Oxfords at $3.50, $4,00 and $4.50 are the best looking, best fitting, best wearing Oxfords made. During, our sale you can buy the $3.50 grade for $2.75; $4.00 grade for $3.25; -$4.50 grade for $3.50, . Almost every woman knows that Armstrong stamped^pn a shoe means perfect fit, real foot comfort and splendid service. The $4,00 grades goes for $3.20; the $3.50 grade for $2.75 during this sale. • 7 ' 20 Per Cent. Reduction on All Other Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Oxfords, and Strap Slippers. Extra Special—1lot broken sizes at 85c apairif youcanfind yoursize ■t CD . I wm © } 0 f f l i % i v " - - : -■ /. ' ........................... New Theory ForWateredMilk. . Recently a dairyman, William Ray, of Dayton was charged with selling adulterated milk and a hew theory was advanced regarding water discovered In the milk. Ray's attorney •stated Ills belief that the recent rams had gotten in to the milk by means of the water soaked grass eaten by the cows but the idea did not take well with'Dr. Welilver, bacteriologist. To estab lish stich a precedent, milkmen ac cused of giving shortmeasure Would plead that owing to dryness their cows were giving condensed milk, Ray was fined $so ahd costs. £ Clothing,Jats, Furnishing(roods, Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers* The long and short of it is we are overstocked and must turn a good part of this stock of merchandise into cash. If you miss this sale you will miss the greatest bargains ever offered in Xenia, -Clearance dale of titraw Hats Koine Clothing Co !« & Men’s, Boys’, Ladies’ and Misses Fine Shoes and Oxfords and Slppers. 1-4 to 1-2 Off. i r.iTt Of OilfO, CtTY OP XOfcBDO, L ucab C ouktx , I W kk J, C iif . hs Vmakes oath that ho is ItOilo? partner of fii« Arm o fT , J. Clnrm sY Si Co,, dO*»g b«si*WH In M ia city of Toledo, county, ana riiw aforeiM, and that mid flirta will "fttf the tu u i ONlS HUNDRED for wall eyi'ry case o f Oatarrh • that CMinot bo cured by the nte of II a U ' k O a ?A h p IC oxa , FRANK J. CXIKNET. ttwom to before me and subscribed in my nrmence, this dfh day ofl)«cetnbitr, A. !)■ W*. ISS A. W. OX.EASON, |S ? |nui j Notary Public I m R <ll'a Catarrh our* la taken hitefnaily 1 Ann aote^imtly oil the blood and rnaamm ' VC aarMCMof tfar ayirtem. Send for trsHinoni j fift CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. fts KindYouHaveAlwaysBought Hearn th* f t p m m v i Soft Hats Stiff Hats Straw Hats 1-3 to 1-2 off. «. Furnishing Gopds, Shirts. Collars, Ties, Kelts, Under wear, Hosiery Suspenders 1-4 to 1-2 O ff . ■ i 4 * Men’s and Boys’ i Fine Suits and , Trousers 1-3 to 1-2 Off Men’s work clothing, overalls, shirts, jackets, shoes, etc., at 1-4 to 1*3 off. This a bonifide sale. Come and be convin- ced. S^je started Thursday, July 27 and ends Saturday, August1 llth . Come early to get first pick of these bargains. Don’ t miss the Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Dep’ t. This is the greatest Clothing Sale ever put tip in Xenia. \ Don*t miss the place. See large signs, last two store roome down W . Mail! St., Nos. 45-49. C . K E L B L E , . ,Vs.'*' Store Openings Until 8:45* XENIA, 0. Clerks half holiday every Friday afternoon* PATRONIZE HERALD ADVERTISERS -*4
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