The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52
tVH THE every day jomi health, fife is vfbiit a t s 1death lurk ‘,ba’ 8 sold, sell thqbest above cost, id not high >USE n o . iCover , ecs SNAL JRY : ) . Ed, itt iraerU.S. ie Webster y Modern KeytoLit* i. General Doubled. stratlons. ■prases. -1ST onven- . Utility. EID. MASS. publication. >■ lltiF :0t... L H G T E L UPSTAIRS ' -C »N T ® . ■Floor t. t fch» Gal- e. AN. ■ Fnrnitur* f Oemsnt Building IS® N , l Dentist. , D. ’ Barn. Hi 81 • OHIO ,tt to ask •* Por thie - buying win*— d, relia- tlon, in- r.| Is firm- i{f imitate it ter than ?!/ the fit* M t larger X - 5 : tum * j -4 y w s a w w i a i i i a «X2A|IAN0 n tfU m A L —Oxfords, 20 per cent. discount. Moser’ s Shoo Store, Xenia, 0 . I -S t o p with h«e * t Marshall’s 1 lea Craam Parlor, Misses Mary and Ruth Ranisey = are attending the Miami Chautau- * qua. Buy your suits at Home Clothing Co. W e keep them pressed one year FREE . Mr. W .C . Nagley and wife and] Dr. Dixon and wife motored over fo * the Miami Chautauqua, Sabbath. Bov. Foster of SalinoviUe, who has accepted a call to the Fliffon Presbyterian church, moved his family there thiB week. 20-22-24 N. Detroit St., ADAIR’S X E N I A , OHIO, Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Matting,, Draperies, Etc. Every department of the home included in our big line o f Home Furnishitigs. You can find anything you need to fix up each room complete. The Jamestown Fair will be held September 20, Si, 22 . . Reports from the sick, Mr. A . y . Kyle and Mr. 0 . E , Cooley and son, Wilbur, are that improvement is aa faBt as could be expected. Mr. Clayton McMillan attended the London sales Tuesday. ' Gladys and Glenn a Bandall of Dayton, Ohio, and Josephine Ran dall of this place,* were entertained at the home o f MI bs Fieeta McLean for dinner Wednesday. , Miss Mary Marshall of Xenia is spending the week with rel fives. • —The Fair comes off next week. Don’ t forget to bring those pictures you want framed to W e s t ’ s Book Store, Xenia. Twenty per cent, discounk on ail frames above 10x12 size during August. - . Miss Mary Hastings and Miss Florence Jackson, the latter from Xonla, have gone to Baltimore as delegates to the National Conven tion of the Y. P. 0 . U. of the United Presbyterian church. W. H . ' Dobges,. Xenia druggist, may become a candidate for mayor and If nominated-and elected would turn his salary and all fees into the city treasury., The Citizens, league may give him support, should outer the race. he Mr. J. W, Radab.augh, panted by his daughter, accom- Mable, went to Xenia last Saturday where an operation wa9 performed on the latter for adenoips. The little girl’ s tonsils were also removed. Tne R. S'. Kingsbury Clothing Store, Xenia, has been incorporated under the name of the Kingsbury Company with $80,000 capital. The ' incorporators’ are: R . S, Kingsbury George H . Montague, M. L . W olf, J, F . Orr, J . -Ralph John. , E X H A U S T E D H O U S E W I V E S It; is strange that the mod ern housewife with her ma ny duties neglects to care for herself as men do. The care o f a home and children,, the countless lit tle tasks and steps, the re sponsibility/ the Washing, ironing, baking, serving of meals, is not only confinins but exhausting to woman's energy, and this more than anything else; deprives her o f robust health and beauty Many women under such conditions resort to too much tea and coffee drink ing, which only stimulates by drug effect, increases the ‘harm and ultimately ruins the health, - ’ To the housewife with her cares, we earnestly say, drink BONANO hot at your meals and cold or iced between meals. K£ep a large pitcher handy and' drink it freely at your work I t will refresh and sus tain you . Your nerves will be benefited, your digestion improved, your complexion will clear up, BONANO being made from from fruit, is correc tive, and will tend' to keep you normal and regular. Eat lightly and take plenty o f liquid food, es pecially during exhausting summer days. Turn to BONANO today and your tasks will lighten — be easier for you. You will feel better, look better, be better, * BONANO is sold by all up-to-date grocers. We will send a sample p a ck a g e -en ou gh for 10 big cups—for a 2e statpp. Just addrewletter to f t d N A N O C h ica g o , Illinois. The Misses McNeill liava gone4o Bella Centre, O., on a ‘month’ s va cation. Attorney J . C. Foley was in ’ Sola, the first o f the week on business. —Plums for sale at J . L. Hender son’^. ‘ Chicken feed $ 2 for 100 lbs McFarland Bros. FOR SALE ; Anglo reading lamp, M. W. Collins. ■Mr, Osoar Sattorfirid moved into the Bird property.Tuesday that has been vacated by Mr. It# Gates. —Special lot Men’ s Regal $3.50 and $1,00 Oxfords, $1.05 Moser’ s Shoe .Store. Mrs, Belle Gray left this morning for a week’ s, visu with relatives at Ludlow, Ky. . Mr. H . A, Barr is remodeling iris' store room, the building being- one of the oldest in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. A . Waddle of Xenia were guestB of Mr. W . J . Tar- box and faniUy <>ver Sabbath. • Maynard Puffer has been quite sick, suffering with symptoms of typhoid fever. Mrs. Louise / Bratton returned home from Oxford Thursday after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coulter. . —Bargains in Oxfords and Pumps for man, woman and child. - Moser’ s Slide Hfore,X]enia, O. The reunion of the 45tb O. V. 1.. will be held on August 16th, lOll at Urbana at which time all members o f the regiment are requested to be present. Prof, J. H . McMillan, dnd Wife have returned to their home in Mon mouth, III., after making relatives here a visit fo r several days. - Mr. and Mis, J. H . Wolford, O.M. Crouse and Jofih Stine attended the Maryland reunion at K il Karo Park on Thursday.. Ex-Governor War- field of Maryland was present... —When at £he Greene County Fair, do not fail' to vistt Moser’ s Sho itoro for bargains lh Low Cut Shoes fine} see the new sfcylfiB in fall shoes. 1 ____________ Miss A . L . Craufurd, who former ly conducted a millinery store here but moved to Daytoti. about a year ago, has returned and w ill open up a millinery establishment in' the C. W . Grouse room. r „ Among those from here who went to the Miami Valley Chautauqua, Thursday were; Mrs. W .H . Barber. Misses Mary Bird, EulaTarbox and lea Dean and Mr. Foster .McFar land. r-Greene County 9, 10 and 11. Fair, August 8, Mrs. Lilliau Olemans and child ren spent Monday in Dayton. Mr. W , P. Townsley and two sons left Wednesday on the excursion , to the Niagara Ful Rev. and Mrsl Milton Hanna of Milan, Hi., are gtiests of the former’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, C, Hanna —Fancy dried fruits and the best in the canned goods line. McFarland Bros, Mr. David Turnbull,, wiffe and daughter, who have been guests of relatives in this eouuty for several weeks have returned to their home in Monmouth, 111. . FOR SALE Automobile, buggy type, just the thing for agents or farmers to run errends., W ill sell dirt cheap as it stands or will- guar antee. Ralph Wolfor’d. The w ell known real estate firm of Smith & Clemans has dissolved partnership, the change to take place in a few days, men Will continue in business but as Individuals and not as a partner ship. Mr. John Stormont took in the Miami Valley Chautauqua, Monday Mr, G. H, Creswell was in Dayton Monday on business. - Mr. and Mrs. I , 0 , Davis of Cin cinnati are spendmgafew daysliere, —Bouer’a Koban coffee, no adyape in price, 25o pet*- pound. Nagley Bros. ‘ . . —We are always glad to see you and our untiring service is at the command of every customer. Marshall. .-.Word has been received here of the birth of a« son to Rev. R . A . Hutchison, D. D „ and.wife at their home In Pittsburg last week. Mrs. M, W , Collins and daughter, Axina, are visiting friends at Tren ton and attendlng-tfie Miami Valley Chautauqua. You You Cannot Afford to Miss It Big Program of Exciting Races Every Day See the exhibit o f the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. Hear the talks on Scientific Farming, embracing Soil Restoration and Conservation, Prof itable Dairying, Orchard and Garden management and many other timely topics. It's all free. . Tell your friend* and come yourself to the Messrs. Lawrence Barber and Ralph Townsley joined the Gedar- villo contingent at the Miami Chau tauqua, Tuesday. , GreeneCounty NEXT WEEK. , Aug. 8-1 XENIA, OHIO. Rev. and M rs.' A,. B . Henry of Philadelphia were guests at the home o f Mr, Joseph McCollum last week. , -. Mrs.-J. A, Bumgarner and Mr. Frank Engle and son, spent Sab bath at the Miami Valley Chautau qua. 1Dr. E.' C. OgJesbbee and family ^lelt this* morning for the Miami Both gentle- Valley Chautauqua, 'the latter to remain about a, week. , The v- ains of Mrs.Harper, \vife of Dr. Harper, pastor of the U . F, church in Clifton, were taken' to New Concord last Saturday .for burial, Messrs. 0 , E. Brad fate and Gordon Collins, members o f session, accompanied,the remains. As will be notioedin this issue the advertisement for the rebuilding of the Columbus pike appears, bids to be received until , August 10th for two and one-half miles.. The esti mated cost is over $9,000. Prof. D. L . Crdw/ord and family o f Xenia are spending a weetrat the homo o f Mr, Charles Turnbull while Mrs. Turnbull has been attending the Miami Chautauqua. Dr, J, W . Dixon and family ac companied by Mrs* D ixon's father, Mr. Robert Hauna, left Wednesday on a three week’ s visit at Rttthden, Iowa. - The township board of education made a tour of inspection Tuesday visiting the various school buildinus for the purpose of seeing just what repairs are heeded. The members were driven about by Messrs. G. F, SiCgler and C, N. Stuckey in their automobllek.' —The Experiment Station Exh ibit at the Greene County Fair-should bo visited by every attendant. Un derstand the economical feeding of animat, control of insects, orchard and garden management as well -as' the business management *f the farm. Miss Mildred Crouse entertained fifteen o f her girl friends Wednes day at a picnic at Clifton m honor of her cousin, Miss Pauline Gillaugh of Dayton, The trip was made by wagon and a pleasant day is report ed other than a light rairi that marred the trip. The Ohio State Journal the other Chautauqua visitors at Miami this] day said a “ boy should bo liejted morning to hear “ B illy” Good reports reach us o f the suc cess of the Jamestown Chautauqua in that the sessions are well attend ed and the various numbers giving satisfaction. Dr. Bicderwolf, tiie no.ted evangelist, preaches Sabbath afternoon and nigbt and an im mense crowd is expected. k l l i t t i l V * l* J W » » v v»* M W V Sunday w ith a cowhide that would sass iiis were: j ohn Townsley and wife, R. 0. Townsley and w ife, T. N. Tatbox and wife, Mrs. Mary Bridgman, Misses Luoiie Gray, Inez Shepherd and Esther Towssley and Dr. Leo Anderson. . • *rM- " ‘ ___ ........__ Miss Elite W ilt, oi Port William, committed suicide by drinking car bolic acid last Sabbath evening. The young woman becamo ,discour aged in her efforts to cause the din* continuance of a weekly Sunday baseball game that Was pla.vod on a lot near liorhotae. Death occurred Monday‘night. Mr, M. N. Ensign In a recent let ter to the Jamestown Journal states that he has two sons in Canada who who write him every week not to oppose the reciprocity Dill. They claim that their land did not cost 1-20 as much as Ohio soil ami that three times a» manylbwehel can be produced per acre. Freight is only ] five cents per bushel more, than j from hero to Chicago and by taking oil the 25 per cent tariff por bushel, tlKsboyVoan Bend their gram into this eoumry instead o f iiaving ‘ it shipped to Europe and they can got rich in a short time. This is the view of the proposition from the Canaduyfi standpoint, ■ I- j 1 mother.” Heard a lady who has raised two boys say, that when a boy sasses his mother it is largely bis mother's fault. She was prob ably right, . AUGUST 15th W G .F Iock en P R E S E N T S Wm. and Josephine Giles In their greatest success ■■■■•I - ■ ■ - ■ “The Awakening” Prices, JO c , 2 0 c and|30c Mrs. Alien Haines and' daughter, Lucile, are attending the Annual Session o f the Church p£ God, which is being held qt the Masonic Home Grounds from August 8-18, Springfield. * Mr. J. 3>. Williamson wula taken suddenly ill with acute indigestion, Thursday morning while in R . L. Gowdy’s law office in Xenia, where he. had gone on business. Dr. S. 0. W ilson Was called, and later re moved him to . Tils homo in this place where ho is improved and resting easier. MR. PROPERTY OW NER -Stop! Consider! Why not use the best possible wheto YOU pay the b ill? Hanna’sGreenSeal Stands for everything that is test in paint. The pigments used are properly proportioned - ana thoroughly compounded. . , STUDYTHE FORMULA AS SHOWN ON EACH PACKAGE “HANNA’SGREENSEALPAINT, isMade to Wear’ FOR SALK BV Kerr& Hastings Bros. DeathOf Richard Stine. Twenty Days ClearanceSale. A clearance sale of importance now going on is that of Kelble’s, 45-49 W . Main StMXenia, at which place clothing, hate,, furnishing goods, shoes, oxferds and slippers are bring offered a t a reduction of ane-tlnrd to one-half off. This stock must be turned into cash owing to the large stock on hand. SABBATH REFLECTIONS. “ Oh, I bless thee dear Lord. For all I see, for all I know, I praise thea for a place tri this world Among thy trees, which irt a row, To time both fruit Ami odor oWa. “ Oh, then what open force or bid den oharln, Can blast my hopes for happiness. Or oven blasttny fruit orhrifigharm, While the blest enclosure is thine a rm ? ' *Oh, then dear Lord W h n thou dost greater judgment spare, And with affletion’ s keen knife, Thou dost prune a u l pare*, Oh then, dear Lord, Thy faithful trees more fruitful are.” —James L, Willis, Strauglm, Ind. CASTOR IA Por Ihfcmts and CHIdren. The Kind You H ite Always Bought Bears th* Bignatnre o f MMiMiue ntUmi w *# if to, m*tt Arif-Pria ritia M mm mm Richard Wallace Stine, son o f Mr. and Mi's. J. R.. Stine, who reside near Selma died last Tuesday after thre* days illness with appendicitis and peritonitis. The lad was'hu t eleven years of age and his sudden death was a shock to the family. The funeral was held from the home at twelvo o’ clock, Thursday, the services being conducted by Rev, J , W. Gaddis o f the M. E, church. South Charleston. Burial took place at Clifton. . Danger in Dirty Ice Boxes. In the August Woman’ s Home Companion, on “ The Doctor’ s Page" the author talks with great good Bense about home sanitation in sum- ’ men Following ib some good ad vice about.the ice b ox ; “ It seems scarcely necessary -to say here that a dirty ill-kept ice-box Is a grave danger to health. Of course, the modern porcelain or glass lined cabinets are moBt desirable and most easily kept clean. Unfor tunately, these are notas yet for the majority. “However a sanitary ice box is possible to every housewife who demands it. Be careful hot to spill food on the shelves; cover closoly all eatables to he put away; Insist upon clean ice; scrub and scald the interior Of the ice-box witli strong soda-water once a week, com pleting the operation by pouring down the drain a solution of Platt's Olorides, au odorless disinfectant. An ice-box drain should never be closely connected with the general sewerage system unless * this has been done In a perfect sanitary way, by ft responsible plumber. To save the constant emptying of the waste water, a rubber tub# may IjO fitted over the small drain pipe, in the bottom of the Jco-boSe, and led out of doors through a siiiall hole i » the floor and other necessary outlets, being finally carried away as surface water,” Imitation of PCwter. Briisfl may be given a color re* ecmbling pewter by boiling it in a cream o£ tartar solution containing a small amount ot chloride of tin, A D o u b l e R e t u r n J:' V The farmer who puts part of his harvest money on a Certificate o f Deposit in this strong Bank reaps a DOUBLE return, first in. the sale of his crops and further in the increase o f his money by interest as long as it is left here. J It. makes little permanent difference in your condi tion to have good crops unless you save some of what you receive for them. You want each year to see you better off than the •year before. • Plan to set aside some o f your money, 'L You will never regret putting it in this Bank. * D IR E CTOR S S. W. SMITH, Pres. GEO. W . E IFE , 1st V. Pres. . O. L. SMITH, Cashier. OLIVER GARLOUGH, L . F. TINDALL , Asst. Cashier. fid V. Pres. Shetland Pony - J T o b e g i v e n A w a y Monday, Nov. 20,’ l l . A t 7 o'clock p. m. In^addition to the Pony will be given $50*in Gold— divided into seven prices, $15, $10 $5, $5f $5, $5 $5. Tickets fiven with each 25c CASH purchase. Sava Yaut Tickets. C. C. Weimer. Dealer in Fresh end Safe Meats, Fruits Etc. ty« Meet all Prices Miide. C E O A R V IU E , OHIO.
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