The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

" S t o p With h«r at Marshall1* j !«« Crssm Parlor. Mr. L. H . Sulleuberger has pur- j chased a Ford touring car. ft ^ .«!■.IJWi Miss Helen Oglesbea }g the guest of Xenia relatives this week. /; Mrs, Jeannette Eskendge has for her guest, Mies Florence Hwan of Xenia. • ' Mu-s Lima Gilbert atui Mrs, J . It. Dean of X.euia were Wednesday guests of Mr. smiMrs J . W. Johnson The annnal reunion of the Corry family will take place next Wednes­ day a t the home of Mr. PrankCorry. —Purchase a hammock atscoBt, several patterns to select from. O, M. Orouj iq hunting with dog or'gun or trespassing on my farm without permission, D. S. Ervin. DOST: A base ball glove with the in itial “ M. G, J . ” Finder please return or notify this pince. Mr. A. GKDrott and wite of Cin­ cinnati. were' entertained Wednes­ day bjr Mr. J . W, Badabaugh. Miss Wingefe of St. Paul has been a guest a t the home of Mr. Henry Kyle. Messrs, Phil Dixon and DeWifct Morgan have gone to Coulterville, .III,, on a visit with uspecial” friends VusZoraclsv Larimer of Massa­ chusetts has been visiting her aunt,' Mrs. F> P . Hastings. ~W e are always glad to see you and ouruntiring service Is at the command of every customer. . Marshall. Miss A. D .. Craufurd, who has rented the O. W. Crouse room for millinery parlor, goes to the city Monday to purchase" her fall goods. Everything will be entirely new; no- old stock on hand. - Dr.'Leo Anderson has rented the small room on Main street belonging .tp Mr» John Fields and will fit i t up. tor living quarters jmch ns would bo ' used by a gentleman of th e Dr's, standing.. ' It may be known as ’‘bachelor's ball,” , STRAYED: Light colored sow, reightog about 300 pounds, Owner an bay® same by proving property md paying charges of teed and ad- ertlSemeUt, Behtcm Barber. Mi-. Samuel Albright left Friday for Falmouth, By** where he went to attend th e annual .reunion of his regiment/th* iSthTiLentucfeyl Th'e 18th and 46th regiments unite, this year.. Mr. Albright has not attend­ ed a meeting of his reunion for 48 yearn. He waA accompanied by Mr, Charles Harris, J r. 20-22-24 N. Detroit St., A D A I R ’S X E N I A , O H I O Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Rugs, Oil Cloth, Linoleum, Matting, Draperies, Etc. Every department of the home included in our big line of Home Furnishings. You can find anything you need to fix up each room complete. Mr. Ralph Townsley, the black­ smith, JglucSNwith typhoid fever. F t SALE; Anglo reading lamp. ■M. W. Collins. —For Sale:—a t cost, a few Ham­ mocks. G. M. Crouse. IP.C.U, —Hammdcks are nice children, get one a t 0. M. costnale. for the Crouse’s Mr, Louis McClellan and wife of Wooster ^aro guests of Mayor An­ drew and wife. Miss Helen Patton of Columbus is ■the guest of her grandparents, Mr, D. M. Dean. , Mrs. Alina Boyd and .daughter, Ethel, are spending the* week with Mr. C. E . Owens and family of Xenia. ■ ■. * ■■ Mr. Frank Bird spent Wednesday with Rev W. A. Condon and fam­ ily, of Trenton, Ohio; Messrs, Andrew Jaokson and A . Boyd were in Columbus Wednesday attending the association races. , Mr. and Mrs, E. G. Lowry and son, Glen, left la s t Saturday morn­ ing on a trip to Niagara Falls,. Mr. and Mrs. W-. H. King and daughter, Mrs. Q. E. Fitzgerald of Pheonix, Arizona, spent Thursday a t thp home of Mr. Robert Bird. The animal, convention of the Y. P. G, tJ, of Xenia Presbytery opens in the U. P. church next Wed­ nesday evening a t 7:45. Devotions will be led by the retiring president, Wm. Snyder of Sugar Creek. Ad­ dress of welcome by Rev: J. S. E . McMichael and response by the president. Dr. T. H. MoiVUchael, president of Monmouth College gives the address of the evening. Thursday morning a t 9:00 the ses­ sion opens with devotionals to bo followed by a Bible Study conduct­ ed by Dr. J , H.Websterof the Sem­ inary. Six delegates to the recent national convention a t Baltimpr will give their impressions of th a t meeting. Dr. Kyle will deliver an nddresB on, “The Life that Is Christ and the Bible.” The afternoon session opens with devotionals after whloh a Bible Study will be conducted by Rev. J. W. Bickett of Kenton. Dr. Mu- Cheiriey is on the program for an address. Rev, X- F. fKimmelshue, of Xenia, Synodical Superintendent of Missions gives the closing address. [ Knives and Forks. Our somewhat remote-ancestors knew nothing of knives and forks, Voltaire claims that they were in ‘use on the continent in the. -thir­ teenth century, hut his claim 13vig­ orously disputed. The traveler Moyson says that- kniyea and forks' and spoons were jn nisem Venice a t ' a somewhat later date. England, lagged behind the more southern peoples for a long time in the mat­ ter of table manner^ if being Well along in the reign of ,Elizabeth he-1 fore knives and fork* lyere in any­ thing like’, general Use, The first two pronged forks were made at Sheffield about the year 1008. Lavish Entertainments. In the palmy days of the French monarchy sumptuous ‘ entertain­ ments of royalty were not uncom­ mon, To entertain a? queen for a week.tlie Comte d'Artois rebuilt, re­ arranged and refurnished his cas- tleNfropi threshold.' to turret, em­ ploying 900 workmen day and night. The Marshal dp .Soubise re­ ceived Louis XV, as his guest for a day and night' at a coat of 8,000,000 francs. <fI hear,” said his majesty to the marshal, who Owed millions, “that you are in debt," fiI will in­ quire of my steward and inform your majesty,” reptied'the host, hid­ ing a yawn- behind his hand. * MR. PROPERTY OWNER-Stop! Consider! Why not use the Best possible when YOU pay the bill? Green Seal Stands l o r ;everything ,that is best in paint. T h e pigments used a re properly proportioned and thoroughly compounded. STUDYTHE FORMULA AS SHOWN ON EACH PACKAGE “HANNA’SGREENSEALPAINT»MadetoWear” FOR SALE »V CHURCH SERVICES. Mr. Lloyd Foster, who is station­ ed a t Norfolk, Va., wilh the U. ■ S. marine corps is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F- P-JFoster. Mrs, Thomas Mechllng'hasfor her guest her mother, Mrs. Bell who resides a t Greenahurg, Pa. Mr. John Steel went to Jackson, O., Saturday and returned .home Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Steel and son, who have been visit­ ing relatives there for some time. The BpOoial train over' the Penn­ sylvania lines that la due here on Thursday, August 24th, a t 1:37 p. m., bearing lecturers from the College of Agriculture should be greeted with a good representation of the farmers of this community. The lectured are on soils and seeds aud will no doubt be Interesting, The train remains here' for one hour and a half, The commissioners and other court house officials had watermelon feast •a tu rd ay afternoon, They secured a home grown watermelon from John Marshall, of Cedarville,- weighing 87 pounds, Mr. Marshall has a watermelon patch, from which he is picking melons by the wagon load,—Gazette. Mr, H« M. Barber left Thursday oil an extensive trip through the West*.going over the Northern Pa­ cific to Yellow Stone National Park thence to Beattie, where ho will v isit Mr. Raip.h Bull. HO w.ll stop enrdute with Mr, George Marshall in Montana. From Seattle, Mr. Barber goes to Part Francisco, Los Angeled ahd other California points, returning home by way of Balt Lake City and Denver, A t the la t­ ter city ho. will spend a few days With Mr. Al •Wickefsham, who re­ cently moved from Dayton to that «lty* LAZY LIVER *1 *i >4 Ca«ear«U *6 tk st 1 would likast tkoni. IwAfttWnbl** • cmsl dost ylta erefS Htvr sal hssds^lis,_ Kov sfsss jsWS* ftUwrstsC'iiiWIyCsthsHls lfool itr r »ttiklMtt«* shall certainty reeo»»»nd them ts U f Ms*M M sS ssiatt, O'MH k ill M*. I, Jf» 11 Blrsr.MSM. jMMIMLSAULTIIJMMMIIMXtt Mr. J , Fred Rather o f ..New York City, who is practicing jaw in the office of Mr. Albert Hagar, ia -here on a short vacation, visiting his fathe r, Mr. J . C. Barber, Rev. Homer McMillan, D. D,, wife and family ofAtlanta, Ga., has been spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Mc­ Millan. * The annual Stevenson reunion will be held Tuesday, August 2Ui>h, a t the Neff Grounds, Yellow Springs Ohio. Friends and relatives, are all invited to com* and. bring their baskets. ■> Mr. O. L. Smith has gone to Leth­ bridge, Alberta, Canada/ to look after his wheat harvest, having sev­ eral hundreds acres of wheat on his land adjoining the tract owned by Mr. Howard Corry. . Mr. Carl Minser of Alton, HI., a r­ rived Monday and is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Minser. Hia wife lias been here for several weeks. * ■ Mr. J . ,R. Orr and wife entertained the.followmg friends,-Tuesday: Dr. McChesney and Wife, Mrs. Martha Morton, Prof, F. A. Ju rk a t and wife, Rev M. J . Taylor and Wife and Mrs Elizabeth Galbroath. Mr. Wm. Neeld and Mrs, F, T. Tarbox wore in town Wednesday packing up the personal household goods of the late Allen Osborn to be. ten t to Xenia. The former haB been appointed administrator of the cstaMf Mias Lydia Turnbull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Turnbull has secured an appointment as teacher In the Cleveland High Schools. Turnbull graduated 'from the col- last spring and has been attending the Summer school a t Wooster Uni­ versity. _ Mr; G. M. Whltesell and wife of RpriUgfield have been spending the week with Mr. arid Mrs. John Pierce. Mr. Whltesell Is a newspa­ per Writer by profession having served in this capacity on the pa­ pers in his city. For some time ho hrs been press man for the Gus Buu theatrical houses in Bprlhgfield and has made good along this line. R. P« OXXUR0H (Main S t.,) - Teaoher’s meeting a t 7 p. xn. Satur­ day; Dr. W. R. McChesney, m charge, Sabbath School, Sabbath morning at 9:30. Rev. W. J . Sanderson will occupy the pulpit a t 10:30 a, m„, aud will speak of “Christian Work tor the Uplift of the Negro.” Fh.r two years Rsv. Sanderson has „boon supsrln-t tendont of an Academy for negroes j AtSeima, Ala, TbayAar*abUi)t; 0001 students in the institution,, wisidh} gives both Literary and Industrial. training. Doubtless Rev. Sander-; son has received some ideas a t firs t’ hand in regard, to the solution of the Race Problem. Christian Endeavor meets at 6 p. m. Subject: Mountain Beenes in Bible Story. Deut 84:1-0; Matt. 17: 1 - 8 . Union preaching services with fch«* U. P ’s a t 7 p .m . M. E. OHUROH:—Ths pastor re­ quests all the members and friends of the church .to ,be present at the Sunday morn)ugsaervices, Sunday Sc oolffiSQa. m, At 10:30 theJlfiVr-J? A. Orr will preach, Only, two more services before tire Annual Conference convenes at Dayton. Let all the members at­ tend these services and bring their benevolences with thein, Truck Mangles Right Leg. David Lowry of this place, em­ ployee of the Peekham Motor Car Company, Dayton, was run over by a heavy truck Monday and .his rizh t leg badly injured. Police Snrgeon McKemy attended him and sent him to St. Elizabeth Hospital. Wheh stopping the machine Low­ ry forgot to throw out the cluich and when he cranked the machine again i t started and run over him, Day ten News, Miss Bertha home after a visit of several Weeks with relatives in Pennsylvania. The annual U, P. church picnic was held Tuesday a t the Alford Memorial, about lod being present, owing to the threatening weather the attendance was not up to the average. An excellent dinner 4 a t; served and the day Well enjoyed by t.h#se present. A ball game between the single men and the married men resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 2 1 to8. Paul Turnbull pitched forth# single men and RoV. McMlchasl for the married men. Dr, E, O, Oglesbee was called to Columbus Monday to be present a t an operation of a b.other on Tues day. Miss Bertha Dean, stenographer forW. L. Clematis, Is down with typhoid fever. Mr. Clayton McMillan and wife left last Friday for Abbtngton, Va,, whore they will visit Rev. Jason McMillan and wife. Mr. Ed Litter, the compounder of Teutonia, the famous hog cholera remedies, has gone to Greenfield on a business trip, expecting to be gone a couple of weeks. , / Dear Denial. "I have heard the ,late Archbishop Ryan tell of two plump gourmets who were discussing daring Lent their fa­ vorite fast disheS," said a Philadel­ phian, , ‘Trout,’ said the first,‘With a sigh, ‘has gone up, thanks to, the, high cost of living ami the Lenten demand.’ ‘1Yes,’ said the other. ‘Isn’t it ter­ rible? Oysters, terrapin, teal duck, wine, caviar—everything f*dearer. In­ deed, i often wonder these days where one is to get the mopey to fast with .1 ” ' Vv-..ri- _ 1 {■*?[ rU’-:J Ofiio* of th* Foatman, - ,ll don’t beileve that*- is anything in that talk about Harlow being“hard up,” said Little Rlake. “Why,- he’s just blossorped forth with n'footman ‘ on his motor.” ' . “Footman!" echoed ’JlnkiUson deri­ sively. “Fobtman is good! That isn’t a footman. It’s a deputy sheriff in charge of the car,”—Harper’s Weekly. 3 BSS 9 GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING \ . - Unappreciative,. 1 “Qcrlyle Waa a gredt thinker. You ! can’t tu rn .to a single page without finding some gem of thought. Here,. for instance, he says that there i s 1 strength in cheerfulness.” “So there is In chdese.”—Exchange. Where Are Your Interests Are they in this community ? Are they among the people - with.wliom you associate? Q Are they with the neighbors and friends with whom you do business? . II so you want to knowwhat is happeningIn this community. You want to know the golngs and comings pi thepeoplewithwhom youassociate, the.htttenows items of your nolgbbors and frlends-^-nowdon’t you? ' . That !*whatthfs paptr givesyou Inevery Issue, it is printed for that purpose., Itrepresents your interests and the Interests of this town, is your name cn our sub- 1 - sorlption books? If not, youowe j it to yourself to see that it Is put ' there. To do so Will Be To Your Interest Sydney SmitfV* Wit, As L 6 rd Brougham btte day rode by In his carriage, on the panel of which was a large B. Sydney Smith Is said to have remarked. “There goes a onrringo with a B outside And a wasp within.” Vic* Versa. Teacher—I would like some one In the class to define the meaning of vice versa. Bright Boy—It’s sleeping with yonr feet toward the head of the bed. Good Advice. Ascnm—What In yonr opinion Is the J best business to which a yonng man can give bis attention: Telllfc—HIs awn.—Boston Transcript. . Expensive Fiction, ~ , “I 3 that picture really A work of Art?” ■ j * “I don’t know,” replied Mr. Cumrox, “but the story thtf dealer told me about it surely was.” —Washington Star. . , - - Enough Said, / ‘Thrifty, is she?" “Thrifty! I won’t go into a long discourse. I merely tell you that she banks money in December.”—Wash* (ngton Herald. ABusinessProposition Did you ever stop to think, Mr. Business Man, that the news of your business is as much a part of the local events aa ft wedding or a church fair? T h e ; ladles ■are just as much interested in a new fabric you have on the shelves as they are irt any home' happening. Your store news and anouncements in these columns will reach a large circle of eager buyer*. This will enable you to sell your goods while they are new and fresh and you will not have to sacrifice later at -rcmtlant counter prices. Think it over. . THE UNIFORMSIZEOF CHECKS makes it easy to file th«m for future reference, and the fact that you get all your cancelled cheeks for a month from the BanJcAT ONE TIME' leads you to put them away carefully when individual rtetipts, even if you get them, would be likely to be mislaid. All these things combine to make paying by check the only sure way of obtaining a receipt for every pay-, m en# and the only sure way to.preyeat the possibility of paying twice- Have1a bank account here and pay by check, t I t will save you losses and be a great convenience, ! DIRECTORS 45? S. W. SMITH, Pres. GEO. W. B.IFE, 1st V. Pre*. O. L. SMITH, Cashier. OLIVER GARLOUGH, L. E. TINDALL, Asst. Cashier. 2d V. Pres. INTELLIGENT MOTHERS The centennial celebration of tho Cllftbn Tresbytenan church Thurs­ day was one of the best affairs of the kind over held In the county, A full report will be given next we#k. ** .ftMftftftjMiftft *•*, ***** m MM l # ** M ^ ”sus#s5*r HU Dil**Una, “For $200 I’ll fix your teeth so yon can chew without difficulty.” “Jfi I was to give yori ?200 I couldn’t get^an^thing til chew oil.” .‘Life. Worrying th* GolUr. After the bungling golf‘beginner missed the ball seven times the caddy held up bis hand. “There’s a man ganging across in front of ye,” he said. “What If he is?" Tetorted the novice, very red from his exertions. “Xdidn't tell him to!” “Ye maun cry ‘Forel’ if thojCa any­ body in the way when ye’re gaun tae hit the baV’ v “That’s nil very well,” exclaimed the novice angrily, “but how am I to know when Tm going to lilt the ball?” MoG**wi''PU#' ' Into one capful of thick dark mo­ usses stir one trirtpotinful of hour. Cut a remon In slices, carefully re­ move All seeds and chop it fine. Mir. with the molasses aisfi i»onr into A plate covered with a crust, Add art upper Crust and bnko In a hot oven. To iRemove Rust Rrom MisrbU, Make u paste of two parts of kodft, one of powdered ptuuk'O and oho of Salt. Sift, mix with water, rub wolf And wash off. m rnm tto r*itw r#*uv*€ f t Ml i fti, w m l«Mi lft|##A*'iMfts, There’s a Way To defeat the mall order man’s cub- throat methods In this . community. The way is publicity for your business —-it’s th&.same way he uses. Out columns will givs your business th* publicity you need. iYou Owe It § £ £ ' e aoAiirottf yotr how* merchant »nd nlBhil b j 1 trbu tlH tts i*on. Yon con nlway* And th j; nnaonncemoSlS of rdpreoenlntlvohudnuo woij In IhMooolBdina—moo wbo will Mood back of . every etotemenl and price they make. | Printer's Ink When used on good presses and neatlydisplayed type lor your ttalityjk ety is valuable/ We have everj facility for doing the best of job work, at a minimum price. w H s ' p . SALE BILLS 1 AND PRINT* THEM rR J G h T Do not give their childTentea and coffee; and ice water is not good for them. The intelligent mother of today keeps cold Bonano ready the entire day and gives the ohildren all they want. Make it this way: One teaspoon Bonano to each cup water— boil two minutes, Let cool, serve with cracked ice and sweeten,to taste; add, if you like it, a slice of lemon—or instead of th® Bonano to be served iced requires a little longer boil than when served hot, as by ad­ ding ice th* strength is reduced. • 75-cup-can 25 cents—order of your grocer. i n t e r n a t i o n a l , b a n a n a f o o d c o m p a n y , CHICAGO, ILL. TRY OUR IOB PRINTING About whM tlia H o f t J Paper inoAtu THINKABOUTIT..... to you and yours. It means ail the interest tig news of ihft community, of your neigh* boifaand friends, of the churches andschooW, of everything In Which you Are dlr*UU? intemled. Don't you think the Home paper i* a godd thing tp have?