The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

n r B r r Write*'. MM n ? K - f^ = ts » mm tm mmxwL ; &mmp t ^ i .Mis* fiaxab Wolford istbo guest J of Wwhln*ton <?. H, relatives. .> Lear* yotfr order for piano tuning with G. F. Slegler. —Stop with h*r « t Marahftli's loo Croam Parlor. ipujl^1'!«, ifW1 FOR BALD: Anglo reading lamp* m . w* goiiiQs, Rev. Alvin O n preaches Sabbatb morning in the M.P* church. - Mr. Charles Owens attended the London Fair, Thursday. Mrs, I . O. Davis and children of Dayton have been spending several dayB here with relatives. , • Miss Hay of Cincinnati has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, G, H. Hartman this week. Mrs* Julia Condon is visiting Rev, .Walter Condon and family in Tren­ ton. Miss Edith Patton of Columbus is the guest of Mr., and Mrs. D, MI Dean. Rev. Sproul-of Pittsburgh expect­ ed this week and will preach Sab­ bath for the R. P. church. (6 , S.) - Edith Barber is beipg enter­ tained this week by Miss Lucy Shaw of Clifton. ■ Mr. I.,% Cummins and -family of near Xenia spent,Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Wiles. Rev, Robert Galbreath and family of Susquehanna, Pa,, are-visiting Mrs, Elizabeth Galbreath. Mrs. David Rakestraw underwent an operation in Xenia several 'days ago and is reported as improving as nicely as could be expected. Dr. Elmer Elder of - Pueblo, Qol., and Mr. W m .' Elder of Colnmbus are visiting their parents,. Mr. Geo. Elder and wife in Clifton. —We are always glad to see you and opruntiring service is at the command of every customer. Marshall. - Miss Mary . Cooper entertained* this afternoon and again on Satur­ day- afternoon. About twcnty-flye, ladies -are.invited for each, after­ noon, - f . ' ; . . * -. ’ Miss Belize Kerr, who has been spending severs! weeks at Gh&ut*U< qua, N, Y ., .left this morning for RushvlUe, ind., where shewillspend a few1days before going to her home in Knoxville,*'Tehn. —POTATOES FOR SALE’. If you are in need .of potatoes for winter use, engage them early.’ Car due here about .October 1st, at prices the lowest the market affords. Wm. Marshall.. 2022-24 N. Detroit S tM ADAIR’S X E N I A , O H I O Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Rup, Qil Cloth, Linoleum, Matting, Draperies, Etc, ■ -at ■ , Every department of the home included in our big line of Home Furnishings. You can find anything you need to fix up each room complete. —For Sale at coat, mocks, C* M. Crouse, a few ham- The Senibr L* T. L, will meet in the library Tuesday evening at 7:80. Mrs. G. Y* Winter entertained the ,H job Culture US lab, Tuesday after* bon, Postmaster 0. C, Wright and fam­ ily left last Saturday for Idaville, Inn., on a visit.with relatives* —My name is engraved upon the huddle of my umbrella. See if yon have it. , M. I. Marsh, M. D.’ Mr. Earl Keilher of Hamilton Spent Sabbath a,t the home of Mr. L. H. Sulienbergef. Miss"Edith Deafm. of Greenfield has been the guest of Mr, G. Heitz- man, Mrs* Moon returned to Cincinnati after a Cou^ le weeks visit with her sister, Mrs, F. M. Reynolds. LOST: A base ball glove with the initial !‘M. C. J .” FJjnder please return or notify this office. / .. CHURCH SERVICES; ‘ R , P, Church <Main St,) Teachers meeting Saturday evening at 7;00 o'clock; Bible School, Sabbath at StSQa, m .j sermon at 10:30 a, m „ by the Rev. Walter Cooley of De­ troit; sermon in the evening at 7:00 Throat Cut; Suicidal Intent. early thismorning in the bay mow by the Rev. J. Alvm Orr of Phl!a-j0f ht3 bam With his throat cut al- delphia. Christian Endeavor meet*.' ni0st from ear to ear. The discov- ihg at 6 p. m*; Subject, “ Missions in gpy was made by a little son who Turkey and Persia, Apts 4:18-31. Mr. J. 0. Barbert and son, spent Wednesday Jn Cincinnati., i Mr, Roy Dayton* Faster is home from The firm of .D, Bradfute & Son shipped an Angus coif Wednesday to OassellBros.,.Mt. Vernon. Mr. Martin Cnshman and child* ren of Linwood, O.,’ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nagley. bad gone to the barn, From indications the unfortunate Fred, man had first*attempted to take his 'life in the com crib Aft Wood was found on the floor .And could be traced to the hay mow* A knife of some kind bad been used but thus far the instrument baft notbeen dis­ covered,--having probably been thrown ip the hay* Drs. Stewart .UUd„-Marsh, wbre called and dressed the wound*. The jugular vein had been miss'll! by, a fraction of an inch but the v/Ind pipe had been severed as had sever­ al of the cords* Mrs. G. A* McClellan and son, Robert, have been guests-of Mrs, Lucy McClellan. ' ' Mr. Joseph McFarland and wife of Indianapolis, are guests of the former’s parents, Mr and Mrs. John McFarland, -K Mr. Ralph Townsley is much Im­ proved from an attack of scarlet fever, we being in error last week in reporting the case as typhoid fever. Mrs. J. C. McMillan and daughter Mary, of Colnmbus have , been spending several days with Mr, and Mrs.. Alex Turnbull, , —CAR OF POTATOES; If you need any for vylntor u*o* l-will have *o§r here About October 1. Misses Ruth Tarb’ox and Mary Marshall are guests of Miss Helen Ogiesbee. Miss^esephino Orr leaves today tor Hilibbore,' 111., where she has been employed as teacher In' the high schools in that city. . ' Mr. Frank Endsley and wife of Dayton were guests o f Mr. R.- 8 . Townsley and wife the first of the week. ' * Mr* Carl Minser and wife .return­ ed to Alton* Ilk, this "morning after a visit-with the former’s parents, Mr.-anfl Mrs. Charles Minser. Miss Dona Burns ban returned home after a pleasant visit’ with Vefabivesr'atid fmend* -iffi*Benetoba talne. » . Mr. Robert Pltzer, who has been visiting his uupie, Mr* C* If* Stuck­ ey, returned Thursday to M b home «|4n McKeesport, pa.; WHEAT DR ILL : Hearjy now, used one season and is in the bestoi condition. Buckeye fertilizer at­ tachment, ten hoe, disc. Inquire of 0 . F. Marshall or at. this office. Miss’ Martha J. Crawford ol Jamestown, formerly teacher in the public schools here, has returned home after spending the summer vacation with lior brothers, Will and John, and their families In Ok­ lahoma* . : ■ ;■■■ We are'in receipt of the first Issue o f the Sclo Herald under the man­ agement o f Mr. J. C. Foley. The paper is a bright newsy sheet and for the initial number refleets great credit for the new owner. There is no doubt but that Editor Foley will give the people o f that community a paper’ofwb ich they will be Justly proud. J * The Cedafville Village School will open Monday, Sept. 4th, 1911. The parents and patrons of the school are cordially invited to he present at the opening. Very respectfully, F. M. Reynolds, Supt. C I N C I N N A T I My 1 $1 .40 round trip fr om Cedarville St/tfDJfV, JfiVG. 27ih Train leaves 7 : 83 . LAZYLIVER ! «1 ft«4 msi. tt*» l V0«i4 *W1 ki tarns \mt fchri **tel*»1i*. ,. CMatm*candye»U<*rtl* ifaaiter^ * t «t*11#*rt«hly the« ter feints aeMSMtsai,»U 1W « * « « yiteOtenner I , KMifttyfit., Cl»ie»ge»rW.V. . /UMWlitillE,TEIMlitWftUUt. Mr. Ray McFarland Of Columbus and Mr. Arthur McFarland and wife of Dayton were guests .of Mr. D. Hi McFarland and family, Sab­ bath. Mrs, B* K. Turnbull, who has been feeble for some time, was taken suddenly worse last Saturday after­ noon but has*improved during the week. . The Lackey and Ferguson animal picnic Will be held Friday, August 25th at the home o f the late Givens Lackey on the Jamestown and Cedarville pike. , Prosecutor Johnson and Attorney G. W. Orabbe lor the Anti-Saloon League inspected .the books at the freight office last Friday as to ship­ ments ofliquor^ Mr. John Haley returned Tuesday from Centerville,, La., Where he has been spending several mouths with his brother, William, and family. John expects to return some time this fall. Diamonds to the value of fl,<KX) were stolen from the residence of Dr* P. R. Madden in Xenia last Thursday night. The tings had beeii left on a mantle down stairs atid the $hicf entered through a kitchen window by removing a .screen, . Dr. and Mrs L.M. Jones of James-' town Were in the Big Four wreck this side of Columbus last Friday when thirty-five passengers were in Jnred. Both were taken to the Mt. Carmel hospital for treatment* ’ A spilt switch derailed the train and piled up*two day coaches and three Pullmans. .Misees Eraline Dallas and Emma Haya’ard of Cincinnati and Miss Cecilia Dallas of Bainbrldge are being entertained by Prof*'* Foster and wife. Among those who attended the MadiBon County Fair, Wednesday, were; O E. Bradfute, Charles Bales, James Dailey, C. 0 . and wife. *_______ Mrs. Lida D* Archer a n d ,Miss Florence Forbes, who have been at Chautauqua, N. Y ., for several weeks, have returned' horns. Mrs. JeannetteJfqrbissn returned Friday evening. Mrs. Estella Mae Ford, aged 28j died Thursday after a nine weeks illness. The deceased was the wife of Charles Ford,’ a blacksmith em­ ployed at the Townsley Bhop. Her maiden name was Williams and the famlly.came from near Jamestown. The fnfieral will be held Saturday in JameBtown. ' CASTOR!A # For Iniknts and Children. TheKindY ob UaviAlwaysBought Bears the Signature of There is some hope of recovery at this time, J '*•>_’ * Miss Eya-Arthur gavb a'reception Thursday afterjuOpn,to a number of lady friends. ; ' * Dark Asst, > . ; ’ , - The dark ages-.wore -so called from the fact-that for a thousand years or bo during the period, be­ tween the’ fall of tlie llonian empire, and the revival o f learning 33.trope wae in intellectual darkness. Learn­ ing .had jjractieaUy disappeared from the earth. ■very' few were able to read dr write* Tretty.near­ ly all knowledge o f ,the art* and Sciences, o f history and literature, had perished, and the almost uni­ versal ignorance lay upon men' like a great cloud. The wisdom of the past was locked up in Latin, which Wasknown only to the scholars; and it was not until about 1183 (at the fall o f ConstanM&ople) ithat the ’ Gr-'raksbegan raedark- jened m&d of JjSuropeT -' '' -HIMir m l y m nlgi; ? t OnsTfiinfl She H*ld F«»t. A music teacher wakgiving a les­ son to a talented but careless pupil and was rapidly becoming impatient with her. Finally, at a'most com-, plicated part of a dilfidultpiece, the pupil lifted her hands from the piano and made a wild dash for her handkerchief to stop a threatened sneeze. It was the last straw. ."Oh/’ exclaimed . the teacher, thrusting her own handkerchief at her, <fwas there ever such a girl? You lose your position, you lose your fingering, yon lose your hand­ kerchief—you lose everything!*' - "Oh, jno," responded tlw. pupil, with a twinkle. "Not everything! I haven't lost my temper ” ThrJe«i«»t W«y. ' A Meam heating plant had been installed in the house of the new president of a small, conservative college. The president, startled by a break in the steam pipes, went in search of the college janitor. Be­ ing unfamiliar with his new sur­ roundings, he entered,the library. "Ur. it-and-so/' he fnquired, his breath coming in gasps, ■‘ ‘how can I find the janitor?" "Well,” the librarian replied in a slow drawl, "1 find the surest way is to send him a postal oard.”-—Ex­ change. MR. PROPERTY OWNER-Stop! Consider! Why not use the best possible whan YOU pay the bill? Stands (or everything that is best in paint. . - The pigments used! areproperly proportioned andthoroughlycompounded. STUDY THE FORMULA AS SHOWN ON EACH PACKAGE "HANNA’SGREENSEALPAINT is Made to Wear” ‘ • ii rORStt| BY ' ’ l , i . • ' . . ' > • * i " * * f B , > 1 “ . WhereAwe Your Interests ■O Are theyin this community? 9 Are they among the people " with Whomyou associate? . 4|Are they wiihthe neighbors “ ■ and friends vidth whom you do business? If so yon want to knowwhat is.happeningIn this community. You-want to know tha goings'and comings of thopeoplewithwhom youassociate, the little news-Items' of,you* .neighbors,and frlendsrrnpw. don’t.’you? / ThatIs what thispaperElvesyoii.- • ta every issue, it Is prljited for thatpurppse. Urepresents’your, , -Interests and the’interestsOf this town, is your name onoursub- *aoripttonbooks? Iftopb youowe Utdyourself tOSee that ft !a put there* To Jo so Will BeTo Your Interest Graftslteppers have been doing great damage this season td various props irt this section. They are eat­ ing the blades oi the corn and goaw Itig the huftks. Whafc few fields of clover that have been saved for see< have suffered greatly by the pest and it Is doubtful if there .will be any seed m tins section. The melon patches are not escaping as can be 'scan from *’tfe hare spots on the* watermelons and the holes in the cantaloupes* I •s! Make Your Dollar* Work 5and 1-2Per Cent. --- • - . -- .... “ ! Is What The Springfield Building &Loan Association . . •. . . i ■ . . . . . . Pays for Deposits in Any Sum, Slant an Account Now Our assets are $ 2 , 201 , 930.46 Our Iteserve Pund’is $ 112 , 054.12 A BusinessProposition Did you ever stop to think, Mr. Business Man, that the news of your business is as much a part of* the local events as a wedding or a church fair? T h e ladies are - just as much interested in a new fabric you have on the shelves as they are In any home happening. YoUr store news and anouncements in^ these columns will reach a large circle of eager buyers. This will enable you to sell your goods while they are new and fresh and you will not have to sacrifice later ^at remnant counter prices. Think it over. Springfield Building & Loan A$$ 06 iation* 28 East Main St.i Springfiald, Ohio. p ■ , •. . . ■ * There’s a Way l o defeat the mail grder nub’ s cut­ throat methods In this community. The w ay is publicity for your business — ft’ s the same w ay ho uses. * Ous columns w ill g iv j your business the publicity you need. Y o u O w e I t to'bny'jroaf A READY RESOURCE The greatest value;money has to the average man is when it is used in his own business or to meet some unlooked for personal emergency. , . . When money is put, into a permanent investment' it becomes unavailable for either of these primtfpurposes. * It is much wiser to have your surplus deposited in this strong Bank, earning a fair rate of interest; and where you can get it any. day you want it,, than to in­ vest it in any permanent way whatever. , Are you follow*dg this/conservative plan in Y D i p t , • finance*? - K ' ‘r . ;lV%; DIRECTORS S. W. SMITH, Pres. GEO. W, B IFE , 1st V. Pres. ; SMITH, Cashief. OLIVER GARLOUGH, L. E, TINDALL, Asst. Cashier. 2d V. Pres. I » i THE EXCHANGE BANK, CEDARVILLE, OHIO. I INTELLIGENT MOTHERS JIlHMWjsmaf-mw nuw «... ctety fitAttment andJ»rlc«theymake. P r in te r ’ s In k . When used on good pnmteft aud neatly displayed type lor yotir ttabon* ety i* valuable. W e have evm facility lor doing the Jbett or job Work, at a minimum price. w E B R I N T SALE BUIS i u .,-i iuMMrv .......... . AND PfilNT THEM RIGHf iteiiifig ....................... . Do not give their children tea and coffee; and ice water is not good for them. The intelligent mother of today keeps cold . Bonano ' ready the entire day and gives the children all they want. Make it this way : One tehipoon Bonano to each cup water— boil two minutes. ‘ Let Gobi, i serve v*with , cracked ice and sweeten to taste; add, if you like it, a slice of lemon—-or instead of the Bonano to be served iced requires a little longer boil than when served' hot, as by ad* ding ice the strength is reduced. 75 -cup-can 25 cents— orcler of ypur grocer* IN TERNAT IONAL B A N A N A , FOOD COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL . THINKABOUTIT About <wbM the paper meant toyouandyour*. Itmeansail the Interest* itignews of thecommunity, of yourneigh* j bomandfriends,ofthechurchesaodschooU, of everything In which ydu are directly ( interested, Don’t ybu think tha Mom* PApet is a goodthing tphave? « W. L . CL.E.MANS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT MY SPECIALTY--— * ' Ohio, Texas & Canada Pams • I have some good farms in Kansas Missouri and other Western States. Excursions to Texas or Canada first and third Tuesdays of each month. Office opposite the Eoster Hotel. Both Phones, Cedarville, Ohio. k * ' \