The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

r v , 'V i< * # a a a > n o o fWrtiiiiiwwWw1 0 0> (0 z o H N O VICXOBY Stupendous PyrotechnicSpectacle DepletingThisVictorya NightlyFreeFeatora atOhioState Fair.. AT COLUMBUS, AUGUST 28,29,30, 31, SEPTEMBED1 Alapificent Fireworks DisplayStagedbya Companyof Three HundredExperts. AProduction Apealing Especially toBuckeye Citizens. P ERRY’S GREAT VICTORY on Lake Erie during the war of 1912, the centennial of Which glorjous achievement ~ will shortly he fittingly celebrated, will he vividly and realistically reproduced for. the pleasure of State Fair visitors this year. The affair will be staged earth night by the Allan Pyro-Spectac- ular Company, of Rochester, N.- Y„ and will be the most dazzling .and this,without a <?eht of additional ex­ pense to the^n > The spectacle of Perry’s victory is reproduced by means of mafiy thou­ sand yards of fine oil painted scenery, with 'miniature war vessels mechanl- cally constructed and arranged so as to maneuver as though in real action. The scene depicts Put-In-Ray and vi­ cinity, on Rake Erie, where the fam­ ous battle was fought the first, and only one in which an entire British where the fighting is fiercest the grand old flag-ship. Lawrence, can he seen leading, with her intrepid commander lushed to the rigging. So realistic is the production that one can easily imagine he can hear, even above the roar of the cannon, bis famous bat- tleery that,, has come ringing down through the ages—“Don’t give up .the • ship,” The grand variety of bombs, fine darts, lightning. flashes and thunder PERRY'S VICTORY OR LMtjE'. ERIE— S tATE, FAIR FEATURE. awe-inspiring scene oyer witnessed in Ohio. air. Allan’s success as a mas­ ter of pyrotechnic art' has. extended over nearly all 'the civilized world during the past twenty years, He has visited all • the foreign countries, in­ cluding Japan and China, and made a study of.,their.mastarpiftoes 'works. THh knowledge thus gained, coupled with his own inventions, en- ' ables his company1of experts to stage a collection of startling and realistic designs that never 4fall to please his audiences.' State Fair visitors are to he' given the benefit of alL of it, and squadron wtaa defeated, put to lyout and, forced 'to -surrender.. . , ■ The scene opens-With Perry’s scout boats maneuvering and passing out by picturesque tjibralter island, on the rneaiorable morning of September Id, 1813, Commodore perry's much sought and Iqhg lookefi-for, op­ portunity' has feepie, Tor the British Commodore with -fleet of Men-of-War and Veteran fighting crews is at last putting Out at sea to give battle. ' With lightning-jike action Perry gets his' fighting fleet under way and scon meets up with the enemy*.'and Bifects from High explosive shells, discharged from these miniature war­ ships, would. startle eveu Perry and Barclay themselves could these grand old heroes but witness the reproduc­ tion of .their great battle. pleased ah is always the audience with, this grand miniature- battle' Scene, a no less satisfying feature- will he the gorgeous fireworks feast that'will he elaborately displayed as a finale-to the"mammoth spectacle. 'This- will be more extensive in size and far more effective than has ever been attempted at the 'State Fair, DAILY FEATURES AT OHIOSTATE FAIR STATEFAIR NOTES. Novel Displays InEach of its MaiMlh ExhibitBuildings, 'i ft Ohio’s sixty-first annual State Fait Will he held ”u Columbus,' Aug, 2S* Sept, 1* The exposition will be open «Jay and night. Demands for exhibit space have already exceeded the ca­ pacity of the handsome' exposition buildings. The most complete exhi­ bition'In the state’s history is as­ sured. Novel educational features will be found in 'each of Sts 20 district departments. An elaborate amusement and entertainment pro­ gram has been provided. Harness racing, band concerts and free circus acts are daily features, Allan’s stu­ pendous spectacle, ’’Perry’s Victory ou take Erie,” will thrill the crowds each night. Each performance of the spectacle followed ’by a $5,000 fire­ works display. The Ohio State Fair Is the pride of Buckeye citizens, its purpose Is to educate the people ifi Advanced farming. The annual exposition is held un­ der the auspices of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, each member of which is charged with important duties th the exhibition may be brought to a successful issue. Following are the 1011 departmen­ tal assignments: Presidfent-^C. H, Ganson, Tirbana, Treasurer-—L. W. Kilgore, London. Horse*~E. L. Lybargerr •Warsaw* Cattle—J„ A* Beldler, Willoughby, Swine—J. F, Cross, Washington C, H. '. .. ■• Sheep and Poultry—Jacob Dean, ■Chester* ' ■ ; ■ Agriculture and Horticulture—W* G, Farnsworth* WatorvHIe. Machinery — P. G. Ewart. East Akron, .■.* Woman’s and Art—T. E* Gromley, Ashville. Music and Merchandise—C* W, Me* Fiuland* Mt. Gilead. Farm Beys’ Camp located north(of horse exhibit building.. Twenty' fre&feature acts programed dally August 28, September 1, Seven hundred head of horses in one building. The largest horse show in the union. An unsurpassed display cf. pure bred caitie. no less than 1,600 ani­ mals will be on exhibition, $n,QQ0 in speed'. purses.” -Three races daily, Fastest half-mile track in the state, ’ , 100 picked men from the State Na­ tional Guard will police the grounds. hibit. A school no citizen .should fail to attend. Lovers of music will be entertained by band concerts and plant? recitals. Interesting and educational dis­ plays by Ohio’s most prominent and .energetic manufacturers. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Band concerts, free circus acts, fire­ works and Allan’s stupendous specta­ cle^ “Perry’S Victory on Lake Erie,” are" the ,features of the night enter­ tainment at the Ohio State Fair* Col­ umbus, August 28—September 1, Grounds and buildings will ho bril­ liantly Illuminated. All exhibit build­ ings will be open. Reduced gate aa- >’*1 HORftE EXHIBIT BUILDING—OHIO STATE FAIR, A me3*1 military camp will be estab­ lished, With Adjutant General Wey- breeht in charge* Collective county displays will be found in the agricultural building* 5,000 bhaep and. swine Will bo quar­ tered in the handsome structures de­ voted lo these displays, Women’s Free Ddy Monday, August 28* Children's Free Day* Friday, Sep­ tember 1, Thousands of machinery displays* The latest inventions for ybur inspec­ tion. Open day and night. August 28, September!. Myriads of ^amusements. mission will prevail. ’ Interurban and steam roads will run special trains, that all may >avail themselves of a night visit to Ohio’s Exposition. STATE FAIR RACES. ' The harness events- scheduled ,in connection with tlfe Ohio Stale Fair, Columbus, August 28—September 1, promise to bring together the fleetest horses now campaigning Over the half-mile rings. As the Exposition follows Immediately after the close of the Columbus,Grand Circuit Meet­ ing, many of the horses there entered will compete with the "half-miters” and attractions. Countless educational for the liberal purses. The going will displays. The famous Experiment Station ex- rsSaass he fast, and, as one of the followers said “ there will he some boss racin'* To Cure a Cold in One Day T«ka L a x a t i v e B r o n o Q u in in e l A caovery I NMM Exciting Homo Drinks Lead to Exciting Saloon Drinks Protect your home and health by always serving IT SA T IS F IE S . Good fqr the fam ily— old folks, young folk* and babies. E conom ica l-three cups for a cent, and be- stdes that-^the best and most healthful drink. Give it to the children. They w ill acquire a good habit. Don’t give them tea and coffee and teach them a bad habit. Order a 25-cent can of your grocer t o d a y - enough for 75 big cups* INTERNATIONAL*BANANA FOOD COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. To be given aw ay Monday, Noy. 20, ' l l . A t 7 o’clock p. m* In addition to the Pony will be given $50 in Gold— divided into seven prizes, $ 15 ,. $10 $ 5 , $ 5 , $ 5 , $5 $ 5 . Tickets given with each 25 c CASH purchase. 1 Save Your Tickets. Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Fruits Etc. We Meet all Prices Made. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. If you want to dress right up,to-date let us make your clothes. W e have the goods and we guarantee the workmanship. Every thing to be first-class or no sale. JACOB KAHY, The Leadinig Merchant Tailor. Xenia, Ohio. ANNOUNCEMENT I have purchased the blacksmith tools and .business of Arthur Townsley and I have con­ solidated the same with my harness business . and am now located on South Main Street, Cedarville, where an invitation is extended to all friends to call* I am prepared to do first class blacksmithingK wood work, .harness making and repairing -heatly done and at reasonable prices. All work.guaranteedto please., I am'also prepared to build cement columns for porches andjornamentai work as well as cement building blocks. Friends and former patrons are urged to call . when in need of work along our line. Respectfully, R- E- TOWNSLEY* South Main St., Cedarville, Ohio. !3se X X .Q B T OUR PRICES ON P RM N G X X 4 TRY OUR JOB PRINTING Annwvi. For Es Work v that of •«*«*** THIJTi • 1 'i. Death resul nd wounds on Iasi? Satin'd a w’eloek.' A s : issue Mr. M take fils life e Ha bad gone • be bad iufljch throat with 1 mentwas iau McMillan wat after corahn'i wentinto the into an obscu «jow* When tonne ened copditid ■blood and the partially sev< , and Dr. Marsl and throughoi. acme hope qi the night he fit pired at four 0 The act is th jnitted over wc of his-fatherh estate. The ) been appoints McMillan esla waB supposed t; but his death 1 -and no success1 ed. - The funeral late residence, ■ '1:30, and were atives and neij place at Massi< The followln by Rev* Taylo Gavin Riley *\i* ,est child of JH Joanna Wiutei April 20th, 1801' March, 1892, t year of his li Minnie Alexau been born f< Harvey, Wilbi whorii, with ■to mourn the b , end, a kind ant’ Mr. McMilh , .father’s farm i> working and s~ ■ the day ot-his t ” He was amen ► v With . this he was hut a t- And aU these 3 • tnarkably fait Obligation, 11v* Christian life. ,' Unlike some manhood and always looked sel even in th< ' business as a 1 know his fafclu - that and nutur greatly upon I And wiien a father died Ki great loss, As he missed his f Androcfently it intimate frienc. some .nature tveighing upon l day morning, it was an utterly sponsible state e'ei to and his lit o f this attempt. urday morning During most and until aboi conscious. Dm C * i 1 Our 5 Is always ex' distress, but'’ pathy to \v; who borrow paper when o f his own * expense, standsJor v the interest1 town, It dc and Fnianeia’ a r e ' not » family o f u h lubseription. h —- i*,rri-%r“'lrtjf^iVr;J>w