The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52
JWl!UJJJL|li!l!H.i. • m m s p iK m i n pinmnii . FOB BALE OH®AT : Good phae ton hujflff, Inquire at this office. HOUSE FOB EBHT :- Bee Mrs, Z. T. Phillips, Miss Eva Arthur has bail for her * guest, Miss kelson, of Springfield. ! '-'Stop with hsr at lea Craam Pafior. M^rahaM'a Mr. M. W. Collins is spending few clays in.Indianapolis, a i —For Sals ;~ inoeks. C. M. at cost, * Crouse. few hain- F ob S amu - •yjn# canning pears. Mrs. J. U, Foley. ■I)r. M. I. Marsh amt wife are visit ing MiJ ford relatives. Mr. Geo. W .Itife was iu Columbus Wednesday, on a business trip. ' Mrs. M, A. CJ'cswell spentWodnes-1 ciay in Springfield, I | Bev. J, H, Kendall, D, D., and sis. 1 |ter of Tarentiun, Pa., are guests of Mr. Daniel Dallas and family. Mrs. Ora Bainsey ot Xew York City is being entertained by her par ents, Mr, and Mrs, Allen Haines. Mrs, F„ V. Tarbox and daughter. -Buth of Xenia visited here Wednes day and Thursday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs, 0. M. Oropse has been quite ill for sev eral days. —Purchase, a hammock at cost, several patterns to selectfrom. Q, M, Grouse, 1 can give you the best prices on any quantity of ice cream. Marshall, • iHOTIOE—Mo hunting with dog or gun or trespassiug on my farm without permission. D» S. Ervin. ~W e are always glad to see you apd ouryntir|ng service is at the command of every customer, Marshall. . Mr. Henry Kyle, threshed his wheat crop Wednesday and the thir ty acres made Over 30 bushels to the acre. 'Messrs, Donald and Malcom Mc Kenzie of Flushing N. Y., have been guests of- their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McMillan the former returning home several days ago. The Senior b . T. Ii, will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’ clock. A special program lias been'ar ranged and all members are request ed to be present. Mr. Oliver Dodds and wife of Ak ron, who. have been .visiting the former’ s parents lb Xenia, have -been guests of Mr. aud Mrs. J, H, Wolford. ‘ \ Mr. Fra.nk Spencer, sen of Mr. J. H. Spencer, o f Earlhatn, loWa. is here on a month’ s visit with his uncle and aunts, Mr. James Spencer and sisters. FOB. SADB Automobile, buggy type, just the thing fo r , or farmers torun errendav W ilt sell dirt cheap as it stands or will guar antee, Kalph Wolford, > *1 Mr. Edgar Marshall of DaFayette, Ind„ spent Saturday with his Bister in-law, Mrs, D. H. 'Marshall, Mrs, Hannah Xenia spent Friday and Saturday with Mrs. John McFarland. Mr, and Mrs, 8. T. had' for their guests. Baker and daughter ot G. K. Baker have Mrs. Harry Washington Mr. Herbert Reed, and wife of Springfield were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marshall Sabbath and Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. JL. H. Sulienberger, accompanied by Mr. Wffiter Ballon? ger, visited m Oxford over Sabbath, making the,trip by auto. WHEAT D ftllit,: Hearty new, used one season and is in the best of condition. Buckeye fertilizer' at tachment, ten hoe, disc. Inquire of 0, F. Marshall or at this office. ’ - The Ladles Aid Sooiety o f the M. E. Church will give a dime social on the lawn at the home of Mrs. F. M Reynolds on Friday evening, flefTfceffiber 8th. Everybody cordial ly invited. Mr. T. H. Richards attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. W. J. Pas co in Dayton, Tuesday, who died* laBfc Saturday after a long illness. Mrs. Richards has been at the bed side of her sister for several weeks. ■ Vandals did great damage to tbe gasoline engine belonging to Calvin Ewry sometime Thursday night. The engine was over-turned and various parts token. Mrs. Flora Dobbins reports the theft of a bridle, saddle, 'robe and duster last night. Three suspicious parties stop ped in front o f Kerr A Hastings Bros elevator between two and three O’clock, but it Is not known that they did any damage at this plant. The men were unknown to the party that saw them, Mr. George Stewart was success ful in winning a dollar in the State Journal's gingle contest. The fol lowing is the verse: To write a verse to make It rhyme, Requires some thought, as Well as time, To write an ad to make it pay, . Requires some thought as what to ■ m y i To place this ad where people read, The Ohio State Journal is What you need. —George <3. Stewart, Cedarville. LAZY LIVER "1 ««4 Ceeettet* M toe« ♦?»* 1 Vfttia * 0 * ta» wittiest them. I *»• troubled # * « » * A ttlfltk W C llU tir »*dhe*d»«h«y How » 1 #«<; UU»| 1 f««l tery inSeHTwtWr 1 *fc«It rerteialy reeotawend theta to tOf M»»A* «* theWat medkla# X 1 » M W »*«»•".. ASS* Stelhet, OJbotn MIHKe.», *>ll R lw# >• tablet eienped 0 0 Q, —— —— *«•,»*,• Wl oby.ini' termor bus) MtwttDtt Chk««« ot K.f. m /mftflU&THMWMMil*. Mr. Janies Ferguson and wife have, returned to Belmont County after a pleasant visit with relatives here. . ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wolford spent the first of the week near Winches ter, Ind.. the iatter remaining for several days. Mrs, J. A. Bumgarner, accompan ied by her grandson and nephew, are visiting relatives in Portsmouth and Waverly. ' Prof. D. L. Crawford and family of Xenia were entertained at dinner Thursday, by Mr. A. Z. Smith and family. . . Mrs. Myrtle Chapman Flee oi Washington, O, H., is being enter tained by. Mr. M„ O. Hagley' and, wife. Mr. Flee is expected Satur day., , Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Cooley, who have been visiting Mr. Charles Goo- ley and other relatives in the county pave returned to their home in De troit; ‘ y * ’ t Mrs: Dora Paullin and' daughter, Mrs. Reeder and two children of Jamestown have been entertained at the home of Mr, J* W. Johnson this week. -G A R OF POTATOES: I f y neod any for winter use I will have a ear here about October 1. Lowest market price. Wrti. Marshall; Mrs. W. A , Spencer and daughters Ethel and Wilmah and Mr. RoJ Bllultz of Dayton spent Mouday in Springfield with Mr. J. M, Bull and wife. . Miss Hat e Kerr, who lias been spending several weeks at Chautau qua, FT. Y ., left this, morning for Knoxville, Tenn.,.after a short viBifc with Mrs. Dora Kerr. -POTATOES FOR SALE.' If you aro in need of potatoes for winter use, engage them early, Car due here about October 1st, at prices the lowest the market affords. Wm. Marshall, Mrs. W. H, Illff returned home I t om Boston last evening alter a visit of several weeks with her son, Rev. W. W. Ihff and family. MissSa.vdie who accompanied her mother East, will remain a few weeks longer. Earl McClellan, a student of Ced- arville College, who has been doing some Canvassing work In Illinois Withsome other college friends, was engaged in n"W. 0, T.TKgrand gold medal contest at the Ottawa Chau tauqua Ottawa, 111., August 26tli, and had the honor of showing tlie Illinois orators that some people in Ohio could apeak also.-T-GA^ri’ETE. . The equipmontfor the stone crush er to ho used in connection with the macadamizing of the Columbus pike has arrived and is being placed at the Orr quarry. There is some doubt about the contractors being able to build the road this fail owing to Work Already started in other parts of the county. This Wicked World. When* a banker does go wrong, It seems to Increase the general satis- faction If it Is stated he was also su perintendent of a Sunddy school.— Atchison Globe. CA STOR IA For Infant* And Children. fit KindYouHanAlwaysBought Fears the Blgnature of FAVORITES WIN Ho, matter which way the wager ig, It’ s presumption though to use food-stulls you’re not certain about. NEW SWEET FLOUR FROM YEAR’S WHEAT, Gladdens the housewife and helps hor ivnoii baking or cooking. FLOUR HERE* IS A1. EVERY s a c k is w a r r a n t e d ; Cedarville Flour Mills, Where Are Your Interests . <|Are theyinthis community? .*1 Are they among the people with whomyou associate? •JAre they withthe neighbors and friends with whom youdo business? If so you want to know what Is happaning In this community. You want to know tha goings and comings ot thapeople withwhom you 'associate, the little news Items of your neighbors and friends—now don’t you? That Is what this paper gives you In every Issue. It' Is printed for that purpose. I.t represents your ’ . Interests and the interests of this town, Is-your name on our sub scription books? If not, you ov/e ft. to yourself to see that it Is put . there. To do so Will'Be'To Your Interest mmmmmmmmm ammmmmm : A BusinessProposition M d you ever stop to think, Mr. Business Man, that the news o f your business is as much a -pa rt o f the local •events is - ft wedding o r a church fair? . T h e 'ladies' a r e . ' ' a * much interested in a new fabric you have on the shelves as they are in any home happening. Y ou r store news and anouncements m these columns will reach a, large circle o f eager buyers. This will enable you to sell your goods while they are new and fresh and- you will not have to sacrifice later at remnant counter prices. •Think it over. There’s a Way To defeat the mail order .man’ s cut throat methods in this community. The way is publicity for your business —It’s the same way he uses. 0u» columns will give your business the publicity you need. lo yourowu eommnulty to buy your You Ow e It roods from your ktgtaa merchant aud *till'd by her business men. You can elwity* Sad tits announcements of representative business men Itt these column*—men who Wilt stand bach of every statement and price they xuakt!. P r in t e r ’s in k When used on good presses and neat!' Splayed type for vour station ery is valuable. We nave every facility for doing the best of job work, at a minimum price. W B P R I N T SALE BILLS AND PR I NT THEM R I GHT A b o u t what the H o m e Paper means THINKABOUTIT to you and jrours. it means alt the interest ing hew3 of the community, of your neigh bors and friends, of the churcho3audschcsols, of everything In which you Ore directly interested, Don't you think tho Horae Paper is a good thing in have? Childish ingenuity. If grown-ups wei’d as Ingenious in manufacturing happiness ns children are, this old World would be grinning all the time. Two little boys in Jands street yesterday had a roller filtato to play with. The Digger boy put it on, and tho Smaller boy rode aatrldo the bigger boy’s foot. The two of them had as much fun Out of that skate as if It had been an automobile.—Nowark (N. J.) News. . Part of the Scheme. “Oh, Wllliol" exclaimed little Elsie, “What did you open that oven door/or? Don’t you know that will spoil tho cake mamma’s baking?" "£Suro!“ re-, plied Wffife, ‘‘an’ if It’s spoiled sho'd let us eat nit we want of Id,"---Catholic Standard and Times, Light to Banish Sorrow. Sorrow dwells tangent where the «un Is shut out--Florida Tlmeo-D,nlon. UNSOUGHT GLORY. Luck of an Involuntary Haro >f th* Franco-Pruysian War. During the Fr;tnvn-F.-ur:-iiu$ wap ik i horse o f a Prussian favalrjinan, in voluntarily Aid an act which led to the tap!ure of a Freitah battery, aivl, just as often happens in life, the credit fo r it wag bestowed else where. One day during a hot conflict the troop o f cavalry in which Fritz, wham we* will call the, soldier in question, rode came to the top o f a hill. On the crest ojbanother hill find across a deep ravine the French had planted a battery. Suddenly Fritz’s horse reared : and jumped and started down the ! fail ti ard the ravine on a’ swift run. Fritz tried to cheek the frightened animal, but found that it liad taken the bit in its teeth and was wholly unmanageable, Down the hill, across the ravine and up tho hill on the opposite side the horse went at a wild gallop. The French battery began pour ing out'shot and shell; and Fritz realized that a runaway horse was exposing him to a terrible danger, The cannon boomed, and the thriek- .ing shells passed by his head, but by some strange fate neither he nor his-horse was harmed. t As the horse dashed up the hill to the very mouth of a cannon •Fritz concluded .to make the best o f his dangerous situation and drew his saber for self defense. To his surprise, he saw the Frenchmen leave their batteries and turn like frightened sheep. But he understood why they were panic stricken when he looked back' and saw his comrades charging up the hill on -their horsed By this time he had gained control o f .his horse, and, dismounting, he" held one o f the enemy’s guns aa the prize he had captured. When the other cavalrymen came up he found out that they did not know his horse had. tun away, but thought')* was all personal bravery on his part and that he had urged the animal to., make its mad race into “ tho jaws o f death” to capture the battery. Did Fritz explain that his bravery liad been,forced upon him ? - Well, no! He wus a shrewd and sensible fellow, so he accepted compliments and congratulations and said noth ing, ■ . ( IIo was promoted to a captaincy, and all because q£ his runaway horse. I f Fritz had not-made that ride tho cavalry wonfd never^have attempted ft. Sh» W«s Hon 9 *t Enough. Haying vouched for the honesty ‘ o f tlie woman who desired a situa tion as scrubw'oman; the good na- t e c d man was subjected to a severe examination hy the superintendent o f the building, , ’ ‘ "There are degrees ,o£ honesty/* said _ the superintendent. ^Itdw honest is she?” Tho good matured maw reflected- "W e ll/’ ho said, " I ’ ll tell you. She is so honest that i f you throw anything' that looks to be worth a copper into the wastebasket you have to take it ‘Destroy this’ or she will fish it out and put it back on your disk n ight.lifter night, no matter, how badly yotfTvapt to gei rid o f it. I don’ t know that I can say anything more,” >1 " “ Ho moro is necessary,” said the superintendent, and he proceeded to-'h ire tho woman.—Hew York* Sun. _ ’ ■ ■ ■ ■■?: ’ ■. Tho- Oldest Banknot**. The oldest banknotes in the world are the “ flying money/-’ or convenient money* first issued in China in 2G97 B. 0. One- writer tells that the ancient Chinese bank notes were hi many respects sim ilar to those o f the present day, bearing the name o f the bank, tho date o f issue, tho number o f the note, the signature o f the official who issued it and its value in boll; figures and words. On the top of- these curious notes was the follow ing philosophic injunction: “ Pro duce ail you can; spend with ecou- omy.” The note was printed in, blue ink on paper made from the fiber o f the mulberry tree. One of those notes bearing tho dale 139(1 Ii. 0 . is still preserved in the Asi atic museum at St. Petersburg, Traveled to tho Tarmlnfis. An old country couple once visit ed a town and boarded a tramear. They were not long seated* when the conductor called out; “James street/’ and a gentleman alighted. A t the next stopping place he called o u t• “ Victoria street” and a lady got out,' The next was “ John street/’ and two gentlemen got out this time. The old woman plucked her hus band by thoLoofit and asked, “ Is it no' time wo were gettin’ dot?” “ Whist, waman,” he replied; “ don’t show yet ignorance. We’ ve iae wait till bur names ca’d-” -—Lon don Ideas. 1911 1911 Jobe Brothers & Co. , Announce Their First Fall Showing of n iL L IN E R Y Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dress Goods, Silks Women’s and Misses’ Shoes. Thu rsday Friday and Sat urday Sept. 14th, 15 and 16. J O B E B R O T H ESHec CO . XENIA, OHIO.- V A W .W A V .W .V A V A W W A V .V A ’ A V A V A 'A Y .V A V W A Y /W J W V W W A ^ W W V A V A r , • ; £ AN INVITATION I issnon M U M MILE1 ViolaCream podltivoty •»ftdic*t*a freckiM, stole*, b l * ek heiuJ*,entihtmiMi*tea, eeljoeia* dineAted, totdhed, tonels M S oOf’ i/ueie in no mumMMiw m lew jJtcpnrMtan. 3 « a llw iMM t o ftta ■world4# grcftWBkfeSiteefftlbit. A t #11 Hrafeteteot mailed far M cent#. ,T«jpMllSa Mod W e moct cordially invite the Men and Young Men o£ Cedarville and vicinity to visit our store on Saturday, September 9th. On that day we will will make a complete display | | of&ll that’s new in Suitings for Fall and Winter :j wear. The showing will embrace all the newest fabrics in the season’s latest patterns and colorings. J If You’ve never been inside of a S I E B L E R S U IT attend our opening and lef us show yoti where you have been spending too muchmoney for your tailored clothes. W e have hut the one price NO MORE $15 NO LESS Made to Your Measure SIEBLER TAILORING C0.1 Corner Main and [Limestone Sts. ^ Springfield,| 0 . - - . ’ . , V , : f . ■ , •••■. ' . <' . \ ‘ ^ •, VVVVV 'AAVVVAW .WA^NW .WAV .WY '.W^VV .'VVVMVIMVb 'VVUVVWVVVWUV IAMNVWM Only Once in a Lifetime You will buy a boiler i f you buy wisely. A boiler will give you SUMMER HEAT IN W INTER ,1 ■will heat every portion of your house, and the money invested will give more comfort health and happiness than cad he obtained in any other manner. It will banish colds, pneumonia and will ROB WINTER OF ITS TERRORS and rigors. While indoors YOU WILL NOT KNOW IT IS WINTER. Without boiler heat you are missing the greatest, comfort and blessing in life. Find out the cost to secure such heating And you will wonder why you did not have it done before. HIGH GRADE STANDARD BOILERS furnish well heated houses at minimum cost o f installation and for fuel . Twenty-two years' experience shows us what to furnish to secure best results. OUR CATALOG IS H tE E . A sk tot It tad tot *Of Inlortnstion ebenat HesSnc. G I B L I R ®L CO. * « U T I C A , N. Y. #i*Se & X GET OUR PRICES ON PRINTING. 3 C X
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