The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52
- -f- 3 < i r M i i ] t o e i^UiitSNSW louse for .. —S top so CreaP’ >'" FORSA >n buggy Mr. Frai .u’u to Ha Mr. €lii ,ie day n Mr- Ber illicit toi st of mot Mrs. Dr. utertaitie Irs. J O. The W. ' ay afterr ie Hall. Mies He aturday .esse Ros NOTIG1 r .gun or Ithout pi Frof. F. • jent- So1 here the, ui; Mr. Oa augbter, f Mrs, Gi 1 Miss Mi. pr, H.'.Y. larber. -jflfo a ou And < he comr ■ Itev. lie l the R. 1 ath, iuor “ CAR eed .any ave a cs owest r~ Dr. J. V ampfttiie hi* have ■oeks wi mietl ho y WHEA sed one ■ ondition ichmeiit !. F. Mnr InvUal? iago of A nd Miss < er of a Iprlngfle! raduate Ison to o ipringtlo1 a W .’ JI<* Joinnlere D; B. K p J iage late he brlcif iopt. 20 a Wm. G dr. and Selma, il osls ol tit he youn realth t< ipponUie me brotf lis pareis Tuesday Jreeli cot ' Mr, Jo’ sago Tne leath of garland, and, wit for more ssurvL- ion, lt<»r ‘olluwinr.' ffharlefl ' M ». M Mrs. V. ' Midhits Burial u mr>r* H THE <iy day Ikraiih. i$ wlmfc :s : .-athliU’k t’ s sold. . the best ive cost, not high JSE, £4. in erU.S. iVebster Modern Seaeral oubletl. htioas. uses. r r . ; ' - iven- tility. -I.MASS., location. it... • HOTEL C0 PSTAIRS ttN TS . !loor r . * then Gul- K ' rurnitur* 0*ra**l Building / SON, Dentist. U. Barn. (181 OHIO rr“ trtoask svo the tor this buying nine—* E fim - W ; imitate tee than; the fa« l large* cL l i U N i « ,D . ...faaaartwj. Jamestown Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 20,21,22. 3 R a ce s - DA ILY = 3 Big Free A cts FAMILY TICKETS $1,25 ADMISSION 25c. I LOCAL AND PERSONAL. House for Rent. Mr*. Z. T. Philips. —Stop with her at Marshall’s Ice Cream Parlor. . KpR SALE ,CH,EAP: Good phae ton buggy. Inquire at this <JfB.ce. Mr. Frank Crestvell expects to re- turnto Hale Gontt-r, Texas, Monday, EURNISHED ROOMS: For rent in a very pleasantloeation on Xenia avenue. Mrs, Jennie Edgar, Mrs. H, H. McMillan' left Thurs day morning for Hew pop cord where she wilkspend a few days. Mr. Roscoo McGorkell, who has been with Ii.iif Bros, at Benton Harbor, Michigan., this summer, lias returned, home. Mr. Charles Owens is spending the day m Toledo. • Mri Bert Turner has purchased a Buick touring ear and joined the list of motorists for tills section. Mrs. Dr, Gray of. Dayton is being entertained for the day by Dr, and Mrs. J. O. Stewart. The W. C. T. U. will m«et Thurs day afternoon Sept. 2lst. in-Came gie Hall. Sec.- Miss Nolle Ralls of Dayton spent Saturday and Sabbath with Miss Besse Ross. ■ ' ‘ NOTICE—No hunting with dog or gun or trespassing on my farm .without permission. D. S. Erviil. Prof, F. M. Reynolds and family spent Sabbath at. Blanohester," where they attended a family reun ion. Mr. Older Burrell, ' wife and daughter, of Springfield were guests of-Mra. 0 , D. Dabhinsover Sabbath. . Miss Minnie Edwards of Roohes- ter, N, Y.,- is the guest of Mrs. J. 0 . Barber, -~yt/o arc always glad to see you and our Untiring sorvice is at the command of ©very customer. Marshall. Rev, Reid of Boston, will preach iu the R. P. church, 0 . S-, next Sab bath, nioriunframl evening. “ CAR OF POTATOES: If you need any for winter use I will have a car here about October 1. Lowest market price, Wm. Marshall. Dr; J. W. Dixon and family, ac companied by Mr, Robert Hanua, who have been spending several weeks with relatives in Idwa, re turned home last Friday. WHEAT DRILL: Nearly'new, used one season and is in the bestot condition. Buckeye fertilizer, at tachment, ten hoe. disc. Inquire of C. F. Marshall or at this office. Invitations are out for the mar riage of Attorney J. Fred Anderson and Miss OhristelRelchard, daugh ter of a prominent physician in Bprlrtgfleld. Mr, Anderson is a graduate of the college and has risen to considerable prominence in Bpringileld where lie i3 practicing law. He is also Secretary of the Commercial Club of which Mr. 35, s . Kelly is president. Tim mar riage takes place from the home of the bride on ‘Wednesday evening, Sept- 20 at 6:30 O’ clock. Wm. G« Woodson, aged i«, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Woodson of Selma;' died Sabbath With tubercu losis of fho bowels. For some months the young man has been in poor health following an operation for appendicitis. The, deceased teaves ono brother and two Meters besides his parents. The fun«ral was held Tuesday afternoon, burial abMassies Crook cemetery. Mr. John Uifl was called to Ohf- cago Tuesday by" the sickness and death of his sister, Mis. Five .Me* Fftidaml, wife of William McFar- land, Who had boon in poof health for more thart a year. The deceased is {survived by a lmsdand and one son, Itoliin, of rft. Louis, and the following brothers and sisters: Charles Ilitf, Mrs. Martha Hilf and; Mrs. Flora Kareh, Chicago, and) MrS.T. V, Till* and John Iliif and; and Mrs. W. H. Owens of tide place Burial took place in Chicago today,, AhMM u *M m *V Jg&SZmm. «••• *--------- Mrs. D,. H. Marshall, has been spending a few'(Jays with Mr. W. L. Marshall and family'and Mr. Jesse Marshall of Xenia. Fifteen members ot the Dayton Motor Cycle Club took dinner at the Foster House Sabbath, The club usually has an outing each week jof about fifty miles or more. . FOR SALE Automobile,- buggy type, just the thing for agents or fanners to run errentls. Will sell dirt cheap as it stands or will guar antee. Ralph Wolford. Mr. Gharies Tun.bull drove one of the finest lot of hogs to town this morning that we have seen for many months. There were lOSbeatl and the average would be about 300 pounds.. -POTATOES "FOR SALE: If you are in need of potatoes for winter use, engage them early. Oardue here about October 1st, at prices-the lowest the market affords. . Wm. Marshall, , Mr, Fred Clematis has entered the medical department of the O. S, IJ> for the atudy of dentistry. Mij. George Stewart returns to- complete his coat so in medicine and will hie a senior this year. • Mr. Daniel Dennehej', an exten sive farmer and land owner in Rose foWnship was married Thursday to Miss Mary Clark of Washington O. H. Mr. Dennehey and bride ar rived here this morning and were driven by automobile to the groom's honie on the Federal pike. Shoes The strongest line of Dress and Wo:rk/ Shoes in the county fdr your whole family, is at our store. I f it is a “ Dress” Shoe you want/we have it in the newest style, button or lace from . . Sl;50 to $3.50 pair I f a “ Work” Shoe you need, we can fit and please you, for we have them in every size and' many styles to pick from at , SI.50 to $5 .a pair. Also a full stock of those good Ball. Band Rubbers. The fire department was called euf Tuesday evpiiing about 0:30, the old log dwelling on . the Northup road along the Ervin quarry being destroyed by fire. Mr, D. S. Erviil owns the property and it was unoc cupied. There was no chance of fire other than incendiary origin. • Painters for the Pennsylvania rail road company have been brighten ing up the station with a fresh coat of paint tins week. Numerous im provements are being made along the line now owing to the comihg of the annual inspection. O r. M l!**' A n t i-P iln P ill* j»*Jn. Wa have just received pur new Fall stock “ Crite rion Clothing” for •men. Blue Serges will have the call. Qurline o f these at $12.50, $15, and $17.50. are priced $2 50 cheaper than the average city store sells them. Boys and L ittle Fellows Suits in the newest .styles and shades from $2.50 up. Sweaters We. have for the whole family in all the leading shades. Our stock will sur prise you. .Our prices will please | you. Remember we can fit the. little folks also, BIRD'S Mammoth Store, BUry and Forgeb* Every man should keep a fair sized cemetery iu tvhich to bury the faults of his fidends.—Beecher, J The Boys Own Store on Second Floor Boy’s School Suits Our B oy 's Clothing Depart ment i» the busiest spot in Dayton. Frorn the vast stocks of fine clothing—parents find little difficulty in getting just the school clothe* fchiy want for the boys. Will show you ten suits to any other store's one, and our prices are guar anteed to be lower, quality considered. Fancy Suits with two pair full cut Knickerbocker trousers, $2.C0, $8.00, $3.50, $5,00 and $15.00 BLUE SERGE SUITS, with extra ■ pair kuickerbocker trousers* $6,00 FANCY MIXTUREamtlilueSorgo Suits for Dress wear, $6.00, $6.60,- $7.60 $7.50 to $10 RUSSIAN and SAILOR BLOUSE Suita 2 I“S to Myear sizes, $8.60, $8.00, $3.50 to $6 The Surprise Store, 20 & 30 East Th ird S treet, * . ■* - Dayton, Ohle. WE WILL PAY 16c per'Dozen “in trade” on ly for “Clean Fresh” today, Saturday,, Sept, 16. Bird’s Mammoth Store. Mrs, M. I- Marsh entertained the Embroidery Club Thursday after noon. Mr, George Frantz, of Springfield was a business visitor Tnursttny, • Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Styckey spent Sabbath indCenia* , Mrs, J. O, Stewart spent Monday In Dayton. Mr. David Brigham, of Philadel phia, a student of McCormick Theo- logicallSenunary, Chicago haB been spending a few days her* with friends. 1 ' ‘ 1 Messrs, G. E< Jobe has been select ed as one o f the petit' jurors m the United States Circuit and District courts Which meets in Dayton and Cincinnati. Mr. Fred Weimer, who resides oh the Clemahs farni is. a grand juror iu the same c<jqrt. • ,' Many farmers in this section have been struck with tlie cholera plague among tlioir hogs and the loss has been quite heavy with several. There seems to he various lorms of the disease and owners .havr-beeh at a loss to know just what to do. Mr. Ed, Litter the compounder of Teutonia and Lax-a-Tonlc, hog Cholera remedies, has been exceed ingly busy this past f*W weeks de livering his medicine to those who have been struck with the plague. Tiie Xenia Gazette has moved into it's new homo on South Detroit street ami is located in a modern building suitable for newspaper business alone. As for convenience there probably isn’ t a dnjiy In a city the size of Xenia in this State that is as comiortably situated. For more than thirty years the Gazette lias hi on edited on Green street and the new location should not only prove more pleasapt but mot* prof- table for the future. . W R E N ’S Springfield, Ohio. . *■ r * i, i ’ i The thoughts o f w om en n ow turn to Fa ll and its needs— and to W R E N ’S— the; store that gets the new things first, Our doors are n ow open on a disp lay that carries y ou far into th e realms o f F ash ion , where you can see, study, compare and absorb the m any unique and p leasing new features in r ' ’ ' * Suit? Dresses Coats Starts Waists Millinery Shoes Hosiery Silks Dress Goods and IH brief all the n ew things for F a ll are n ow here and as usual prices are low er in every in stance than elsewhere, i -4 , > 1 , - The EDWARD WREN CO. W e Pay Carfares under the P lan of Th e M er chants ’ Association . PUBLIC SALES. Mrs. W. L. Glemans and Miss Minnie Turnbull are entertaining about 160 ladies at their country hem* tins (Friday) afternoon. Guests are present from Xenia ahd Jamestown, besides a large number from this community. The decora tions are asters, daiilas and carnat turns. Piano music added to the pleasure,.of tli* afternoon. About thirty were seated at a time to a dainty two course luncheon. Mr. Frank Townsky, Who. pur chased the T, B. Mechling property some timo ago, ha* decided to re main in the country. Last Satur day Mr. Towualoy traded the prop erty m on th* Mccliling farm, the value of the farm iu the trade be ing $115 per acre. Mr. ToWiiBley lias rented trio farm to Mr, Neff and. Mr. Mechling will remain in Ills own property, —Such delicious goodness as you wiil find , in Bohatw comes only from the blending of many varieties of bananas which, because of their delicacy, are not taken out of the tropics. These bananas are used when they are fully ripened—not boforcHnst wlien nature has per fected in them all Iheir rich <food value and flavor. Wo peel them and dry thorn. Tim dried pulp or moat of the iruit‘ -containing all there is of goodness in the banana ww bring to our American factory and there granulate It and roast it, just as coffee is roasted, A , H, GresweJI, Admr. of G, R. McMillan estate, Thursday Septem ber 28. Live stock and all farm! equipment. Raney Bros and C. L . Northup, combination sale of live stock, Thursday October 12, MEARICK’S CLOAK HOUSE Ready with a complete lin* of . the newest in Fall and Winter Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts, Dresses and FUKS FASHION BOOK FREE To you. I t shows all the la test styles in wearing apparel for Ladies', Misses and Chil dren* , Our Mall Order SttnHce Is Per* sotial arid Dlrect-~S«nd Today . for this fine book of authentic fashion—44 pages: o f • up-to- date Suits, Coats, Dresses/ Waists and Dress Accessories for YOU and your friends. . A postal will bring it to you. Mearick’s Cloak House, 123 South Main S treet, Dayton, - * * Ohio* A T T w m «* tw*r a**.*8*** lir. w m 1 wm **** B o n a n o The D istinctive Drink BONANO, the hot fruit drink, is distinctive, Though similar iu some respect* to coff*e, tea, chocolate and cocoa, it is in other respects unlike them, i t has none of their harmful vunlities, BONANO served hot witli cream and sugar is fragrant, appetizing, bracing, satisfying and nour ishing; It is tiie table beverage which furnishes through food value, harmless stimulation. ^It has a delightful aroma and delicious flavor mot like any other, Don't bo prejudiced. BONANO is not a substitute. It is tiie world’ s latest and best drink, healthful strengthening .and never harmful. ' Give the children all they want. BONANO is prepared set quickly and easily that it is just the drink to s*rve at luncheons or to un expected guests. One teaspoon to a cup o f water boil only one minute, and serve with sugar and cream. , Seventy-five cup* of a most delicious drink for ' only 25-cents. Nover sold in bulk or unsanitary paper cartons. Order of your grocer today. Sold by M c F a r l a n d b r o s . see atii-a T R Y O U R JOB PR IN T IN G / 1
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