The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

A •J 1 * M erediths usic Store. . [D A Y TO N , O . N o w i* Located At 131 S. LUDLOW, New Cappel BTd’g ] Second Largest §Stoek .[in Ohio.f HELP u s GROW [The Cedarville HeraM, | i . o » L 'er Y e a r . KMRLH BULL Editor Entered at the Post-Office, Cedar* ville, October* ill, IfcST, ,a« second class matter. race FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1*11 TAFT AND RECIPROCITY. BoJ l e T ak e One Pain Pill, than— T ak e it , Easy. T o H ead -O ff a Headael ' Nothing Is Better than Dr. Miles* Anti-Pain Pills • They Give Relief Without , Sad After-Effects. “For* four years I was subject to almost constant headache. At­ tunes so severe_I was ■untitled j ■for work. Through the advice of t a friend I was persuaded to try j Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills and j the'result has been 'that I have entirely eradicated my system of those continuous headaches that ,followed a hard.and continuous mental strain,”—O., L. Russell. Agt. C. &H. W. Ry>, Early, Xa. ForSale byAll druggists. 2b Doses, 25 Cents, MILES MEDICAL CO„ Elkhart, Ind. Reciprocity has been turned down j by the Canadians, much to the sat- j isfaction of the American farmer, ! The pact so far as actual good was to bo accomplished was a farce and j a sham to deceive the people. As the,Toronto, Can., World puts it, the pact was nothing more than a cloyer device originated in .Wash­ ington to keep Taft in the presiden­ cy and the Laurier forces in power in Canada. The president still in­ sists on reciprocity for the future, something he bad better eliminate if he desires the farmer vote. The Ohio State Journal a tew days ago plainly admitted that the farmers Wore against Taft, but this admis­ sion Was not acknowledged until after the election in OAnada, That the newspapers have beep stung on the measure on a belief that newspaper Would be cheaper is proven by the fact that prices of paper hjlve gradually advanced since wobd pulp from private lands m Canada was admitted into this country free. In our Opinion the more the reci­ procity question is advocated the more enlightened people will become and the more distant the success of the Republicans next year. WhereAre <TArethey inthis community? <JAre they among the people 1 with whom you awockte ? ' ; * €|Are they withthe neighbors !. and friends with whom youdo business? , 1 fso youWantto knowWhat is happeningIn (this community. You want to know tho gOingsand Comings of thepeopleWithwhom you associate, the little nows items of .your neighbors and friends—nowdon’t you? - That is what this papergivesyou . Inevery issue, ' It is printed for y ' thatpurpose. Itrepresentsyour > interests and tho interostsof this J town. Isyour name onoursub- scriptlon books? if not. youowe * it to yourself to See that it is put there. To do so WiHBe To Your Interest LEGAL NOTICE. State Of Ohio, Greene County Court of Common Pleas, John Hussey, Adm’r de bonis non with w ill annexed of C. M, Haughey, dec’d, Plaintiff. YS. ’ ' ;R. y?. Haughey efc. al., Defendants, It. TV. Haughey, residing in the City of Tampa,'in the state of' Flor­ ida , will take notice that tl\e above named Plaintiff has tiled his petition in, the Common Pleas Court- of said County, setting forth that said De­ foliant, R. “W. Haughey, as the Ad­ ministrator of said C. Jf. Haughey bad wrongfully appropriated money belonging to said estate to hie own ffed'affd had invested the same la two promiasdry notes, each secured by mortgage. Oil real estate situate in Sfctd Greene County, Ohio, and calling, otte for *800.1)0 and the other for $225,00’and signed the first by Albert L- Hanglioy and Anna Haughey, and tho second by A. L, Haughey and Anna Haughey. Tim prayer of the said petition Is that the said notes may bo found to 'be the property of the said estate and the said defendant, It. W . Haughey nay bo ordered to deliver the sau 1 notes to the said Plaintiff. The { above named defendants will take { notice that the said petitionwill lie 1 for hearing m said court at Xenia, j Ohio, on and after Nov. 4th, 1011, and that they are required to ans­ wer the same by said date or judg> rnent may be taken against them. John Hussey, as Adm’ r as aforesaid by J. N, Dean, Attj Nov, 3 . Begging the Price. The men whose doctor bad advised fcfr.) to walk downtown in the morning lotbed scornfully nt the panhandler who ii:ul held him up. '-You say you v.a«t money for your Starving.wife and .cbliilren," he repeat- cd. “ Well, I don’t believe you have any.” • •‘Well, wot of it?" ashed the beggar brazenly. “Wot if I am lyin’ ?' The pedcstriau gasped, but^ieid to Uis purpose. “I tlsiiilf you'want this money only to buy liquor,” he said. “Wot if I do?’ “ In. that case you show yourself to bo a liar, n vagabond and a drunkard—a matt who is scarcely worth saving. But listen. Do you know that the liquor evil is. to a certain extent Its own corrective?" “Wotcha drivln* at?” “Just this. Scientists tell us that liquor Is killing off the weak and in­ ferior class. In’ that way you may be said to be doing r,omo good. Do you”— The beggar bold out his band. “Stop right ,dere, mister,” he said, “and help de good work along before yon Pink o’ somepln’ else.”—Boston Traveler. . I ■ Telephone Blunders, . "nave you ony opare rll s?” was tbe question asked a Portland business man recently, when he took down the telephone receiver to answer a call.- For a moment the business man thought he was the subject of some jolce, but the sweet voice that asked the quostion reassured him, and he-' realized that there was some mistake, so he hastily answered: “No, madam, I am not Adnm, and I am not willing to give up one of my ribs for any purpose.” “Oh, I beg your pardon,” wan the prompt reply. ■ “l thought I hail .Blank’s meat market.” This incident brought forth a story about the chief of police of Oakland, Cal. Some years ago. when asked over the telephone If he had any brains, ho grew furious ufld said sonic very Im­ polite things to the lady who. asked the question before he discovered that she wanted a butcher shop and Mot the chief of .police.—Portland Oregonian. A Man Who Knew Everything. Thlera, the French statesman, was a victim of many whimsies. None had stronger hold on him, says Mgr. Ga­ briel Hanotaux In “Contemporary France,” thus his desire to get every­ body to recognize his universal compe­ tency. Of an applicant for the post of di­ rector a t. the - Sevres manufactory Thiers said: “He is no more made for that part than I for”—and then he stopped. “Ah ,1 o lii'. M, Thiers,” said his inter­ locutor; ‘,'you find it hard to say what you could not do.” “That’s the truth!' That’s the truth!” cried the statesman gleefully. One day Thiers said, speaking of a man who' had been raised to a high function: ‘ T * .“He is no rndre suited for that office than I atn to be a, druggist And yet,” bo added, catching himself up, “I do know chemistry!’* . . •- Champion Egg Layer*, Many insects are extreinely prolific. Alf o£ the order Hymenoptcrh, the bees and ants, lay large numbers, hut they are easily excelled by the order Plecop- tera,' the- stone ■ flies, one female of which deposits from 5,000 to G.000eggs. But the champion egg layers are the insects embraced in the order Isoptera, the white ants. Dr. Howard states that these insects are called white ants because they are not ants and because they are not white, hut he further goes on to tell us that, the females of some of the African species grow to an enor­ mous size,, and tbelr abdomen, swollen with eggs, becomes as big as a largo potato. The rate at which the eggs are laid is extraordinary, being about sixty a minute, Or 80,000 anti upward a day, * iABusinessProposition Somewhat Harshly Put. “As for tne,” remarked Muggsley, , T don’t believe In the higher educa* Did you ever |tion for girls. The one i marry won’t stop to tliiflky <know Latin or Greek,” “I can read- Mr. Business i fiy believe that,” rejoined Miss Slash- Man, that the j Gp<* "A. girl who knows anything at all news o f v ou r ! w°uldn’t marry you.'V-B, c. Saturday business is as f Sunset* much a part * wedding or a I ’ ^ church fair? ;i Umreaders of thhfpipir wilt b* j>l*as*> T.h e ladies i tolearnthat thtruk at limit on# dtwdtti are just as ■djjwass tbet seienee ha* b*#naide to ettnhi much interested ih a new fabric i rii it* stogt# and that 1*Catarrh, H&lPt you have on the shelves as they are \ Atarrh Cnrei* th« only poultlwr ear*BOW in arty home happening/ Your store; j'*™1* w the medical fraternity. *<k*«rxh turf’ !« +hne« being a conetitutioii*! dutea*. reqOir* • news ana anouncements -in these ^ * .i. ^ ’Thie ^ ’ll^rt^iKiji eager buyers. This will enable you ; d(1 th^btooa and UucouMQrrftcMofAyrtsos to sell you/ goods while tney are , (jjWeby d«trcying th* fo«nd*hon of the new and freA and you will not ; m»««er*ndgiving the patient .brengUi by have to sacrifice later at rcinnantyfeuiidingnptheconstitution and meteiiiw Room* to Let Signs In Pari*. The Parisian householder who lms more room than he requires does not simply put out a card printed In small type which will lure from across the street a weary man of woman who Is In search of “unfurnished,” but finds that here are only “furnished rooms” or the oilier way about. A white card on a Parisian dwelling means that famished apartments are to let and all who run may read, A yellow card conveys to the passerby the knowledge that unfurnished lodgings are there available.—Boston Post, When Knighthood. Was In Flower.' Mrs. Liteknight—Could you oblige me with a heavy hammer, a chisel, your pincers ami half a dozen rivets? Mrs. Knlghtllght—Certainly. Are you doing a little sewing for the children? Mrs. Liteknight—No. My husband ripped his Sunday coat yesterday, and I want to mend it. Chunter prices. Think it river. There’s aWay To defut the mailorder man's cut* throat method* in this community. The way is publicity for your butine** - “It's the tame way he uses. Oui columns will give your business ths j publicity you need. » I'nsturs Indoing Itswofk, Ths proprietors. j bars sq.muCh frith in it*, carsttv* penrara i hat they offer 0 n« HundredBisihus lor *uy |«*** that it frill to cut *. Send for hit o ' ttrifattmMUk ? Addtm J. J. CIIFNEY A Co, Tried* O. grid by DfUifdft, 7»«. all’s Fsmfi f FtilSare tin hnf, Easier Way, “Don't yon think it must be « dread­ ful thing to live from hahd to mouth?” “ I don’t know. I live myself from hand to foot,” “How’s that?” “My tradesman hands„out the bills, nnd my husband foots them.’*—Balti­ more American. loyt.iifov,'ir: coituttatiliy , to bnv t«;ir TTotx O w e I t ........ « ffoni your kona tiicrctiant A;n1 st.imi by ' Men, You can slw.i.v* dm! tin 'inmcniHteme.iMof rtpretentiilveKiftfuf^ meii ;fntkee’ecolNmas-Men who win xhtml . etwy etiiewrut aiui ptlietfiry make. ROUND T R IP lam i $ 1.10 COLUMBUS wMi Printer's ink When tiied on kood ^rc«se* end neatlydisplayed h i ymt Matte* erjr is valusbk. We have every facility fas ddtig the b«L of jw wodi id « mitumump f t e M / H I S T SUNDAY Train! leaves tCsdsrville at 8:18 a. m, Stumblo Upon Them* Not by appointment do -we meet de­ light and joy. They heed hot our ex­ pectancy, but round some corner of the street of life they on n sudden greet tisf With a smile.—Gerald Mas­ sey. Jinow that “impossible" has no place in the brave man’s dictionary.—Car­ lyle. W a P R I N T SALE BILLS . .. | ,t, ........................... ANi) PRINT THEM RIGHT THINKABOUTITg a g toyouRtulyonra. Itmcano all.the Interest* lag news of the community, of your neigh* borsandfriends, ofthechurdies tmdsehools, of everything in which you are direcily interested. Don't you think-ths Hoots ftpsr is Agood thing tp h*v*7 HIS UTTL^ BLACK PONY, It Landed its Ownsr in ths United Stats* Senate. _Judge William <r. lining, nfc one time a well known lawyer of Quin­ cy, Jlk, and later a famous lecturer on Christian Science, told how James A, MeDougat was- made United States senator,. “ When I'was a boy and liv 1 in Bloomington/’ said the judge, ‘‘Me- Dougal was also a resident o f that city and the owner o f a handsome little black pony, which was a Govtreo of unending pleasure to all boys in the neighborhood, includ­ ing myself. Scores o f times I have seen five or six little fellows on his back at one time. “ Finally, o f cours'e, these boys grow up tp be man and scattered, as boys will. Well, MeDougal went west. Yearn 'afterward. I chanced to bo in Bloomington and attended a reception being given to MeDou­ gal, then United States senator from California. “ When I was presented to Mc- Dougat lie looked at me very close­ ly and then repeated by name sev­ eral times, ‘Ewing, Ewing—there were a number of Ewings, if I re­ member' correctly,’ “ T am William/ I said, “ ‘William ?* replied MeDougal. ‘I do .not recall any William/ “ ‘But I was usually called “ Whig/” I answered. ‘Don’t you remember Whig Ewing, the one who used to ride your little hlaclc pony ?’ I “ ‘ Well, I should say I do! Whig Ewing, come with raej 1 / want to tell yon something/ and lie drew me aside, saying:.:T want to tell you how that little black pony made mo United States senator. It was like this: The Democrats had a clear majority on joint ballot, and to be elected was just a, matter of getting the Democratic nomination. I got within one vote p f it, and th e re 'I stuck," My,friends were willing to stay by me indefinitely, but it did not seem fair- that J should hold them any longer than ono more day, and ,Xtold them so. ‘“ Among, the Democrats who had not been voting for me was one Barnett, whom I began to fancy 1 had known long ago. That night about midnight I went to Ixis hotel and found him. in. - , ec< ‘ fDidWt yon once live in Bloomington, 111.?” I asked “ ‘He said he did. “ .“ ‘Very well/ -- Do you recall a little black, pony on which you and- a lot- o f other boyk used to ride ?” ‘ “ He gave' a quick answer in the affirmative. * . ‘“ “ And don’ t you recall MeDou­ gal as one of those boys?” I asked.' “ ' He was on.his feet in a minute ana had me by the hands, and after looking at me for a moment he said: ALCOHOL 3 3?Eg CEK t 7, AYegelaWeIkcparaioiUorAs* sirailaimgllBFoodatKllkgiiA tingtlteSumuichsanlBowelsof I n fants ^C hildren PromolcsDigestionHu'e#' nessandRest.Contalnsnekha- 0pimu.MorphlhrinorMiacraL N o t N a r c o t ic . e m t For Infants and Children, The KindYou Have Always Sought / Bears the Signature of WEifl fe|P BtopkmSttd“ jkxJama* ff»MUSdk~ ■jhistStti*■ HAmtSui • AperfecfRemedyforConsBpa- Uon, SourStomacli,Diarrhoea Worms,Convulsions,Feverish, ness amlLosg OPSLEEP. TheSimile Signatureof j . -i n e w ' yo b ic ____ A t fr in.onttis old : ,J 5 D o s e s - 3 5 cents I.-GuaranteeAunderthe .Exact Copy of Wrapper. E A S T Q B I A THEOCHXAUnCOMfANY. NCWVOURCity. ed‘ jVTcDoUgal, ‘and that’s how 1- eamo to be united States senator/ ” —J. H; Boekwell irt Chicago, Kec- ord-Herald., j ' An Officer’s Beady Wit. An ancestor of Tolstoy’s, an army officer, was an excellent .mimic* One day ho was mimicking the Emperor Paul to a group of hisirlends when Paul himself entered and for some moments looked on unperceived at the antics of the young,mail. Tol­ stoy finally turned, and, beholding the emperor, he bowed his head and was sileat. “ Go on, sir/’ said Paul. "Continue your performance.” The young man hesitated a mo- rtient, and then, folding his arms and, reproducing every gesture and in­ tonation of Ins sovereign, he said: “ Tolstoy, you deserve to be degrad­ ed, but I remember the thoughtless­ ness of youth, and you are pardon­ ed /’ . The czar smiled slightly at this speech. “ Well, be it so/* ho said. London Globe. Mr*< Newtek!’* Sy*t#m< . “ John/* said Newcdd’s mother, “ I picked up Florence’s aceOunt book this mo rning, and I must say I am disturbed over it. There ot C nu­ merous entries of cash to G. IC. W. Now, who is tlm GL3v, W. your wife is giving sums of money to?*’ “ Oh, that’s all right, mother. You see, Florence haft a poor mem­ ory about expenditures,’ so when­ ever she comes Out short she bal­ ances her accounts with G. IC. W.” “ And what in the world is G. H* WV?” “ ‘Goodness Knows What/”— Boston Transcript. CoiiWnh 00 II, “No use,” gfowled Mr. Smith to his wife from the bathroom. “ I tlo ■ “ What is it, dear?” asked the wife in alarm. “ Why, the doctor told mo this morning to drink hot water an hour before dinner for my indigestion. Here I have got a quart down, am nearly bursting, and 1 haven’t been drinking fifteen minutes yet.” —- Ladies’ Homo Journal. IS BEAUTY WORTHYOURWHILE7 ViolaCream positively •tadteate* freckles, melM, 'blftok he*a*, earnbnm tea, resta ting aissMed, Thereisnotefcattttttefi*thissOtMriirhsrw. lS?iHMCSt(SthOworld’s ' fe. At All nmMhteot ,«Otel ptopotHflonMid fortofl*t,*itir**tyAod OB.tToted»,Ohte> First Fall and Winter Shipment of S u i t s , S k i r t s , W a i s t s , S w e a t , * e r s a t Hutchison Neator Under- wear gaining in favor. Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery —All new. Cases full of New Trim- mings, All over^> Netts and Laces. Hutchison & Gibney, XENIA, -... - OHIO. ATLAS HOTEL and RESTAURANT, REMODI.ED' - REFURNISHED I — - j — - y 1— i —i-i- r- Popular Priced Restaurant tor Ladies and Gentlemen. - Service is unexcelled S, Detroit street, Xenia, O. nWir'imftitiwriM i■ >i'uliiffnimilUrtn“it—fniiil *lijftllrWi,V~iw i> mil—linl.1 iWr rinniinii ikil IT W ILL JUST TOUCH THU SPOT and prove an every day winner every time. Goodhealth, good cheer and Jong life is what we promise If you Buy Our Meats Microbes, disease nnd doatljlojk In a lot of the meat that's sold, hut not in ours,. We.sell the best and at a fraction above' cost. Our market Is pafe and not high priced. G H CR O U SE , Cedarville, Ohio. tL. NewfromCovertoCover W E B S T E R I S N E W I I N T E R N A T I O N A L D I C T I O N A R Y JUST ISSUED. Chief, Dr.W.T.Harris,former U.S. Com. of Education. The Webster Tradition Developed by Modern ScientificLexicography. KeytoLit* cratureof SevenCenturies; Genera! Information Practically Doubled, 2?00 Pages, 6000 Dlnstration§. 400,000 WordsandPhrases,j GET THE BEST in Scholarship, Conven­ ience, Authority, Utility. iff WriteforPpsclttenV»ge,t», jjj G & C. KERRIAM CO., SPRINGFIELD, JtASS. YenWillilrusftftTortom^tlenttopnhUcetlon^ 'Ft' TheBookoialtiP ' . ‘• I s# » INTHE BOOKWALTER H0TEL HIGH STREET ‘ DINING ROOM FOR LADIES UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L S • N O W 2 5 C B N T S 9 . Lunch Counter on Main Floor Open Day and Night. v Ths Best of Good tlBod In ths Cul­ inary Department. ..." J. H. McniULAN, Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer, jManulneturer of Dement Gteve Vaults end Cement Building Bleaks. Telephone 7, ’ C e d a r r ill| , O h io . DR. LEO ANDERSON, . Veterinary Surgeon' and Dentist, GRADUATE O, S U. Office 'Waddl *’iJ Livery Barn. ■-* Citizens ’ Phono 93 and SI CEDARVJ L LE, - - OHIO V. ■ ■■■■■* ■ s*v Very Serious It is a veryserious matter to ask For one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we tirge you in buying to bo careful to get the genuine— BLACTIkHT liver Medicine . The reputation jf tWi old, fella- f* ble mSdirinc, for constipation, in- f'j digestion andliver trouble, h futii- t‘ ly established. It does r.ot imlteto 55 / ethermedicines. It is better than « others, or it would not be the fa-* £# vorite liver powder, with a larger f". sale than all others combined, • 1 / T o W n m AttHAtstr j* ■' DISEASESOFTHERECTUM m m m dr H j. M c C lellan OaHtektteilrite, * ft tut Msii ttteri esuMN, HrilNriNril LOt ! 'K r s .J . J*r?> fov« Mr. Job O .S . U. a Mr. Fra gpringfiel nnd Mrs. * Dr, E. I for their £ daughter Mrs. S, Tuesday Homo Cu Messrs. Hoyje of with Miss' Mr. G. f lotto 8 leg) over 8 abb FOR a / buggy wit buggy for ' -Pilot , thelightln Mrs. , H Cinciunat. , with Mr, 3 ■—Have ear fertfl . reejeirem » /’ Pillows pillow S and 20 c I Mr. Cha the Misst spent. Wi .•Mrs. A. T ■Miss Lc guests Sal Charlestoi Mlss'lSTel/i STONE 1*2 and 1 with Lids . from 1-2 5 Mrs. Ri’ daughter, , Blooming the home - family. ' Mrs. ‘W who Since 1 . years ago i ■ in Lovela 1 .expects t< ; - presents! ■ ’ Two lo: workhous ty Tuescl Sawing a -Miller, an Ed f Scott were the o ' forming rt Supt. Cro time to sp W .L . ( aero farm ttehey and Harper to Iud,, pos March.- ” made pub Mts. H. farm of 5 James C ' ton, the made pub Mrs. Sa the late I< Springs, < lmr home illness of years of 0 her life I- the last the Ollfto er Col. Jti Tacoma. tVedncsd M E A fiomp N E W I* 3DR) and a ■ Wcv pared , home LAUTIi CHT.l and at Mean 123 s P a y t o i f 1