The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52
wrvwvvv j &.m For Excellence Our Job Work will compare with that o f any other firm..... 'e Merdd. This li« q wfccnm*i$&4 with no fo'| dex, denotes that a ye**’* sshw-np* |' tfonisp**td«e ftiida prompt *ti +1 JllemcBt is earnestly 4e*tred, , , »1 TH IRTY -FOURTH YBAB NO. 43. OEDARVILLE, OHIO, FflfPAY, OCTOBER 27 , 19XX. I George Tharr Mur dered Saturday Night Unfortunate’ s Body Placed Along Railway Near Handcar House - Murdered for His Money - Coroner Conducts an Investigation. 1jFtf PW" PRICE, $1.00 A YEAR That; George Tharr, aged 4a, farm laborer, was murdered outright last Saturday ulght. Is admitted by all who have carefully examined into the case. The coroner, P, C. Mar- quart, i» o f the same Opinion. Shortly after l l o ’ clock last Sat urday nlglit Floyd Farris and W a l lace Irvin were returning from the telegraph tower and when near the hand-car house east of the depot they,discovered a man's body along the north side pf the west-bound track. Train No, 18 was In sight arid both took particular notice to see whether the roan was awakened by the noise of the tram. No signs of life appeared and Marshal Mc Lean was notified. Accompanied by C.,0. Weiiner the marshal' visit ed the scene and found the man Was dead. The body was found lying flat on the back with-the arms folded care fully across the breast. ' One limb was lying straight out while the other was bent in an upward posi tion at the knee. There was no.evi dence of violence either in the grass that, was wet with a heavy dew or m the g iw 1 along the track. A well-worn cap was found with the . body and this leads, to the positive belief that the unfortunate man met hlB death at some other point. Dur ing the afternoon and evening while he was about town he wore a soft felt hat but this has not been loca ted. The body was removed to H . A. Barr’s undertaking establishment where it was examlhed by the coro ner, There were few bruises on the body but the one Over the right temple was evidently responsible, for fcito man’ s death. About four inches down on the cheek appeared a Slight bruise, There was a small hole in the Skull over the right eye that wasm ade with a nail and this penetrated the brain, AU thi& ind i- cates that the man was struck by ins assailant from tire front and that a board about four inches wide with a nail in it, evidently was the weapon. A slight bruise on the right forearm was no doubt caused in warding off a blow. W ithout doubt' robbery was the motive for it is known that Tharr bad about $40 that afternoon and about $37 that evening. When the body was found there were but 29e in bis pocket. The mail had been drinking during the afternoon and evening in' company with several friends- The last seen o f him was about ter, o ’ clock when he left sev eral friends at the opera, house, al though reports arc current that he was seen later in the alley that leads to the depot. The prevailing opinion is that Tharr--was found in this alley and beirigin an intoxica ted condition was “ tapped'* by some one and rubbed, there being no real intent of murder at the time. The coroner examined the ground where the accident and holds that the body was placed there {lo give the impression that death had been due to a railway accident'. Tharr has lived in this vicinity for several years being employed by Cash Gordon on the farm owned by Hon. George Little. H e is survived by a wife, from whom lie bad sepa rated, and a daughter, who resides in Xenia. . .Two brothers, John, of Dayton, and Richard o f Springfield survive. ’ Monday afternoon ‘ Prosecuting Attorney Johnson, Sheriff McC'nl- Uster and rChief Smith of Xenia visited the scene. Thursday about 20 witnesses were called before Cor oner Marquart iri Xenia, The cor oner holds to the belief that Tharr was killed by foul means. The investigation resulted In Hrank Baker, > colored, being ar rested, 'evidence being Offered to show that he was the last man Been with Tharr that- night. I t is be lieved that Baker bad intimate knowledge of the manner In which Tharr mat his death. He also Ad mitted being in the alley with Tharr but claimed that there was another white man with them ne did not know. ■ Mrs. Sally Baker, mother of Frank Baker, and >‘Biting B ill” Zimmerman are also being held by the officers iri Xenia. Two Counties Change Vote. Elections in Scioto and Lawrence counties Thursday under Jhe Rose law gave tho wets decided victories.- The former went dry three years ago by 231 but turned wet yesterday by 1274. The latter gave the drys 1500 three years ago and changed to 425 wet yesterday, , B illy Sunday and his party were in Portsmouth Monday m the inter est e f the drys. This city alone gave tho wets 1-125as compared with 141 three years ago. Wayne B. Wheeler claims the loss was due to over confidence on the part of tho drys and that they were not properly organised., The result will only stir up other coun ties tliat are to vote. WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, “-Oyster*, and Edgemont Crackers,, always crisp and fresh McFarland Bros, DO BUSINESS WITH STA TIONERY. Of good quality. There is nothing time creates a bad impression like poor stationery in bvsmcss matter, TOY OUR KIND . Ami you’ll get prompter and more favorable replies to your letters, Tour books will be neater and keep* lap them will be easier atul pleas* anterwork. Oar lino of coimnereiol atatlotiefjr la «« iarsce and variod that it must be a singular need which we eahtiot fill, Send us an order and let u&pyov* it. Waterman's Pharmacy The November Woman’ s Home Companion contains an article by President {Taft o f interest and im portance to every woman! It is an appeal to the women of our country to help the President in his efforts to get the Senate to assent to tile arbitration treaties, which, i f signed will go a long way toward abolish ing war. I t would be a great achievement and the President be lieves that women can help bring it to pass. ' • Aside from this very important feature tho November Companion contains a mass of-good reading, beautiful illustrations and useful suggestions. Notable fiction is con tributed by Josephine Dasltam Ba con, Jeffrey Fatnol (author of “ The Broad Highway” ) Zona Galo and Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Sever al special articles of unusual interest are included, among them Articles an “ J ulia Marlowe’s Greatest Holes” “ Experiments in Spending” “ The Moving Picture Show in Your Town ," and “ Hate Greenaway” (including a full page color repro duction ol an unpublished water- color by ttiif most famous painter of child life). The great housekroping, home decoration, hoiiseholj and fashion departments, are, as always, filled with entertaining material, of time savlhgand money saving value to women. A t this time of year spec ial mention should he made of the fashion pages which' are under the Able direction of -Grace Margaret- Gould, the well known fashion au thority, Are a veritable directory oi good, economical and -y e t fashion able ideas for women readers. POTATOES FOR SALE;*—! have a nice Jot of potatoes on hand at my farm on the X’oderal pike, M nilla west of Gladstone. I w ill com mence digging next week, Price $1,00 per bushel, A. R« Sheely, STORM BUGGIES, i W e Have tw o sty le* w h ich ere ‘ ‘T h e m ee t u p -t o -d a t e S to rm B u g g le e ” oh th e market today , Call end eee th em . HPSRH 4 HASTINGS 'Serious Charge , ! Against Woman. Mrs, Bello Harris has tiled eliarg- ‘ ----- es against Mrs. Anna Franks, j Em ion of the H kr > daughter of Jajups Shull of this! I police that Maymj place, before Mayor Dodds in Xenia. i ceiievod himself in t" It is alleged 'that Mrs. .Franks pro.- ixotte, of his vKnv of t* cured an automobile, ewned by a |which George Tharr H well known Xenlan, and that samo J Saturday night. waBumlto take. Maude Harris, a! - It must first bo take| sixteen year old daughter, to an ad -Teration that Mr, Andr IE CHURCH SERVICES. “ T ” Juirinuv has /Xenia Ga« -manner in his death joining city for Immoral purposes, The autoiriohilo appeared ’ at the home of Mr. Elmer Spencer last Friday evenii g, where the Harris girl was staying with her grand mother, and neither have hieebeen seen In these parts, yet reports have been current that both were seen in Cincinnati last Saturday.. Charges have also been prepared against the Xenian, who admits lending the use of his .machine to Mrs. Franks simply as a favor, she having stopped bun on the streets hero and asked him to drive to the Spencer home. He chums, to have left Mrs. Franks and Miss Harris in town and does not know' of their whereabouts. . Mrs. Harns searched over Dayton for the two.ou 'Wednesday hut failed to get auy traco o f them. Mrs.. Franks recently left her husband and for several ' weeks has been staying with her father here, while' the husband continues to live in Xenia. Justice Gets ElectricTreatment. Charles Justice, aged 43, found guilty for the murder of John Shoup last Aprij was electrocuted in the penitentiary early this morn ing, afjter being reprieved fourtitnes. The first of the week- Justice at tempted to escape from the death chamber by digging through the walls, He refused to see anyone during tlie day and ordered a chick en dinner for his last meal. Jus tice'k illed Shoup while stealing' chickens, WARNING. The siRentioii'of the Ohio Experi mental Station has been called to the fact that unscrupulous parties purporting to t represent nursery firms, both o f known and unknown reputation, have been selling forest ry nursery stock, at exhorbitant prices. These operations Ripply al most wb oily to locust anil catalpa seedlings. . The Station lias been informed that one-year-old seedlings of this stock are being sold at from $20 to $10 per thousand,. In order to en hance sales, misrepresentations of fHb grossest character have been made, especially with respect to rate of growth of the ealalpa and tbe number of trees required per aero. Statements were made to the effect that the catalpa tree would reach post size In three, years time, and become pole slzo in six years. No such cases are on record, am! such utterances are absolutely false Prospective planters wer* toldMbat 5000 trees are required per acre. One third this number is too many. One individual operating in 'north western Ohio makes the statement that liis company receives 10 cents per tree for each one sold, the pur chaser paying two cents per tree and the state o f Ohio a bonus of 8 cents to encourage planting, Ti I b statement Is false, Farmers who have contracted for trees under these conditions should not accept the stock. Catalpa seedlings one year old, 18-inch to.. 24-iuch stock, may be purchased from reliable nursery firms for from $4 to $11 per thousand For the latter price the stock Is de livered to the purchaser's nearest R . It, station,. * Another matter of far greater im portance to the planter is the fact that thelarger percent of stock pur chased In this manner is not only inferior as regards quality, but is spurious and not true to name; fur thermore, thefe is no assurance tliAt it is furnished by tho nursery com pany which the agent claims to represent, The most important feature regarding catalpa growing is that of obtaining the genuine ca talpa speciosa and tho risk of ob taining Inferior varieties is too great to warrant promiscuous purchase of stock. Flan tors are urged not to buy from unknown! parties, and es pecially agents. The Daughters of Mount Tabor will give two pTays entitled, “ Hal lowe’ en Pranks and McDonald's Courtship" on Tuesday evening, Oct. 01, at the K. o f P. Hall. A d mission, 6c and'106. Refreshments will he served, Come and enjoy tbs evening, . Committee j { Isabelle Taylor jjfonnie Bladas, the village .governing, the law Is responsible of the village and the citizcnfl. Having bee organization of libera! form of a do-nothing which has so far heart the satisfaction o f till nothing more than J mayor .to hold to th his investigation” th* killed by a tram, T only reaping the. harv Andrew’ s administ George Tharr, an uxi. the victim. I f the m vestigatcd” this ease one on record .during has been under sworn port the laws anti the To leave the subject t wo might say a rac lias gone b y unnotice or marshal never so in njjthgle question o f tir terested. Bo from, tin1 tq believe that .the on Tharr’ s death were about as much “ invest The records o f the palxy show that a. tra the westbound track going at probably 35 < hour. The body was and was ^practically time, H ow does Jst count for this to say U mg the hands feross ruffle m the.grass o r _ Mr, Andrew' holds tf$|Tharr was intoxicated and had, i&t down on the end o f a tie and tjfa train did the rest—folded the'asms, laid out tlie body in a correct Edition, The mayor’ s view's would tgofc be more silly than to say that JR the tram hit the poor fellow, engineer andfireman gathered' i n up and laid him in' a respectatA portion , A railroad engineerJ*tq has been on the road for Y ja u aP i:wotbbrifcy - -for the life .had he heard:.of atrain striking a/man ami leaving tlie body as was that o f Georgo Tharr’s. . Tlie fact that Marshal McLean admits seeing the fellow intoxicated proves the kind of administration that Mayor Andrew is conducting. Had McLean arrested Tharr or taken him iuto custody as he should have done, his life would have beeil (-pared and the community saved the humiliation that,has fallen oh it. The numerous drunks on the street Saturday night bears testimo ny of where Mayor Andrew stands and shows that he has no more-mor al courage or back-bone than a jelly fish, And an Investigation isn't necessary to prove this, state ment. A 'FninXn OF GikmtlE T h ark . ito consid- is head of apd under the peace cty of it’s cted by an on a plat- inistration rled out to inent, it is or. for tlie lew “ after: Tharr was people are of Mayor on a n d tunate fell; t has “ in- S the flrBt e time ho th to sup- nstitutlon, a moment fc burglary the mayor h as, asking parties in- 5areforced or’s views lined after fttiou.” ■tlwny. com-, passed on I0;22 p. m., 0 miles an l at II ;12 Id at that Honor ac- ing of find- and not a el? Something Yet May Develop. Sheriff MeGallister and Prosecut ing Attorney Johnson were in town this morning in connection with the Tharr murder case. It was reported that there had been a confession but the officers deny this, simply stating to the HnKAim that all three parties held toll different stories ami are greatly frightened; Mrs. Baker has a statement to make to tho sheriff on Ids return home but there is nothing certain that it will lead towards solving tho mystery. The parties can be held four days aqd then a charge must he filed against them oi they will bo libera ted, Costly Game For Cedarville. The College foo t! Ill team Was de feated last Saturday by St. Mary’ s Institute team by a score o f 50 to 0. Not only Was the team defeated but two of the players were badly hurt. Paul Turnbull received an injured knee cap that has laid him up but it is not shriona. Prof, R. A . Banning, member of the team, sustained a fractured Skull and has since been In the Miami Valley Hospital, He is greatly improved and expects to he home Saturday, —Clark Nagley of this place has Secured the agency for tho Eastman Kodak’ s and Kodak supplies, Oh saleatJfagiey’sGrocery, M, E. CHURCH— Sunday School, 9:80 a. m. '. Preaching by the pastor, 10:80. Epworth League, 0,00 p, m. Lead er—Mrs. Harry Nagley, The morning service will he es pecially for tbe aged. Please wear a white flower or .ribbon m honor o l J your parents. A t seven'o’ clock the pastor will speak on the present status of tlie liquor question: “ Shall We Havo the Licensed Saloon?” You are Invited to be present. Brotherhood Thursday. evening, N ov ,2. ■ f R, P. CHURCH (Main fit.) ' Teacher's Meeting, Saturday at 7 p, m, Let all our teachers try to be there, . Bible School, Sabbath, 9:80 a, m< Preaching by the pastor at 30:80 a. m, Christian Endeavor meets at 5:80 p,m.~ Topic: Missions in Eu-; rope. Acts 10:6-16. Miss Jeanette Grr is the leader. Let us remember our pledge. ' We unite with the U. P / s in lie worship at 6:30. There will be preaching in the R „P„ Church every night during next week, beginning Monday* The hourwii! be 7 o'clock . Everyone, church member or no> is most-cor- dtally Invited to attend all these services. Rev. W. R. Gxaham of Yellow Spriugs church, will preach Monday and 'Tuesday evenings. It is expected that Rev. H, C. Foster o f Clifton Presbyterian church, will be with us Wednesday and Thurs day nights, and on Friday after noon at,.2-o'clock , perhaps also on Saturday afternoon at the same hour,. Rev. S. E . Martin. D. D. of Xenia will preach, Comuniou ser vice the following Sabbath. pub- COURT NEWS. The will o f Mary C. Turnbull lias been probated and her whole estate is left to her Bister, Retta B, Clem- ans, who is named as executor, W . P« Anderson, S. K . Williamson and Elmer' Bhigley are named as -appraisers. Probate Judge Charles Howard has appointed John B,. Smith as ad ministrator, de bon is'hon , o f tlie estate o f A . W . Osborn." Mrs F. T. Tarliox has taken exceptions to*th,e appointment and. tlie case w ill b* .appealed to the Qurnmoh Pleas W . B. and R- H. Bryson and Ag- new E. Bryson have been appointed administrators o f the estate,of the late James Bryson. Walter Fergu son , J. W . Williamson and Harvey Collins are the appraisers. Prosecutor Johnson lias filed charges in A. C. Wilson’ s court in Fairfield against W illiam GlosBing- er* druggist in Xenia, whose place was raided last week. Tho charge is “ keeping a place.” E very BanKing Facility Is now at your disposal in this Bank right here at home F o i many years we have served the people o f this community in the way of Commercial banking. Certainly this long record o f safe banking ought to be reason enough for the most complete confidence in this Bank as the depository for your savings. - Our new savings department makes our service com plete and we hope you will make use e f this depart ment, Interest at three per cent wiil be paid on savings, beginning January 1st DIRECTORS S, W. SMITH, Pres. GEO, W. RIFE , 1st V. Pre«, O'. L. SMITH, Cashier. OLIVER GARLOUGH ,- L. F. TINDALL , Asst. Cashier. 2 d V . Pres. ESTABLISHED 1896 T h e W . L . C L E , M A N S R e a l Estate and In* su ran ce O ffice O H IO all branches LEGAL NOTICE. 9iat« of Ohio, Groena County Court o f Common Pleas. John IIUHsey, Adm ’ r de bonis non with |Will annexed of O. M, Haughey, dee’d, Plaintiff, vs. ’ R. W. Haughey et al., Defendants, R, W.‘ Haughey, residing In toe City of Tampa, in the state of Flor ida, will take notice that the above named Plaintiff has filed ills petition In the Common Pleas Court of said GoUntyv setting forth that said De- fedartt, R. W . Haughey, as the A d ministrator of said C. M. Haughey had wrongfully appropriated money belonging to said estate to his own use and had Invested the same in two promissory notes, each secured by mortgage on real es'ate situate m said Greene County, Ohio, and calling, one for $300.00 arid the other for $825.00 and signed the first by Albert L- Hnughey and Anna Haughey,.and the second by A . L , Haughey and Anna Haughey. The prayer of the said petition is that tiiesaid notes may be found to be the property of the said estate and toe said defendant, R. W . Haughey may he ordered to deliver the salt! notes to the said Plaintiff. Tho above named defendants will take notice that the said petition will he for hearing m said court at Xenia, Ohio, on and after Nov. 4th, 39U, and that they are required to ans wer the same by said date o f judg ment may be taken against them, John Hussey, as Adm ’ r as aforesaid by J. N. Dean, Atty Nov. 8, OPERATES CIDER MILL, Tho TarbOx eider mill is now un- dot the operation of Mr. Thomas B MeehhngWho purchased the plant lastBaturday, Mr. Mschllng fine had experience in making d d e f and by placing the m ill in first class condition ho is now able to serve his patrons. The mill wilt ho loft in it's present location for tho Season. CEDARV ILLE , - . . Handles Real estate and Insurance in of the business. ^ - 1 , I always have a list of good Ohio Farm for sale. I handle Texas and Canada Lands and conduct excursions for home-seekers to Texas and Canada on the first and third Tuesday o f each month. ’ I have sold thousands of rich acres o f • land to my clients in Texas , and Canada at the extremely' low prices o f $15 to $35 per. acre.. Many o f these farms . hfiYe-produeed,.arops iri opr y ew that paid for the land You can do the same!, Mr. Renter* did you know that the rent you pay your landlord will in three„to five years pay for one" o f these farms of the same size as the farm you are rent ing? •■%- — Is not such a proposition worth investigating? Following are a few of the men who have "bought these, lands. You are welcome to talk with any of them pr write them. They are all satisfied customers. NAMES. W. P. ANDERSON, Cedarville, O. W. J. TARBOX , Cedarville, O. ' -ISAAC WISTERMAN, Cedarville, O. JOHN Q. ADAMS, Jamestown, O. JOHN KNOX, Jamestown, 0 ., R. F .D , No. 3. J. H. CRESWELL, Cedarville, O- J. Q» ADAMS* Jamestown, O .c J H. GORHAM, Jamestown, O., R . F. D. ADEN ALLEN, Springfield, O. JAMES L. MILLER, Jeffersonville, O. DONT SAYUNDERWEAR SAY MUNSINGWEAR We have placed in stock a,line of MUNSING UNION SUITS. Which a r e ' ndoubtedly the best Union .Suits made. We have them in all sizes and in all grades from $1.00 to $2.50. FIT-AND WEAR INSEVEftV PAIR. te Clothing “ T H E * Q U A L I T Y S T O I U & * * ) . / T rad e at H om e , . * . C eda rv ille , O# f f i t _ _ _ _ _ _ Mas TRY OUR lOB PRINTING iflllei i. k * 4 f ’ v*
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