The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52

Urnmmm VCII THE *very duty lift* In what [eats anil deathlutk [it that’ s sold, WVnt ll (hi*best in above cost, o and not high OUSE Ohio. ' irtoCover * er :. s $ T idNAL MARY IED. UAn :ia,formerU.S, The Webster d by Modem by. raries. General :aliy Doubled. 1Illustrations, nd Phrases. BEST , Conven- :y, Utility. H R .*•?”*(BJ ?agc»to MiGFIHID, MASS. ontWiimblicaUon. . uaitef met... TER HOTEL :ET i)lKS UPSTAIRS OQM, 33 C E N T S . MainFloor ~ Night. id in the Cul- uiont. LLAN. .nd Furniture or of Content lout Building Dhlo. sH»m lERSQN, and Dentist, ). S. U. very Barn. JHand 81 . - OHIO. master to ask i have Hie u. For this u in buying 3genuine— D’S aug HT :ine f* sil did,relics \* atipat!en,ati~ rl jfcie. is fir® 5not imitate. £% bettor than ft f* ’itfi a large, ahteefl. m t i thtt’xti ftst jta »? ts«ii a;«a*a tJfc'l SsltKflt li.teoc?, Mimtf, •pzt it Vcum, tone* tm tt fc'x'"i,f.aiud ELLAN UMBU5,0. LOCAL AND PCIQM NAL '-C o r stylish suits go m Sullivan a 81S, Limestone S t , Bpriugtleld. Aristas Spring Wh©at Flour. McFarland Bros. Mra. C* B. Wiles is the guest of Xenia friends. -TiUTfiiniitnnniiwi u t t t c a i msepwwii «*3 ■xl^ 1 >— - ,n • T t -- 1 / > j? Mrs. M. W, Collins .spent Friday and Saturday in Dayton. Messrs. J. M. and W. J . Tarbox •have been in Perry county this week Mr. James McClellan of Indian­ apolis stopped off here Thursday evening. Miss Francis A 1 Icon of Belle Centre, was tho guest of Mr. T. N. j Tarbox and family, Sabbath. ; .. Mr, D, M. Dean and wife have ! bad for their guests Mr. and Mrs. j Sibley dnd daughter of Columbus, —Broad and cakes baked each day. Phone your order to Mrs. Arthur Townsley. telephone 80. Bananas 1 Bananas! Five cents per dozen, Saturday, only, Fine qual­ ity of stock. Win. Marshal.. —Men’ s Suits $10 to $28.50 at Sul­ livan’ s, 21 S. Limestone St., Spring- field. —For snappy, stylish overcoats go to Sullivan’s, 21 South Limestone' St„ Springfield. Mr. Charles Galbreath of Daytou is spending a couple of days with his mother. > -- Mr, Clayton McMillan is. the proudest citizen along the Colum­ bus pike, all due to the arrival of a son', Thursday. —FOR SALE: Twenty-nine acres, new house, on good pike, close to town. Price right, -1 G. H. Smith. “ Oysters, and Edqemont Cretckers, always crisp and fresh McFarland Bros. —Pilot Acetylene Generators for the lighting of country homes. J. E: Pierce. Mrs. James Holmes of Xeuia was the giiest of Mrs. H. H. McMillan, Tuesday and Wednesday. -Mr, Fred Remshurg of Spring- field was the guest, of .-Mi:. Balph Wolford, Wednesday, for the open­ ing of the hunting season. • BUGGY ROBES. ]*lush, Fur, Buffalo, Cloth. Good. values for the money asked: - 48d ' Kerr & Hastings Bros. . Mrs F. E. Vance, who nas been the guest of Dr. J, O. Stewart and wife, left this for St. Louis and Duluth. Mr. Vance, who Is ed- J:or of a dally in Troy, accompanied byhis son, Edmund, an O. W. XL, student at Delaware, were gueBts at the Stewart home Sabbath. Invitations are out for the mar­ riage of Miss Mary Bradfute, daugh­ ter of Mr. John Jy. Bradfute, to Mr. Edgar Tob'ias of Osborn. The cere­ mony will take place at the bride’s home on Saturday, November 25th. Winter fell upon this community last Sabbath, the mercury dropping from 73 Saturday to 3above by Mon­ day. Snow driven by a high wind made .the day a terror to live stock and many farmers were compelled to work all day to save their fruit and potatoes that had not been put away for the winter. She wind on Saturday night blew over the chim­ ney on the M. E. church as well as damage to other property m the county. CLASS It’s Time To Get That A Boy from Kings bury Boyland Overcoat Off your Mind and on your Back. You can tell a boy from Kingsburys, be­ cause his clothes not only look well— but they WILL WEAR WELL, as the boys and mothers oan testify. Suitsfor Men&YoungMen $25, $20, $ 1 5 and $10 Boys* Suits $ 12 . 00 , $ 10 . 00 , $ 8.00 and $ 5.00 The air is getting a little sharper every day, and its time for you to see about that OVERCOAT, It is not only the thing for you to be wearing these days, but its a thing that you need. The Overcoats at the Kingsbury Store are the kind that you’ll like to wear. Boy’s Overcoats $15, $12, $10, $8 and $4 Overcoats for A ll Men .. I ■, - $30, $25, $2o„ and THE You’ll Find It at Kingsbury’s If it Is Right--- If It’s Right you uFind 11 flt East Main Street, Kingsbury’s, Xenia, Ohio. THE BEST IN BOYLAND F O R O U R BOYS Fo» S ai / b :—Second hand surrey, cheap. J. H. Wolford. Prof. R» S, Harmtmnfc of James­ town was in town Saturday. Bananas at wholesale prices, five cents per dozen for Saturday, Wm. Marshall. Mrs. Susan Burns of Santa Ana, Cal., Is visiting Mrs W .H , Illff. Don’t you need, a blanket for your horse? Kerr & Hastings Bros, have a complete line to select from. Miss Mary Ram ey has been on the sick list this week. Dr. ,T. O. George of Dayton spent Sabbath at home. Mr. Robert Bird spent Thursday and Friday in Cincinnati, purchas­ ing Holiday goods. —Before you buy a storm bug­ gy, see the display of the Greene County Hardware Company, E, Main Street, Xenia,. ^ 4t Mrs. Lena Vorhees and son, after a week’ s visit with Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Northup, returned to their home in Liberty, Did., Thursday. Mrs. M. A. Creswell expects to leave next week for Crowley, La,, where she will spend the winter With her son. Dr. Ralph Raney and Wife. ,r Mr, Harry Balter and family of Washington C. H., have returned home after spending several days With the former's father, Mr, 9. T. Baker and wife. WANTED:' A bright girl who is a good talker to show our work and take orders in some of the best fam­ ilies. Call at this office or addrsss Box 44, Xenia, Ohio, —Do not fail io go to Downing’s Studio for your Christmas pictures. Some of the most artistic folders and mountings eyer shown In Xenia and quality of work second to none. And plenty of It in onr wearing apparel for men. Extreme styles for the young man, moderate and subdued styles for the middle-aged and elderly j man. No matter what your j taste is you can get suit- j ed here. Prides reason-; able. | HALLER, HAINES & CO. j $3 13, Main fit,, Xeftlft. Mr, Walter Iliff, wife .and daugh­ ter are home after having spent the summer at Benton Harbor where the firm of Iliff Bros, had a large concrete contract. Mr. Harry Iliff and family will return to their home in London, At the oratorical contest held hist Friday night Mr. Ernest Me Uellan was chosen to represent Cedarville College nrnc spring at the state coplofit, Mr, 'Woodall-Foster was second, Mr. O. L, Smith accompanied the Greene county bankers to a meeting 01 the first group of the Ohio Bank­ ers Association at Middletown last Friday. About 100 were present and Mr, Smith states that Middletown royally entertained the bankers. Itov,. A. J. McFarland will preach for Sabbath for the R. J\ church (O. S.) and also hold communion. Rev. Mcfarland is a foreign mis­ sionary of that denomination and 1 b home on a vacation Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Steveuson were given a farewell reception several evenings ago by neighbors bqfpre moving to town. Thirty people were present and spent an enjoyable evening with them, An oyster supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson will move to town in a few days, having remodeled the S. K. Mitchell dwelling. Mr, Harry Wilson has rented the Stev­ enson farm, . Superintendent Lester S. Ivins will address the teachers, pupils and patrons ot the Cedarville and Itoss township schools on the sub­ ject of Agriculture at the Cedarville Opera House, Friday, November 24, af 2 p. tn. Prof. Ivins is one of the four men appointed to supervise the teaching of Agriculture. As Ins territory consists of 21 counties, we arc fortunate ill securing his ser­ vice so early In the ye.»r. Wo invito all interested in the schools or tho subject ot agriculture to he present. F. P. Kttenour, Supt. GREATREVIVALOF fHE SEPARATEWAIST ^heer Creations Divide Favor With theTubBlouse. WANTED—Good Housekeeping Magazine requires the services of a representative in Cedarville to look after subscription renewals and to extend circulation by special method, which have proved .unusually suc­ cessful,. Salary and commission, Proviouious experience desirable, but not 'essential. Whole time or spare time. Address, with references J , F. Fairbanks, Good Housekeeping Magazine, 681 Fourth Avo., New York City* W B P R I N T SALEBILLS AND P R I N T THEM R I GHT awn The blouse is holding its own very well. Out* of the greatest . French dressmakers, if not' the greatest—M, Worth himself—is authority for the statement that the next year will see a great revival or the separate blouse aud's'klrt combination, not only ns far as the tailored suit hud waist are con­ cerned, but for other Wear. We may even see the sill: skirt and lace waist combination, which was once the dress up regalia of a large percentage of women, back in favor, Be that as it may, the luxurious little blfbuse of sheer stuff and dainty design is' a very essential part of the ward­ robe this Season, and ' each blouse model that one sees seoihs rnoro charm- lag mad more fascinating than the last, As tho weather grows warmer more and more tub blouses of actually'wash- able materials appear. •One says “ac­ tually washable." thinking ot the host of blouses presented under this classi­ fication which would bo In sad plight indeed were honest soap and water ever. to touch them. Many of the cheaper models embroidered in color, while immensely attractive on the counter, would not survive one laun­ dering, for the colored embroideries are not always fast. The fresh, pretty delft blue turns to a dingy gray, and lavender fades Into n yellowish tan. Some of the colors even run into the fabric surrounding them. Tho lovely volte and mnrqUISette blouses also often prove a delusion and a stiare, for this fabric never stops shrinking. A voile waist should always be purchased several sizes too lnrge, and the excess of material, may sometimes be taken, up for the first two or three weeks of wear in little pin'tucks.which may be incorporated with the deslg i of decoration, A Pleasurable Agreement. Frederick the Great once' saw a crowd o f men staring ot something on a wall. Riding up, he found that the object o f curiosity was a plac­ ard against himself. •It had been placed so high that it was not easy to read it. Frederick ordered his attendants to take if down and put it lower. “ My people, .and I,” he said, “have come to an agreement which satisfies us both. They arc to say what they please, and I am to do wlmt I please.”—Mathews’ “ Liter­ ary Style and Other Essays.” The piembers of tho Embroidery club gave Mrs. I*\ B< Turnbull a] fiurprlSo Tuesday, • Refreshment*) j were served during tho afternoon, Mr, and Mrs, Turnbull have plan-j nod to r California next month, to be gone for the winter, THINKABOUTIT A b o u t what tho H o m e Paper tnoaaj toyou andyours. Itmeans all tho interest­ ing nowa of the community, of your neigh- boraandfriends, of thochurchesandschools, Headgear For Summer. ■ Because his majesty of England la to ho crowned so very soon tho pre­ vailing theme In feminine headgear for 1011 will be "coronation,” This pronunclameato comes from the Na­ tional Association of Retail Milliners. Among the recent creations are: Empire bonnet; a dose fitting affd ; a glorification of the hoods worn by aviators and automobile racers. Helmet Imta; tt reduced size of de­ al;,m3 usually given to large hata; re- nettibles the lint of a London "bobby." Louis XI. turban: draped hood in two styles-(at soft for ilfoss; (b) high and round, of less dinging material, for the street. Other styles include tho classical Rembrandt, the Louis XIV. shape, which is turned up behind and down In front; the Reynolds hut of 1870, with the side front turned up; the Gainsborough and the leghorn. For tho outdoor girt burlap will bo used, Sincere, but Awkward. It was at the private theatricals, and the young man wished to com­ pliment his hostess, says the Boston Transcript. ? , “Madam, you played your part splendidly, It fits you to perfec­ tion,” / ‘Pm afraid not. A young and pretty woman is needed for that' part,” said the smiling hostess. “But, madam, yon have positively proved the contrary.” • HIGHCUT SHOES In Tan, Patent and ,G uik Metal leathers for Ladies and Children from S 1 . 75 Tim .50 Moser’s Shoe Store, 31 ,& 33 S Detroit St. * Xenia, * .Ohio. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING i . -The Surprise Store- ^ You may think of this store as just an ordinary clothing - like all the others ; handling the same kind of clothing as the others. It isn’ t. It's different in a number of ways. I t is here you will And high grade all wool clothing made by two | of the leading manufacturers in the world, Hart, Bchaffner n\ J k M a .rat TVrir«hiirGn*£Sffl»«n P/i ,*i V v - S r s s i mv *iF.a - - In all the latest styles and nowest tall colorings to choose^ from. Beautiful Tweed, Cheviot, Kersey-, Melton, Vicuna,' Irish Frieze, Rough Plaids and Beaver Overcoats and Chev-V iot, Worsted, Oassimerc and Serge Suits at ^ $10 .00 , $12 .50 , $15 .00 , $16 .50 $18 .00 , $ 2 0 .0 0 $ 2 2 .5 0 , $ 2 5 .0 0 , $ 2 6 .5 0 , $ 2 8 .5 0 to $ 3 0 .0 0 ' "P lry j THE WEATHER MAN SAYS: IT I S T IME TO GET THE BOY INTO H IS ^ WARM WINTER CLOTHING Suits for every day or dress occasions, made of Worsted Cheviot and Serge materials, tn tan, brown, grey and blue. Coats, full cut, serge lined, trousers cut peg top, knteker- bocker style, linen lined, i $4.50, $6,00, $0,00, $7,00, $8.60 to $10.00 Surprise Storo Suits with extra pair full cut knlckerhocker" trousers, $2,50, $3.00, $3,50, $5.00 Splendid lot of reefers and overcoats, many with combina­ tion collar, serge and wool lined. Cheviots, twceeds, chin­ chillas, etc., grays, browns, tans, blues and mixtures, $3, $3.50, $4, $5. $6, $7.00 to $10 Winter Weight Uuderwear, Shirt*, Hosiery, Glove*! Hat* and Caps, w? •£■t,S fi M em of everything in which you are directly | lutorcsted. Don’t you think ilia Ham*; Paper is a good thing tp bav«? atMnRtft'hin* tn* Mm * vVt*s*v sontroi U)« action ft ttiV lit** «S* bowel* 'fk. iM***1 Nwrrt *M VJv« KB** -Mer­ it 4mm n tmk* THE, SURPRISE STORE, 2 B 30 East Third Street* Bay ion* Ohio. L .. J j ,