The Cedarville Herald, Volume 34, Numbers 27-52
M m U inmm OMim lii»T|5W?iri<ijW|i ( ? WM h o l id a y n ew s Just six weeks until,Christmas, the busiest weeks in the year for the mer chant, so we urge you to shop arly to avoid the final rush. This year we are better prepared than ever to supply your demands for tasty, pretty arti cles for gifts and* personal use, Our lines in many cases ate exclusive, |shown only at c " store and in all |cases selected with great care, Among the great variety of pretty things we have a large selection of Painted China, LadieV Shopping Bags, leather Goods for^Gen- tlemen Plastic Ware, poBn- tian Pens, Sectional Bookcasas.l Brass ^Novelties. - and many other nice pretty articles. Hake our shop your, 'headquarters when in. the city. EVERYBODY'SBOOK STORE, 18 / 21 and 23 W. 5th St., . Dayton, Ohio. , .....................................................................- ....................................- 100 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs $11.50. Regular Prico $13.50 100 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs $14.50. Regular Price $17.50 ^30 t 32 N. Main'-jSt., Dayton, O .m Medium Weight Clothing foi* Fall and Winter A medium weight suit for fall| or winter is demanded at this season of the year. W e have, selected our patterns with this in v iew . Our line of correct shades (jand colorings in fine serges, cassimeres, tweedsj for suits, and the best and ^latest gfabrics] for overcoats is not surpassed in the : county. W e fit and fashion your suit *or overcoat so that it gives distinctive style, gcorrect fit.and shape, GIVE US A CALL. KANY, The Tailor, Xenia, = Ohio lOjiUAI’S, first of all, \i)hoiK) is needed at Christman time and in. ChristmanBkopjiiag, For this senHon which; tradi tion has hulldctl up as the gladdest, merriest time o£ all the year,, in reality for the mjority is aw anxious, overbur dened, dreaded period. In modern life the gift load has Increased along with other complexities, has become in the majority of cases almost too ■weighty to be bo; lie, hanging heavy on the. consciousness from midsum mer to December 2r»th. Desperation drives us to seek solution of the pain ful riddle; and at least a glimmering of light seems to come our way, -In desperation we. resolve, seeing no other help in this so urgent need, to use a little new thought,- mental heal ing. or whatever you call it that-Is supposed to make hard things easy, • And this glimmering of light we would have penoti’ute the darkness of others. Hence these lines. Suppose you have a list of half a hundred “expeeU''g" from you. In which case, we make hold to advise; don't knit youf .brows’ over the dis jointed combine tlmi of your flat pursB and their expectations and give it all up as hopeless or at Irast bungling; just put on a new thought,-or mental healing expression and hope. Declare to yourself; "I am not going' to worry, come what may; for the first time Ih these many distraught years I’m going to.make a. stagger at qn: joying Christmas, every bit of It—the survey of that army of expectants, the survey of resources,■the study of fifty diverse tastes and wants, the heroic endeavor to minister to these wants with purse lean ’ as shrunk shanks of Shakespeare."- Just force, a smile—mental healing, .or new thought—and drive ahead. Inwardly affirm, and'outwardly express, "All's well, all’s coming out -right," then go oil down town for the test. . But, so the smile will npt rub off. • tho inward and outward serenity be not roughened, we beg you go early; it Is most1 dangerous to put ■the Holiday Gifts Dtrr-Ufcppfc t^olvMiJu, ctl'Miest effort, cv. trial fa the maelstrom of after- luncheon Christmas shopping; Tho mud mob that Ht this time *surges through aisles, jostles and tramples lu elevators, bangs heavy- doors on wcall ones struggling in the rear, this mad m«h might prove a successful corp-nt fii that paradise of serenity enveloping you,. Jf you are calm and smiling in making your purchases, of course it may rtartle the girls behind the counters, cause no little agitation, hut they’ll recover and you'll have thorn fairly hypnotised, can get out of them almost anything you will. We tried it yesterday ourselves with marked success, got through a list of much length in miraculously short .order. The shopping proved quite a social' success, -exchange of courtesies rath er than mere exchange and barter; and, fooling aside, really apt the .dead ly, deadening, nerve-racking, loath some, unholy, un-Chrlstian fight ,Christmas shopping has been with ua this many a day- And, fooling aside, we really found quite a lot of fairly good things to he had “at moderate outlay, believe the things came to view partly because we were hot fus sing and fuming about the maLter. By the way, does not Bernard Shaw declare that about the only folk that have manners nowadays .are the. folk that serve behind counters? To some the' manners may spell mere servil ity, bespeak inferiority on-the part of the well-mannered; but there are still left a few people In this age of falling-down of every good old stand ard that cling secretly to a liking for courtesy1and graciousness, are able to recognize; -it ne the real. thing though apparently presenting itself as something offered, for sale, to be had for money,. And there’.is no finer thing in this season of strike and Ill- will than the infinite jpatlence' and heroic calm of the girl behind the counter, " . . ■ After yon have hopefully and smil ingly made those hopeful "purchases and, the purchases have .arrived at your tHomiclle; without delay, set to work af-fiolng them up; we peg of you for. the.'success of the experiment don’t wait till the eleventh hour for the sticking of the Christmas stickers, the tying of the everlasting Christ mas " rlbboh, the endless, addressing and weighing and stamping. There Is nothing ho calculated to' make you hate this maddest, merriest season of Dickens* fancy as' having to hunt around the last moment for wrap ping paper and string and appropriate boxes and tissue' paper -and cards and all the pest of the lumber essential to "getting things off,". In gift-packing at glad Christmas time numberless brittle tempers are broken, number less resisting tempers cracked. © K i Palace Meat Market FRESH & SMOKED MEATS FRUIT & GROCERIES Truesdale &Rohler • . ■■ . * SUCCESSORSTO C. C. WEIMER. *• Cftdarviile • Ohio. Nothing .more elegant, could be cho sen for Christinas gifts than the lovely dress accessories shown here, made of ribbons. Prom the plain, neat wa- vat bow of velvet ribbon to tin long fringed sash of satin, they represent a fashionable selection attd a long range as to prices. The aaeli is made on a covered foundation of canvas, Tho buckle is of rat-tail braid and both cash ends ure finished with fringe. Gold gauze and light, colored satin ribbons are used for the hair bands, dccoiatcd with ribbon flowers in dain ty colors, f-iilk oi* velvet maiden-hair fern is used with them, and rhinestone dev,drops add a sparkling finishing touch, A ■■Jdm-l T>*v.-l of narrow* satin t,!b* bon ! b finished with rosettes of knot ted loops. It is intended for a little girl and Is made of light* pink satin ribbon shirred over narrow elastic tape. Two neck pieces are shown with small pefidaht ribbon flowers. These arc made In all colors. One consists of a cluster of loops of baby velvet ribbon, having ends finished with pen dent flowers. The other Is a small bow of wider velvet with three pen dant flowers, - Hoses made of satin ribbon are spangled with rhinestone dewdrops fend mounted with millinery foliage. They are intended for the hair or cor sage and are often used th other ways, Instead of the natural rose- They are Scouted with rose perfume. INSURANCE Andrew Ja.cft.son Represents a line of good companies F IR E - L I F E - A U T O M O B IL E T O R N A D O - A C C ID E N T - S U R E T Y B O N D S MONEY TO LOAN * h o l i d a y S a l e -AT- Hutchison & Qibney’s XEN IA , OHIO Never before have we placed so many useful and beautiful presents for the home folks as this year. Our many glass show cases full, notion counters loaded. \m Gloves, Dolls, Pins, Handbags $1 up Silk Hose, K id and Silk Gloves Aprons 25c to $1 Legging, Muflers and Ribbons Ribbons 10c a bo lt—‘ - t h e holly . 1000 yards of ribbons for bags . GLOVES i t NEMO’ ’ “ RUST PROOF” “ FERRIS WAISTS” Jfa matter, f lo u r . Tne* J c & t t f t fte gGW7&X&- .tifrucigM amd \ A tv iTU t i l e ' Varner's i/ c r& e p -~ * m • /-fi *,. Wkm Our sales were never larger in th is depar tm en t. Ladles can g e t ju s t the corsets th ey need. , . _,_ * -- - • ■ * -■?:» ■ _ ..■ ... , , ' r- » F lanne l Sh ir t W a i s t s ................ ................................................................................. $1 up GLOVES—Silk Gloves, 50c'up, long atid short. Kid, long and short, alt dolors. COMFORTS—Maish comforts, wool filled com forts. SOFA PILLOWS—Nice Assortment. Men’s bath robes, fur buggy blankets. MUFFLERS—All colors, 25c and 50c. -KNIT MITTS—Kids Mitts. Scarfs 49fc up. Beautiful assortment, HOUSE NEEDS—Scalloped Table ■Cloths. Table Cloth Napkins to match $450 to $12.00, Lunch'Napkins $3 per dozen. Table Linens by yard with napkins to match 75c u p .. * ' PILLOW OASES—Sheets find pillow cases, sets at $3,50, $3.75. Plain pillow eases, 10c up. Linen pillow cases, $2,50, $2,75, $3 per set. Fur Sets $10.00 to $25,00. Ladies’ and Children’s muifs $2.50 up, Flannel Waists. OutingGowns for mefi, woihefi and children, Denton Sleeping garments. Flannel Knit Petticoats. Long Kinfonos, crepe, etc. $1 up. AVIATION CAPS GO c to $1.50. Wool Waist-s $1,00 tipi, file lattest thing out. Ladies’ Umbrellas $1 up to $5 Children’s Umbrellas, 50c, 75c, $1 .Men’s Traveling Cases Toilet Sets Embroidery Scissors Hat Pins, endless variety Drawn Work, Mexican, Cluny and Scollops White Wool Scarfs, 50c and $1 Flannelette House Dresses, $1 up Long Coats, novelties, $5 up. Suits $10 up, fine sales. Drgs3 Skirts, $3,75 up. * Bed Spreads, all sizes, white and colored, scallops and fringe Pictures, 10c, 19c, 2Do 39c Bed Room Slippers Pin Cushions . Toilet Sets Holiday Ribbons, 10c a bolt, Very cheap, Hand Bags, Velvet, Corduroy, German Silver Mesh I Belt Pins, fine assortment, Neck Wear in Christmas Boxes, 50c Ladies’ Silk Hose 50c up Men’s Hose, also in boxes. Men’s Umbrellas, $1 up to $5, Subscribe For The Herald ■ * •im
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