The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26
yg/cM&M-ie?*'* wma-aiyy-g-* m#m urnm#* The Spot Cash Grocery WHAT CASH WILL DO I t will buy any Dollar article for 90 cents, any 50c article for 45 cents, any 10c article for 9 cents, cash or trade. We are opening a grocery in the tele phone building, every thing new and fresh, and would be have you call and get prices. We do our our own work, low rent and very little expense. Therefore iwe able to sell cheaper than any grocery in town. * I ‘ * For Saturday we will pay you 17c for eggs in v Trade. - 0 . M.TOWNSLEY, Manager. S U M M E R MILLINERY AIL the latest modes pro- . duced for Summers wear in. white hats, attractively ; trimmed in the new mat erials, ratine and ’ maera- me ‘ laces——malihe ' pon? , pons* also ostrich feather bands and stick-ups, also marabout a n d , white ' wings. ‘ Veilings Shetland " a n d Shadow veilings in white, at 50 and 75 cents. \ Outing Hats Delightfully refreshing in their dainty, yet practical effects. Made of pique and ratine materials. Improved “ Verabest” hat fasteners, 25c per pair. Guaranteed satisfactory. * ostehl Y 37 Green Street - Xenia, Ohio. ESTABLISHED 1896 The W . L. Clemans Real Es/ tate and Insurance Office* CEDAR.VILLE OHIO Handles Peal Estate and Insurance in al! branches of the business, i always have a list of good Ohio farms for sale. . 1handle Texas and Canaria Lands, and conduct excursions for Home* seekers to Texas andCanada on the first and thirdTuesdays of each month l have sold many thousands of acres of rich lands in Texas and Cana da at the extremely low figures of J>lf>to $36 per acre, Manyvf the buyers isf these lands haye raised crops the first year that paid fdr the land. You can do the same Did you know, Mr. Jtenfer, that the rent you pay your landlord will in three or four years pay for a fine farm of the same size as the farm you are renting? Write Me for Information. aSS ( This month’s Butterich Patterns are 10c and 7 5 e — n o n e higher* The Cedarville Herald, j - ,, g . , o o ipCr Y e Wr. < iNIIKiAHONAL swrSflooi Entered at the Phst-Oitfee, Cedar-; w . ' ~ villo, October 81, 18*7. ah second : I class matter, ( V L t / J y i 1 fiiy E, O, SELLER# Director of Even ing Eepartment, The Moody Bible In. . *ctut*orcbtea*o.j . " ■■ h lSSpH R0R JPNR I S . CHRIST'S' W itness to j o h n t h e • baptist . ; F r i d a y ; JUNE u , w z REFORM A LA MODk, The “reformers'* In this county are soon to be treated to a course of “re form a la mode.'1 It will be' the oul. mination of the union of the two .ac tions during the Dean bribery trial, members of each faction having been indicted for election ills some- time ago. It is no longer a Question as to the factions getting together, ' A11 the proof W ill bo found when the “ re formers," tliose who have believed that the term really meant what Web ster defines It, are fished to step up and support the Right Honorable. Michael A, Broadstone for State "Sen-, ator in this, the Fifth-Sixth district. . Mr, Broadstone *holdB a high de gree forfa ith fu l services to the- Schmldt-Shoup faction, having been.A. member of this organization since the mind of mail runneth not. Mr. Broad, stone lately won new. laurels in hit. defense oE County Auditor Dean dur ing the bribery trial. By. playing be tween the two factions the astute at torney has caused to be cemented rer- . tain, ties -that will insure him the nom ination and election as State Senator and he will be one “gangster” that will not be opposed by the “reform gang." In ’ this \*ase there Is little danger, of any opposition, for the “ re- formers” found themselves as deep in the mud^ps the othpr gang was In the mire, and Michaoi Saved the day for them. When the criers for the’ re form gang no.tify you that your sup port is expected for a member of the Schmidt-'Shoup faction; even though it njay be bitter, the nasty taste will wear away when you remeber there must- bo some reward for saving the Citizeng’ League of further exposure. Anyhow- everybody’s going to be for Broadstone for State Senator, the “gang", business don't count this time, Miss Constance Clemans, of Xenia, is spending the week .with Miss Dor othy Oglesbee. Miss Saydlo Biff, who has been teaching at the Girls’ Industrial School at Delaware, has given UP her position and returned home. ■ T •’ . ^ - '1 " * Mr, John B. Wright and wife. And ^daughter, Miss Laura, who;has been attending college, returned, to their home in tdaville, Ind„ Monday; -- ' 1 ' s' •f ’* ' Oiling the streets seems to be. the rage in Springfield, Xenia, Waynea- ViHe, Washington C, H,' and James town. . The. Jamestown Journal last week stated that the oiling- in. that village Is being paid for by individ uals and- costs from fifty cents to one dollar, according, to the frontage at three cents a square foot. The plan to. oil the streets has been beld up for ibe present owing to the streets being torn up while the new curbs and gutters are bolng placed. During this time ’Mr. 1>. S. Ervin is sprink ling and the dust, that was terrible for a while, Is ,being kept dottn. Executor’s Sale Of . ' Real Estate, In pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Greene county, Ohio, we will offer for sale at Public Auction op Saturday, the 22nd day of Juno 1012*at 2 o'clock p. m. upon the premises, the following des- enbeiL,real estate situated in the coiinty of Greene and state of -Oliio, and in the township .of Cedarville* and bounded and described as foi- low's; The elegant residence prop erty of the late Dona M, Royse, be ing the corner .lot at the North western angle of the 30 acre tract conveyed by Geptha G. Dunlap and others to the said Andrew Jackson. Beginning at a point in the center of the Cedarville and Jamestown pike bearing from the S. W, corner 6 the main house on said lot S. 13 degrees SO minutes W, 1.43# chains being the S. W, corner of lot Conveyed to R. Hood thence as the Compass now reads along the center line of said pike, N- 42 degrees W- 2,66 chains to the intersection Of said center line with the center line of the 16 foot alley or road sovcalled between this lot’ and land of Geo. W. Harper. Along center line of said road N. 84 degrees and 65 minutes E. 4,47 chains to a plug m the lino of said Hood. Along said Hood's lot as the compass reads AilgUnt 29,1895 8, 48 degrees add 20 minutes W. 3.56 chains to the place of beginning, containing, Including half of the road and pike ,475 o f an acre. So surveyed by R. Hood, Esg., Sept. 14th, ISOS, Said sale to be on the premises, and to be Upon the following terms; One third cash on hand, one third in one year and one third in two yeats, or all cashnt the option of the purchas er,' Deferred payment to bo secured : by mortgage on the premise ami to be on interest from day of sa le ,; payable annually. ^ Right room house, presses, porch-, os, furnaces, gas, cistern and w e ll; water, barn, earrage, wood and coal house, all in Order. Andrew Jackson) Robert Hood J Executors, II, Hood, attorney, - BOLPEff TEXT—"Among' them that tre horn of women .there ia none greater {ban John; yet he that fa little in the Mngdom of God fg greater than he.”— Luke 7:28. This Is the last lesson With the ex ception of one that we are to have upon, the character of John the-Bap- list. Following the imprisonment of 7ohn by Herod, Jesus, for diplomatic reasons, made Capernaum bis- liead- juarters, and It was In Galilee thatbis great popular ministrywas performed. Meanwhile John is shut up in the fort ress at Machaerus, on the east aide of {he Dead sea. For one who had been so Intensely active td be obliged, to sit Idly by and wait while another’s name and fame increases dally was a severe test of faith. His prototype, Elijah, had to meet a similar testing (1 Kings 19: 3, -*); why,- therefore,- need we wonder, that doubts should arise in the mind. of the greatest "bom of woman?” Not one of us at all familiar with the experiences of life and' the subtility of temptation Will be surprised- when under these circumstances1'we read, of John’s ques tion, V. 2-6, This doubt is so natural that It bears upon .its very face the stamp of being genuine and that the record was not fabricated. It is no- ticable in*the form of John’s question that he had no doubt as to the char acter of J&sus, the genuineness of his miracles, nor any question but that he was Sent of God, but still be ques tioned, "is this the Messiah?”. John was hot envious (John 3:27-36), he' was too great a, man to, be that, but yet Jesus had not wielded the ax as he had^cipected, hence tlje mes senger. tir Jesus and this-frank ques tion. John sets „us the, good example of taking his doubts -to Jestis, and Jesus in a most tender way answertf his doubting and at the' same /time turns it to his own advantage In con firming his claims as the Messiah. John Sought Not His Own Glory. The second half o f the lesson is the tribute of Jesus,to/the life and char acter of John the-Baptist, Jesus, has, ns wd have Just seen, sent his wdrd of comfort and cheer to John when he turns to the multitudes with a highly eulogistic testimony as to John’s work, his worth and his greatness. True, his faith seemed to be shaken for the mo ment, biit John jwas not a ‘.'reed sha ken of- tbe Wind,” indeed not John' -was not .seeking his own glory (Luke’ 3:16) nov, his*own comfort (Matt; 3;1,4), He waa not clad sump tuously (Luke 7:25). No, John was a prophet, a mansent, commissioned, in spired of God," He had authority to speak for God (Luke 1;16," 26) In de claring God’s .will to man. 'Yes, John is all of this and more, for he was him-, self the subject of' Old , Testament prophecy (Mat, 3il, etc-). This John .was chosen among all meh to go be fore,his face and prepare a highway in the minds and hearts of Israel over which Jesus the Messiah might enter and begin the establishing of this new kingdom, It was In performing this service that John filled one of the highest offices eVer filled by man. In this, eulogy wq need to recall the. dif ference in the miraculous births of these two men. - John super- naturaliy born pf natural parentage,: Jesus supematnrally born of woman but eqncelved of the Holy Spirit, hence the words of Jesus are to be under stood that among purely human beings y'none greater was born, of woman," Went to Christ Himself. . v Jesus’ words In verse 16 are tremen dous with import* Literally he says; "I have told, yqu these things about John and about my'kingdom, now you who have eats have an obligation rest ing upon you because Of what I have told you.” There was need bf their understanding and accepting an im portant teaching; but the unreasonable Scribes and Pharisees would accept neither the austere John nor the more social Jesus. John would not join In their g&ity. Jesus mourned not but led te more joyous life, yet they re jected him also. This “ Son of Man," not of a man nor the map but son of man, of humanity, known as friend of tbe needy and the outcast, Is himself cast out by the religious leaders of his time* Nevertheless in the wisdom of God (Luke 11:46) both John the Bap tist, and Jesus the Son of man aad of Mary, have been sent and the results of their lives and of their teachings prove them to he a part Of God’s wise plan* God’s wisdom is justified (v. 19) by its Workings or as some trans*. late it by its/'children." 1 Great as was John the forerunner, yet he that is in this newer kingdom Jesus came to establish is vastly great er than the old Hebraism, One of the six Panama commission ers was, a few years ago, a cub re-, porter at five dollars per week, and during that time was much perplexed over the problems of the Christian life and tormented by his doubts. Four successivenights hedlScussed the mat ter with his pastor; on the fifth he came with radiant face to inform bis pastor that all hi# questionings were settled for, said, he, ’T went to Christ himself," ■Men* Let a wise man have good luck a few years ana its will do as foolish jlhlngs as anybody.--Atchison Globe. CASTOR IA 3?ei?Infant* andOhtldrOn, 1 Ilia KIM Yet Rue Always Bet#! Dsars the Btgnatnreof Children Cry for Fletcher’s Wlie K ind Y ou Have A lways Bop glit* and w liicli has been In use fop over 3 0 years, has horne the signature o f i and Lag been made.under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. A llow n o one t o deceive you in this. A ll Counterfeits, Im itations and ^Just-as-good** are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger liter health o f Infants antF Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute f o r Castor O il, B a re - . goric, Droits a n d Soothing tSy;ups. I t is Pleasant. I t contains neither Opium, Morphine n o r “ other Narcotic . substance. I t s a g e Is its guarantee, I t destroys Worms and allays Eeverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and W ind - C o lic ., I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and F latulency, i t assimilate#, th e F o od , regulates the ^ Stomach and B ow e ls, g iv ing healthy and natural sleep. The Children’ s Fanacea—The Mother’ s Friend . GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature o f ' TheKindYouDaveAlwaysBought mm In U s e For Over 3 0 Years VHE CENTAUR COMPANY. T7 MURRAY STRCET. NEW YORK CITV.’ A re You Getting the Tenths? W e pay you for every bit o f cream delivered tp us. even to the tenth o f a pound / TRY US AND SE|! The Xenia Creamery Company, ■ A ‘ J ( , "’ - , , The Best I s the Test. W a tt Bros. ^ So. Detroit St., Xen ia , Oh io. I Our line o f Woolens for this seaion is one o f the ;finesfc and best we ever had. We have an extra line of fine blue serges in, stock and when you to come to Xenia not to forget to call and inspect our Stbck. Suits from $20.00 up. . KANYy , a ’ ■ ■ ■ The Leading Herchant Tailor* [XENIA^OHIO. Fresh Fish AND .OYSTERS. At C. M. SPENCER’S ATL.AS HOTEL nnd RESTAURANT, REMODLED - REFURNISHED UMtafc Popular Priced Restaurant for Ladles and Gentlemen. * Service Is unexcelled S, Detroit street, Xenia, O. H rmn M mm P MW hiu M i * IT WILL JUST TOUCH THE SPOT and prove an every'day winner every time. Good health, good cheer and long Wo is what * we promise if you 4 Buy Our Meats V . 3t Microbes, disease and death lurk In a lot of tho meat that’s sold, <, but not in ours, WeseJl the best and at a fraction above cost. Our market is safe and not high priced. 1 G B CROUSE, Cedarville, Oh io. ‘ ‘The Liver Pills act So Naturally and Easily.” i Such a statement, coming from the cashier of a bank, shows what confidence responsible people .have in these pills. Mr. A. L.-Wilson after.trying themwrote: ~ i “I have used Dr. Miles’ Nerve" , ' ■ aqd Liver PJlla and also, yonr • f Anti-Pain Piiis, on myself, with good results, The Liver .Pills ' act so naturally and so .easily that I scarcely know that .1 ‘ . , - have taken a pill. Frequently bei tg troubled with headache I , take an Anti-Pain Pill and got Immediate .relief in every case.” A. L. Wilson, Sparta, IH. « Mr. WU.son was for a number - of years cashier of the First National Bank of Sparta. Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills are different’ from .others. Many "kinds of liver pills’ are ‘ impossible” after one trial on account of their harshness. Dr, Miles* .Nerve and Liver Pills do not act; bysheer force but in an easy, natural way, with- qut griping- or undue irritation. They are not habit forming. , f If the first bottle fails 'to.benefit; your ' \ druagist will return the pUce. Ask him. M ILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lnd.' . ' - * , t ) I 4 k • ' . ’h ’ The ••• **• in Y he bookwalter hotel HIGH STREET DINING ROOM FOR LADIG5 UP STAIRS ALSO REST ROOM. M E A L B n o w a s C E N T S . v Lunch Counter on Main.Floor Open Day and Nijht. ~ The Beet of Good Used lathe Gul- tnary Department. J. H. McHlLLAN. Funeral Director and Furniture Dealer. Manufacturer of Gemeat Grave Vaults anr moot Building Blocks. Telepho .e 7. Odfcrvillo, Ohie, gSMI!-.. lani1"A-1.1 1 i .*Awe '..... ~'|>...... DICK A. TOWNSLEY Contractor for Foundations, W a lk s and Verandas a Spec ia lty Cedarville, Ohio. Phone 5-108 60 YBARS* EXPERIENCE T rade M arks . f , ■■■■■■ „ DeatQNS rr f? » v ’» C opyrights Ac. unjouo MTtdlnsatfkctrbAnddescriptionmu, <mi('klyesmtAln onropinion freewhetHWan Intention isptotmblyjieteriteb!*, -Communion- (IonsMricu»«WM*ntfai.,HAHDBOMonPfttenS sentfree.YUnostetenrt.forsecnrnitrDetents, Fatent* uken throwirh Muon a Co. tecelW rjteeftflnollre, withoutchnr.e, inthe ScientificAmerican. „ _ . .........«»♦ a hsndsoineTilrastmiftilweekly, Lureest rir- cnlttlonof enyaclcmiuo i.ntnal. Te&is,Wft few; fourmonths,$ 1 , Boldbyall newsdealer*. Jfl aeipttiKhw,, 'Brutfihein^rAft r aLWeShlMron.!'.'?." FISTULA AtfbACfr w DISEASES6FTHERECTUM pttN^lsnS'ed-.ffn dr ." j , j. M c C lellan C olumbus ,0.
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