The Cedarville Herald, Volume 35, Numbers 1-26

m* ip mmm m m? WE HAVE HAD A GREAT SALE During the past week and I wish to express my thanks to the public in general for their patronage and for the interest they have shown in this Great Clearance Sale In their own town and this encourages us to make even lower prices on many articles for the few remain­ ing days of this sale than originally intended, thus making the last day of the sale THE BEST ONES. Remember top, that on Saturday afternoon, January 26th, we are going to serve A Dainty Ice Cream Lunch free to all our customers, and we invite you to be one o f them. Be sure and come/ We will have extra help to take carp o f you. Below are some o f the extra specials we are going fco give you. 25 lb. Sk. bestCaneGranulated Sugar, $1.49 OVERCOATS M e ’ s and Boys' must go, as there is but one price that will sell them, we have just put that price on them, /f ’hat is 1-2 their value. Think o f a 515 Over­ coat for on ly ........ ...................................... , ............. 57,50 ' ’ ' ' : ^ * ' PANTS Wc are overloaded on these and they must move out if price will do it. So we’ ll'just take 33 1-3 per cent, off. This is a tremendous cut and hurts, but you will get them. Think o f $4.00 pants for 53; 53 pants for 52; $2 pants for $1.34; -! ' t * ' ' • *v ", • Underwear Wool Hose Wool Dress Goods In fact all winter goods not mentioned will be sub­ ject to 20 per cent. off. Also Men’ s Arctics and Felt Boots. *Now is your chance. . ...BIRD’S MAMMOTH STORE... P. S. Choice eating and cooking apples, by the bush­ el at 50c and 60c delivered at your house. < t'tt. Mottl'dMcMiIStiil Wfcs Cftllcli If! ’ Col5os. thys vrct'k owing io the Hines.'} i of a relative. wsiimiwi mm SNAhilD BY A TRUST* It Wf.» a NI th * Littl* Family On#, and ■ j H* Couldn't Scat It, ' Mrs. Lillian Clcmans and child- J "Owina; to a ruih.iy smashnn I m* of Xenia spent Sabbath with j got ]eft ja a little town one night a year ago/’ said tho commercial «*■ , n , , , v. . i trave.e^i anti iiie Fay I came in Mr. Frank Endsiey of Dayton; contact with a trust almost made spent Sabbath with Mr. B. B. Towns-! TOV jmir stand on end. Mr. B. Hood and wife. i ley. w w M I sh Paulino Gillaugh o f Dayton was the guest of Mildred Crouse, Saturday and Sabbath, Mr. ami Mrs. W, B. Stevenson spent Wednesday in. Springfield, . —Dry batteries for gasoline en­ gines and automobiles, tbe best on the market, C. M. Crouse, Key, T. B, Tweed of Pittsburg will preach for the B. P, congregation, (O, S.), Sabbath. Mrs. Bobert Jacoby, Goes Station is visiting her sister, Mrs, Alex. Turnbull, ' Mr. Frank Welchhaus and wife of Springfield were Sabbath guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. N, Townsley. £ . LOCAL AND PERSONAL | Miss Maud Hastings in suffering with tonsoUtis. Mr. W. J. Tarbox has been in Day- ton this week. attending the lumber­ m ens convention. Mrs. Edith Blair and daughter, Kathleen, of Loveland and -Mr. Court Satterfield and family were called here this week by the death of Mrs. Maud Satterfield. Call and see the Bull Dog Feed ider&smd Miami Gasoline En- b . J .E . Pierce. -Notice Farmers! We are pre- red to . do butchering for you ,t prices are light and work will satisfactory. ' ■ Kohler & Truesdale. Mies Olive Winter visited inXenia from Friday until Monday, —W anted W ork ;—By the month or y e a r .' Understands all kinds .of farm work. D anied C, M c L ean , 2b B. F. D. No. 7 Bellefontihe, O. —F oe S ale : —A Malleable range in good condition, used but little. Also a runabout. , U h ^ s . P aine . . —Pilot Acetylene Generators for fcheUghting of country homes. J. E. Pierce. Mr.' John Lott has returned to Pittsburg after a soort stay hero. Mrs. Lott will remain a few days longer. Mr, Bobert Bird and son, Harry • were in Dayton, Tuesday. Mrs. J, C, McCorkell and daugh­ ter, Anna Mary, attended the marriage of Mr, J. M, Davidson and Miss Helen EaVey in Xenia Wed­ nesday evening at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eavey, Mr. John Turner, who has. been in a Xenia hospital for about a week has returned holne much improved. Mrs. N. L. tonsilitis. Kamsey is sick with Mr. John Steele has been having a touch o.f quinsy. In this issue will bo found the an­ nouncement of . the Watt & Foust sale of Duroc Jersey hogs, February Otb, in Xenia, when 60 head ot hogs will be offered for sale. This firm will be the first in. this section to offer “ Immuned” hogs, free from cholera. Mr. W- M* Harbison suffered a slight paralytic stroke several days ago, but Is some better at present Mrs. Margaret BatidalL who lives with her son-in-law Charley Jones, on the W . M. Barber farm, foil Mon­ day breaking her hip. She is 82 years of age, which is much against her recovery, The National Poland-Chitia Kec- ord Company and the Ohio Swine Breeders' Institute held a joint meeting in Dayton this Week. Mr. S. T. Baker was chosen first vice- president of the latter organization. Mr. B. C. Watt ami Col I. T. Cum­ mins were also in attendance. *J. F , Detrich, Dayton liquor deal­ er, is charged by B. H, Wolf of Boiversville as a violator of the Bose law, in that lie was solicited by mail- Steffen Bros.-of Dayton re­ cently paid a fine of $150 for the j same offense. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Miles arehomo after an extended visit with rela­ tives in Indiapa. , Three baby girls have arrived re­ cently in homes around Clifton: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Estle. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Flatter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Corry.. HO MORNING SESSION. Mr.'W, P. Anderson is in receipt of two potatoes that were raised by his son, Earl Anderson at Olathe, Colorado, by irrigation. One Weighed two and three fourth pounds and the other three pounds, both perfect^ spt cimens of extra fine potatoes. j --------------— 1 Ladies’ Black Skirts, good quality, full width, former prices from $8.00 to $15.00, Sale price to clear out $2.98. H utchison * G ibnhy , ■ X enia, Ohio. Nice winter pears, 2So per peck delivered. ‘ A. M. G eoroe , Phone 61. There seems to be an epidemic of measles Ih this section* Mrs. Henry Estle, the oldest mem­ ber of llie Clifton Presbyterian church passed away last Saturday at the age of 78 years. She leaves a hus­ band, age 82, and lour sons, Edward C .D ., William, Harry and a daugh­ ter, Baehel. Owing to the funeral of Mr. J. D. Williamson, Monday morning there will be no session of tjio farmers' institute. Please take notice of this and notify your friends. NOTICE. Mr. J. G. McCorkell Was laid up several days this week Buffering with muscular rheumatism. Miss Katherine Osterly of Xenia has been spending a few days with Mias Louisa Smith, Miss Mary Bratton of Chicago is visiting her mother, Mrs. Louise Bratton. * pure olive Oil, olives, ;an8, catsup and sour pick- Waddle's Grocery. - Kodak Developing and Printing iCatiy and promptly done. 6d • Clarke Nagiey. Tno Circuit Court has affirmed the leorgo (Sheets case Wherein the ’ennsylvanla railroad company nustpay damages for injuries re- eived, The original verdict was or $ 8 ( 1,000 but Judge Kyle reduced t to $$2,600and the Circuit again re- iueed it to $14,000, which amount nil likely Hand iff tho bupreme tourt. The local basket ball team was in 1 a traction wreck last Friday while ! going to Findlay, the car jump the j track while going about 35 miles an j hour. The car crashed into another, car on a siding and no one was in-1 jrred but the motorman, The pupils in voice culture of Mrs. McDorman will be m Cedarville on Fridays at the K. of P. Hall instead of Wednesdays as heretofore, LIST OF LETTERS. . JudgeKyie has rendered a deci sion in favor of Mrs. Sarah McMil­ lan in the suit brought against her by her son, Clarence McMillan. Under the husband’s will the farm Waft left to the widow during her life, time and should there be any child­ ren it shonid then be divided share and share alike. Some time after the death of the husband a son, Clarence, .was horn and no other provision for him was made m the will. The court held that the wid­ ow should hold the property during her lifetime. Miss Mary Turner is visiting her sister, Mrs, Milton Yoder in Belle Centre, O. Eighteen boys gathered at the homo Of Mr. Bert Turner Wednes­ day evening for a chicken roast and a feast such as might be imaginable on such an occasion. CASTOR IA f o r Infant# and Children. mi KindYouHamAlwaysBought Bears th# BignatUr# of List No, 3. Bcmalnfng unclaimed in the Cedarville, O., Post Office for the week ending January 27,1912. L etters . Oomsdino, N. F, Nolan, George \V. •Price, Dr. Win. H* Cards. Pruitls, Mrs.'Cordelia. Smith, Mrs. Mary, Persons calling for the above will please say “ Advertised.” S tephen O, W right , P, M, AN INVITATION The Greene County Hardware Company, East Main street, Xenia, extends an invitation to ail farmers In the county to call and inspect their line ot hardware and farm lmiffeinentfi, which is the largest anu most complete of any in the county. Those m the market for farm machinery will do themselves an injustice in not getting onr prices before giving an order. (Con- well’ s<ddstand.}. . 7d Alligator’s Flesh Edible, Boiled alligator desk tastes very much like veal, it Is much eaten in todfob “ It was a wretched town and u still worse hetei. My riioni was small, and the bed was as hard as a board. I got up feeling mad* and, after a miserable breakfast, I was ready to boil over, Tbe boiling came when the landlord presented me with a bill of $4. “ Ts this correct?* X asked as I look at the figures. “ ‘Entirely so/ he replied. “ ‘Then you are an old highway robber/ “The landlord bad three sons, and when they began to take a ihare in the altercation I turned on them and made a number of fiery remarks. When 1 stopped for breath the old map,' who turned ,out to he. a justice of the peace, sat down in. -a chair and calmly an­ nounced : “ ‘Hear v.el Hear ye! I now de­ clare this court duly opened, James, have you any business? “ T have/ replied his eldest son, who announced to me that lie was a constable and that 1 was under arrest. He then ufadc a charge against me.' One of the other broth­ ers testified as to my language, and his hpnor fined me $10. As the third brother hadn’t taken any part l turned to. him and sarcastically asked: • • “ ‘Where do yon come in ?’ “ ‘Me ?’ he replied; ‘Oh, I’m the local marshal, and aft you are evi­ dently n desperate character 1 shall lock you up for a couple- of days and then run you out of town/ “ It was a nice little family trust, you see,” smiled the commercial traveler, “and I couldn’t beat it, 1 was locked up for forty-eight hours, but I had to pay the hotel hill and the fine, and when 1 was at liberty and got my mouth- open to say something else the jailer laid a hand on my arm and whispered: “ TJon’t do it. I am the old man’s son-in-law, and if you' kick against my jail he’ll make your next stop twenty days/”—-Boston Herald. Bancroft’s 61sfc annual fur olearence sale opens Saturday, January 27th, Alleged “ sales” are continu­ ous preformances At many stores. We reduce fur prices but once a year but when we do the cuts are real and deep enough to make a saving worthwhile. Many have learned, to wait for this annual sale knowing both the unquestioned quality o f the merchandise offered and the absolute honesty of the reductions. W e are Springfield’ s only experienced furriers. What­ ever you buy we guarantee shali be exactly as represent­ ed and shall prove satisfacto­ ry in wear. This sale Include* every­ thing in our $25,000*00 fur stock—every fur that’s fash­ ionable—every style ihat’ s correct in muffs, neckpieces, coats, children's furs, men’ s furs lined overcoats, etc. We are members o f the O- Merchants’ Association and refund your round trip fare on purchases o f $15 or over. “ Look for the big white bear” O u r t o s s T o u r G a i n . G o l d 'D o l la r s f o r F i f t y G e n t s SAVE ON A DURING OUR. . New Suit or Overcoat MAMMOTH 50PerGentSale Hundreds of ipen and young men have already taken advantage of this sensational sale, but there is good choice of Blue, Black /and Fancy Mixture Suits and O’ coats made b y ' HART , S H A F F N E R &, M A R X and Michaels-Stern Co., all of which wo are dosing out at just ONE-HALF the original, marked prices; Come in'at once and see them. ' ' Every Sale Guaranteed to Give Entire Satisfaction or Money Refunded One lot qf 510, 57.50 and 55 Boys Overcoats. To close d* | Q O out entire lot, choice v 1 See Then! and Note the Mar­ velous Values I All Furnishing Goods and. odd Trousers sensationally priced for this sale. Hats and Fur Caps at 1-4 off the original prices. THE BOYS OWN STORE ON THE SECOND FLOOR Boy’s and Children’s Suits and Overcoats at 1-4 Off,Regular Prices $4.50 $3.75 n- $10 Suits and Overcoats, (hm g»x\ H OffBegular Price.............. «J) f , i ) ( J $9.00 Suits and Overcoat's, % Off Begular Price......... $8.50 Suits and Overcoats, j H Off Begular Price........... $7.50 Suits and Overcoats, ri Off Begular Price ..... . „ 6,53 Suits and Overcoats, Off Begular Price....,..—... $6,75 $6.38 $5.63 $4.88 $9.00 Suits and Overcoats, $£ Off Begular Price........ $5.00 Suits' and Overcoats, .££ Qff Begular Price....... $4.00.Suits uod,Overcoats, £ A A , Jjt Off Begular Price...............v O e U U $3.50 Suits and Overcoats, }( Off Begulai Price......... $3.00Suits and Overcoats, % Off Begular Price........ $2,63 .$2.25 R flv 'et Aw fUV 'nn ie Bark colors only Venetian and serge lined 12 to 17 yr, (Si -g A n DUy ?» UVUl LU d lb SJZ08 $10, >7,50 aud $6 values: Choice.................... ........- M e " # This is the Largest Clothing Sale NowGoing on in Dayton ■ ■ " ' ■ ’ " TH E - .... ■ " ' ■. S t o r e SOL S T R A U S S 28 8r 30 E. Third St. Dayton , Ohio. £ . C . H I M SEALSHIPT Oysters Did you ever eat any Sealshipt Oysters? If you have not, you don,t know what a treat you have missed. When you buy oysters g r? try a quart of “SEALSHIPT”. tf v " ■’ i 1 m*. -ii They come in air tight contain­ ers and are delivered as fresh and pure as when they leave the oyster beds. H. E. Schmidt dr Co., Wholesale and Retail Grocers 30 South Detroit Street, . * Xenia ,1% Ohio. maasaasa nDft.KIHCS MEWDISC9VEKV K K C g g g i s s AKPMtTHROATAHPll INSURANCE A n d r e w J & c fe s o i* Represent* a line of gt^od companies F I R E - , • L I F E * - ’ A O T O A I O B I L E TORNADO - ACC IDENT - SU RE TY BONDS ■MONEY TO LOAN